Chap.26 Study Guide Great Depression

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Who was Dorothea Lange? What was her role during The Depression?

Dorothea Lange was a famous photographer during the Great Depression for the WPA. During the Depression Lange took photos around the country; she documented lives and living conditions of migrant workers throughout the West during the Depression.

What was the conflict between the Supreme Court and Roosevelt. Why was FDR's Supreme Court Plan criticized?

FDR wanted to pass an act that would bring in more government funds, this act was known as The Revenue Act of 1935. This act mainly attacked wealthy people and corporations. These people accused Roosevelt as "Soaking the Rich," while others were happy with the decision.

What is fascism?

Fascism is a political philosophy that stresses the glory of the state over he individual and that favors dictatorship. Its used to promote nationalism in order to control the population.

What are migrant workers? Which state did many of the Dust Bowl farmers migrate to?

A migrant worker is a person who moves from place to place to find work. Many of the Dust Bowl farmers moved to California in the hope of finding an new job and start anew life or find new farmlands.

Who was the "Brain Trust" and how did they help Roosevelt?

During the 1932 campaign, Roosevelt relied heavily on advice from a group of unofficial advisers known as the "Brain Trust." These advisers helped their candidate develop new ideas for overcoming the nation's severe economic problems.

How did Eleanor Roosevelt help the nation during the Depression?

Eleanor Roosevelt crisscrossed the country to report first hand and benefit needs of the New Deal to her husband. She acted as his "eyes and ears." She made many fact-finding trips in his place. Mrs. Roosevelt also had a powerful voice that spoke for women and other families in need.

What were Hoovervilles?

Homeless people gathered to live in makeshift villages known as Hoovervilles. They were named this because citizens didn't believe Hoover acted to end the suffering.

In general, was Hoover's response enough to help the country?

Hoover's response was not enough because he relied on charities to take the nation out of its struggle. Hoover also believed that public works would help the nation by opening up more job opportunities. Hoover and the Government did respond good enough to resume the country how it used to be.

How did President Hoover respond to the economic crisis?

In 1931 to federal spending on public works. Examples include highways, parks, and libraries were built for the public to use. Hoover thought Public works projects, the thinking went, would create new jobs. Hoover also relied on charities to help the needy and end the crisis. Also he used Laissez Faire or "hands off" government; business will take care of themselves and the government will not interfere.

What was the result of the election in which Franklin Delano Roosevelt ran against Herbert Hoover? Which election year was this?

New York governor Franklin D. Roosevelt defeated President Herbert Hoover by a wide margin in the presidential election. The election year of this was in 1932. He wanted to change the American leadership.

Understand Roosevelt's economic plan to help the country during the economic crisis. (Know the New Deal programs...see your notes and Quizlet: New Deal)

Roosevelt's economic plan to help the country was known as the New Deal. Ideas for combating the Depression followed. His first months in office, became known to a period that came to be called the "Hundred Days."

What was the Bonus Army? What did they want from Hoover? How did Americans feel about the way Hoover treated the Bonus Army?

The Bonus Army was a group of World War I veterans who marched to Washington D.C. in the demand of their bonus. Congress has agreed to giving each solider a bonus in 1945. However, when the Depression started many went jobless and demanded Hoover to give them their bonus now. Congress voted against meeting the Bonus Army's demands. In order to get rid of the veterans Hoover called in U.S. Army troops. Veterans and their families fled as the troops burned their camp.

What was the "Dust Bowl"?

The Dust Bowl was located in the southern Great Plains suffered an environmental disaster. The cause of the Dust Bowl was due to farmers using new technology, such as tractors and disc plows, to clear millions of acres of sod. The farmers did not realize that grass held soil in place.

How was the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 helpful to Native Americans?

The Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 was helpful to Native Americans because this Act restored traditional tribal government and provided money to enlarge some reservations.

How did the New Deal and the Hundred Days help the country?

The New Deal opened more job opportunities out to the public, work needs, bankruptcy, stock market failure and desperate poverty. The Hundred days helped the country immediately with more opportunities being opened up

What was the TVA and what did it accomplish?

The TVA was the Tennessee Valley Authority (one of the largest public works) supplied jobs to hard hit area. Created dam projects to help control flooding. Produced electricity and helped bring thousands of the people electricity for the first time. In West Virginia, Virginia and North Carolina.

What were the important programs of the Second New Deal and how they were supposed to help Americans?

The act placed a tax on workers and employers. Money from the tax paid for monthly pensions for retired people. The Social Security Act also placed a tax on employers to help fund payments to those who lose their jobs. The Works Progress Administration provided paying work to 2 million people between 1935 and 1941. The WPA built building airports, public buildings, bridges, and roads. This administration also helped with unemployed writers, artists, and musicians.

What was the New Deal and the first Hundred Days?

The first Hundred Days was when Roosevelt promised to help the economic turn down within Hundred Days (from March to June). The "New Deal." This sweeping set of laws and regulations affected banking, the stock market, industry, agriculture, public works, relief for the poor, to create jobs for the unemployment as much as possible and conservation of resources. First step was to inspect the banks and grant security and restore public trust

What were the main causes of the Depression?

What caused the Depression was that stock prices fell rapidly; Investors began to worry that stock prices were set to fall. They began to sell their stocks. Those who lent money to investors got nervous. They began demanding that borrowers repay their loans. Which when everyone started to sell their shares the stock prices fell since the fact that the stock market was hitting a downturn. People were in too much debt because there was no banking rules, overproduction and the drought conditions of the Great Plains.

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