Chapter 1 - 6: Systems Analysis & Design (Tilley, Rosenblatt, 10th Ed)

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A _______ system is a system, such as an inventory or payroll application, that can be adapted for use in many different types of companies.

data dictionary

A central storehouse of documentation for an information system

successor task

A concurrent task dependent upon a single prior task

d. flow

A data ________ , which is represented as a line with a single or double arrow on a DFD, is a path for data to move from one part of an information system to another. a. repository b. element c. store d. flow

b. False

A gray hole is a process that produces output, but has no input data flow. a. True b. False

task box

A rectangular box in a PERT/CPM chart

critical path

A series of tasks whose delay would affect a project's completion date


A specific member of a class

b. use case

A systems analyst can draw ________ diagrams that visually represent the interaction between users and information systems. a. functional decomposition b. use case c. sequence d. data flow

d. Unified Modeling Language

A systems analyst can utilize the ________ to represent an information system from a user's viewpoint. a. Zachman Framework b. Hawthorne Effect c. Scrum d. Unified Modeling Language


A type of project where management has no choice in implementing it is referred to as a(n) _______ project.

code review

A type of structured walk-through that takes place during the SDLC

c. message

A(n) ________ is a command that tells an object to perform a certain method. a. class b. instance c. message d. attribute

d. instance

A(n) ________ is a specific member of a class. a. attribute b. state c. message d. instance

d. JAD project leader

A(n) ________ is typically responsible for developing an agenda, acting as a facilitator, and leading the JAD session. a. user b. recorder c. manager d. JAD project leader

c. lifeline

A(n) ________ represents the time during which the object above it is able to interact with the other objects in the use case. a. class b. focus c. lifeline d. message

d. multicondition

A(n) ________ table can be simplified because some rules might be duplicates, redundant, or unrealistic. a. Gane and Sarson b. Yourdon c. diverging d. multicondition

c. systems analyst

A(n) ________ transforms business requirements into IT projects. a. operational employee b. programmer c. systems analyst d. stakeholder

context diagram

A(n) _______is a top-level view of an information system that shows the system's boundaries and scope.

a. arrows

Activity diagrams can display multiple use cases in the form of a grid, where classes are shown as vertical bars and actions appear as horizontal ________ . a. arrows b. rectangles c. swim lanes d. bars

intangible benefits

Advantages that are difficult to measure in dollars but are important to a company

object relationships

After you identify the system's objects, classes, and relationships, you should develop an _______diagram that provides an overview of the system.

b. False

Although each data element must be documented in the data dictionary, documenting the data flows isn't necessary. a. True b. False


An adjective that describes an object's current status


Any name(s) other than the standard data element name

d. technical support

Application development and systems support are two of the seven main functions of ________ . a. business support b. business development c. desktop support d. technical support

a. True

As a rule, data flow diagrams should only show a data store when two or more processes use that data store. a. True b. False

a. logic

Business rules, which transform data and produce required results, are also referred to as business ________ . a. logic b. approaches c. sequences d. models

b. logic

Business rules, which transform data and produce required results, are also referred to as business ________ . a. sequences b. logic c. approaches d. models

a. True

CASE tools are used by systems analysts to speed up the process of creating diagrams, which can be time consuming and tedious if completed by hand. a. True b. False

personal observation

Can be used to determine whether procedures operate as they are described

task group

Combination of several activities that contain subsidiary tasks

Information System

Combines technology, people, and data to provide support for business functions such as order processing, inventory control, human resources, accounting, and many more.


Command that tells an object to perform a certain method

preliminary investigation

Conducted to study a systems request and recommend a specific action

c. 0

Creating diagram ________ allows a systems analyst to show the major internal processes, data flows, and data stores contained in the context diagram's single process symbol. a. 1 b. 2 c. 0 d. 3

c. transaction processing

Custom order processing and accounts receivable are examples of ________ systems. a. enterprise computing b. knowledge management c. transaction processing d. user productivity


Data flow diagram entity that receives data from a system

diverging data flow

Data flow in which the same data travels to two or more different locations


Data that is also referred to as a data element or data item

system requirements document

Deliverable, or end product, of the systems analysis phase

b. testing

Depending on the phase of the SDLC, a structured walk-through may be referred to as a design review, code review, or ________ review. a. risk b. testing c. duration d. gateway


Derives one or more of its attributes from another object

swim lanes

Designated customer areas in the BPMN are called _______.

JAD project leader

Develops an agenda, acts as a facilitator, and leads the JAD session

process description

Documents the details of a functional primitive


Electronic or printed information produced by a system

b. False

Examples of static modeling tools include sequence diagrams, state transition diagrams, and activity diagrams. a. True b. False

user survey

Fact-finding form that users complete and return for tabulation


Fact-finding technique that can include the Internet and IT magazines

a. table

For each use case, a use case description, in the form of a(n) ________ , is developed. a. table b. use case diagram c. object model d. activity diagram

d. IBM

Frederick Brooks Jr., a(n) ________ engineer, observed that adding manpower to a late software project only made it later because new team members first had to be educated and instructed by existing employees whose own productivity was reduced accordingly. a. U.S. Navy b. Microsoft c. Intaver Institute d. IBM

a. True

Gathering data about project usability, cost, benefits, and schedules is the objective of fact-finding. a. True b. False


Helps users, managers, and IT professionals understand a system's design

critical success factors

High-priority objectives that must be achieved to fulfill the company's mission are called _______.

Gantt chart

Horizontal bar chart that represents a set of tasks

b. False

IT professionals handle almost every aspect of systems development with little to no user participation. a. True b. False

a. True

In situations in which the same data travels to two or more different locations, it is appropriate to use a diverging data flow. a. True b. False

e-commerce (electronic commerce) or I-commerce (Internet commerce)

Internet-based commerce is called ________ or _______.

work breakdown structure

Involves breaking a project down into a series of smaller tasks


Line linking a particular actor to a use case


Logical rules that are applied to transform data into information


Logical structure that completes steps one after another

decision table

Logical structure that shows every combination of conditions and outcomes


Maintains consistency among a set of DFDs


More specific category within a class

predecessor task

Must be completed before another task can start


Necessary data that enters the system

a. predecessor

Often, two or more concurrent tasks, depend on a single prior task, which is called a ________ task. a. predecessor b. structured c. successor d. dependent

concurrent task

One of several tasks that can start at the same time

project status meetings

Opportunity for project manager to seek input and hold brainstorming sessions

a. True

Outputs, inputs, processes, performance, and controls are the five general categories of system requirements. a. True b. False


Planned meeting during which information is obtained from another person

project creep

Process in which projects expand gradually without specific authorization


Process of collecting examples of actual documents

a. documenting

Recording findings in such a way that they can be understood by someone else is a principle of ________ your work. a. documenting b. interviewing c. sampling d. observing


Represents a real person, place, event, or transaction

project monitoring

Requires guiding, supervising, and coordinating a project team's workload


Safeguards and protects the system and its data from threats


Security control that codes data to keep it safe from unauthorized users


Sequence diagram symbol that is identified by a dashed line

task name

Should be brief and descriptive, but does not have to be unique in a project

swim lane

Shows a specific event or action in a business process modeling diagram

sequence diagram

Shows the timing of interactions between objects as they occur

a. True

Some industry experts predict that bar code technology will be overshadowed in the future by electronic product code (EPC) technology that uses RFID tags to identify and monitor the movement of each individual product, from the factory floor to the retail checkout counter. a. True b. False

End users

Stakeholders are sometimes referred to as _______ _______.

systems development life cycle (SDLC)

Structured analysis uses a series of phases, called the _______ to plan, analyze, design, implement, and support an information system.


System characteristics such as speed and capacity

c. flow

Systems analysts draw sets of data ________ diagrams as a graphical technique to describe an information system. a. store b. structure c. flow d. element

d. groups

Task ________ can be used when managing a complex project with many tasks. a. boxes b. patterns c. names d. groups

dependent tasks

Tasks that must be completed one after another

electronic product code

Technology that uses RFID tags to identify and monitor the movement of products

Legacy systems

Term used to describe older systems that are typically less technologically advanced than currently available systems.

a. True

The XY chart, which is a problem-solving tool, is sometimes called a scatter diagram. a. True b. False

d. Gantt chart

The ________ was developed by a mechanical engineer and management consultant over 100 years ago. a. Critical Path Method b. PERT c. WBS d. Gantt chart

data flow label

The data flow name as it appears on the DFDs

d. schedule

The decision to appoint a project manager is a choice that relates to ________ feasibility. a. economic b. technical c. operational d. schedule

object model

The end product of object-oriented analysis

business case

The reasons, or justification, for a proposal

b. flow

The symbol for a data ________ is a line with a single or double arrowhead. a. element b. flow c. tree d. item

a. empowerment

The trend toward operational users handling tasks and making decisions previously assigned to supervisors is known as ________ . a. empowerment b. enrichment c. enlightenment d. enticement

b. class

To create a(n) ________ diagram, the use case is reviewed and the classes that participate in the underlying business process are identified. a. state transition b. class c. activity d. use case

business logic

Transforms data and produces required results

agile methods

Trend that stresses intense interaction between system developers and users

a. True

Two examples of tools that are used for systems development include IBM's Rational software and the Microsoft Solutions Framework. a. True b. False

b. Yourdon

Two popular data flow diagram symbol sets are the Gane and Sarson symbol set and the ________ symbol set. a. modular design b. Yourdon c. four-model d. structured English

c. rapid application developmen

Two popular systems development methodologies that include teams composed of IT staff, users, and managers are joint application development and ________ . a. the waterfall model b. object-oriented analysis c. rapid application development d. structured analysis


Two techniques, _______ and balancing, must be used if lower-level data flow diagrams are being created.

open source

Type of program that is supported by a community of users and developers

a. True

Typical characteristics of a data store include the data store name, a description, alternate name(s), attributes, and volume and frequency. a. True b. False

systems development

Typically starts with a systems request

data flow diagram (DFD)

Uses symbols to show how a system transforms input data into useful information

default value

Value for a data element if a value otherwise is not entered for it

site visit

Visit to a physical location

use case diagram

Visual summary of several related use cases within a system or subsystem

use case diagram

Visually represents the interaction between users and the information system

d. user productivity

Voice mail, e-mail, and word processing are examples of ________ systems. a. enterprise computing b. business support c. knowledge management d. user productivity

Horizontal and vertical

What are the 2 types of application software?

unified modeling language

Widely used method of visualizing and documenting an information system

business process modeling

Works well with object modeling and focuses on the actors and their behavior

d. JIT

________ inventory systems rely on computer-to-computer data exchange to minimize unnecessary inventory. a. EPC b. CRM c. RFID d. JIT

d. Polymorphism

________ is the concept that a message gives different meanings to different objects. a. State transition b. Encapsulation c. Cardinality d. Polymorphism

d. Requirements

________ modeling involves fact-finding to describe the current system as well as identification of the requirements for the new system. a. Waterfall b. Unified c. Business process d. Requirements

a. Dependent

________ tasks must be completed one after another. a. Dependent b. Concurrent c. Open source d. Structured

b. open source

GanttProject is a free ________ program that is supported by a community of users and developers. a. design review b. open source c. code review d. testing review

d. collaboration

Google Docs is an example of Web-based ________ software. a. personal data management b. project data management c. graphics modeling d. collaboration

decision tree

Graphical representation of a decision table's conditions, actions, and rules

systems review committee

Group of key managers and users responsible for evaluating systems requests

computer resources committee

Group that is also known as a systems review committee

a. True

Groupware programs enable users to share data, collaborate on projects, and work in teams. a. True b. False

project coordinator

Handles administrative responsibilities for a project team


Has a beginning and an end and requires the use of company resources

a. True

Identifying all project tasks and estimating the completion time and cost of each is referred to as project planning. a. True b. False

a. successor

If a predecessor task has more than one successor task, the predecessor task's finish time is used to determine the start time for all ________ tasks. a. successor b. concurrent c. predecessor d. dependent

c. black hole

If a process has input, but produces no output, it is called a ________ process. a. spontaneous generation b. gray hole c. black hole d. data structure

a. spontaneous generation

If a process produces output, but has no input data flow, it is called a ________ process. a. spontaneous generation b. gray hole c. black hole d. data structure

d. systems support and security

If a site has a large number of remote clients, the ________ group often includes a deployment team that installs and configures the workstations. a. network administration b. application development c. user support d. systems support and security

d. latest

If a successor task has more than one predecessor task, the ________ finish time of the predecessor tasks should be used to determine the start time for the successor task. a. earliest b. quickest c. previous d. latest

d. systems implementation

If a system was purchased as a package, systems analysts configure the software and perform any necessary modifications during the ________ phase. a. systems support and security b. systems design c. systems analysis d. systems implementation

d. gathered cost and benefit data

If a systems analyst ________ during fact-finding, financial statements and impact statements should be prepared. a. conducted surveys b. conducted interviews c. observed current operations d. gathered cost and benefit data

c. observed current operations

If a systems analyst ________ during fact-finding, the results should be reviewed and key facts that will be useful in the feasibility analysis should be highlighted. a. conducted surveys b. conducted interviews c. observed current operations d. gathered cost and benefit data

b. critical path

If the series of tasks, known as the ________ , is delayed, the completion date of the overall project will be affected. a. risk response plan b. critical path c. design review d. testing review

xy chart

Important problem-solving tool that shows a correlation between variables

d. Gordon Moore

In 1965, ________ predicted that the number of transistors on an integrated circuit would double about every 24 months. a. Bill Gates b. Steve Jobs c. Samuel J. Palmisano d. Gordon Moore

b. boxes

In a PERT/CPM chart, project tasks are shown as task ________ , arranged in the sequence in which they must be performed. a. names b. boxes c. patterns d. groups

b. system boundary

In a case diagram, the ________ shows what is included in a system and what is not included in a system. a. lifeline b. system boundary c. swim lane d. black box

Gane and Sarson

In a data flow diagram, the _______ symbol for a data store is a flat rectangle that is open on the right side and closed on the left side

c. lifeline

In a sequence diagram, a ________ is identified by a dashed line and represents the time during which the object above it is able to interact with the other objects in the use case. a. class b. focus c. lifeline d. message

a. class

In a sequence diagram, a ________ is identified by a rectangle with the name inside. a. class b. focus c. lifeline d. message

a. focus

In a sequence diagram, the ________ is identified by a narrow vertical shape that covers the lifeline and indicates when an object sends or receives a message. a. focus b. parent c. child d. pool

b. rounded rectangles

In a state transition diagram, the states appear as ________ with the state names inside. a. triangles b. rounded rectangles c. squares d. circles

d. project leader

In a systems project, the program manager, or ________ , usually is a senior systems analyst or an IT department manager if the project is large. a. project analyst b. project coordinator c. project programmer d. project leader

b. project leader

In a systems project, the program manager, or ________ , usually is a senior systems analyst or an IT department manager if the project is large. a. project programmer b. project leader c. project analyst d. project coordinator

c. project owner

In a typical JAD session, the ________ explains the reason for the project and expresses top management authorization and support. a. project leader b. recorder c. project owner d. systems analyst

b. pool

In a typical business process modeling diagram, the outside rectangle is called a(n) ________ . a. swim lane b. pool c. focus d. actor

b. informal

In a(n) ________ structure, some people have more influence or knowledge than appears on an organization chart. a. observational b. informal c. security d. formal

c. network administrators

In addition to controlling user access, ________ install, configure, manage, monitor, and maintain network applications. a. help desk staff members b. systems analysts c. network administrators d. database managers

b. business process

In addition to sequence diagrams and activity diagrams, ________ modeling can be used to represent the people, events, and interaction in a system. a. state transition b. business process c. unified d. inheritance

d. critical thinking skills

In addition to traditional hardware and software certifications, some firms are exploring ways to assess ________ . a. user support skills b. communication skills c. business skills d. critical thinking skills

C. data

In an information system, the system's raw material is ________ . A.. information B. knowledge C. data D. people

d. data

In an information system, the system's raw material is ________ . a. people b. knowledge c. information d. data

b. False

In an interview, closed-ended questions encourage spontaneous and unstructured responses. a. True b. False

d. gateway

In business process modeling notation, a(n) ________ is like a fork in the road, allowing the flow to go one way or another. a. finish day/date b. start day/date c. activity d. gateway

a. enterprise resource planning

In many large companies, applications called ________ systems provide cost-effective support for users and managers throughout the business. a. enterprise resource planning b. business support c. user productivity d. knowledge management

c. constraints

In order for a project to be successful, there must be a balance of cost, scope, and time against a set of ________ . a. milestones b. activities c. constraints d. tasks

c. project creep

In order to avoid ________ , the project scope should be defined as clearly as possible. a. intangible costs b. constraints c. project creep d. intangible benefits

c. Brooks' Law

In some situations, adding more people to a project might increase the time necessary to complete the project because of a principle called ________ . a. slack time b. project creep c. Brooks' Law d. open source

personal information manager

Includes a personal calendar and powerful contact management features

risk management plan

Includes a review of internal or external factors that might affect a project

cutover phase

Includes data conversion, testing, changeover to the new system, and training

project planning

Includes identifying all project tasks and estimating their completion time

project management

Includes planning, scheduling, and reporting on information system development

project reporting

Includes regular progress reports to management, users, and the project team

sequence diagram

Includes symbols representing classes, lifelines, messages, and focuses

project triangle

Includes three legs, which often represent cost, scope, and time

productivity software

Includes word processing, spreadsheet, and collaboration software programs

a. scalability

Information about projected future volume for all outputs, inputs, and processes is required in order to evaluate ________ . a. scalability b. agile methods c. sampling d. range-of-response questions


Initiates a use case by requesting a system to perform a function or process

d. entities

Input data flows and output data flows are characteristics of ________ , which are included in the documentation that is entered into a data dictionary. a. processes b. records c. data stores d. entities

project scheduling

Involves the creation of a specific timetable, usually in the form of charts

c. 50

It is important for the interviewer to record facts and evaluate information following an interview because studies have shown that ________ percent of a conversation is forgotten within 30 minutes. a. 75 b. 25 c. 50 d. 33

a. 1

It is recommended that interviews be limited to no more than ________ hour(s). a. 1 b. 2.5 c. 1.5 d. 2

a. True

It is recommended that use cases and use case diagrams be organized so they can be linked to the appropriate class, state transition, sequence, and activity diagrams. a. True b. False

c. object-oriented

Java, Smalltalk, VB.Net, Python, and Perl are examples of ________ programming languages. a. business process b. unified c. object-oriented d. use case

rapid application development (RAD)

Joint application development focuses on team-based fact-finding, which is only one phase of the development process, whereas _______ is more like a compressed version of the entire process.

b. False

Knowledge workers develop long-range plans, called strategic plans, which define the company's overall mission and goals. a. True b. False

d. type

Length and ________ , which refers to whether data elements contain numeric, alphabetic, or character values, are attributes that are usually recorded and described in a data dictionary. a. sink b. selection c. source d. type

b. decomposing

Leveling may also be referred to as exploding, partitioning, or ________ . a. looping b. decomposing c. validating d. balancing

a. logical

Like a data flow diagram, a class diagram is a(n) ________ model, which evolves into a physical model and finally becomes a functioning information system. a. logical b. unified c. object d. class

a. decision tree

Like a decision table, a(n) ________ shows all combinations of conditions and outcomes, but presents them in a graphical format that many viewers find easier to interpret. a. decision tree b. iteration c. black box d. four-model approach

risk identification

Lists each risk and assesses the likelihood that it could affect a project

b. four-model

Many analysts follow a(n) ________ approach, which means they develop a physical model of the current system, a logical model of the current system, a logical model of the new system, and a physical model of the new system. a. Gane and Sarson b. four-model c. modular design d. Yourdon

a. True

Many organizations assign responsibility for evaluating systems requests to a computer resources committee. a. True b. False

b. systems review committee

Many organizations assign responsibility for evaluating systems requests to a group called a. technical support group b. systems review committee c. systems analysts d. top managers

c. systems review committee

Many organizations assign responsibility for evaluating systems requests to a group called the ________ . a. top managers b. technical support group c. systems review committee d. systems analysts

d. structured walk-through

Many project managers have project members review the work of other team members, which is referred to as a ________ . a. qualitative risk analysis b. bottom-up technique c. risk management plan d. structured walk-through

c. structured walk-throughs

Many project managers institute ________ , which are reviews of a project team member's work by other members of the team. a. predecessor tasks b. project triangles c. structured walk-throughs d. probable-case estimates


Meaningful combination of related data elements

schedule feasibility

Means that a project can be implemented in an acceptable time frame

operational feasibility

Means that a proposed system will be used effectively after it has been developed


Means that all data and methods are self-contained

economic feasibility

Means the projected benefits of a proposed system outweighs the estimated costs

a. management

Members of a project team regularly report their progress to the project manager, who in turn reports to ________ and users. a. management b. software developers c. network administrators d. project leaders

d. productivity

Microsoft Office is the best-known suite of ________ software. a. personal data management b. project data management c. graphics modeling d. productivity

a. True

Microsoft Outlook and Novell's GroupWise are examples of popular personal information managers, which include a personal calendar, a to-do list, and contact management features. a. True b. False

a. information management

Microsoft Outlook is a type of ________ program that includes a personal calendar and a to-do list with priorities and the capability to check off completed tasks. a. information management b. project data management c. graphics modeling d. productivity

critical path

Microsoft Project and other project management software can highlight the series of tasks that form the _______.

d. calendar view

Microsoft Project's ________ shows tasks, similar to a PERT chart, as an overlay on the actual calendar. a. task group b. gateway c. structured walk-through d. calendar view

c. graphic modeling

Microsoft Visio is a popular ________ tool that includes a library of templates, stencils, and shapes. a. personal data management b. project data management c. graphic modeling d. collaboration

b. fill-in

Microsoft Word can be used to create convenient ________ forms that include data fields, text boxes, and drop-down lists. a. stratified b. fill-in c. sequence d. observation


Microsoft _______ is powerful information management software that allows an interviewer to record a meeting, store the results, and create a searchable file for easy access.

Rapid Economic Justification

Microsoft developed method for measuring total costs and benefits

b. False

Microsoft has developed a method for measuring scalability called Rapid Economic Justification (REJ). a. True b. False

network diagram

Microsoft's name for a PERT chart

d. nontechnical

Modeling involves graphical methods and ________ language that represent the system at various stages of development. a. closed-ended b. technical c. open-ended d. nontechnical


Modern _______ tools can help in simplifying the difficult task of maintaining full and accurate documentation for complex systems.


Modern ________ tools simplify the difficult task of maintaining full and accurate documentation for complex systems. a. CASE b. Gane and Sarson c. Yourdon d. pseudocode

b. iteration

Modular design is based on combinations of three logical structures, which are called sequence, selection, and ________ . a. length b. iteration c. type d. alias

d. project coordinator

Most large projects have a project manager and a ________ who handles administrative responsibilities for the team. a. project programmer b. project leader c. project analyst d. project coordinator

critical success factor

Must be achieved to fulfill a company's mission


Object from which another object derives one or more of its attributes

b. objects

Object-oriented (O-O) analysis describes an information system by identifying things called ________ . a. pools b. objects c. methods d. attributes

a. True

Object-oriented methodology is popular because it provides an easy transition to O-O programming languages such as Java, Smalltalk, C++, Python, and Perl. a. True b. False

d. state

Objects can have a specific attribute, called a(n) ________ , that describes the object's current status. a. object model b. focus c. superclass d. state

d. subclass

Objects within a class can be grouped into a ________ , which is a more specific category within a class. a. superclass b. pool c. black box d. subclass

a. True

Objects within a class can be grouped into subclasses, which are more specific categories within a class. a. True b. False

a. IT director

On a systems review committee, the ________ usually serves as a technical consultant to ensure that committee members are aware of crucial issues, problems, and opportunities. a. IT director b. business analyst c. database administrator d. systems analyst

d. 9

On lower-level DFDs with multiple processes, it is recommended that no more than ________ process symbols be included. a. 7 b. 6 c. 8 d. 9

a. indirect

One problem with calculating TCO is that cost estimates tend to understate ________ costs such as user support and downtime productivity losses. a. indirect b. use case c. security d. direct

structured English

One rule to follow when writing in _______ is to use limited vocabulary, including standard terms used in the data dictionary and specific words that describe the processing rules.

b. external

Only ________ entities, that provide data to the system or receive output from the system, are included in data flow diagrams. a. diverging b. external c. internal d. exploding

System software

Operating system software, security software that protects the computer from intrusion, device drivers that communicate with hardware, and utility programs that handle data backup and disk management are what types of software.


Outside rectangle in a typical business process modeling diagram

d. bottom-up

PERT is a ________ technique because it analyzes a large, complex project as a series of individual tasks. a. top-down b. quantitative c. qualitative d. bottom-up

data flow

Path for data to move from one part of an information system to another

c. stakeholders

People who have an interest in an information system are called ________ . a. shareholders b. consumers c. stakeholders d. staff


People who have an interest in an information systems are called _______.

a. True

People working in teams can use collaboration software, such as Google Docs and Microsoft Web Apps, to access data and share files. a. True b. False


Personal _______ is a fact-finding technique used by systems analysts to verify statements made in interviews and determine if procedures operate as they are described.

a. OneNote

Powerful information management software, such as Microsoft ________ , can be used to record a meeting, store the results, and create a searchable file for easy access. a. OneNote b. Outlook c. Visio d. Access

Moore's Law (Gordon Moore in 1965)

Prediction that the number of transistors on an integrated circuit chip would double about every 24 months is known as _________.


Primary method of obtaining information during the preliminary investigation

b. probable-case

Prior to assigning a weight to each estimate, a project manager will make a best-case estimate, a(n) ________ estimate, and worst-case estimate for each task. a. risk-response b. probable-case c. person-day d. task-pattern

risk response plan

Proactive effort to anticipate a risk and describe a plan to deal with it

scatter diagram

Problem-solving tool that is sometimes referred to as a XY chart

logical structures

Process building blocks that must have a single entry and exit point

functional primitive

Process consisting of a single function that isn't exploded further

strategic planning

Process of identifying long-term organizational goals

engaged listening

Process of listening carefully and observing nonverbal communication

project creep

Process of projects expanding gradually without specific authorization

gray hole

Process that has input and output, but the input is unable to produce the output

black hole

Process that has input, but produces no output data flow

spontaneous generation

Process that produces output, but has no input data flow

risk management

Process whose purpose is to minimize the impact of risks on a project

b. logic

Processes contain the business ________ that transform data and produce the required results. a. dictionary b. logic c. structures d. records

Hawthorne Effect

Productivity improves when workers know they're being observed


Products that will be provided to the client at the product completion such as new pages or graphic elements created, and a timeline for their delivery.

Microsoft Project

Program having a dominant share of the project management software industry

c. scheduling

Project ________ involves selecting and staffing a project team and assigning specific tasks to team members. a. reporting b. planning c. scheduling d. monitoring

a. monitoring

Project ________ requires guiding, supervising, and coordinating the project team's workload. a. monitoring b. planning c. scheduling d. reporting

a. True

Project managers often use a weighted formula for estimating the duration of each task. a. True b. False


Project status meetings provide a project manager with an opportunity to seek input and conduct _______ sessions.

discretionary projects

Projects where management has a choice in implementing them

d. discretionary

Projects where management has a choice in implementing them are called ________ projects. a. nondiscretionary b. intangible c. tangible d. discretionary

b. False

Projects where management has a choice in implementing them are called voluntary projects. a. True b. False

nondiscretionary projects

Projects where management has no choice in implementing them

CASE tools

Provide an overall framework for documenting system components

b. False

Pseudocode is a subset of standard English that describes logical processes clearly and accurately. a. True b. False

risk matrix

A Microsoft Excel XY chart can be used to display a(n) _______ that shows risk probability and potential impact.


A _______ system is designed to meet the unique requirements of a specific business or industry, such as a Web-based retailer, a medical practice, or an auto dealership.

d. constraint

A ________ , which is a requirement or condition that the system must satisfy or an outcome it must achieve, can involve hardware, software, time, policy, law or cost. a. critical success factor b. tangible cost c. business case d. constraint

b. horizontal system

A ________ can be adapted for use in many different types of companies. a. legacy system b. horizontal system c. vertical system d. data system

a. feasibility study

A ________ examines operational, technical, economic, and schedule factors. a. feasibility study b. constraint c. business case d. mission statement

b. business process

A ________ is a specific set of transactions, events, and results that can be described and documented. a. business system b. business process c. business model d. business profile

c. vertical system

A ________ is designed to meet the unique requirements of a specific business or industry. a. legacy system b. horizontal system c. vertical system d. data system

b. strategic plan

A ________ looks beyond day-to-day activities and focuses on a horizon that is three, five, ten, or more years in the future. a. business case b. strategic plan c. SWOT analysis d. critical success factor

b. gray hole

A ________ process has at least one input and one output, but the input is clearly insufficient to produce the output shown. a. spontaneous generation b. gray hole c. black hole d. data structure

d. knowledge management

A ________ system uses inference rules, which are logical rules that identify patterns and relationships. a. user productivity b. transaction processing c. business support d. knowledge management

b. False

A business profile is a specific set of transactions, events, and results that can be described and documented. a. True b. False

a. superclass

A class can belong to a more general category called a ________ . a. superclass b. pool c. black box d. subclass

b. False

A class diagram is a physical model that evolves into a logical model and finally becomes a functioning information system. a. True b. False

a. 4

A common approach to calculating expected task duration is to use a ratio of B = 1, P = ________ , and W =1. a. 4 b. 1 c. 2 d. 5

b. top managers

A company's ________ focus on the overall business enterprise and use IT to set the company's course and direction. a. team leaders b. top managers c. middle managers d. knowledge workers

d. field

A data item, which is also referred to as a(n) ________ , is the smallest piece of data that has meaning within an information system. a. alias b. record c. terminator d. field

c. process

A data store symbol is being used incorrectly if an analyst attempts to connect two data stores by a data flow without an intervening ________ . a. level b. record c. process d. rule

b. record

A data structure, which is also referred to as a(n) ________ , is a combination of related data elements that is included in a data flow or retained in a data store. a. alias b. record c. terminator d. field

b. False

A decision table is a physical structure that shows every combination of conditions and outcomes. a. True b. False

a. strategic business

A disadvantage of RAD is that it stresses the mechanics of a system without emphasizing the company's ________ needs. a. strategic business b. scalability c. documentation d. security

c. current

A four-model development approach may not be an option when tight project schedules, as well as management and user pressure, limit a systems analyst's ability to create models of a(n) ________ system. a. proposed b. new c. current d. optimal


A group of similar objects

c. one

A guideline for drawing data flow diagrams is to fit the diagram on ________ page(s). a. two b. three c. one d. four

d. reference

A guideline for drawing data flow diagrams is to provide a unique name and ________ number for each process. a. context b. decision c. sequence d. reference

b. process

A guideline for drawing data flow diagrams is to use the name of the information system as the ________ name in the context diagram. a. domain b. process c. parent d. business

inference rules

A knowledge management system uses _______, which are logical rules that identify data patterns and relationships.

Server Farm

A large concentration of servers working together.


A major advantage of object-oriented designs is that systems analysts can save time and avoid errors by using _______ objects.

b. False

A mitigation plan identifies a condition that would initiate a contingency plan. a. True b. False

b. process description

A model that is accurate, complete, and concise can be created using ________ tools, such as structured English, decision tables, and decision trees. a. leveling b. process description c. decomposing d. balancing


A more general category in which a class can belong

c. black box

A network router is an example of a ________ because cables carry data into and out of it, but the router's internal operations are not revealed. a. black hole b. gray hole c. black box d. data structure

a. tangible

A new scheduling system that reduces overtime is an example of a(n) ________ benefit. a. tangible b. nondiscretionary c. discretionary d. intangible

task id

A number or code that provides unique identification


A popular data flow diagram symbol set

b. Microsoft Visio

A popular graphics modeling tool that can be used to create many types of charts and diagrams is ________ . a. Microsoft Access b. Microsoft Visio c. Evernote d. Novell's GroupWise

c. fishbone diagram

A popular technique for investigating causes and effects is called a ________ . a. SWOT analysis b. Pareto chart c. fishbone diagram d. scatter diagram

a. fishbone diagram

A popular technique for investigating causes and effects is called a ________ . a. fishbone diagram b. XY chart c. Pareto chart d. scatter diagram

a. True

A potential disadvantage of rapid application development is its lack of emphasis on a company's strategic business needs. a. True b. False

a. True

A principle called Brook's Law demonstrates that adding more people to a project might increase the time necessary to complete the project. a. True b. False

d. project creep

A process referred to as ________ can increase risk when a project does not have clear scope definitions. a. slack time b. Brooks' Law c. risk identification d. project creep

black box

A process symbol in a data flow diagram

a. looping

A process that continues to print payroll checks until it reaches the end of the payroll file is an example of ________ . a. looping b. balancing c. leveling d. sequencing

c. status

A project ________ meeting provides team members with an opportunity to share information, discuss common problems, and explain new techniques. a. monitoring b. scheduling c. status d. reporting

c. PERT chart

A project manager can use a ________ to convert task start and finish times to actual dates by laying out an entire project on a calendar. a. quantitative risk analysis b. structured walk-through c. PERT chart d. Gantt chart

b. False

A project manager's best course of action is to attempt to handle all situations single-handedly and avoid alerting management until a problem is serious. a. True b. False

project manager

A project team member who is usually a senior systems analyst

b. False

A project triangle displays the same information as the Gantt chart, but uses task boxes to include much more detail. a. True b. False


A prototype can serve as an initial model that is used as a(n) ______ to evaluate the finished system, or the prototype itself can develop into the final version of the system.


A questionnaire, which can be used to obtain information about a wide range of topics, can also be referred to as a(n) _______.

d. management

A risk ________ plan includes a review of a project's scope, stakeholders, budget, schedule, and any other internal or external factors that might affect a project. a. identification b. response c. analysis d. management

b. response

A risk ________ plan is a proactive effort to anticipate risk and describe an action plan to deal with it. a. identification b. response c. management d. analysis

a. True

A risk management plan should define project roles and responsibilities, risk management methods and procedures, categories of risk, and contingency plans. a. True b. False


A set of related components that produces specific results.

d. integrated

A significant advantage of ________ project management software is that it allows the project manager to adjust schedules, estimates, and resource assignments rapidly. a. quantitative b. gateway c. structured d. integrated

business process modeling notation (BPMN)

A standard language used during requirements modeling that includes various shapes and symbols to represent events, processes, and workflows.

a. True

A state transition diagram shows how an object changes from one state to another, depending on events that affect the object. a. True b. False

d. systems analysis and design

A step-by-step process for developing high-quality information systems is referred to as ________ . a. software packaging b. systems application c. information design d. systems analysis and design

Systems Analysis and Design

A step-by-step process for developing high-quality information systems.

Mission-critical system

A system that is vital to a company's operations. For example, an order processing system.

b. total cost of ownership

A system's ________ includes ongoing system support and maintenance costs, as well as acquisition costs. a. intangible cost b. total cost of ownership c. tangible cost d. constraint

a. corporate culture

A systems analyst must understand a firm's ________ , which is a set of beliefs, rules, traditions, values, and attitudes that define a company and influence its way of doing business. a. corporate culture b. corporate climate c. corporate behavior d. corporate identity

b. False

A task ID does not need to be unique in a project and should be brief and descriptive. a. True b. False


A use case is initiated by a(n) _______, which is an external entity that requests the system to perform a function or process.

d. actor

A user assumes the role of a(n) ________ in a use case diagram. a. project sponsor b. project leader c. recorder d. actor

d. intangible

A user-friendly system that improves employee job satisfaction is an example of a(n) ________ benefit. a. tangible b. nondiscretionary c. discretionary d. intangible

c. Pareto chart

A widely used tool for visualizing issues that need attention is the ________ , which is drawn as a vertical bar graph. a. fishbone diagram b. scatter diagram c. Pareto chart d. XY chart

use case description

A(n) _______ documents the name of the use case, the actor, a description of the use case, a step-by-step list of the tasks and actions required for successful completion, a description of alternative courses of action, preconditions, postconditions, and assumptions.

systems review committee

A(n) _______ evaluates systems requests at most large companies.

sequence diagram

A(n) _______ graphically documents the use case by showing the classes, the messages, and the timing of the messages.

decision tree

A(n) _______ is a graphical representation of the conditions, actions, and rules found in a decision table.

corporate culture

A(n) _______ is the set of beliefs, rules, traditions, values, and attitudes that define a company and influence its way of doing business.


A(n) _______ represents a real person, place, event, or transaction.


A(n) _______ represents the work that one person can complete in one day.

data element

A(n) _______, which is the smallest piece of data that has meaning within an information system, may also be referred to as a data item or field.

c. record

A(n) ________ , also known as a data structure, is a meaningful combination of related data elements that is included in a data flow or retained in a data store. a. logical structure b. field c. record d. domain

a. record

A(n) ________ , also known as a data structure, is a meaningful combination of related data elements that is included in a data flow or retained in a data store. a. record b. field c. logical structure d. domain

a. milestone

A(n) ________ , or event, is a recognizable reference point that you can use to monitor a project's progress. a. milestone b. gateway c. activity d. task

d. decision table

A(n) ________ , which can be created in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, or Excel, is a logical structure that shows every combination of conditions and outcomes. a. process table b. domain c. alias d. decision table

b. agile method

A(n) ________ attempts to develop a system incrementally by building a series of prototypes and constantly adjusting them to user requirements. a. hybrid method b. agile method c. object-oriented analysis d. structured analysis

b. information system

A(n) ________ combines technology, people, and data to provide support for business functions. a. server farm b. information system c. object-oriented analysis d. preliminary investigation

c. information system

A(n) ________ combines technology, people, and data to provide support for many business functions. a. electronic system b. communal system c. information system d. active data system

a. method

A(n) ________ defines specific tasks that an object can perform. a. method b. attribute c. state d. class

d. sequence

A(n) ________ diagram is a dynamic model of a use case, showing the interaction among classes during a specified time period. a. activity b. class c. use case d. sequence

a. context

A(n) ________ diagram is a top-level view of an information system that shows the system's boundaries and scope. a. context b. parent c. child d. iteration

c. activity

A(n) ________ diagram resembles a horizontal flowchart that shows the actions and events as they occur. a. class b. sequence c. activity d. state transition

d. state transition

A(n) ________ diagram shows how an object changes from one state to another, depending on events that affect the object. a. activity b. use case c. class d. state transition

c. class

A(n) ________ diagram shows the object classes and relationships involved in a use case. a. activity b. use case c. class d. state transition

c. sequence

A(n) ________ diagram shows the timing of interactions between objects as they occur. a. functional decomposition b. use case c. sequence d. data flow

a. fill-in

A(n) ________ form, which is an alternative to a traditional paper-based survey, can be used to collect data on the Internet or a company intranet. a. fill-in b. closed-ended c. open-ended d. data flow

a. focus

A(n) ________ indicates when an object sends or receives a message and is identified by a narrow vertical shape that covers the lifeline. a. focus b. subclass c. instance d. activity

a. attribute

A(n) ________ is a characteristic that describes an object. a. attribute b. class c. instance d. message

a. survey

A(n) ________ is a document containing a number of standard questions that can be sent to many individuals. a. survey b. use case diagram c. systems requirements document d. sequence diagram

c. business process model

A(n) ________ is a graphical representation of one or more business processes. a. analytic profile b. business model c. business process model d. business profile

b. class

A(n) ________ is a group of similar objects. a. attribute b. class c. state d. message

c. biometric device

A(n) ________ is a hardware-based security control that can identify a person by a retina scan or by mapping a facial pattern. a. RFID b. encryption c. biometric device d. EPC

d. broad viewpoint

A(n) ________ is a potential advantage of a committee approach to systems request evaluation. a. action on request delay b. member's bias c. internal political difference d. broad viewpoint

a. instance

A(n) ________ is a specific member of a class. a. instance b. state c. message d. attribute

d. use case diagram

A(n) ________ is a visual summary of several related use cases within a system or subsystem. a. state transition diagram b. activity diagram c. class diagram d. use case diagram

d. survey

A(n) ________ is not as flexible as a series of interviews, but it is less expensive, generally takes less time, and can involve a broad cross-section of people. a. operations observation b. data analysis c. documentation review d. survey

c. system requirements document

A(n) ________ is the end product of the systems analysis phase. a. histogram b. stratified sample c. system requirements document d. sequence diagram

c. system requirements document

A(n) ________ is the end product of the systems analysis phase. a. stratified sample b. sequence diagram c. system requirements document d. histogram

a. process

A(n) ________ receives input data and produces output that has a different content, form, or both. a. process b. domain c. entity d. alias

c. supply chain

A(n) ________ refers to all the companies who provide the materials, services, and functions needed to provide a product to a customer. a. raw material source b. electronic data interchange c. supply chain d. global marketplace

d. object

A(n) ________ represents a person, place, event, or transaction that is significant to an information system. a. child b. parent c. pool d. object

d. use case

A(n) ________ represents the steps in a specific business function or process. a. superclass b. activity c. subclass d. use case

d. use case

A(n) ________ represents the steps in a specific business function or process. a. superclass b. subclass c. activity d. use case

c. use case

A(n) ________ represents the steps in a specific business function or process. a. swim lane b. pool c. use case d. inheritance

c. object relationship

After a system's objects, classes, and relationships have been identified, a(n) ________ diagram that provides an overview of the system should be developed. a. use case b. sequence c. object relationship d. activity


Agile approach whose name comes from a rugby term

b. adaptive

Agile, or ________ , methods are very flexible and efficient in dealing with change and reflect a set of community-based values. a. stratified b. adaptive c. functional d. constructive

user design phase

Allows users to understand, modify, and approve a working model of a system

slack time

Amount of time a task can be late without delaying a project's completion date

fishbone diagram

An Ishikawa diagram, which is a popular technique for investigating causes and effects, is also called a(n) _______.

d. technical

An assessment of whether or not a proposed platform has sufficient capacity for future needs is part of ________ feasibility. a. economic b. schedule c. operational d. technical

b. False

An attribute defines specific tasks that an object can perform. a. True b. False

a. True

An entity name is the singular form of a department, outside organization, other information system, or person. a. True b. False

c. operational

An evaluation of whether or not the new system will result in a workforce reduction is part of ________ feasibility. a. economic b. schedule c. operational d. technical


An event that could affect a project negatively


An example of a(n) _______ requirement is when a system must maintain separate levels of security for users and the system administrator.

c. nondiscretionary

An example of a(n) ________ project is a system for the annual updates to payroll. a. tangible b. discretionary c. nondiscretionary d. intangible

d. economy

An example of an external factor that affects corporate IT choices is the ________ . a. strategic plan b. existing system and data c. IT department d. economy

a. child

An exploded data flow diagram includes a higher-level diagram called the parent and a lower-level diagram referred to as the ________ . a. child b. branch c. sibling d. subordinate

a. actor

An external entity, called a(n) ________ , initiates a use case by requesting the system to perform a function or process. a. actor b. child c. black box d. parent


An importance value that managers assign to each time estimate


An information system can store data in various locations called _______.

b. relationship

An object ________ diagram, which will provide an overview of the system, is prepared after the objects, classes, and relationships have been identified. a. case b. relationship c. sequence d. transition

a. black box

An object can be viewed as a ________ because a message to the object triggers changes within the object without specifying how the changes must be carried out. a. black box b. actor c. system boundary d. lifeline

a. attributes

An object has certain ________ , which are characteristics that describe the object. a. attributes b. classes c. messages d. methods

c. design

An object's attributes are defined by the systems analyst during the systems ________ process. a. planning b. implementation c. design d. integration

a. mission-critical system

An order processing system that is necessary for a company to do business is an example of a ________ . a. mission-critical system b. user productivity system c. vertical system d. business support system

a. business profile

An overview of a company's mission, functions, organization, products, services, customers, suppliers, competitors, constraints, and future direction is referred to as a ________ . a. business profile b. business process c. business model d. business system

structured analysis

Analysis that includes transformation of entities, data stores, and processes

Ishikawa diagram

Analysis tool that is also referred to as a fishbone diagram

fishbone diagram

Analysis tool that represents possible causes of a problem as a graphical outline

c. structured English

Analysts must use indentation, a limited vocabulary, and the three building blocks of sequence, selection, and iteration, when documenting in ________ . a. pseudocode b. business logic c. structured English d. standard English

process modeling notation

Analysts often create models that use a standard language called business _______ during requirements modeling.

c. activity

Any work that has a beginning and an end and requires the use of company resources, such as people, time, or money, is referred to as a task or a(n) ________ . a. milestone b. event c. activity d. estimate

d. Microsoft Excel spreadsheet

As a planning tool, some systems developers prefer to use a ________ because it is easy to display priorities and the relative importance of planning assumptions. a. Microsoft Word table b. text-based method c. CASE tool d. Microsoft Excel spreadsheet

d. Visible Analyst

As an alternative to recording notes in online or manual forms, some analysts prefer to enter the information directly into a CASE tool, such as ________ . a. Gane and Sarson b. Yourdon c. structured English d. Visible Analyst

c. document review

As part of a(n) ________ , copies of actual forms and operating documents currently in use should be obtained. a. observation b. random sample c. document review d. site visit

Zachman Framework

Asks traditional fact-finding questions in a systems development context

d. human resources

Assembling and guiding a development team is part of the ________ factor that is considered when developing duration estimates. a. project size b. constraints c. experience with similar projects d. human resources

modular design

Based on combinations of three logical structures

informal structure

Based on interpersonal relationships and can develop from physical proximity


Basic units of work that a project manager plans, schedules, and monitors

a. True

Because it allows companies to reach the global marketplace, B2B is especially important to smaller suppliers and customers who need instant information about prices and availability. a. True b. False

tangible benefits

Benefits that can be measured in dollars

b. actors

Business process modeling works well with object modeling, because both methods focus on the ________ and the way they behave. a. pools b. actors c. children d. parents


Can be used to obtain information about a wide range of topics

document review

Can help in understanding how the current system is supposed to work

biometric device

Can identify a person by retina scan or by mapping a facial pattern

quantitative risk analysis

Can involve a modeling process called what-if analysis

task pattern

Can involve dependent, multiple successor, and multiple predecessor tasks


Characteristic that describes an object

requirements planning phase

Combines elements of the systems planning and systems analysis phases


Common tool for showing the distribution of questionnaire or sampling results

Enterprise applications

Company-wide applications are known as _______ _______, and include payroll systems, order processing systems, and company communications networks.


Completion of a process step that is repeated until a specific condition changes


Completion of one of two or more process steps based on results of a test

c. functional primitives

Complex systems, which have many processes, require analysts to create lower-level DFDs until all processes are identified as ________ . a. types b. control structures c. functional primitives d. sinks

b. computer-aided software engineering

Computer-aided systems engineering, which uses CASE tools to help systems analysts develop and maintain information systems, is also called ________ . a. computer-aided structural engineering b. computer-aided software engineering c. computer-assisted systems engineering d. computer-assisted software engineering


Concept that a message gives different meanings to different objects

tasks (activities)

Conducting interviews, designing a report, selecting software, waiting for the delivery of equipment, and training users are examples of _______.


Consideration of development strategies, object modeling, data and process modeling, and _______ modeling are the four main activities of the systems analysis phase.


Consists of basic facts that are the system's raw material. It is the raw material that an information system transforms into useful information.


Consists of everything in the physical layers of the information system. For example, servers, workstations, networks, telecommunications equipment, fiber-optic cables, mobile devices, scanners, digital capture devices, etc.

intangible costs

Costs that are difficult to measure in dollars but are important to a company

tangible costs

Costs that can usually be measured in dollars

a. True

Customer relationship management systems integrate all customer-related events and transactions, including marketing, sales, and customer service activities. a. True b. False

d. development

Cutting ________ time and expense by involving users in every phase of systems development is the main objective of RAD. a. scalability b. sampling c. processing d. development


Data flow diagram entity that supplies data to a system


Data origins and final destinations on a data flow diagram


Data that has been transformed into output that is valuable to users.

b. False

Database specialists design and construct Web pages, monitor traffic, manage hardware and software, and link Web-based applications to the company's information systems. a. True b. False

process description

Decision tables are an example of a(n) _______ tool that can be used to create accurate, complete, and concise models.

project scope

Defines the specific boundaries, or extent, of a project

b. project scope

Defining the specific boundaries, or extent, of the project is referred to as determining the ________ . a. critical success factors b. project scope c. project creep d. constraints

physical model

Describes how a system will be constructed in the systems design phase


Describes how instances of one class relate to instances of another class

structured English

Describes logical processes clearly and accurately

business process model (BPM)

Describes one or more business process


Describes the tasks and business functions that users, managers, and IT staff members perform to achieve specific results.

Critical Path Method

Developed by private industry to manage complex projects

program evaluation review technique

Developed by the U.S. Navy to manage very complex projects

b. large

Developing time and cost estimates using the experience method may not be reliable for projects involving ________ systems. a. medium-size b. large c. small d. Web-based

c. requirements

Development of a graphical model of an information system is based on the fact-finding that is completed during ________ modeling. a. decision b. logical c. requirements d. physical

b. False

Diagram 0 contains a single process symbol and provides the most general view of an information system. a. True b. False

object relationship diagram

Diagram developed after objects, classes, and relationships have been identified

d. functional primitives

Documentation that pertains to processes should include a description of the process's characteristics and for ________ , a process description, which is a model that documents processing steps and business logic. a. sources b. business rules c. entities d. functional primitives

use case description

Documents the name and description of a use case as well as the actor

a. project leader

During a typical JAD session, the ________ prepares a report that will be sent to JAD team members. a. project leader b. user c. group leader d. top management

c. user design

During the ________ phase of the RAD model, prototypes and models that represent all systems processes, outputs, and inputs are developed. a. construction b. requirements planning c. user design d. sampling

d. systems analysis

During the sixth step of the preliminary investigation, a systems analyst may recommend that the project proceed to the ________ phase. a. SWOT analysis b. systems implementation c. systems testing d. systems analysis

d. organization charts

During the third step of the preliminary investigation, a systems analyst should obtain ________ to understand the functions and identify the people to interview. a. surveys b. fishbone diagrams c. systems documentation d. organization charts

a. True

Economic feasibility means that the projected benefits of a proposed system outweigh the estimated costs. a. True b. False

d. reporting

Effective project ________ requires strong communication skills and a sense of what others want and need to know about the project. a. monitoring b. planning c. scheduling d. reporting

d. electronic data interchange

Electronic commerce between two companies using a data share arrangement was initially referred to as ________ . a. Internet module exchange b. transaction processing c. B2C d. electronic data interchange


Enable objects to communicate and interact as they perform business functions


Enables an object to derive one or more of its attributes from another object

b. modular

Encapsulation allows objects to be used as ________ components anywhere in the system, because objects send and receive messages but do not alter the internal methods of other objects. a. legacy b. modular c. predefined d. wireless

requirements model

End product of joint application development

qualitative risk analysis

Estimates the probability that a risk will occur and its degree of impact

SWOT analysis

Examines a firm's technical, human, and financial resources

feasibility study

Examines operational, technical, economic, and schedule factors


Example of an object-oriented program language

black box

Example of encapsulation that does not need or want outside interference


Examples may include the start of user training or completion of interviews

d. knowledge workers

Examples of ________ include systems analysts, programmers, accountants, researchers, trainers, and human resource specialists. a. operational employees b. top managers c. middle managers d. knowledge workers

b. hardware

Examples of ________ include workstations, mobile devices, servers, and scanners. a. software b. hardware c. data d. information

construction phase

Focuses on program and application development tasks similar to the SDLC

systems request

Formal way of asking for IT support and starting point for most projects

radio frequency identification

RFID stands for _______.


Recognizable reference point that can be used to monitor progress

Information Technology (IT)

Refers to the combination of hardware, software, and services that people use to manage, communicate, and share information.


Refers to the programs that control the hardware and produce the desired information or results.

mission statement

Reflects a firm's vision, purpose, and values


Represented as a rectangle in a data flow diagram

use case

Represents the steps in a specific business function or process


Requirement or condition a system must satisfy or an outcome it must achieve


Requirements planning, user design, _______ , and cutover are the four phases of the rapid application development model.

c. output

Requiring a Web site to report online volume statistics every four hours is an example of a(n) ________ requirement. a. control b. input c. output d. performance

a. process

Requiring a prescription system to automatically generate insurance claim forms is an example of a(n) ________ requirement. a. process b. input c. output d. performance

b. control

Requiring a system to provide logon security at the operating system level and at the application level is an example of a(n) ________ requirement. a. process b. control c. output d. performance

activity diagram

Resembles a horizontal flowchart that shows actions and events as they occur


Sequence diagram symbol that is identified by vertical shape covering a lifeline

dynamic modeling tool

Sequence diagrams and activity diagrams are examples of this type of tool

d. dynamic

Sequence diagrams, state transition diagrams, and activity diagrams are ________ modeling tools that can help a systems analyst understand how objects behave and interact with the system. a. static b. methods c. unified d. dynamic

system requirement

Serves as a benchmark to measure the overall acceptability of a new system

data flow diagram (DFD)

Shows how a system stores, processes, and transforms data

state transition diagram

Shows how an object changes from one state to another

calendar view

Shows tasks as an overlay on the actual calendar

class diagram

Shows the object classes and relationships involved in a use case

logical model

Shows what a system must do, regardless of how it is implemented physically

system boundary

Shows what is included and what is not included in a system

entity name

Singular form of a department, outside organization, other system, or person

a. True

Slack time is the amount of time a task can be late without pushing back the completion date of an entire project. a. True b. False

unstructured brainstorming

Small group discussion in which anyone can speak at any time

structured brainstorming

Small group discussion in which each participant speaks when it is his turn


Small group discussion of a specific problem, opportunity, or issue

data element

Smallest piece of data that has meaning within an information system

b. False

Software consists of everything in the physical layer of the information system. a. True b. False

System software and application software

Software consists of what two types?

System software

Software that controls the flow of data provides data security, and manages network operations is what type of software?

System software

Software type that manages the hardware components, which can include a single workstation or a global network with many thousands of clients. Supplied by either the hardware manufacturer or purchased by company through a vendor.

d. neutral location

Some analysts believe that the best location for conducting interviews is a(n) ________ because interruptions will be kept to a minimum. a. interviewer's meeting room b. interviewer's office c. interviewee's office d. neutral location

c. interviewee's office

Some analysts believe that the best location for conducting interviews is a(n) ________ because it can make the interviewee feel comfortable during the meeting. a. offsite location b. interviewer's office c. interviewee's office d. neutral location


Some common security controls include passwords, various levels of user access, and _______, or coding data to keep it safe from unauthorized users.

d. encryption

Some common security controls include various levels of user access, ________ , and passwords. a. XY charts b. CASE tools c. Pareto charts d. encryption

b. IT department

Some companies still see the role of the ________ as a gatekeeper, responsible for screening and evaluating systems requests. a. consulting group b. IT department c. middle management team d. senior management team

b. electronic product code

Some industry experts predict that bar code technology will be overshadowed in the future by ________ technology. a. just-in-time b. electronic product code c. electronic data interchange d. supply chain management

a. True

Sometimes companies will waive educational requirements if a candidate for employment has significant experience, skills, or professional certifications. a. True b. False

b. source

Specification of a data element's ________ , which is the set of values permitted for a data element, would be included in a data dictionary as an acceptable values attribute. a. default value b. source c. domain d. type

G. All of the above

Stakeholders include which of the following: A. End users B. Programmers C. Management D. IT Staff E. Analysts F. None of the above G. All of the above

output data flows

Standard DFD names for the data flows leaving an entity


Standard DFD names that enter or leave a data store

data repository

Storehouse of information that is also called a data dictionary

c. mission statement

Strategic planning starts with a ________ that reflects the firm's vision, purpose, and values. a. case for action b. project scope c. mission statement d. business case

a. True

Stronger controls and reduced cost are two of the main reasons for systems requests. a. True b. False

a. predictive

Structured analysis is called a ________ approach because it is based on an overall plan. a. predictive b. foundation c. managed d. basic


Successful projects must balance cost, scope, and _______ against a set of constraints.

leading questions

Suggest or favor a particular reply

case for action

Summary of a project request and a specific recommendation


System's ability to handle future increases in business volume and transactions

Pareto chart

Systems analysts may use a(n) _______, which is a widely used tool for visualizing issues that need attention.

a. sink

Systems analysts refer to an entity that supplies data to a system as a source, and an entity that receives data from the system as a(n) ________ . a. sink b. record c. primitive d. field


Systems analysts rely on ________ tools to speed up the process of creating diagrams, which can be time consuming and tedious if completed by hand. a. CASE b. O-O c. UML d. BPM

c. repository

Systems analysts use a data ________ to collect, document, and organize specific facts about a system, such as the contents of data flows. a. table b. structure c. repository d. tree

c. JAD

Systems developers use ________ , a team-based approach, whenever group input and interaction are desired. a. BPMN b. RAD c. JAD d. UML

c. RAD

Systems developers use ________ , a team-based technique, to speed up information systems development and produce a functioning information system. a. BPMN b. JAD c. RAD d. UML


Systems planning is the first of five phases in the systems development life cycle (SDLC). A. True B. False

c. systems development life cycle

Systems planning, systems analysis, systems design, systems implementation, and systems support and security are the five steps of the ________ model. a. business b. business process c. systems development life cycle d. spiral

customer relationship management

Systems that integrate all customer-related events and transactions

c. duration

Task ________ can be measured in person-days, which are units that represent the work that one person can complete in one day. a. groups b. patterns c. duration d. management

c. patterns

Task ________ determine the order in which tasks are performed. a. groups b. names c. patterns d. IDs


Task or function that an object performs when it receives a message or command

c. statement

Task patterns can be identified by looking carefully at the wording of the task ________ . a. name b. ID c. statement d. summary

work breakdown structure

Tasks in a(n) _______ must be arranged in a logical sequence called a task pattern.

technical feasibility

Technical resources needed to develop, purchase, install, or operate a system

Hardware, software, data, processes, people

The 5 key components of an information system.

b. False

The Critical Path Method (CPM) was developed by the U.S. Navy to manage very complex projects. a. True b. False


The DFD beginning for a data flow


The DFD ending point for a data flow

d. store

The Gane and Sarson symbol for a data ________ is a flat rectangle that is open on the right side and closed on the left side. a. tree b. element c. item d. store

b. False

The Hawthorne Effect is a model that asks traditional fact-finding questions in a systems development context. a. True b. False

c. systems review committee

The IT director usually serves as a technical consultant to ensure that members of the ________ are aware of crucial issues, problems, and opportunities. a. discretionary project b. preliminary investigation c. systems review committee d. business case

c. U.S. Navy

The Program Evaluation Review Technique was developed by the ________ to manage very complex projects. a. U.S. Army b. private sector c. U.S. Navy d. IT industry

a. U.S. Navy

The Program Evaluation Review Technique was developed by the ________ to manage very complex projects. a. U.S. Navy b. IT industry c. U.S. Army d. private sector

d. oval

The UML symbol for a use case is a(n) ________ with a label that describes the action or event. a. square b. diamond c. triangle d. oval

c. stick figure

The UML symbol for an actor is a(n) ________ with a label that identifies the actor's role. a. half circle b. face icon c. stick figure d. arrow

a. True

The Unified Modeling Language is a popular technique for documenting and modeling a system. a. True b. False

a. True

The Unified Modeling Language uses object-oriented design concepts and provides various graphical tools, such as use case diagrams and sequence diagrams. a. True b. False

b. Zachman Framework

The Visible Analyst CASE tool includes a(n) ________ interface that allows users to view a systems project from different perspectives and levels of detail. a. Evernote b. Zachman Framework c. Rapid Economic Justification d. Unified Modeling Language

c. scatter diagram

The XY chart, sometimes called a(n) ________ , is a problem-solving tool. a. Ishikawa diagram b. fishbone diagram c. scatter diagram d. Pareto chart


The ______ section of a typical preliminary investigation report contains the results of the investigation, including a description of the project's scope, constraints, and feasibility.

Visible Analyst

The _______ CASE tool includes a Zachman Framework interface that allows users to view a systems project from different perspectives and levels of detail.

b. recorder

The ________ documents the results of JAD sessions and works with systems analysts to build system models and develop CASE tool documentation. a. user b. recorder c. manager d. JAD project leader

a. case for action

The ________ is a section of the preliminary investigation report that includes a summary of the project results and a specific recommendation. a. case for action b. systems request summary c. mission statement d. business case

d. UML

The ________ is a widely used method of visualizing and documenting an information system. a. BPM b. O-O c. SQL d. UML

d. UML

The ________ is a widely used method of visualizing and documenting an information system. a. ISO b. O-O c. BPM d. UML

a. UML

The ________ is a widely used method of visualizing and documenting an information system. a. UML b. O-O c. SQL d. BPM

d. risk response plan

The ________ is effective if the overall impact of a risk can be reduced by triggering timely and appropriate action. a. quantitative analysis b. qualitative analysis c. risk management plan d. risk response plan

d. interview

The ________ is the primary method of obtaining information during a preliminary investigation. a. survey b. operations observation c. documentation review d. interview

c. interview

The ________ is the primary method of obtaining information during the preliminary investigation. a. survey b. documentation review c. interview d. data analysis

a. waterfall

The ________ model shows sequential SDLC phases, but it is common for several phases to interact during the development process. a. waterfall b. unified c. business process d. requirements

d. business case

The ________ refers to the reasons, or justification, for a proposal. a. case for action b. fishbone diagram c. project scope d. business case

c. business case

The ________ refers to the reasons, or justification, for a proposal. a. fishbone diagram b. project scope c. business case d. case for action

b. UML

The ________ represents an object as a rectangle with the object name at the top, followed by the object's attributes and methods. a. O-O b. UML c. SQL d. BPM

a. Bizagi Modeler

The ________ site offers free BPM software that uses a swimming pool and swim lanes to represent interactive business processes and events. a. Bizagi Modeler b. Visible Analyst c. IBM d. Microsoft


The additional cost and time associated with developing a logical and physical model of a system is one disadvantage of the_______ approach.


The amount of time it will take to complete a task

b. slack

The amount of time that a task can be late without delaying the completion date of an entire project is called ________ time. a. risk b. slack c. worst-case d. creep

c. encapsulation

The black box concept is an example of ________ , which means that all data and methods are self-contained. a. polymorphism b. cardinality c. encapsulation d. inheritance

a. cardinality

The class diagram includes a concept called ________ , which describes how instances of one class relate to instances of another class. a. cardinality b. state transition c. inheritance d. polymorphism

d. eBay

The company that has transformed a traditional auction concept into a popular and successful method of selling goods and services online is ________ . a. Facebook b. Microsoft c. IBM d. eBay

b. critical path

The completion of a project will be delayed if any task on the ________ falls behind schedule. a. risk management plan b. critical path c. work breakdown structure d. testing review

a. True

The default value is the value for a data element if a value otherwise is not entered for it. a. True b. False

a. system requirement document

The deliverable for the systems analysis phase is the ________ , which describes management and user requirements, costs and benefits, and outlines alternative development strategies. a. system requirement document b. process flow document c. system design document d. contingency planning document

a. model

The end product of object-oriented analysis is an object ________ . a. model b. state c. relationship d. class

a. True

The end product of object-oriented analysis is an object model, which represents the information system in terms of objects and object-oriented concepts. a. True b. False

d. TCO

The estimated costs for a new system are referred to as the ________ , which includes ongoing support and maintenance costs, as well as acquisition costs. a. JIT b. EPOD c. CRM d. TCO

c. prepare a report to management

The final task in a preliminary investigation is to ________ . a. complete a survey for management b. select a data sample for management c. prepare a report to management d. complete interviews with management

b. case for action

The final task in the preliminary investigation is to prepare a report to management that includes an evaluation of the systems request, an estimate of costs and benefits, and a ________ , which is a summary of the project request and a specific recommendation. a. project scope b. case for action c. business case d. total cost of ownership

b. False

The first section of a typical preliminary investigation report is the case for action. a. True b. False

system boundary

The first step in creating a use case diagram is to identify the _______, which shows what is included in a system and what is not included in the system.


The first step in evaluating _______ is to identify and weed out systems requests that are not achievable.

d. to identify and weed out systems requests that are not feasible

The first step in evaluating feasibility is ________ . a. to set priorities b. to identify nondiscretionary projects c. to identify discretionary projects d. to identify and weed out systems requests that are not feasible

d. stores

The four basic symbols used in data flow diagrams depict processes, data flows, data ________ , and entities. a. repositories b. dictionaries c. tables d. stores


The four basic symbols used in data flow diagrams represent processes, _______, data flows, and data stores.

d. cutover

The four phases of the RAD model are requirements planning, user design, construction, and ________ . a. document b. productivity c. sampling d. cutover

parent diagram

The higher-level diagram on a DFD that has been exploded

c. 0

The highest-level data flow diagram contains process ________ , which represents the entire information system, but does not show any internal workings. a. 1 b. 2 c. 0 d. 3

c. opportunities

The letters SWOT stand for strengths, weaknesses, ________ , and threats. a. offerings b. options c. opportunities d. objectives

b. False

The letters SWOT stand for strengths, weaknesses, options, and threats. a. True b. False

child diagram

The lower-level diagram on a DFD that has been exploded

b. enterprise computing

The main objective of ________ is to integrate a company's primary functions to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and help managers make key decisions. a. transaction processing b. enterprise computing c. business support d. knowledge management

d. sample

The main objective of a(n) ________ is to ensure that it represents the overall population accurately. a. range-of-response question b. requirements model c. observation d. sample

c. CASE tool

The most effective approach to IT project planning is to use a ________ to define and document the overall environment. a. Microsoft Word table b. text-based method c. CASE tool d. Microsoft Excel spreadsheet

b. structured analysis

The most popular options for developing information systems are agile methods, object-oriented analysis, and ________ . a. modeling b. structured analysis c. network methods d. data flow analysis


The newest development in data acquisition is called ________ technology, which uses high-frequency radio waves to track physical objects. a. TP b. ERP c. RAID d. RFID

d. business

The number of attributes that are needed is dependent upon the ________ requirements of the information system and its users. a. physical b. logical c. activity d. business

c. systems support and security

The objective during the ________ phase is to maximize return on the IT investment. a. systems analysis b. systems implementation c. systems support and security d. systems design

d. site visit

The objective of a(n) ________ is to observe a system in use at another location. a. stratified sample b. systematic sample c. actor d. site visit

a. True

The objective of the systems analysis phase is to understand the proposed project, ensure that it will support business requirements, and build a solid foundation for system development. a. True b. False


The overall diagram of the BPMN is called a _______.

a. dependent

The pattern of tasks for a large project can be broken down into ________ tasks, multiple successor tasks, and multiple predecessor tasks. a. dependent b. milestone c. activity d. critical

a. IT staff members

The people who develop and support an information system are ________ . a. IT staff members b. staff users c. users d. end users

b. sources

The process of determining which entities and data flows to include in a context diagram begins with a review of system requirements and identification of all data ________ and destinations. a. repositories b. sources c. trees d. stores

a. strategic planning

The process of identifying long-term organizational goals, strategies, and resources is referred to as ________ . a. strategic planning b. SWOT analysis c. economic feasibility d. preliminary investigation

d. just-in-time

The purpose of a(n) ________ system is to provide the right products at the right place at the right time. a. RFID b. electronic product code c. electronic data interchange d. just-in-time

a. systems analysis

The purpose of the ________ phase is to build a logical model of the new system. a. systems analysis b. systems design c. systems implementation d. systems support and security

c. systems planning

The purpose of the ________ phase of the SDLC model is to perform a preliminary investigation to evaluate an IT-related business opportunity or model. a. systems design b. systems analysis c. systems planning d. systems implementation

b. Hawthorne study

The purpose of the ________ was to determine how various changes in the work environment would affect employee productivity. a. systematic sample b. Hawthorne study c. Zachman Framework d. Scrum

b. False

The purpose of the systems analysis phase is to perform a preliminary investigation to evaluate an IT-related business opportunity or problem. a. True b. False

a. dictionary

The second component of structured analysis is the data ________ , which includes the details that are contained in a set of DFDs. a. dictionary b. table c. structure d. tree


The set of values permitted for a data element

b. False

The starting point for creating use cases is the review of the information gathered during the methods modeling phase. a. True b. False

systems request

The starting point for most projects is called a(n) _______ , which is a formal way of asking for IT support.

c. inheritance

The strongest relationship is referred to as ________ . a. parent b. cardinality c. inheritance d. object-oriented


The strongest relationship, which enables an object to derive one or more of its attributes from another object, is called _______.

d. rectangle

The symbol for a process is a ________ with rounded corners. a. square b. pentagon c. triangle d. rectangle

d. rectangle

The symbol for a process is a ________ with rounded corners. a. triangle b. square c. pentagon d. rectangle

a. entity

The symbol for a(n) ________ is a rectangle, which may be shaded to make it look three-dimensional. a. entity b. data store c. data flow d. diagram

b. preliminary investigation

The systems analyst conducts a ________ to study the systems request and recommend specific action. a. discretionary project b. preliminary investigation c. business case d. nondiscretionary project

d. network diagram

The term ________ is the Microsoft equivalent to the PERT chart. a. probable-case estimate b. worst-case estimate c. project triangle d. network diagram

a. business case

The term ________ refers to the reasons, or justification, for a proposal. a. business case b. strategic planning c. SWOT analysis d. critical success factor

a. fact-finding

The third step a systems analyst performs during a typical preliminary investigation is ________ . a. fact-finding b. technical feasibility c. strategic planning d. SWOT analysis

c. business-to-consumer

The two main sectors of e-commerce are business-to-business and ________ . a. Web-to-Web b. consumer-to-consumer c. business-to-consumer d. consumer-to-business


The two primary chart types that should be understood before creating work breakdown structures are Gantt charts and ________ charts. a. Microsoft Project b. WBS c. PERT/CPM d. risk management

help desk

The user support function usually is called a service desk or _______.

Application software

This type of software consists of programs that support the day-to-day business functions and provide users with the information they need. Examples include spreadsheets, presentation software, database management, etc.

a. business

To be successful, an information system must satisfy ________ requirements, stay within budget, be completed on time, and be managed effectively. a. business b. user c. project team d. security

b. Microsoft Visio

To create business process modeling notation (BPMN) models, you can use a CASE tool such as Visible Analyst or a multiple purpose application such as ________ . a. Microsoft Access b. Microsoft Visio c. Microsoft Excel d. Microsoft Project


To transform a task list into a(n) _______ chart, you first enter the task name, ID, duration, and predecessors for each task.

functional decomposition diagram (FDD)

Top-down representation of a function or process

context diagram

Top-level view of an information system that shows its boundaries and scope

d. brick-and-mortar

Traditional businesses that conduct business primarily from physical locations are referred to as ________ companies. a. hands-on b. pickup c. consumer-to-business d. brick-and-mortar


Used in program design as a shorthand notation for actual code

project leader

Used interchangeably with the term project manager

rapid application development

User-oriented method resembling a condensed version of entire SDLC

joint application development

User-oriented technique for fact-finding and requirements modeling


Uses a series of increasingly detailed DFDs to describe an information system


Using ________ , a supplier uses RFID tags on each crate, case, or shipping unit to create a digital shipping list. a. EPOD b. EPC c. EDI d. JIT

a. functional decomposition

Using a(n) ________ diagram, an analyst can show business functions and break them down into lower-level functions and processes. a. functional decomposition b. use case c. sequence d. data flow

Systems Analyst

Valued member of IT department who helps plan, develop, and maintain information systems.

B2C (business-to-consumer) B2B (business-to-business)

What are the two main sectors of e-commerce?

Scope creep

What is the term used for making impromptu changes or additions to a project without corresponding increases in the schedule or budget?

c. parent

When a data flow diagram is partitioned, the higher-level diagram is referred to as the ________ diagram. a. context b. control c. parent d. child

d. functional primitives

When a set of DFDs is created, the processing logic is broken down into ________ , which are used by programmers to develop code. a. types b. decision trees c. sources d. functional primitives

d. business requirements

When an information system does not meet ________ , causes might include inadequately defined scope, imprecise targets, and lack of change control procedures. a. budget requirements b. probable-case estimates c. schedule requirements d. business requirements


When assessing _______ feasibility, a systems analyst must consider the interaction between time and costs.

d. dependencies

When constructing a PERT/CPM chart from a task list, the first step is to identify the tasks, determine task ________ , and enter the task name, ID, and duration. a. groups b. risks c. patterns d. dependencies

c. managers

When first introduced, management information systems (MIS) was a category of systems used primarily by ________ . a. maintenance staff b. administrative staff c. managers d. operational personnel

b. problem

When interacting with users, systems analysts should be careful in their use of the word ________ because it has a negative meaning. a. opportunity b. problem c. investigation d. dilemma

b. site visit

When performing research regarding a vendor's software, it could be beneficial to make a(n) ________ to observe the system in use at another location. a. histogram b. site visit c. scrum d. data flow diagram

d. concurrent

When several tasks can start at the same time, each is called a ________ task. a. dependent b. multiple predecessor c. predecessor d. concurrent

cost overrun

When the progress of a project is poorly monitored and responses to early warning signs of problems are slow, the result can be a(n) _______ .

b. Gantt charts

When the project manager provides status reports to management and users, ________ are often included as a means for showing the project's status graphically. a. critical paths b. Gantt charts c. task patterns d. design reviews

C. structured analysis

When using a(n) ________ method, system development is organized into phases, with deliverables and milestones to measure progress. A. object-oriented analysis B. adaptive C. structured analysis D. agile

c. structured analysis

When using a(n) ________ method, system development is organized into phases, with deliverables and milestones to measure progress. a. object-oriented analysis b. adaptive c. structured analysis d. agile

c. diamond

When using control structures to document processing logic, a(n) ________ shape represents a condition or decision. a. triangle b. square c. diamond d. oval

b. rectangle

When you create a use case diagram, the first step is to identify the system boundary, which is represented by a(n) ________ . a. triangle b. rectangle c. square d. oval

unified modeling language (UML)

Widely used method of visualizing and documenting software systems design

Pareto chart

Widely used tool for visualizing issues that need attention

action words

Words that signal a sequence of events

Activity diagrams

_______ are able to display multiple use cases in the form of a grid, where classes are shown as vertical bars and actions appear as horizontal arrows.


_______ consists of basic facts that are the system's raw material.

Application software

_______ consists of programs that support day-to-day business functions and provide users with the information they need.


_______ includes two main sectors: business-to-consumer and business-to-business.


_______ is a free open source program that has a similar look and feel as Microsoft Project.

Structured analysis

_______ is a popular, traditional technique that describes a system in terms of data and the processes that act on the data.


_______ is the concept that a message can give different meanings to different objects.

Presentation graphics

_______ software, such as Microsoft PowerPoint, can be used to create organization charts, which are helpful during a preliminary investigation.

c. Scrum

________ , an agile approach whose name comes from a rugby term, has sessions in which team members play roles. a. Unified modeling b. Swim lanes c. Scrum d. Pool

b. Cardinality

________ , which describes how instances of one class relate to instances of another class, is a concept that is included in a class diagram. a. Polymorphism b. Cardinality c. Encapsulation d. Inheritance

c. Type

________ , which is an attribute that is recorded and described in a data dictionary, refers to whether a data element contains numeric, alphabetic, or character values. a. Iteration b. Selection c. Type d. Alias

d. REJ

________ , which was developed by Microsoft, is a method for measuring total costs and benefits. a. FDD b. BPM c. UML d. REJ

a. Volume

________ and frequency, which are data flow attributes that are included in a data dictionary, describe the expected number of occurrences for the data flow per unit of time. a. Volume b. Record c. Flow d. length

b. Critical success factors

________ are high-priority objectives that must be achieved to fulfill the company's mission. a. Cases for action b. Critical success factors c. Values d. Business cases

a. Systems requests

________ are often aimed at improving service to customers or users within a company. a. Systems requests b. Constraints c. Findings d. Values

c. Systems analysts

________ are often the company's best line of defense against an IT disaster involving a system that is technically sound, but fails because it doesn't meet the needs of users and managers. a. Top managers b. Knowledge workers c. Systems analysts d. Stakeholders

a. Processes

________ are the building blocks of an information system because they represent actual day-to-day business operations. a. Processes b. End users c. Networks d. Stakeholders

a. Tangible benefits

________ can be measured in dollars and result from a decrease in expenses, an increase in revenues, or both. a. Tangible benefits b. Intangible costs c. Intangible benefits d. Tangible costs

c. Biometric devices

________ can identify a person by retina scan or by mapping a facial pattern. a. CASE tools b. Ishikawa diagrams c. Biometric devices d. Encryption

a. CRM

________ components can provide automated responses to sales inquiries, Web-based order processing, and online inventory tracking. a. CRM b. CASE c. EDI d. JIT

b. System software

________ controls the flow of data, provides data security, and manages network operations. a. Data software b. System software c. Application software d. Linear software

d. Scalability

________ determines how a system will handle future growth and demands. a. Sampling b. Observation c. Brainstorming d. Scalability

c. Relationships

________ enable objects to communicate and interact as they perform business functions and transactions required by the system. a. Messages b. Activities c. Relationships d. Methods

a. Relationships

________ enable objects to communicate and interact as they perform business functions and transactions required by the system. a. Relationships b. Activity diagrams c. State transition diagrams d. Use cases

d. Inheritance

________ enables an object, called a child, to derive one or more of its attributes from another object, called a parent. a. Polymorphism b. Cardinality c. Encapsulation d. Inheritance

d. Operational

________ feasibility means that a proposed system will be used effectively after it has been developed. a. Technical b. Schedule c. Economic d. Operational

d. Project management

________ for IT professionals includes planning, scheduling, monitoring and controlling, and reporting on information system development. a. Quantitative risk analysis b. Risk management c. Qualitative risk analysis d. Project management

b. Internal factors

________ include the strategic plan, top managers, user requests, information technology department, and existing systems and data. a. Nondiscretionary projects b. Internal factors c. External factors d. Discretionary projects


________ includes various shapes and symbols to represent events, processes, and workflows. a. BPMN b. RAD c. JAD d. BPM

b. Group

________ interviews can save time and provide an opportunity to observe interaction among the participants. a. Brainstorming b. Group c. Face-to-face d. Range-of-response

c. Microsoft

________ invites prospective customers to view an extensive demo that showcases the features of their Project program, which holds the dominant share of the project management software market. a. Apptivo b. GanttProject c. Microsoft d. Intaver Institute

c. Research

________ is a fact-finding technique that can include the Internet, IT magazines, and books to obtain background information, technical material, and news about industry trends and developments. a. Observation b. Sampling c. Research d. Unstructured brainstorming

b. Iteration

________ is a logical structure that involves the completion of a process step that is repeated until a specific condition changes. a. Selection b. Iteration c. Sequence d. Control

a. Selection

________ is a logical structure that involves the completion of one of two or more process steps based on the results of a test or condition. a. Selection b. Iteration c. Sequence d. Control

a. Microsoft Visio

________ is a popular tool that systems analysts can use to create business process diagrams, flowcharts, and organization charts. a. Microsoft Visio b. CASE c. EDI d. ERP

b. Unstructured brainstorming

________ is a small group discussion of a specific problem, opportunity, or issue, in which each participant can speak at any time. a. closed-ended brainstorming b. Unstructured brainstorming c. Structured brainstorming d. open-ended brainstorming

c. Structured brainstorming

________ is a small group discussion of a specific problem, opportunity, or issue, in which each participant either speaks when it is his or her turn or passes. a. closed-ended brainstorming b. Unstructured brainstorming c. Structured brainstorming d. open-ended brainstorming

d. Terminator

________ is a synonym for DFD entity because it can be a data origin or a final destination. a. Data structure b. Functional primitive c. Control structure d. Terminator

b. Digital delivery

________ is fast, convenient, and can be consumed on everything from mobile phones to large wall-mounted TVs. a. Processing b. Digital delivery c. Express delivery d. Buffering

b. Leveling

________ is the process of drawing a series of increasingly detailed diagrams, until all functional primitives are identified. a. Looping b. Leveling c. Validating d. Balancing

b. Risk management

________ is the process of identifying, analyzing, anticipating, and monitoring risks to minimize their impact on a project. a. Best-case estimation b. Risk management c. Probable-case estimation d. Weighting

d. Balancing

________ maintains consistency among a set of data flow diagrams by ensuring that input and output data flows align properly. a. Looping b. Leveling c. Validating d. Balancing

a. Cost overruns

________ may result from unrealistic estimates that are too optimistic or based on incomplete information. a. Cost overruns b. Slack time c. Weighting d. Project creep

c. Encapsulation

________ means that all data and methods are self-contained. a. Cardinality b. Inheritance c. Encapsulation d. Focus

b. Object

________ modeling is a methodology that combines data and processes into entities that represent actual people, things, transactions, and events. a. Unified b. Object c. Structured analysis d. Requirements

b. Intaver Institute

________ offers an add-on risk management package for Microsoft Project, which includes a color-coded matrix that reflects risk probability and impact. a. GanttProject b. Intaver Institute c. Apptivo d. Final Four Industries

c. Apptivo

________ offers several levels of business applications, including project management, and has a plan that is available free of charge with unlimited duration. a. Microsoft Project b. RiskyProject Professional c. Apptivo d. GanttProject

c. Groupware

________ programs are a type of user productivity system that enables users to share data, collaborate on projects, and work in teams. a. Netware b. Teamware c. Groupware d. Shareware

a. Rapid application development

________ provide(s) a fast-track approach to a full spectrum of systems development tasks, including planning, design, construction, and implementation. a. Rapid application development b. Agile methods c. Joint application development d. Rapid Economic Justification

c. Open-ended

________ questions are useful when attempting to understand a larger process or draw out an interviewee's opinions, attitudes, or suggestions. a. Leading b. Scalability c. Open-ended d. Range-of-response

d. Range-of-response

________ questions ask a person to evaluate something by providing limited answers to specific responses or on a numeric scale. a. Leading b. Scalability c. Open-ended d. Range-of-response

b. Processes

________ refer to logical rules that are applied to transform data into meaningful information. a. Phases b. Processes c. Inputs d. Outputs

a. Processes

________ refer to logical rules that are applied to transform data into meaningful information. a. Processes b. Outputs c. Inputs d. Phases

b. Enterprise computing

________ refers to information systems that support company-wide operations and data management requirements. a. Knowledge management b. Enterprise computing c. Transaction processing d. Business support

c. Information technology

________ refers to the combination of hardware, software, and services that people use to manage, communicate, and share information. a. Practical technology b. Electronic technology c. Information technology d. Systems Technology

d. Information technology

________ refers to the combination of hardware, software, and services that people use to manage, communicate, and share information. a. Systems Technology b. Electronic technology c. Practical technology d. Information technology

c. System

________ requirements serve as benchmarks to measure the overall acceptability of a finished system. a. Output b. Performance c. System d. Security

b. Qualitative

________ risk analysis evaluates each risk by estimating the probability that it will occur and the degree of impact. a. Dependent b. Qualitative c. Quantitative d. Independent

c. Quantitative

________ risk analysis is performed to better understand the actual impact in terms of dollars, time, project scope, or quality. a. Dependent b. Qualitative c. Quantitative d. Independent

c. Microsoft

________ states that in most projects, at least one side of the project triangle is fixed, and you are not likely to change it. a. Apptivo b. GanttProject c. Microsoft d. MIS CourseMate

a. Business support

________ systems can analyze transactional data, generate information needed to manage and control business processes, and provide information that leads to better decision making. a. Business support b. User support c. Network administration d. Application development

b. Business support

________ systems can analyze transactional data, generate information needed to manage and control business processes, and provide information that leads to better decision making. a. User productivity b. Business support c. Business action d. Knowledge management

a. Computer-aided systems engineering

________ tools provide an overall framework for systems development and support a wide variety of design methodologies, including structured analysis and object-oriented analysis. a. Computer-aided systems engineering b. Enterprise resource planning c. Rapid application development d. Joint application development

c. Top management

________ usually initiates large-scale projects because significant resources are required. a. IT management b. Middle management c. Top management d. Operations management

b. Certification

________ verifies that an individual demonstrated a certain level of knowledge and skill on a standardized test. a. Quality control b. Certification c. Technology knowledge d. A college degree

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