Chap 7&8

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

How many prepositions are there in: The young girl didn't know where she was, so she asked a man with a small child if he knew the way to the station.?


How many adverbs are there in: We had a very hard day yesterday, so we really couldn't get up early this morning.?


What is the basic structure of: The old dog loved the small boy?


What is the basic word of Japanese?


natural gender

a distinction based on the biological categories of male, female or neither, in contrast to other types of gender

grammatical gender

a grammatical category designating the class of a noun as masculine or feminine (or neuter), in contrast to other types of gender

proper noun (PN)

a noun such as Cathy, with an initial capital letter, used as the name of someone or something

noun phrase (NP)

a phrase such as the boy or an old bicycle, containing a noun plus other constituents, or a pronoun such as him or it


a term used in three ways: (1) a biological distinction between male and female, also called natural gender; (2) a distinction between classes of nouns as masculine, feminine (or neuter), also called grammatical gender; (3) a distinction between the social roles of men and women, also called social gender

article (Art)

a word such as a, an or the used with a noun


a word such as and or because used to make connections between words, phrases and sentences

noun (N)

a word such as boy, bicycle or freedom used to describe a person, thing or idea

verb (V)

a word such as go, drown or know used to describe an action, event or state

adjective (Adj)

a word such as happy or strange used with a noun to provide more information

preposition (Prep)

a word such as in or with used with a noun phrase

pronoun (Pro)

a word such as it or them used in place of a noun phrase

adverb (Adv)

a word such as slowly or really used with a verb or adjective to provide more information

prescriptive approach

an approach to grammar that has rules for the proper use of the language, traditionally based on Latin grammar, in contrast to the descriptive approach

descriptive approach

an approach to grammar that is based on a description of the structures actually used in a language, not what should be used, in contrast to the prescriptive approach

Which of these words represents a noun phrase?



the analysis of the structure of phrases and sentences

traditional grammar

the description of the structure of phrases and sentences based on established categories used in the analysis of Latin and Greek

active voice

the form of the verb used to say what the subject does (e.g. He stole it)

passive voice

the form of the verb used to say what happens to the subject (e.g. The car was stolen)


the grammatical category distinguishing first person (involving the speaker, me), second person (involving the hearer, you) and third person (involving any others, she, them)


the grammatical category distinguishing forms of the verb as present tense and past tense


the grammatical category of nouns as singular or plural


the grammatical connection between two parts of a sentence, as in the connection between a subject (Cathy) and the form of a verb (loves chocolate)

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