Chapter 1

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

In what sense is biology more complex than physical science?

Biology is more complex than physical science, for it involves matter that is alive.


Builds on physics by telling us how matter is put together, how atoms combine to form molecules, and how the molecules combine to make the materials around us.


Consequences that can be observed if the hypothesis is correct. The consequences should be absent if the hypothesis is not correct.

Evidence & Scientific Ideas

Hypotheses, laws, theories: must be testable & falsifiable. New evidence=modification of scientific ideas


The life sciences and physical sciences and the ways in which they overlap.

Why do we believe that focusing on math too early is a mistake in an introductory science course?

We believe that focusing on math too early, especially on math-based problem solving, is a poor substitute for learning the concepts. That's why the emphasis in this book is on building concepts. Only when concepts are understood does solving problems make sense.

In the sixteenth century, Galileo and the English philosopher Francis Bacon were the first to formalize a particular method for doing science.

What they outlined has come to be known as the classic scientific method. This method is essentially as follows:


When we apply physics, chemistry, and geology to other planets and to the stars.


• Based on Facts • Based on Theory • Based on Law

Galileo 1564-1642

• Experimented to test ideas • Refuted Aristotle's ideas on motion


• Explain Facts • Explain Law

The Importance of Repetition

• Improves confidence in data collection & methods • Demonstrates validity

Aristotle 384-322 BCE

• Many observations • Classification/summarizing of knowledge • Logic/reasoning to answer questions


• Support Law • Support Theory


• Support Theory

Science vs. Technology

• Technology is applied science • Technology can enhance science and science can lead to new technology

life sciences branch

molecular biology, microbiology, and ecology


motion, force, energy, matter, heat, sound, light, and the components of atoms

Observe closely

observe the physical world around you.

physical sciences

physics, chemistry, the earth sciences, and astronomy


A Brief History of Advances in Science


A general hypothesis or statement about the relationship of natural quantities that has been tested over and over again and has not been contradicted. Also known as a principle.


A phenomenon about which competent observers can agree.


A synthesis of a large body of information that encompasses well-tested hypotheses about certain aspects of the natural world.


A test that excludes the variable being investigated in a scientific experiment.


A theory or practice that is considered to be without scientific foundation but purports to use the methods of science.


An educated guess or a reasonable explanation. When the hypothesis can be tested by experiment, it qualifies as a scientific hypothesis.

Scientific method

An orderly method for gaining, organizing, and applying new knowledge.

Physics and chemistry

Applied to Earth and its processes, make up earth science—geology, meteorology, and oceanography.

Is any hypothesis that is not scientific necessarily unreasonable? Explain.

Consider another hypothesis, "The alignment of planets in the sky determines the best time for making decisions." " Many people believe it, but this hypothesis is not scientific. It cannot be proven wrong, nor can it be proven right. It is speculation.

Test preditions

Do experiments to see if the consequences you predicted are present.


Facts, Theories, and Laws

Science and society

For a claim to qualify as "scientific" it must meet certain standards. For example, the claim must be reproducible by others who have no stake in whether the claim is true or false. Social environment where it's okay to have made an honest mistake, but not okay to have been dishonest or deceiving.

Principle of falsifiability

For a hypothesis to be considered scientific it must be testable—it must, in principle, be capable of being proven wrong.

Science and religion have similarities also.

For example, both are motivated by curiosity about the natural world. Both have great impact on society. Science, for example, leads to useful technological innovations, while religion provides a foothold for many social services.

Science and religion can work very well together.

For example, what scientists have discovered, however, is that light waves and light particles complement each other, and that, when these two ideas are taken together, they provide a deeper understanding of light.

Draw a conclusion

Formulate the simplest general rule that organizes the hypothesis, predicted effects, and experimental findings.

How did Galileo disprove Aristotle's idea that heavy objects fall faster than light objects?

He experimented. Galileo showed the falseness of Aristotle's claim with a single experiment—dropping heavy and light objects from the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Legend tells us that they fell at equal speeds.

How does the definition of the word theory differ in science versus everyday life?

In everyday speech, a theory is the same as a hypothesis—a statement that hasn't been tested. But scientifically speaking, a theory is a synthesis of facts and well-tested hypotheses.

Specifically, what do we mean when we say that a scientific hypothesis must be testable?

Information can be drawn up to develop an analysis to prove a hypothesis is wrong.


Integrated Science

hypothesis-driven science

Involves constructing a specific, testable explanation for a phenomenon based on a set of observations.

Discovery science

Is the process of describing nature without any preconceived expectations.

Science Limitations

Its domain is therefore restricted to the observable natural world.


Make an educated guess—a hypothesis—to answer the question.


Mathematics and Conceptual Integrated Science

What launched the era of modern science in the sixteenth century?

Modern science began in the sixteenth century, when the Italian physicist Galileo Galilei revived the Copernican view. Galileo Galilei used experiments, rather than speculation, to study nature's behavior.


Not philosophical discussion, decides what is correct in science.

In what sense does chemistry underlie physics?

Physics and chemistry, applied to Earth and its processes, make up earth science—geology, meteorology, and oceanography. So physics is basic to both physical science and life science.

Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus

Quietly published a book proposing that the Sun is stationary and Earth revolves around it. These ideas conflicted with the powerful institution of the Church and were banned for 200 years.

How are science, art, and religion like strings on a guitar?

Rather, they run parallel to each other like strings on a guitar, each resonating at its own frequency. When played together, the chord they produce can be a chord of profound richness.


Recognize a question or a problem.


Science Has Limitations


Science broadens our understanding of our environment. Science comes from the Latin word knowledge or learning.

Why do religious questions such as "What is the nature of the human spirit?" lie outside of the domain of science?

Science is a system by which we discover and record physical phenomena and think about possible explanations for such phenomena.

Science and technology are also different from each other.

Science is concerned with gathering knowledge and organizing it. Technology lets humans use that knowledge for practical purposes, and it provides the instruments scientists need to conduct their investigations.

Science and religion, however, are basically different.

Science is concerned with understanding the physical universe, whereas religion is concerned with spiritual matters, such as belief and faith. Scientific truth is a matter of public scrutiny; religion is a deeply personal matter.


Science, Art, and Religion

Your friend says scientific theories cannot be believed because they are always changing. What can you say to counter this argument?

Scientific theories are based upon constant data until something changes in the data collected.

The inverse proportion

Some quantities are related to one another so that as one increases, the other decreases. a ~1/ b

Scientific Theories

Synthesis of facts and well-tested hypotheses about certain aspects of the natural world; supported by a massive body of evidence.


Technology—The Practical Use of Science


The Natural Sciences: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Earth Science, and Astronomy


The Scientific Experiment


The Scientific Hypothesis


The Scientific Method-A Classic Tool

Science and the arts have certain things in common.

The arts describe these experiences and suggest what may be possible for us. Similarly, a knowledge of science tells us what is possible in nature. Scientific knowledge helps us to predict possibilities in nature even before they have been experienced.


The collective findings of humans about nature, and a process of gathering and organizing knowledge about nature.


The means of solving practical problems by applying the findings of science.

The direct proportion

The more you study for this course, the better you'll do. a ~ b

Natural philosophy

The study of unanswered questions about nature.

What is meant by the term supernatural, and why does science not deal with it?

The term supernatural literally means "above nature." Science works within nature, not above it.

Which of the following activities involves the utmost human expression of passion, talent, and intelligence?

There is science in everything you see, hear, smell, taste, and touch!

Why study integrated science?

This gives you a foundation for more specialized study in the future and a framework for understanding science in everyday life and in the news, from the greenhouse effect to tsunamis to genetic engineering.

knowledge filter

To tell the difference between what is true and what only pretends to be true. The best knowledge filter ever invented for explaining the physical world is science.


While art broadens our understanding of ourselves.

The study of science today branches into the study of living things and nonliving things

the life sciences and the physical sciences

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