CHAP 6-7

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. Lowers total cost of ownership Lowers operational costs Reduces hardware requirements Provides a holistic approach to security Helps streamline workflows Enables optimized conferencing tools to replace business travel

. List three benefits of VoIP communications for businesses.


. ________ refers to communication systems that transmit voice calls over Internet Protocol based networks.

Supply chain management

. ________ is a complex process that requires the coordination of many activities so that the shipment of goods and services from supplier right through to customer is done efficiently and effectively for all parties concerned.

E-supply chain management

. ________ is the collaborative use of technology to enhance B2B processes and improve speed, agility, real-time control, and customer satisfaction.


1. During the design of the Boeing Dreamliner 787, IT-supported collaboration reduced the need for physical prototyping and testing. Answer: True False


10. In the upstream supply chain, attention is directed at distribution, warehousing, transportation, and after-sale service. Answer: True False


11. SCM aims to minimize inventory levels, optimize production and increase throughput, decrease manufacturing time, optimize logistics and distribution, streamline order fulfillment, and overall reduce the costs associated with these activities. Answer: True False


12. E-supply chain management is the collaborative use of technology to enhance B2C processes and improve speed, agility, real-time control, and customer satisfaction. Answer: True False


13. The success of an e-supply chain depends on managing information with strict policies, discipline, and daily monitoring. Answer: True False


14. The success of an e-supply chain depends on an e-supply chain that is loosely integrated both within a company and across an extended enterprise made up of suppliers, trading partners, logistics providers, and the distribution channel. Answer: True False


15. Companies can use replenishment information to reduce inventories and eliminate stocking points. Answer: True False


16. By combining bar coding and wireless technologies, automobile dealers are able to scan in goods electronically as they arrive and place them in inventory up to 10 percent faster than previously. Answer: True False


17. At hospitals and supermarkets, inventory reorder points have been automated so that when inventory gets down to a certain point the system will automatically notify a human of the exact amount to reorder. Answer: True False


18. Products such as groceries or gasoline have predictable demand. For these products, an effective supply chain emphasizes speed and flexibility to minimize the bullwhip effect rather than low costs. Answer: True False


19. Pure EC companies are likely to have more supply chain problems if they lack a logistics infrastructure and must use external logistics services. Answer: True False


20. Some of the limitations of RFID can be overcome by a new wireless standard, RuBee. Answer: True False


21. RuBee relies on low-frequency magnetic waves to track products and transfer information. Answer: True False


22. With vendor-managed inventory, retailers make their suppliers responsible for determining when to order and how much to order. The retailer provides the supplier with real-time information such as point-of-sale data, inventory levels, and a threshold below which orders are replenished. Answer: True False


23. Studies have shown that electronic-based collaboration and product lifecycle management (PLM) can reduce product costs and travel expenses by 50 percent, as well as significantly reduce costs associated with product-change management. Answer: True False


24. The goal of collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment (CPFR) is to streamline product flow from manufacturing plants to retailers. Answer: True False


25. As with any IT project, management needs to be able to justify the development and use of a corporate portal by comparing its cost with its benefits. The challenge is that despite the tangible benefits from investment in portal technology, such as include increased revenues and customer loyalty, most of the benefits of portals are intangible. Answer: True False


26. A company's internal operations and its relationships with suppliers and other business partners are frequently: A. much less complex than customer-facing applications such as taking an order online. B. replaced by customer-facing applications. C. much more complex than customer-facing applications such as taking an order online. D. as complex as customer-facing applications such as taking an order online.


27. For a manufacturer, the supply chain ends: A. when the customer decides he/she is satisfied with a product. B. when the customer buys the product. C. when the product is used up and disposed of. D. when the supplier delivers raw materials and component parts to the manufacturer.


28. The e-SCM process that includes integrated production and distribution processes is: A. e-logistics. B. collaborative planning. C. e-procurement. D. supply chain replenishment.


29. When planning, designing and implementing integrated supply chain operations, management requires a holistic focus that takes into account all of the following primary factors except: A. strategy, structure, and people B. culture, including performance measurement, monitoring, and incentives C. location and revenues D. IT and business processes


3. A company's success is clearly dependent on finding and retaining customers and far more dependent on what is on the Web site than on what is going on behind the site. Answer: True False


30. The use of Web technologies to manage warehousing and transportation processes is called: A. e-logistics. B. e-replenishment. C. collaborative planning. D. downstream processing.


31. Which of the following about supply chain problems is not true? A. Supply chain problems have sometimes caused armies to lose wars and companies to go out of business. B. Supply chains in military and business operations have been plagued with problems for generations. C. Supply chain problems are lowest when many business partners are involved. D. Supply chain problems are most apparent in complex supply chains


32. The last fifteen orders from a manufacturer to its suppliers range from $100,000 to $8,750,000. This is an example of: A. demand manipulation. B. the bullwhip effect. C. order instability . D. supply inadequacy.


33. A major block in the widespread implementation of collaborative commerce is: A. the lack of universally accepted standards. B. the theory of collaborative commerce hasn't been proven effective in real-world applications. C. collaborative commerce is extremely expensive. D. the technology needed isn't available.


34. Wal-Mart and Levi Strauss collaborate on demand forecasting in order to optimize the flow of materials along the supply chain. This is an example of: A. reducing product development time. B. APS. C. CPFR. D. reducing design cycle time.


35. The purpose of CPFR is to : A. eliminate supply chain intermediaries. B. minimize quality problems in supplies. C. ensure that supply chain members have the right amoun t of materials and goods when needed. D. optimize the flow of materials along the supply chain.


36. ________ is a business strategy that enables manufacturers to control and share product-related data as part of product design and development efforts . A. Advanced planning and scheduling B. Internal commerce C. Collaborative planning D. Product lifecycle management


37. All of the following are true about product lifecycle management (PLM) except: A. The demand for PLM is limited because it does not apply to products that have short life cycles or are complex. B. PLM is a big step for an organization because it requires integrating different processes and systems. C. PLM can have significant beneficial impacts in cycle time, design reuse, and engineering. D. PLM tools are offered by major IT companies such as SAP and IBM.


38. Today, many business experts agree with each of the following except: A. Supply chain integration has reduced the intensity of competition in most industries. B. The supply chain needs to be operationally integrated so that inventory activities link seamlessly to manufacturing activities. C. Supply chains from the suppliers' suppliers to the customers' customers should be jointly planned and designed for overall optimality by all of the supply chain partners. D. The insightful way to view contemporary business is that competition exists between or among supply chains rather then individual companies.


39. Software that helps integrate different types of information systems among collaborating companies is called: A. collaborative software. B. browser technology . C. extranet technology. D. middleware.


4. The term supply chain comes from the concept of how systems and processes within an organization are linked together. Answer: True False


40. Groupware is appropriate in all of the following situations except: A. for people working on different tasks or projects B. for groups to share ideas and opinions C. for people in the same room D. for networked environments


41. The growth in electronic meeting systems has been driven by all of the following except: A. reductions in the price of the technology B. acceptance of virtual meetings as a respected way of doing business C. lower energy costs D. improvements in supporting technology


42. ________ means that the communication and collaboration are done in real time. A. Bi-synchronous B. Multi-synchronous C. Synchronous D. Asynchronous


43. All of the following are types of communication and collaboration done in real time except: A. blogging B. instant messaging C. webinars D. VoIP


44. The major benefit of real-time collaboration is: A. faster decision making. B. greater agreement. C. easier decision making. D. that it is cheaper than asynchronous collaboration


45. ________ is the transfer of documents and computer files while videoconferencing. A. Web conferencing B. Data conferencing C. CPFR D . Interactive whiteboarding


46. All of the following are characteristics of Web conferencing except: A. The latest technological innovations support both B2B and B2C Web conferencing applications. B. It is much cheaper than videoconferencing because it runs over the Internet. C. It is conducted on the Internet for as few as two and as many as twenty people. D. It allows users to simultaneously view something on their computer screens.


47. Advantages of interactive whiteboards include all of the following except: A. Throughout a meeting, each user can view and draw on a single document. B. All participants can join in. C. There is stronger data security. D. They enable the display of video clips.


48. The Lotus Notes/Domino suite includes all of the following except: A. communication support B. instant video C. database D. document management


49. ________ are collaborative tools that enable people to work on the same files and documents, making changes in a very rapid way. A. Portals B. Lotus Notes C. Document management D. Wikis


5. The success of many private, public, and military organizations depends on their ability to manage the flows of materials, information, and money, which is referred to as the product life cycle. Answer: True False


50. Infrastructure needed for groupware include all of the following except: A. VoIP B. intranets C. the Internet D. extranets


51. Corporations are moving their phone systems to ________ to cut costs and boost efficiency. A. bluetooth B. GDSS C. RTC D. VoIP


52. A messaging service that transposes the desktop messaging experience to the usage scenario of being on the move is ________. A. VoIP B. mobile instant messaging C. instant video D. data messaging


53. Mobile support systems include each of the following except: A. mobile handset B. mobile social networking C. mobile instant messaging D. mobile VoIP


54. ________ are required to create a truly collaborative environment, to integrate different applications, and for standardizing communication. A. Web services B. Collaborative workflows C. Portals D. Protocols


55. All of the following apply to instant video except: A. The idea is for a kind of video chat room that allows users to chat in real time and see the people they are communicating with. B. It evolved from the spread of instant messaging and Internet telephony. C. It is the natural result of wanting to link people via both voice and audio. D. The highest quality approach is to add video cameras to the participants' computers.


56. Boeing's Dreamliner was referred to as a ________ airliner because IT and electronic communication were used to support its planning and many other critical activities.

product life cycle

59. A supply chain involves activities that take place during the entire ________, from dirt to dust.


6. Product delays, products not being where they are required at the right time, customer dissatisfaction, and lost sales can all be caused by supply chain problems. Answer: True False


62. ________ is the process made up of a range of activities by which an organization obtains or gains access to the resources they require to undertake their core business activities

competitive advantage or differentiation

64. Increasingly, companies are recognizing that the efficient and effective flow of information and materials along their supply chains is a source of ________.


7. A supply chain involves activities that take place during the entire product life cycle, from dirt to dust. Answer: True False


8. The downstream part of the supply chain includes the activities of a company with its suppliers, which can be manufacturers, assemblers, or both, or service providers, and their connections with their suppliers. Answer: True False


9. In the internal part of the supply chain, the major concerns are production management, manufacturing, and inventory control. Answer: True False

collaborative (shared) workspace

A ________ is an interconnected environment in which all the participants in dispersed locations can access and interact with each other just as inside a single entity.


A supply chain can be broken into three major parts. The ________ part of the supply chain includes the activities of a company with its suppliers and their connections with their suppliers.

supply chain is the flow of materials, information, money, and services from raw material suppliers through factories and warehouses to the end customers. A supply chain also includes the organizations and processes that create and deliver products, information, and services to the end customers. The term supply chain comes from the concept of how the partnering organizations are linked together. A supply chain involves activities that take place during the entire product life cycle, from dirt to dust. However, a supply chain is more than that, because it also includes the movement of information and money and the procedures that support the movement of a product or a service. Finally, the organizations and individuals involved are considered part of the supply chain as well. When looked at broadly, the supply chain actually ends when the product reaches its after-use disposal

Define supply chain and list the activities that are involved.

success of an e-supply chain depends on the following: - The ability of all supply chain partners to view partner collaboration as a strategic asset - A well-defined supply chain strategy - Information visibility along the entire supply chain - Speed, cost, quality, and customer service - Integrating the supply chain more tightly

Identify three factors or capabilities that the success of an e-supply chain depends on.

screen sharing

In collaborative work, members frequently are in different locations. Using ________ software, group members can work on the same document, which is shown on the PC screen of each participant.

build-to-order (on demand

Inventories can be minimized by introducing a ________ manufacturing process as well as by providing fast and accurate information to suppliers.

Electronic Data Interchange. EDI is the major tool used by large corporations to facilitate supply chain relationships. Many companies are shifting from internal EDI to Internet-based EDI. Extranets. Their major purpose is to support interorganizational communication and collaboration. Intranets. These are the corporate internal networks for communication and collaboration. Corporate portals. These provide a gateway for external and internal collaboration, communication, and information search. Workflow systems and tools. These are systems that manage the flow of information in organizations. Groupware and other collaborative tools. A large number of tools facilitate collaboration and communication between two parties and among members of small as well as large groups. Various tools, some of which are collectively known as groupware, enable such collaboration.

List and briefly explain the major infrastructure elements and tools of e-supply chain management.

bullwhip effect

The ________ refers to erratic shifts in orders up and down supply chains. Answer:

instant video

The spread of instant messaging and Internet telephony has naturally led to the idea of linking people via a video chat room, which is called ________.

supply chain

The success of many organizationsprivate, public, and militarydepends on their ability to manage the flow of materials, information, and money into, within, and out of the organization. Such a flow is referred to as a ________.


The term supply chain comes from the concept of how the partnering organizations are ________ together.

EC technologies automate and expedite order taking, speed order fulfillment, provide for e-payments, properly control inventories, provide for correct forecasting and thus better scheduling, and improve collaboration among supply chain partners.

What are three solutions to supply chain problems provided by EC?

e-supply chain

When a supply chain is managed electronically, usually with Web technologies, it is referred to as a(n) ________.

vendor-managed inventory

With ________, retailers make their suppliers responsible for determining when to order and how much to order. The retailer provides the supplier with real-time information, inventory levels, and a threshold below which orders are replenished.

Interactive whiteboards

________ are computer-based whiteboards that work like real-world whiteboards with markers and erasers, except all participants can join in.

Virtual meetings

________ are online meetings whose members are in different locations, even in different countries.


________ can lead to as many as 100 days of additional inventory waiting just in case. Answer: Stockpiling

Product lifecycle management

________ is a business strategy that enables manufacturers to control and share product-related data as part of product design and development efforts and in support of supply chain operations.

Presence information

________ is a status indicator that conveys ability and willingness of a potential communication partner.

Web services

________ is an architecture that enables the assembly of distributed applications from software services and ties them together.

: E-logistics

________ is the use of Web-based technologies to support the material acquisition, warehousing, and transportation processes


________ refers to software products that support groups of people who share a common task or goal and collaborate on its accomplishment.

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