Chapter 1 Health Defined

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Adaptive Model

Individual's ability to adjust positively to social, mental, and physiological changed in their health

Health promotion efforts are directed at maintaining or improving health at

Individual, family, and community levels

Health Ecology recognizes the

Interconnection between people and their physical and social environments


Not considering change

after 1960's health care evolved to

Person centered care

by 2050s

- the majority of US citizens will not be white European decent -Age distribution will change& affect health promotion practice (baby boomers)

Healthy people 2020 areas of focus

-Adolescent health -Blood disorders and blood safety -Early& mid childhood -Genomics -Healthcare -Gay's -sleep health -ect

Early Diagnosis and prompt treatment

-Case finding measures: individual and mass screening surveys -Selective examinations to: cure and prevent disease process prevent spread of communicable disease prevent complications and sequelae shorten period of disability

Secondary Prevention

-Early diagnosis and prompt treatment - Disability limitations

Primary prevention level

-Health Education -Good nutrition -Attention to personal development -good living areas -marriage counseling/sex ed -genetic screening -periodic examinations

Primary/ specific protection

-Immunizations -personal hygiene -nutrients

Disability limitations

-adequate treatment to arrest disease process and prevent further complications and sequelae -provision of facilities to limit disability and prevent death

Challenges to health promotion

-resistance to change -health care professional must be knowledgeable -most health care is focused on responding to acute and chronic disease -community participation -funding/resources

Healthy people 2020 4 overachieving goals

1. Attain high quality, longer lives free of preventable disease, disability, injury, and premature death 2. Achieve high equity, eliminate disparities, and improve the health of all groups 3. Create social and physical environments that promote good health for all 4. Promote quality of life, healthy development, and healthy behaviors across all life stages

Healthy people 2010 Introduced 2 goals

1. Increase quality and years of healthy life 2. Eliminate health disparities

3 broad goals healthy people 2020

1. Increase the span of healthy life 2. Reduce health disparities 3. Create access to preventative services for all

Dr. Margret Newman Defines health in nursing literature as divided into 2 paradigms

1. Movement towards end of continuum includes adaption to disability and disease through various levels of functional ability. 2. Health as a perspective development phenomena of unity patterning of the person's environment.

2 types of health promotion strategies

1. Passive 2. Active

3 levels of prevention -written by

1. Primary 2. Secondary 3. Tertiary - Leavell and Clark

Health Is defined as

1. a state of physical, mental, spiritual and social functioning that realizes a person's potential and is experienced within a developmental context

How long should adults work out a week?

175 minutes of moderate intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous

Clinical Model

Absence of illness by observable signs and symptoms of disease. -these people only seek help generally when they are very ill

Roles of a nurse

Advocate, Care manager, consultant, deliverer of services, educator, healer, researcher

American Cancer Society Reports This raise of men die from

African American men die from prostate cancer more than any other racial or ethnic group. -2.4 X higher than white men

Role performance model

Defines health by one's ability to perform their social roles. (societal expectations) - This is used for physical exams and physical excused absence.

Eudaimonistic model

Defines optimal health as exuberant well- being. Emphasis on the interactions among physical, social, psychological and spiritual aspects of life and the environment that contribute to goal attainment and creates meaning of one's life.

Tertiary prevention

Restoration and rehabilitation

Health is the responsibility of...

The individuals but also required collective action by society and environment one lives in

Passive health promotion

The person does not want to take a role in finding out what needs to happen in their health

O'Donnell defines health promotion as

The science and are of helping people change their lifestyle to move toward a state of optimal health

Main concept of Newman paradigms

The state of an individual's health is an outcome of ongoing patterns between the individual and the environment through their lifespan

WHO Defines Health as

the state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity.

Healthy people 2020 looks at

Factors in society that influence health and the options available to improve or maintain health


Failure of a person's adaptive mechanisms to counteract stimuli and stresses adequately, resulting in functional or structural disturbance


Aware but not considering change soon


Composed of subjective experience of the individual and the physical manifestations of disease

Active health promotion

Someone works with the doctor to get their health taken care of

What age group has experienced the greatest change in how health care is defined?

Those born before 1940

Stages of change by Prochaska are best incorporated into what model?

Transtheoretical model

High level wellness concepts include a sense of

Well being and quality of life

Restoration and rehabilitation

provision of hospital and community facilities for retraining and education to maximize se of remaining capacities

1970's emphasized on

quality of life and one's perception of their health


reverted to old behavior


continue commitment to behavior (long term)

Benefits to health promotion

decrease in morality/ morbidity and an improvement in the quality of life

Qualitative Studies

describe phenomena or define the historical nature, cultural relevance or philosophical bases of aspects of nursing care.

Quantitative Studies

describe situations, correlate different variables related to care or test causal relationships between variables related to care. They may be incorporated into screening and treatment standards.

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

enacted to begin process of paying for health promotion by providing insurance coverage and covering preventative health services.


has begun to make behavioral change


planing to act soon

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