Chapter 1

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According to your textbook a properly completed Weekly Action Plan can provide you with: a. A guarantee that you will accomplish everything you need to get done each week b. A script of sorts that you can reference and follow each day c. What you need to know to be able to ask others for help

A script of sorts that you can reference and follow each day

To be an autonomous learner means you can do much of what it takes to be successful in college automatically and with minimal practice and effort. a. True b. False


Which of the following is Step 4 of the five steps of self-management? a. Determine what to manage b. Prioritize the list using the A-B-C method c. Work you 'A's off d. Re-Write the list in priority order

Work you 'A's off

Work your 'A's off really means: a. The phrase is actually a play on words that simply means you should work hard b. Put off your 'A' items until a day when you can focus on them exclusively c. Get the most important items done and work on the others only as time permits d. Do what it takes to complete all of the work needed to earn an 'A' in your college classes

Get the most important items done and work on the others only as time permits

In a properly written goal statement the specific component really means: a. Probable b. Doable c. Possible d. Measurable


A key goal of students in college should be to successfully make the transition from a teacher-directed learner to a what? a. A teacher-appreciated learner b. The president of their fraternity or sorority c. A self-directed learner d. A college graduate

self directed learner

Goals with feedback are much more effective than goals alone. a. True b. False


Maria decided she wanted to lose ten pounds. So she determined that three key things she needed to do to help herself were 1) eat only healthy foods cutting out sugar and foods with high levels of cholesterol, 2) eat less than 1,200 calories each day, and 3) exercise for at least thirty minutes five times each week. While her KPI could be her targeted new, lower weight, these three specific behaviors could serve as her PPIs. a. True b. False


One of the common characteristics of a self-regulated learner is operating from a growth mindset. This means that they believe their ability to learn is not fixed. a. True b. False


Two-year old Susie was making a mess of her Mom's make-up and other toiletries scattered out on her bathroom counter. So Mom scolded Susie, picked her up, and put her in her crib. Susie never messed with Mom's make-up or toiletries again. This supports the operant conditioning maxim: a. Behavior is driven by innate desire and prevailing conditions b. No two-year old wants to be put in her crib c. Behavior is a function of its antecedent not of its consequence d. Behavior is a function of its consequence not its antecedent

Behavior is a function of its consequence not its antecedent

Which of the following is not one of the five steps of the A-B-C method of self-management? a. Determine what to manage b. Prioritize the list c. Keep your daily schedule in your head d. Work you 'A's off

Keep your daily schedule in your head

Self-regulation can best be defined as which of the following? a. Regulating your emotions and your emotional intelligence when with others b. Regulating and motivating your behavior while managing your internal states, impulses, available resources and emotions c. Regulating the events and activities of your day to stay in control and stress-free d. Regulating your schedule so that you attend all classes and complete all assignments e. Regulating your physiological processes to achieve and maintain homeostasis

Regulating and motivating your behavior while managing your internal states, impulses, available resources and emotions

According to your text, there is no such thing as time management. Since no one can actually manage time, it suggests that what most of us think of as time management is really which of the following? a. Autonomous living b. Independent goal-setting c. A race against the clock d. Self-management e. Self-regulation


According to your textbook others can only inspire you. They cannot motivate you...only you can motivate yourself. True or False


Which of the following is not one of the four strategies included in your textbook? a. Determine your personal discrepancy gap b. Identify internal and external motivators c. Establish your personal performance indicators d. Use Hippocratic Dialogue to help you identify why what you're doing is important to you

Use Hippocratic Dialogue to help you identify why what you're doing is important to you

Roger has decided that for his self-change effort he wants to quit smoking. He understands the difference between key performance indicators (KPIs) and personal performance indicators (PPIs) and created a written list of each. Which of the following are Roger's PPIs? a. Chew a piece of gum each time he craves a cigarette b. An article about the decreasing percentage of smokers in the United States c. Throw away any and all forms of tobacco he has in his apartment d. a and c above e. All of the above are PPIs

a and c above

A goal is conceivable when you can think it up in your mind but it is not necessary to be able to "see" it happening, to visualize it actually taking place. a. True b. False


According to your textbook, written goals carry what kind of commitment to achieve them? a. Psychological b. Psychometric c. Psychosocial d. Psychomotor


One of the common characteristics of self-directed learners is that they possess good information literacy. This means they: a. They know how to find and use scholarly information b. They know how to use the resources in the library both on campus and online c. They know to ask a reference librarian for help when needed d. They don't ask reference librarians for help because they are information literate e. a and b above f. a, b, and c above

a, b, and c above

A long-term goal is any goal that can be achieved in one to five years. a. True b. False


According to your textbook intermediate goals are those that last from six months to one year and long term goals are those that last for longer than one year. a. True b. False


According to your textbook it is not a good idea to list your PPIs in writing with target dates for the completion of each one. a. True b. False


Adele is using an action plan to help her achieve her goals. In it she must include the activities she needs to do to achieve her goals but it is not necessary for her to also include target dates by when she plans to complete each activity. a. True b. False


PPIs represent the actual activities you will do and the behaviors you will engage in to support you as you achieve your goals, but they are typically not necessary. a. True b. False


Using a Weekly Action Plan can help you stay focused on what needs to be done each day but it shouldn't be considered a tool for self-monitoring your behavior. a. True b. False


When changing a behavior it is not necessary to have a specific plan or strategy because you will know what you want to change and just need to work on it every day. a. True b. False


When following the seven steps to change a behavior it is not really necessary to reflect on your results because by then you were either successful or you were not. a. True b. False


When managing yourself relative to the constraints of time it is not necessary to defend your schedule against interruptions because since you've already prioritized your to-do list into the 'A', 'B', and 'C' items you'll get everything done if you just "Work your A's off!" a. True b. False


When managing yourself within the constructs and constrains of time it is not important to first determine what it is you have to do or manage each day. a. True b. False


When you re-write your list of things to do after you have assigned an 'A' 'B' or 'C' to each one it doesn't really matter in what order you list them. a. True b. False


You want to buy a new car. You've found the perfect one for you, the model, the color, the interior, everything is perfect. The problem is that you don't have the money, at least not now, but you started a new job last month and you are earning enough money to save up for it. Assuming it is October right now and you've determined that you will have the amount you need to buy the car in ten months. Which of the following written goal statements is best? a. "By August of 20xx I will purchase my new car" b. "By the end of next summer I will buy my new car" c. "By August 30, 20xx I will buy the new car I have picked out" d. "By the end of August of next year I am buying my new car"

"By August 30, 20xx I will buy the new car I have picked out"

Raul made the conscious decision one day to develop the habit of flossing his teeth after every meal. According to what your textbook tells you about forming a habit versus developing a new lifestyle, it should take Raul about how long to achieve his goal? a. 2 weeks b. 1 year c. 14 days d. 21 days e. 8 weeks

21 days

According to your textbook there are how many specific steps required to successfully change a behavior? a. 7 b. 5 c. 9 d. 3


The primary difference between a KPI and a PPI is: a. A KPI only applies to lifelong change while a PPI is specific to short-term change b. A KPI applies to an organization while a PPI applies to an individual c. A KPI can be clearly defined but a PPI is more subjective and vague d. A KPI is readily achievable while accomplishing a PPI may nor may not be realistic e. None of the above is correct Hide Feedback

A KPI applies to an organization while a PPI applies to an individual

Anne was tired of being taken for granted by her boyfriends. She realized it was a recurring pattern and that she was enabling them to treat her with such disrespect so she decided she wanted to change. As she embarks on her mission of self-change which of the following is not one of the five key necessary components for self-change discussed in your textbook? a. Acknowledge the need or desire to change b. Establish clearly defined, measurable goals c. Employ a specific plan or strategy d. Monitor performance e. Evaluate results f. All of the above are key components of self-change

All of the above are key components of self-change

To assure a goal is really a goal and not just a hope or intention, we must test it. The four criteria used to test a goal include: a. Believable, conceivable, achievable, and psychological b. Conceivable, believable, perceivable, and measurable c. Conceivable, believable, achievable, and measurable d. Perceivable, believable, achievable, and measurable

Conceivable, believable, achievable, and measurable

Using the Wave the Magic Wand method described in your textbook stated succinctly really involves which of the following? a. Hoping for the best while expecting and being prepared for the worst b. Determining your personal discrepancy gap c. Hoping for things as they are now to change d. Making a wish for something e. Dreaming of something you want

Determining your personal discrepancy gap

Which of the following statements is most accurate regarding 'B' and 'C' items? a. Do the 'B' items that you know will be 'A' items tomorrow if you don't do them today b. Do as many of the 'B' and 'C' items you want to do but make sure you complete all 'A' items each day and don't worryabout anything else c. Don't do any of them because none of them are important d. Do only the 'B' items and forget about the 'C' items because they are a waste of time

Do as many of the 'B' and 'C' items you want to do but make sure you complete all 'A' items each day and don't worryabout anything else

Your employer wants you to complete your college degree and knows that you will achieve that one course at a time. So, your boss offers you a $50.00 bonus for every time you earn an 'A' as your final course grade. What type of motivation is that? Interval Internal Extrinsic Scheduled Intrinstic


Rifat has made the decision to go to Yale instead of Harvard as his Father did before him. He believes it is there that he can maximize the benefits he personally derives from his college education. Though his Father has offered to pay for his education at Harvard, he has decided to attend Yale instead. Rifat's decision is most likely driven by: Internal motiviation the need to get a job no motivation External motivation

Internal Motivation

When re-writing your list of items to do each day in priority order you should: a. List all 'A' items first, followed by the 'B' items, and then the 'C' items should be listed b. List all 'A' items first, followed by the 'B' items, but there is no need to list the 'C' items since they are not very important and don't have to be completed the same day c. List all 'A' items only because they are the ones that must be completed the same day d. None of the above is correct

List all 'A' items first, followed by the 'B' items, and then the 'C' items should be listed

Which of the following best defines the term self-management? a. Managing one's thoughts and emotions to get along well with others b. Managing one's self and behaviors within the constructs and constraints of time c. Managing one's impulses to control one's behavior as needed in a variety of settings d. The correct answer is not listed here

Managing one's self and behaviors within the constructs and constraints of time

If you stated to your friends that you love being an artist and that your ultimate goal is to be the Picasso of your generation, you would be using: a. Comparison b. Analogy c. Imaginative thought d. Metaphoric modeling

Metaphoric modeling

James plans to study tonight from 6-8pm and just received a text from a friend telling him to meet him and the rest of his group at a local restaurant for dinner at 7pm. Were he to defend his schedule against interruptions he would likely text back and state: a. "Sounds great! I'll be there!" b. "R U kidding??? Order me a Moscow Mule...I'm on my way!" c. "Must study until 8pm. Can come after that...will that work?" d. "Can't make it tonight...must study."

Must study until 8pm. Can come after that...will that work?"

Regarding short-term, intermediate, and long-term goals, intermediate goals are those that one plans to achieve in what length of time? a. One year to five years b. Longer than five years c. Ten years or more d. One day to one year

One year to five years

When we talk to ourselves with personal expectations regarding our goals and strategies to achieve them, we are engaged in what kind of thinking? a. Self-reverent b. Self-improvement c. Self-referent d. Self-motivating


Which of the following is not one of the five key components of self-directed behavioral change? a. Establish clearly defined, measurable goals b. Self-referent thinking c. Monitor performance d. Evaluate results e. Employ a plan with a strong sense of self-efficacy

Self-referent thinking

Regarding setting goals, your textbook suggests five general facts about goal-setting, one of which is that you should not try to achieve more than: a. three at a time b. enough to keep you motivated and working hard c. two at a time d. a manageable number

a manageable number

When setting goals an obstacle is: a. Something that can happen to de-rail or impede your progress b. Something you plan to do if things don't go as you plan c. Something your friends, classmates, and/or co-workers offer to do to help you d. The correct answer is not listed here

Something that can happen to de-rail or impede your progress

Regarding the likelihood of a behavior being repeated again in the future typically is driven more by the consequence of the behavior than the antecedent. Which of the following best describes what is meant by the word antecedent? a. That which comes during a behavior b. That which comes after a behavior c. That which goes against a behavior d. That which comes before a behavior

That which comes before a behavior

Which of the following best defines a personal discrepancy gap? a. The difference between where you are now versus where you ultimately want to be b. The difference between where your peers are now versus where you are c. The difference between how much money you have now versus how much you'll have one year from now d. The difference between where you are at the beginning of a semester versus where you are at the end of that semester

The difference between where you are now versus where you ultimately want to be

In the A-B-C method of Self-Management the 'A' items are: a. Those items that can become 'B' or 'C' items if it helps us manage time better b. Those items that absolutely must be done today c. Those items that are important but don't need to be done today d. Those items that are very important and need to be done today or tomorrow at the latest

Those items that absolutely must be done today

One of the primary purposes of this course is to help students transform from a teacher-directed learner to a self-directed one. True or False


Personal performance indicators are behaviors that can be counted and/or measured. True or False


Being autonomous or practicing autonomy means which of the following? a. Being self-governing. It also means to have or feel a sense of liberty, sovereignty, and independence b. Being self-sufficient with a healthy degree of self-efficacy c. Being automatic and mechanistic while studying and taking classes d. a and b above

a and b above

According to statistics given in your textbook, while 67% of college freshmen intend to earn a Bachelor's degree only approximately 25% of them actually do. The primary reason(s) for this is/are: a. They quit to take a full time job b. They didn't realize it would take so long to complete a degree c. They lacked an adequate sense of autonomy d. They didn't like the major they had picked e. a and c above

a and c above

Defending your schedule against interruptions means: a. Don't allow other people or tasks to keep you from doing what you have scheduled to do. b. Fight anyone who bothers you while you are studying c. Schedule your tasks as actual bookings, just like if you were required to be at work or in class or at a meeting d. a and c above

a and c above

Sarah has many dreams and just as many goals. But she is challenged to translate her academic goals into behaviors that will support her success. If you were giving Sarah advice, what would you recommend? a. Write out your goal statements and then create an action plan to achieve them b. Find another student with similar academic goals and work with them to help hold yourself accountable for your own behaviors c. Formulate your goals as actions or behaviors that are specifically countable and measureable such as increasing certain behaviors, decreasing others that don't support success, and implement new behaviors directed at helping you improve d. Consult with an academic advisor to get their opinion before you do anything else. e. a and c above

a and c above

Personal Performance Indicators (PPIs) are: a. Behaviors that can be counted specifically and measured as a means of self-monitoring b. Private thoughts each of us have that help us indicate for ourselves what we want to do or accomplish in our lives c. The things we personally do best and therefore lead to improved performance

a. Behaviors that can be counted specifically and measured as a means of self-monitoring

Which of the following descriptive words can be used synonymously with the term self-regulation? a. Autonomy b. Accountability c. Self-monitoring d. All of the above

all of the above

College students with the appropriate amount of grit believe: a. Failing at something just means giving it up and applying grit to something else b. They shouldn't worry about how much self-efficacy they possess since none will be needed in college anyway c. They should continue to persevere no matter what d. Failure is not a permanent condition e. c and d above

e. c and d above

When rewarding yourself along the way toward achieving a goal, remember to make the rewards: a. personal and realistic b. meaningful and personal c. like the ones everyone else uses d. inexpensive since there will likely be a lot of them

personal and realistic

A goal that doesn't meet all four of the key criteria used to test a goal is not really a goal but only a wish or intention or dream. a. True b. False


A student who regularly schedules their time to attend classes and study outside of class, and who proactively seeks out their professors to find the answers to the questions they have is demonstrated self-directed learning. a. True b. False


According to your textbook, when analyzing much of human behavior, it can be said that behavior is a function of its consequence, not its antecedent. a. True b. False


Any reward(s) you might give yourself as you achieve each of the key accomplishments related to a given goal must always come after you've completed each activity successfully. a. True b. False


Building in a reward and penalty system can help you stay on track by motivating you to do what needs to be done to achieve your goals. a. True b. False


In order to successfully make a change in your behavior it is important that you first recognize that you have a need or desire to change. a. True b. False


Jamal is nineteen years old and his next birthday is in six months. He has set a goal to stop smoking before he turns twenty. His goal can likely meet all four criteria for what makes a goal and pass the test to be considered a legitimate goal. a. True b. False


One way to defend your schedule against interruptions is to act as though whatever you scheduled to do is a requirement like having a meeting at work or attending a class on the appropriate day and at the appropriate time. a. True b. False


One way to help reduce your stress when you begin to feel overwhelmed is to use step one of the A-B-C method of self-management and just make a list of everything needing to be done before you begin to work on accomplishing your daily tasks. a. True b. False


Self-directed learners believe failure is not a permanent condition, persist in their efforts to learn, and use challenges and discomfort as motivation to change and grow. a. True b. False


Self-monitoring behaviour means to track your personal behaviors to help you evaluate what you are doing well and what you need to improve. a. True b. False


Studies have shown that people practicing goal setting as a lifestyle tend to accomplish far more than those who don't. The study also indicated that most people (87%) don't practice much goal-setting at all. a. True b. False


The difference between a DG and PDG is whether the task or goal belongs specifically to the individual or to an organization. a. True b. False


The phrase, "Work your 'A's off" actually means that you should make sure that no matter what else you do each day you must complete all of the tasks you've identified as 'A' items on your list. a. True b. False


The tool most effective at helping you stay on track and get things done is the weekly monitoring tracking form. a. True b. False


What the human mind can conceive and believe, it can also perceive and achieve. a. True b. False


While a habit can be formed in as little as twenty-one days, to create and maintain a true lifestyle change it takes about eight weeks. a. True b. False


While the phrase "It's raining cats and dogs" really means it is raining very hard, "I plan to be the Beethoven of my music class" is an example of metaphoric modeling. a. True b. False


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