Chapter 1: What is Statistics?
Randomized Block Design
Individuals are matched based on a specific variable. The subjects are them put into blocks of the same size as the number of treatments and then each block is assigned to different treatment groups randomly
The user just flops and splashes around to no effect at all...
a collection of organized info that represents a certain phenomenon of interest
a numerical measure that describes the outlined characteristic of the population such as central tendencies, spread and shape.
a numerical measure that yields an estimate of a population parameter. A numerical measure that uses data from the sample to estimate the outlined characteristic of the population.
a statistical measure is "this" if the computed value changes readily even if a single observed data value is different.
a statistical measure is (this) if the decision is not strongly dependent on the assumptions
any condition set forth that is applied to the individual or subject in an effort to determine differences among a variety of treatments as compared to each other or a control group
any means by which info is gathered or measured, such as an exam, survey, or other rulers, barometers, thermometers, etc
Experiment Design
art of planning and executing experiments designed to gather info from the population,N, in such a way as to ensure the samples,n, are representative of the population, N
characteristic farthest removed from the ordinary
Population data
complete collection of info from all of the individuals or subjects of interest in a given study
data within a distribution of data but outside the overall pattern of the graph; extreme values that can distort the interpretation of data by creating misleading statistics
degree of accuracy to which a study reflects the specific concept or characteristic that the analyst or researcher is attempting to measure
Internal Validity
degree to which one can draw valid conclusions about the causal effect between variables
External Validity
degree to which one can extend the finding that are relevant to subjects and settings outside those included in the experimental design
denoted by (n), is a partial collection of info for only some of the individuals or subjects of interest in a given study opposed to a census(N)
describes the symmetry or lack thereof; a measure of the relationship between various measures that indicate the form or silhouette of the distribution
Observational Study
designed to observe without interference from the observer in that every effort is made not to sway the subject response or lead a subject in their response
distinct characteristic of an individual to be observed and or measured; can be qualitative or quantitative
Simple Random Sample
each individual has an equal likely chance of being selected, all groups of size n have an equally likely chance
Random Error
error in observed data due to nothing more than chance
Statistically Significant
event is this if its occurrence is unlikely to happen by chance
Systematic Sampling
every kth individual or item is measured
Explanatory Variable
extraneous variables that have been measured, but are not the primary variable of interest; they are used to understand the behavior of the response variable (independent)
group of individuals stratified based on similar characteristics and given treatment
Cluster Sampling
groups are based on pre-existing groups that is arbitrary to the individual and not based on any characteristic of the individual
Confounding Variable
have been easured and are significantly contributing variables; however their independent contributions to the subject response are indistinguishable and are not deemed significantly contributing in the larger model
Blind Experiment
individual subjects do not know the treatments they receive; researchers do
Stratified Sampling
individuals are first grouped by specific characteristics such as gender and then samples are taken from each group or strata
Block Design
individuals are grouped into categories or blocks and then test blocks are treated as experimental units
Convenience Sampling
individuals are selected based upon ease of access. Such sampling techs are prone to bias
involves any standard of comparison, estimation, or judgment; property of an individual given a numerical value; a quantity, a count, a rate...
Inferential Statistics
involves methods of analyzing and interpreting descriptive statistics to draw conclusions regarding a particular characteristic in the population with a certain degree of assurance based on a preset level of significance and specified assumptions
Control Group
is a group created for the sake of comparison. This group can be one of the treatment groups or a group given a placebo
list of all the values recorded in a sample; that is, the observed outcomes and their frequency
Ordinal Measure
measure a characteristic of an individual by the rank order of the entities measured or implied.
measure of association between a response variable and an explanatory variable; measures the strength and direction of a simple linear relationship
measure of how frequently a value occurs relative to the total number of observations
measure of how the data differ from a fixed value, such as central tendency
Continuous Measure
measure such that the set of possible observed outcomes are infinite and uncountable.
Discrete Measure
measure such that the set of possible observed outcomes are separate, distinct, and finite such as a count
measure that indicates how the data values are distributed, a measure of the dispersion or variability within a group of values
Interval Measure
measures a characteristic of an individual where differences between measures have meaning; that is the distance between two adjacent units is the same but there is not a meaningful zero point
measures the degree of dispersion within a given data set
Descriptive Statistics
methods of organizing and summarizing info and presenting it numerically or visually
Multistage Sampling
more than one sampling tech is employed in the gathering of info
Double Blind Experiment
neither the subjects nor the researchers are aware of who received what treatment
number of occurrences for a given event
Placebo Effect
occurs when a subject receives a false treatment or no treatment, but incorrectly believes he or she is in fact receiving treatment and responds favorably
Sample Size
of a sample is the number of the observations that constitute the sample. Where as the size of population is denoted by N, the size of sample is denoted by n.
of size (N), is a group of individual persons, objects, or items that tone wishes to better understand and certain characteristics about and from which samples are taken for statistical measurement.
Nominal Measure
one that measures a characteristic of an individual by name only
Ratio Measure
one that measures a characteristic of an individual where not only do differences between measures have meaning, but ratios also have meaning
people, places or things included in a study and for which info is gathered. In medical research studies, individuals are referred to as subjects in the study
Scientific Method
pose a question, perform background research, construct a hypothesis, test the hypothesis experimentally, analyze the data and draw a conclusion
Relative Frequency
ratio between frequency and total number of observations
refers to the accuracy and precision of the actual measuring instruments or procedure. Small random error
Degree of Confidence
represents the proportion of times the statistical methodology used captures the true state of nature
Random Sample
sample of size n taken from a population of size N in such a way that each individual observed has an equally likely chance of being selected
science of gather, organizing, analyzing and interpreting numerical and categorical data
shape in which each outcome is equally likely
Skewed Left
shape in which mean<median
Skewed Right
shape in which mean>median
Bell Shaped
shape in which mode=mean=median
shape in which there is an axis about which the images are congruent
statistical procedure use dot estimate the relationship among variables specifically between the primary variable of interest and all other variables
Experimental Study
study designed to be observed with interference from the observer in that specific treatments are applied to the individuals, in an effort to measure difference in the subject response
Prospective Study (longitudinal)
study in which data is gathered over an extended period of time
Cross sectional Study
study of a single point in time
Retrospective Study
study using historical (past) data
survey of every individual in the population; info becomes population data
Sample Survey
survey of only some of the individuals in the population. The info gathered is called sample data.
the consistent deviation of the statistic to one side of the parameter
the imitation of a natural process using general characteristics or behaviors in an effort to mimic or model the natural system.
the method that we follow to obtain data/info
Response Variable
the primary variable of interest; that is, the objective in the given study (dependent)
Hypothesis Testing
the use of a statistical method in arguing for or against a hypothesized value based on observed info and using this info to make a decision regarding a n initial hypothesis and an alternate hypothesis
Lurking Variable
unknown variables that have not been measured; however the do contribute to the response variable and are not included as an explanatory variable
Qualitative Variable
variable that describes the individual by placing it into a category or a group
Quantitative Variable
variable that describes the individual by taking on a real value or numerical measure of data
within a distribution, this is a specific value within the domain of the data such as: extremes, central tendencies or quartiles