Chapter 09

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A ___ design is a process in which conceptual design models subsets of an organization's database requirements, which are then aggregated into a complete design.


The database initial study phase of the Database Life Cycle (DBLC) involves _____.

defining objectives

An up-to-date document of activities that define an organization's operating environment.

description of operations

The design of the system's processes is completed during the _____ phase of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

detailed systems design

The design of the system's processes is completed during the _____ phase of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC).

detailed systems design

In a(n) _____, only the objects that have been updated or modified since the last full backup are backed up.

differential backup

An initial assessment of the information flow-and-extent requirements must be made during the _____ portion of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC).


______ allow end users to access the database without being able to download the information from their workstations

diskless workstations

The conceptual design step that defines the DBMS and data model strategy is ___ design.

distributed database

T/F - A full backup ensures partial recovery of all data after a physical disaster or database integrity failure.


T/F - A system maintenance activity generated in response to changes in the business environment is referred to as corrective maintenance.


T/F - Database performance is one of the least important factors in all database implementations.


T/F - Decentralized design is typical of relatively simple, small databases and can be successfully done by a single person.


T/F - In the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), after testing is concluded, end-user training is not necessary.


T/F - The Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a sequential process rather than an iterative process.


T/F - The overall purpose of the database initial study is to create the conceptual design.


T/F - The testing and evaluation phase of the Database Life Cycle (DBLC) occurs after applications programming.


T/F - Training principles and methodologies are planned during the implementation phase of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC).


The traditional Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is divided into _____ phases.


A complete copy of an entire database saved and periodically updated in a separate memory location is a(n) ___.

full backup

Coding, testing, and debugging are part of the _____ phase of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC).


Installation and fine tuning are part of the _____ phase of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC).


The database contents are loaded during the _____ phase of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC).


A system that provides for data collection, storage, and retrieval; facilitates the transformation of data into information; and manages both data and information.

information system

A(n) ___ is composed of hardware, the DBMS and other software, database(s), people, and procedures.

information system

The implementation and loading phase of the Database Life Cycle (DBLC) involves ___ the DBMS.


The ______ goal is to design an enterprise-wide database based on a specific data model but independent of physical-level details

logical design

Evaluation, maintenance, and enhancement are part of the ____ phase of the SDLC.


The last step in the Database Life Cycle (DBLC) is _____.

maintenance and evolution

All that is needed is there, and all that is there is needed.

minimal data rule

A design segment that can be implemented as an autonomous unit and is sometimes linked to produce a system.


An information system component that handles a specific function, such as inventory, orders, or payroll.


___ is the extent to which modules are independent of one another.

module coupling

Real-world database design is generally done by teams, the database design is often divided into major components known as _______


Producing the required information flow is part of the _____ phase of the Database Life Cycle (DBLC).


"Should the existing system be replaced?" is a question that is asked during the _____ stage of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC).


The feasibility study during the ___ phase of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) must address the technical aspects of hardware and software requirements.


The initial assessment and the feasibility study are part of the Systems Development Life Cycle's (SDLC's) _____ phase.


A database ___ is a set of privileges assigned as a unit to a user or group.


The part of a system that defines the extent of the design according to operational requirements.


There are _____ stages in the Database Life Cycle (DBLC).


The SDLC is most important to the ____.

system designer

____ is the process that establishes the need for, and the extent of, an information system.

systems analysis

The process of creating an information system is known as _____.

systems development

Testing, fine-tuning, and evaluating the database and its applications are part of the ____ phase of the DBLC.

testing and evaluation

A ___ design begins by defining the main entities of a system and then defines the attributes within those entities.

top down

A ___ is a backup of only the transaction log operations not reflected in previous backup copies of the database.

transaction log backup

T/F - A system is always at some stage of SDLC because every request for structural changes requires retracing the steps of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC).


T/F - During the implementation phase of the SDLC, the hardware, database management system (DBMS) software, and application programs are installed, and the database design is implemented.


T/F - Module cohesivity must be high.


T/F - Systems analysis establishes the need for an information system and its extent.


T/F - The Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) provides the big picture within which the database design and application development can be mapped out and evaluated.


T/F - The Systems Development Life Cycle's (SDLC's) planning phase yields a general overview of the company and its objectives.


T/F - The database administrator must be prepared to perform routine maintenance activities within the database.


T/F - The detailed systems design phase of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) includes all the necessary technical specifications for the screens, menus, reports, and other devices used to make the system more efficient.


T/F - The primary objective in database design is to create complete, normalized, nonredundant, and fully integrated conceptual, logical, and physical database models.


T/F - The term "database development" is used to describe the process of database design and implementation.


T/F - To analyze the company situation, the database designer must discover what the company's operational components are, how they function, and how they interact.


During decentralized design, after the _____ process has been completed, all modules are integrated into one conceptual model.


_____ is a technique that creates logical representations of computing resources that are independent of the underlying physical computing resources.


_____ can render data useless to unauthorized users who might have violated some of the database security layers.

Data encryption

A cycle that describes the history of a database within an information system.

Database Life Cycle (DBLC)

___ is the process of database design and implementation.

database development

A subset of a distributed database which may be stored at different sites within a network but is treated as a single database.

database fragment

Analyzing the company situation is part of the _____ phase of the Database Life Cycle (DBLC).

database initial study

The implementation of _____ -produced applications tends to prolong the operational life of systems by making them easier to update and maintain.


The conceptual design step that defines entities, attributes, and relationships is _____.

ER modeling and normalization

Installing the DBMS, creating the database, and loading or converting the data are part of the ____ phase of the DBLC.

Implementation and Loading

The maintenance and evolution phase of the DBLC involves ____.

Introducing changes

_____ design is the process of determining the data storage and access characteristics of a database.


The ___ traces the history of an information system.

Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

The advent of very sophisticated application generators and _____ has substantially decreased coding and testing time

debugging tools

Discovery of user requirements, existing system evaluation, and logical system design are part of the ______ phase of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC).


The logical systems design is created during the _____ phase of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC).


_____ are usually provided by the database management system (DBMS) to check for access violations.

audit trails

A ___ design begins by identifying attributes and then grouping them into entities.

bottom up

Limits including budgets, personnel, and existing hardware and software are ___.


The proposed system is subject to limits known as _______, which are external to the system


The first step in developing the conceptual model using ER diagrams is to identify, analyze, and refine the _____.

business rules

The first step in the ER model verification process is to identify the ER model's _____.

central entity

A ___ design is a process why which all database design decisions are carried out centrally by a small group of people.


A storage technique that stores related rows from two related tables in adjacent data blocks on disk are ___

clustered tables

The term ___ describes the strength of the relationships found among a module's entities.


The ______ process uses data modeling to create an model of a database structure that represents real-world objects as realistically as possible.

conceptual design

In the context of the database design process, the conceptual design step that identifies ER modules and validates insert, update, and delete rules is _____.

data model verification

A(n) ______ is a carefully designed and constructed repository of facts that is a part of a larger whole, known as an information system


Once the data has been loaded into the database, the _____ tests and fine-tunes the database for performance, integrity, concurrent access, and security constraints.

database administrator

In DBLC, the phase after the database initial study is _____.

database design

Selecting database management system (DBMS) software is part of the _____ phase of the Database Life Cycle (DBLC).

database design

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