Chapter 05

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Which of the following statements about the Americans with Disabilities Act are true?

-It grants certain employment protections to persons with disabilities. -It requires government agencies to take steps to make their buildings accessible to persons with disabilities.

Which of the following statements about affirmative action are true?

-Preference programs have greater support among African Americans than among whites. -Most Americans oppose programs that give preferential treatment to groups that have been disadvantaged historically. -Most Americans support programs to give equal treatment to groups that have been disadvantaged historically.

Which of the following are among redlining's legacies?

-Segregated neighborhoods still exist. -Hispanics and African Americans still have difficulty obtaining mortgages (compared to whites).

Which of the following accurately describes women and poverty?

-Single-parent women who work in nonprofessional fields are particularly vulnerable to poverty. -Most single-parent families are headed by women and one-third of those live below the poverty line. -Many poor working women find that their wages cannot cover child-care expenses.

Which is an accurate representation of the Hispanic population in the United States?

-The majority are immigrants from Mexico and the Caribbean islands. -Their numbers have more than doubled in the past twenty years.

The promise made by the phrase "all men are created equal" has done which of the following?

-been foundational in legal decisions -inspired a hope for eventual equality -given moral strength to diverse movements

Which practices were banned as a result of the Civil Rights Act of 1968?

-discriminatory real estate practices such as steering African American families to certain neighborhoods -discriminatory practices in housing -discriminatory practices in mortgage lending

According to today's statistics, Asian Americans are underrepresented in which of the following areas?

-holding the top position in corporations -holding high-level political office

Concerning age discrimination in employment, the courts have given employers the right to force individuals to retire based on

-the performance of a particular employee. -the nature of the job.

Which of the following are rights gays and lesbians had to fight for in the U.S.?

-the right to openly enlist in the military -the right to have the same benefits as traditional couples

Arrange the following items in chronological order starting with the earliest challenge to segregation laws at the top.

1. Supreme Court ends school segregation with Brown vs. Board of Ed 2. Rosa Parks refuses to give up bus seat 3. MLK gives speech before the March on Washington participants for Jobs and Freedom

Adarand Constructors v. Pena

A 1995 Supreme Court decision holding that federal programs that classify people by race, even for an ostensibly benign purpose such as expanding opportunities for minorities, should be presumed to be unconstitutional.

Sixty-two-year-old Emily was a professor at a university in Canada. She resigned from her job recently to relocate with her family to the United States. When she applied for the post of professor in one of the local universities, the management at the university refused to accept her application. They thought that Emily was too old for the job and would not be effective as a professor. In this scenario, which of the following acts will protect Emily against this type of discrimination?

Age Discrimination Act of 1975

Grutter v. Bollinger (2003)

Allowed the use of race as a general factor in law school admissions at University of Michigan - diverse education

How did Thomas Jefferson define the meaning of "all men are created equal"?

He did not believe there was a precise meaning.

What action did President Eisenhower take during the desegregation of Little Rock Central High School?

He federalized the Arkansas National Guard

Lau v. Nichols (1974)

If a substantial number of non-English speaking students reside in the district, the district must provide for these students with classes in English.

What is the significance of the Voting Rights Act of 1965?

It empowered federal agents to register voters in states and localities with a history of voter discrimination.

Passage of the Nineteenth Amendment created which significant change in American society?

It gave women the right to vote.

Which of the following Hispanic politicians were top contenders for the Republican presidential nomination?

Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz

Which of the following minority groups make up the largest Hispanic population in the United States?


Which 2015 Supreme Court decision removed the ban on same-sex marriage, citing it violated the Fourteenth Amendment's equal protection and due process clauses?

Obergefell v. Hodges

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Passed by Congress in 1991, this act banned discrimination against the disabled in employment and mandated easy access to all public and commercial buildings.

Which of the following is FALSE? -Younger Americans are more accepting of same-sex marriage than older adults. -Today, more than 60 percent of Americans show support for same-sex marriage. -In 2015, the Supreme Court ordered an end to all state bans on same-sex marriage. -Public opinion on same-sex marriage has not changed significantly in the last 20 years. -Gays and lesbians have gained more legal protections than any other group in the last decade.

Public opinion on same-sex marriage has not changed significantly in the last 20 years.

Which of the following is an ongoing struggle between state governments and Native American tribal governments?

States want to control casino gambling on Native American reservations.

The Supreme Court ruled that the forced busing of children for the purpose of achieving racially integrated schools was constitutional in

Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg County.

Which of the following is FALSE? -More than half of all Black children grow up in single-parent households. -The median net worth of households headed by retired Black people is less than $20,000, compared with roughly $200,000 for retired White people. -The percentage of Black elected officials is still far below the proportion of African Americans in the population. -The jobless rate for African Americans and White Americans is about the same. Roughly 35 percent of Black children live in households below the poverty line.

The jobless rate for African Americans and White Americans is about the same.

In which case did the Supreme Court rule that the male only admissions policy at the Virginia Military Institute was unconstitutional?

United States v. Virginia

What Sioux village has been the site of both a U.S. cavalry massacre of Native Americans and a modern protest?

Wounded Knee

The largest recent Hispanic demonstrations in the U.S. have been in reaction to

a bill passed by the House that would have led to the arrest and deportation of millions of undocumented immigrants.

As part of what movement did advocates for women's suffrage (voting rights) become active on a large scale?

abolitionist movement

Which policy required the federal government to begin implementing measures aimed at reinforcing equal access to employment by mandating recruitment procedures that gave qualified minority workers an equal opportunity to gain government jobs?

affirmative action

Brown v. Board of Education

banned forced segregation in public schools because it was inherently unequal

In the case of Shelby v. Holder, the majority held that the formula for identifying states and counties subject to federal oversight was

based on obsolete statistics.

The landmark case of Lau v. Nichols (1974) resulted in many states offering ______ education in their public schools.


The impetus behind the 1964 Civil Rights Act was the

black civil rights movement

Native Americans were not considered to be ______ until 1924.


Serving the United States in the fight against Nazism in World War II led African American soldiers to

demand their civil rights

What is "America's curse," according to the author of An American Dilemma?


The 1964 Civil Rights Act banned

discrimination in public accommodations

In order to ensure equal employment opportunity for all, the federal government in the 1960s began to require agencies and businesses to

establish policies aimed at giving minority-group members equal opportunities to obtain jobs.

What accounts for the fact that Hispanics are healthier and have a longer life expectancy than would be predicted based on their education and income levels?

family structure

When white settlers first arrived in what is now the U.S., there were approximately 5 to 10 million Native American inhabitants. By 1900, there were

fewer than 1 million

In Rostker v. Goldberg (1980) the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of ___________________ classifications even though such classification need to be scrutinized more closely than classifications by age or income.


The Fourteenth Amendment applies to discriminatory action by

government only

In general, the Supreme Court has held that gender discrimination in law

is almost always unconstitutional.

What portion of congressional seats are held by women?

less than a quarter (> 1 in 4)

Southern states used a number of devices to prevent African Americans from voting, including which of the following?

literacy tests poll taxes whites-only primaries

In determining that it was unconstitutional to reserve 10 percent of federally funded construction projects for minority-owned firms (Adarand v. Peña), the Supreme Court used what part of the test it applies to affirmative action cases?

narrowly tailored

The Supreme Court has stated that in order for an affirmative action program to be upheld, the program must be

narrowly tailored.

Which constitutional amendment granted women the right to vote?

nineteenth (19th)

The preclearance provision of the Voting Rights Act states that designated states and counties must

obtain federal permission before making changes that might adversely affect a minority group.

The political power of Hispanic groups continues to be limited because

only about half of all Hispanics are registered to vote.

Any law that treats individuals differently based on race is subject to the ______ test.


According to the Supreme Court, laws that discriminate between people based on their race or ethnicity are laws that make use of

suspect classifications.

Which of the following provides for up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for employees to care for a new baby or a seriously ill family member?

the Family and Medical Leave Act

Rioting broke out in 1957 during

the desegregation of Little Rock Central High School.

What are comparable worth policies?

those that give women and men equal hourly pay for jobs that require similar training and education

_______(QUIZ ) Disadvantaged Americans have generally gained their rights

through struggle against entrenched interests.

What was the intention of the Plessy v. Ferguson ruling?

to maintain segregation while claiming equality

The Supreme Court decision in Grutter v. Bollinger (2003) ______ affirmative action


In what area of civil rights were Asian Americans particularly active in the 1960s?

voting rights

In 1892, Congress suspended Asian immigration to the United States on the grounds that Asians

were an inferior people.

What was the first result of the national boycott of California lettuce and grapes that was launched by Cesar Chavez?

California passed a law giving migrant workers the right to bargain collectively.

Which groups have historically lacked equality in the United States?

Catholics women Asian Americans

In 1968 Congress passed a law, the ______, that granted Native Americans constitutional rights similar to those held by other Americans.

Indian Bill of Rights

Which of the following statements about African American children in the United States is true?

More than half grow up in a single-parent family.

What was politically significant about Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election?

She became the first woman to head the national ticket of a major political party.

Which term refers to the rights and privileges guaranteed to all citizens under the equal protection and due process clauses of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments?

civil rights

In order for an affirmative action program to be upheld as constitutional, the Supreme Court requires that government prove what kind of interest?


Which amendment passed at the end of the war granted African American men the right to vote?

fifteenth (15th)

The current U.S. policy for Native Americans on reservations aims at

increasing economic self-sufficiency.

Despite the persisting issues of institutional racism, one area in which African Americans have made significant gains is in

winning elective office

Which of the following are examples of de jure discrimination?

-A state requires separate public bathrooms for black and white people. -Women are not allowed to vote in federal elections.

Which of the following accurately describes Native Americans today?

-Casino gambling has raised Native Americans' average income level, but it is still far below the national average. -They are less than half as likely as other Americans to have completed college.

Asian Americans are more likely than other minority groups to

-be college educated. -have a high median income.

Since the 1950s, how has the federal government responded to demands for equal rights for African Americans?

It passed a series of laws that secured fundamental rights for African Americans.

What U.S. Supreme Court ruling became a justification for the separate and unequal treatment of African Americans?

Plessy v. Ferguson

What took the heaviest toll on the Native American population after white settlers arrived in what is now the U.S.?


One area in which African Americans have made substantial progress in obtaining equality of representation since the 1960s is

elective office

Which of the following factors has led to the emergence of Asian Americans as the group with the highest median family income?

emphasis on educational attainment

The law refers to the rights of individuals; however,

groups more often fight for civil rights.

The Civil Rights Act of 1968 was introduced to prohibit discrimination in


Which legal test gives government considerable leeway in treating people differently, such as imposing a higher tax rate on upper-income Americans?

reasonable-basis test

In a 1947 case, the Supreme Court ruled that because they had no law school for black students, the University of Oklahoma was ______ to admit Ada Sipuel to its law school.


What demographic group is most likely to support same-sex marriage?

younger adults

How many Hispanics currently serve in the U.S. House of Representatives?

more than 30

What sociologist authored the book An American Dilemma?

Gunnar Myrdal

The Supreme Court decision in what case led many affirmative action opponents to believe that the Court may have been on its way to abolishing affirmative action completely?

Adarand v. Peña

Which landmark Supreme Court case declared affirmative action constitutional but invalidated the use of racial quotas?

Regents of the University of California v. Bakke

What president appointed the first woman to the Supreme Court?

Ronald Reagan

The U.S. Constitution allows discrimination based on


de jure discrimination

segregation by law

Which of the following statements about affirmative action is TRUE?

It sought to alleviate de facto discrimination.

In which year did the Supreme Court rule that forced busing violated student's constitutional right to equal protection under the law?


Which of the following actions first made Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. a national symbol for the civil rights movement and earned him national media attention?

a year-long bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama

Hispanics in the U.S. are generally concentrated

in their states of entry.

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