chapter 10-12 too many terms!

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What kinds of scenarios do managers use to tap into their intuition?

"What if"s

develop relationships with individuals within the organization that have influence

. According the Kanter's perspective on power, the key to overcoming powerlessness in organizations is to:

time power

. An individual who seems to always have a full calendar and is frequently going to meetings displays _____, according to Korda.


. As a management trainee, you are assigned to a mentor and gain considerable insight into the nature of management and how to behave in different managerial situations. The relationship you have with the mentor is based on _____ power.

distributive justice

. Granting a day of vacation to one employee in a busy week when coworkers must struggle to cover for them would be considered unethical under which of the following criterions?

utilitarian principle

. If a salesperson significantly discounted the price of a product in order to make a sale that would win a contest, the salesperson would be most likely to breach which of the following ethical principles?

no discretion

. If an employee has problem identification decision-making authority over job content and job context, the position on the employee empowerment grid is best reflected by:


. Research has shown that four tactics are used most frequently regardless of the target of the influence attempt. Which of the following is NOT one of the four tactics used most frequently?

political skill

. Research suggests that the one factor that enables people to use ingratiation effectively is:

psychological intimacy and integrated involvement

. The two sets of social benefits available to team or group members includes:

bounded rationality

. Which decision-making model is the most realistic in portraying the managerial decision process?

Explain just enough to pacify employees sufficiently so they won't ask questions.

. Which of the following is NOT a positive power-oriented characteristic according to McClelland?

5 techniques to improve group decision making

1. Appointing a "Devil's Advocate' 2. Dialectical Inquiry 3. Brainstorming 4. Nominal Group Technique 5 .Delphi Technique

Effective organization-wide communication drives superior performance for what 4 reasons?

1. Employees feel connected to the business and understand teir roles 2. New employees connect more quickly to the company culture 3. Communication quickly connects employees to changing business challenges 4. Management connects with employees during organizational change

What are the 6 individual sources of power

1. Legitimate 2. Reward 3. Coercive 4. Referent 5. Expert 6. Information

What are the 3 models of decision making

1. Rational Model of Decision Making 2. Bounded Rationality Model of Decision Making 3. Intuitive Decision Making Models

What 3 conditions must be in place for Expert Power to work?

1. Target must trust the expertise given is accurate 2. Knowledge involved must be relevant and useful to the target 3. Target's perception of the agent as an expert is crucial

Name the 3 decision making models

1. Therational model of decision making 2. The bounded rationality of decision making 3. The intuitive decision-making model

The Vroom Decision Making Tree describes five different forms of managerial decision making

1. decide 2. consult individually 3. consult group 4. facilitate 5. delegate

What are the seven situational factors of Victor Vroom's Decision Making Tree?

1. decision significance 2. importance of commitment 3. leader experience 4. likelihood of commitment 5. group support for objectives 6. group expertise 7. team competence

8 symptoms of groupthink

1. illusions of invulnerability 2. illusions of group morality 3. illusions of unamity 4. rationalization 5. stereotyping the enemy 6. self-censorship 7. peer pressure 8. mind guards *These symptoms are often evident in student project teams*

Why does group polarization occur?

1. individuals believe they hold better views that other members. when they see that they are not, they shift to more extreme positions 2. group discussion reinforces the initial views of the members, so they take a more extreme approach

Describe the NGT steps

1. individuals silently list their ideas 2. ideas are written on a chart one at a time until all ideas are listed 3. discussion permitted, but only to clarify ideas. no criticism allowed 4. written vote taken

What are the 4 assumptions of the bounded rationality model

1. managers select the first alternative that is satisfactory 2. managers recognize that their conception of the world is simple 3. managers are comfortable making decisions without determining all the alternatives 4. managers make decisions by rule of thumb or heuristics

The advantages of Team Decision Making

1. more knowledge and information through the pooling of group member resources 2. increased acceptance of, and commitment to, the decision because the members had a voice in it 3. greater understanding of the decision bc members were involved in the various stages of the decision process 4 synergy

rational decision making model has what 4 assumptions.

1. outcome will be completely rational 2. decision maker has a consistent system of preferences, which is used to choose the best alternative 3. decision maker is aware of all the possible alternatives 4. decision maker can calculate the probability of success for each alternative

Disadvantages of group decision making

1. pressure within the group to conform and fit in; groupthink 2. domination of the group by one forceful member or a dominant clique 3. the amount of time required, bc a group makes more decisions more slowly than an individual 4. group polarization

8 steps of the rational decision making process

1. recognize the problem and the need for discussion 2. identify objective of the decision 3. gather and evaluate data and diagnose situation 4. list and evaluate alternatives 5. select the best course of action 6. implement the decision 7. gather feedback 8. follow up

The rules of brainstorming

1. stress quantity over quality 2 suspend judgment 3. do not set limits 4. forget about seniority

What are the 4 organizational conditions that enable individuals and subunits to gain power

1. the degree to which one controls critical resources (Control of Critical Resources Including Information or Activities) 2. the degree to which one can reduce uncertainty (Ability to Help the Organization Cope with Uncertainty) 3. the degree to which one's role is central or important to the organization's success (Centrality) 4. the degree to which one is difficult to replace or non-substitutable (Non-Substitutability)

a devil's advocate who challenges the thinking of the CEO and other top executives

A "wild turkey" in the top management team is:

comes up with initiatives

A beneficial team environment is one where an individual does the following:

What is a learning map?

A communication tool that uses pictures and other visuals to deliver key messages in a consistent manner, while engaging employees

dialectical inquiry

A debate between two opposing sets of recommendations.


A good group decision approach when an objective is to maximize the number of alternatives is:

employees may be in conflict over preferred solution

A group approach to decision making tends to be appropriate when:

is usually a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common goal for which they are mutually accountable

A group is a collection of two or more persons with common interests or objectives, whereas a work team:

McClelland has found that the best managers are those who have:

A high need for social power and a low need for affiliation

Almost 40% of new managers fail within the first 18 months on the job because of

A lack of human skills

What does the term "rationality" mean?

A logical, step by step approach to decision making with a thorough analysis of alternatives and their consequences

formal evaluation of member contributions

A method for countering social loafing includes:

Authentic Leadership

A multidimensional construct that includes transformational, charismatic, or transactional leadership as the situation might demand is known as:


A positive force that occurs in groups when group members stimulate new solutions to problems through the process of mutual influence and encouragement within the group.

The LPC scale is:

A projective technique that evaluates the person a leader has least preferred to work with

quality circle

A small group of employees who work voluntarily on company time, typically one hour per week, to address work-related problems such as quality control, cost reduction, production planning and techniques, and even product design.

the nominal group

A structured approach to decision making that focuses on generating alternatives silently, prevents criticism of alternatives, and uses a voting process to identify group choices is:

nominal group technique (NGT)

A structured approach to group decision making that focuses on generating alternatives and choosing one.

self-managed team

A team that makes decisions that were once reserved for managers.

Define bounded rationality

A theory that suggests that there are limits to how rational a decision maker can actually be

In the 4th and 5th steps of the Rational Model of Decision Making, what kind of analysis should be conducted

A thorough "What if" analysis

upper echelon

A top-level executive team in an organization.

information power

Access to and control over important information.

the favorableness of their situation

According to Fiedler, the effectiveness of leaders is dependent on:

office furnishings, time power, and standing by

According to Michael Korda's view on power which emphasizes symbols of power, which of the following are the three unusual symbols used to explain power differences between individuals?

production-oriented style

According to the Michigan studies on leadership, a work environment characterized by constant influence attempts on the part of the leader through closer supervision or written rules and regulations is likely the result of:

interpersonal, task, and authority issues

According to the group development model discussed in the text, a group addresses which of the following issues?

strategic contingencies

Activities that other groups depend on in order to complete their tasks.

The path-goal theory assumes that leaders:

Adapt their behavior and style to fit the characteristics of the followers and the environment in which they work.

An ineffective technique for dealing with conflict where a delaying action is used to buy time is referred to as:

Administrative orbiting

Work-home conflicts are typically first encountered during which phase of the career stage?



All of the following are characteristics of a nonprogrammed decision situation except:

According to the strategic contingency perspective, which one of the following factors is NOT a primary factor used to explain differences in power between departments?

Amount of formal authority given departments

task function

An activity directly related to the effective completion of a team's work.

maintenance function

An activity essential to effective, satisfying interpersonal relationships within a team or group.

re-examine the preferred solution even if consensus has been reached

An approach to minimize groupthink is to:

meets the desired objective

An effective decision is timely, acceptable to the individuals affected by it, and:

shared leadership

An effective team exhibits:

referent power

An elusive power that is based on interpersonal attraction.

information communication technology (ICT)

An extensive category of new developments in interpersonal communication that allow fast, even immediate, access to information.


An important element of the bounded rationality model is:


An important role in the performance of cross-functional teams is:

it is seldom a positive force

An incorrect assumption about the use of intuition in making decisions is that:

An example of an internal force for change is

An increased grievance rate

eliminate office walls and cubicles

An organization could increase creativity by doing which of the following?

close supervision

An organization should do or provide all of the following except _____ if it wants to encourage employee creativity.

Kotter suggests that leadership and management:

Are two distinct, yet complementary systems of action in organizations


As a management trainee, you are assigned to a mentor and gain considerable insight into the nature of management and how to behave in different managerial situations. The relationship you have with the mentor is based on _____ power.

gatekeeping communication

As a member of a quality circle, you frequently check with other members to make sure all are focused on the same problem and that everyone has opportunities to contribute. You are performing the group maintenance function of:

The legitimacy inherent in one's job is _____, whereas the ability to influence someone else is____.

Authority, Power

Regarding behavioural oerspectives, which leadership style is most effective?

Balanced leadership (task-and-people oriented leadership)

An assumption that drives Holland's theory is that people choose occupations

Based on matches with their own personality

The interdisciplinary approach to job design emphasizing the person's interaction with physical aspects of the work environment and concern with physical exertion is the

Biological approach

employees abide with strict requirements and considerable daily pressure to meet schedules and quotas

Blake and Mouton's Leadership Grid identifies "authority-compliance" management with the folowing charcteristics:

Job enlargement was developed to overcome the problem of

Boredom of overspecialized work

Which decision making model more realistically portrays the managerial decision process?

Bounded rationality

Give an exampleof a non-programmed decision

Buying out another company

An approach to building competencies by moving laterally through different departments or different projects is

Career lattice

Fiedler recommends that managers, in order to be effective, should:

Carefully assess and diagnose the situation

reflective listening

Carefully listening to a message and immediately repeating it back to the speaker.

Which of the following is NOT an external force that can stimulate the need for change?

Changes in employee's expectations

The most pronounced consequence of laissez-faire leadership tends to be:

Chaos in the work environment

"A personal trait that gives a leader referent power over followers"


A personal trait that gives a leader referent power over followers


Seeking the aid of others to persuade you to do something is using the influence tactic of...?


As a supervisor, you will most likely exercise what type of power in an employee disciplinary situation?


Which form of power is effective against negative actions of employees


"Do it or else"

Coercive Power

Power based on a person's ability to cause an unpleasant experience

Coercive Power

Threatening to put a Uni student on probation if a certain GPA is not met

Coercive Power

"My supervisor can fire me if I neglect my duties" or "My supervisor can make thinks unpleasant here"

Coercive power

Which forms of power tend to increase employee perceptions of stress?

Coervice and legitimate power

Two departments in a university are engaged in a conflict because one had its budget cut. This is an example of conflict based on:

Common resources

What is downward communication?

Communication that flows from one level of a group or organization to a lower level

what is upward communication?

Communication that flows to a higher level in the group or organization

What are the best interpersonal communications and the best relationships based on?


"The manger presents the problems to the group members in a meeting, gets their inputs and then makes the decision" describes what decision making model in the Vroom Decision Making Tree

Consult group

Occupational excellence means

Continually honing skills that can be marketed across organizations

"A person or unit with access to or control over important information"

Control of Critical Resources including Information and Activities

What organizational condition is more of a predictor of subunit power than centrality or non-substitutability

Coping with Uncertainty

Blake and Mouton's Leadership Grid identifies the country club manager as someone who...?

Creates a pleasing, happy work environment and applies minimal supervision

Blake and Mouton's Leadership Grid identifies the country club manager as someone who:

Creates a pleasing, happy work environment and applies minimal supervision

Most changes that encourage employees to become more ethical are targeted at


"A conscious process of making choices among one or more alternatives and developing a commitment to a course of action"

Decision making

Self-management or the highest level of empowerment represents:

Decision-making control over job content and job context

Using global language is more likely to create what in the other person?


"The manager permits the group to make the decision within the prescribed limits, providing needed resources and encouragement" describes what decision making model in the Vroom Decision Making Tree


A structured approach to decision making which gathers the judgments of experts

Delphi Technique


Dependence on guidance and direction is the defining characteristic in what stage of group development?

You say "our relationship is deteriorating" rather than "you are insensitive" is an example of which attribute of supportive communication?

Descriptive rather than evaluative

Job enrichment is based on

Designing or redesigning a job by incorporating motivational factors into it

The process of subdividing and departmentalizing an organization is ___ whereas, _____ is the process of linking jobs and departments into a cohesive whole

Differentiation, integration

To use power ethically a manager should examine the behavior by asking three questions regarding criterion outcomes:

Distributive justice, utilitarian, and individual rights

The introduction of US business practices into a foreign company is referred to as

Economic imperialism

"A timely decision that meets a desired objective and is accepted by the individuals affected by it"

Effective decision

The power not only to control emotions but also to perceive them is termed:

Emotional Intelligence

What are the 5 upward communication strategies?

Employee surveys, suggestion boxes, hotlines, meetings and town halls and Multi-source (360 degree) feedback

All of the following are autocratic leader characteristics except:


What are communication champions?

Employes who take on communication responsibilities in addition to their regular responsibilities

The harnessing of organizational members to their work roles is known as


The change and acquisition stage of organizational socialization occurs during the ___ career stage



Estimates show that managers spend what percent of their time dealing with conflict?

Acting in ways that are consistent with one's personal values and the commonly help values of the organization and society

Ethical Behaviour

"A decision that is made after exploring alternatives and their consequences so that actions are consistent withone's personal values and commonly held values of the organization and society"

Ethical decision

Research has shown that four tactics are used most frequently regardless of the target of the influence attempt. Which of the following is NOT one of the four tactics used most frequently?


According to Frederick Taylor, the role of the worker is to

Execute the task

The impoverished manager is one who:

Exerts just enough effort to avoid being fired

As a student, you are developing ____ power


"Do it because you value my expertise on the matter"

Expert Power

"My supervisor has considerable professional experience to draw from in helping me do my work" or "My supervisor can provide me with needed technical knowledge"

Expert Power

Ellen is an automobile mechanic who can repair the newest type of cars. As a result she has several job offers from excellent employers. What kind of power does Ellen have?

Expert Power

Power based on a person's specialized knowledge or skills that another person needs

Expert Power

The power base of the future will likely be:

Expert Power

This power has been called the power of the future

Expert Power

Which form of power has the strongest relationship with performance and satisfaction

Expert Power

It is easier to encourage employee empowerment when the organization highly values ___ and ___ power.

Expert; referent

Discrete exchange means

Explicit exchange of specified rewards in return for task performance

Which medium has the highest information richness?

Face-to-face discussion

Which medium has the lowest data capacity?

Face-to-face discussion

"The manager presents the problem to the group in a meeting and acts as a facilitator, defining the problem and the boundaries that surround the decision, The manager's ideas are not give more weight than any other group member's ideas. The objective is to get concurrence" describes what decision making model in the Vroom Decision Making Tree


If a manager thinks he/she has the right to influence his/her employees then the manager's LEGITIMATE power will influence. T or F

False- the employees must believe that the manager has the right to tell them what to do


Fiedler's "Contingency Theory of Leadership" proposed that if you found yourself managing a situation where you had good relationships with employees, the task you had been assigned was well-structured, and you were also able to exercise strong position power; then in such a situation your leadership behavior and management style should be:

A defense mechanism in which an individual continues dysfunctional behavior that will clearly not solve a conflict is known as


Trait theories of leadership attempt to:

Focus on leaders physical attributes, personality, and abilities

All of the following are part of globalizing an organization except:

Focusing on behavior rather than attitudes


Followers who tend to be passive but capable of independent and critical thinking are:

five to seven years

For successful chief executive officers, their peak performance years are usually after:

Which medium has the highest data capacity?

Formal numeric report

Which medium has the lowest medium richness?

Formal numeric report

What are grievance processes?

Formal upward communication processes in unionized organizations

personal power

Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich tried to sell President Barack Obama's Senate seat for money. It was also reported he attempted to trade the seat for money, ambassadorships, and even a $150,000 salary for his wife. This is an example of the use of:

According to Tuckman's model, dependence on guidance and direction is the defining characteristic in what stage of group development?


According to Michael Korda's view on power which emphasizes symbols of power, which of the following are the three unusual symbols used to explain power differences between individuals?

Furnishings, time power, and standing by

Why is the Delphi Technique valuable

Generates a number of independent judgments without the requirement of a face to face meeting and without possible undue influence by dominant team members

Who suggested there are limits of how rational a decision maker can actually be

Herbett Simon- he came up with the Bounded Rationality Model of Decision Making

What encourages groupthink

High ranking teams that make decisions without outside help, bc they are more likely to think alike Time constraints & Having to make a decision that will have a great impact on the group members and on outside parties Anxiety associated with a decision

When does a group have high centrality

If a group's functioning is central- important to the organization's success

falls outside his zone of indifference

If a manager asks an employee to purchase a gift for his wife, the employee would think this request:

What is the only way reward power will work

If the person values the reward being offered (valence) and perceives high performance-reward probability

coalition building

If your boss exhibits a participatory style of managing, an appropriate influence tactic for you is:

Outside change agents may be preferred by employees because they are viewed as


not been extensively researched

In contrast to leadership, the topic of followership has:


In research on styles of conflict management, the _____ style was least effective.


In the Hersey-Blanchard leadership model, the leadership style most appropriate with very mature followers is:

a follower's ability and willingness to accept responsibility for completing work

In the Hershey-Blanchard situational leadership model, maturity is determined by:


In the consideration of whether the right or the left part of the brain should be utilized in decision making, the ideal situation is to be:

The organization rewards sought from using all four of the empowerment dimensions discussed in your text include:

Increased effectiveness, less stress, and higher job satisfaction

A price adjustment in gasoline by an oil company in response to an excise tax increase is a/an ___ change


Within the interdisciplinary approach to job design, the motivational approach is grounded in

Industrial psychology

If a person can affect the thoughts, behavior, and feelings of another person, she has:


What do employees with referent power become?

Informal leaders and can gain a high degree of influence at work without having the title

"Do it because you want access to the information I have"

Information Power

Access to and control over important information

Information Power

As a market research analyst, Aisha sees economic data before anyone else in the organization. As a result, the president and vice-presidents of the organization seek Aisha's input on key decisions. What best describes Aisha's source of power?

Information Power

What is a critical negative byproduct of electronic communication?

Information overload and unlimited access to employees 24/7

Transformational leaders:

Inspire and stimulate followers to high performance levels

opportunity for influence

Integrated involvement as a social benefit of group or team membership includes:

The process of connecting jobs and departments into a coordinated, cohesive whole is known as


Conflict that occurs between two or more organizations is considered

Interorganizational conflict

When a child gets sick at school, the parent often must leave work to care for the child. This would be an example of

Interrole conflict


Intuition would be a major part of the input for a manager making what kind of decision?

Why is a person more likely to listen to you when you use the more specific statement rather than global?

It avoids extremes and absolutes

How do you get expert power (similar to referent power)

It is earned

Example: If no unit can plan a business trip without getting approval from the accounting unit, accounting becomes power enabled as a result of what?

It's centrality

What is one negative aspect of email?

It's impersonal nature

Empowerment can be thought about as being related to which two job dimensions?

Job content and job context

Job rotation and cross training are variations of

Job enlargement

The problem of overspecialization has been addressed by

Job enlargement

A pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from appraisal of one's job or job experiences reflects:

Job satisfaction

The basic building blocks of an organization are

Jobs - task and authority relationships

ability to exercise power and do things for others, particularly persons in need

Kanter's focus on power is in terms of one's:

blending microfinance and social networking

Kiva is representative of "people empowering people" by:

a person's relative standing in a group based on prestige and having other people defer to him or her

Korda's symbols of power focus on status or:

are two distinct, yet complementary systems of action in organizations

Kotter suggests that leadership and management:

What is global language?

Language that is general, extreme, absolute or vague

What is the basic idea behind leader-member exchange theory?

Leaders form two groups of followers (in groups and out groups)

The basic idea behind leader-member exchange theory is:

Leaders form two groups of followers (in-groups and out-groups)

"Do it because I'm the boss"

Legitimate Power

Power based on position and mutual agreement that the power holder has the right to influence another person

Legitimate Power

Which of the following is NOT an issue that is important to the advancement stage of the career stage model?

Life satisfaction

communicative disease

Loneliness and social isolation resulting from the absence of heartfelt communication in relationships.


Long lasting and difficult conflicts between individuals usually stem from differences in:

When the organization changes its mission, culture, goals, strategy, and structure it has

Made a transformational change

The key situation variable of the Hersey-Blanchard leadership model is:

Maturity level of employees

If Information Power is not only held by people with legitimate power, where else can it be found?

May also flow upward from subordinates to managers, as well as laterally to peers and co-workers

a high need for social power and a low need for affiliation

McClelland has found that the best managers are those who have:

Which of the following set of dimensions comprise the essence of empowerment?

Meaning, competence, self-determination, and impact

Lower job satisfaction, motivation, and higher absenteeism will be negative outcomes that should be anticipated with which one of the following interdisciplinary approaches to job design?

Mechanistic approach

All of the following are important components or approaches to the interdisciplinary approach to job design

Mechanistic approach - mechanical engineering Motivational approach - Industrial psychology Biological approach - biology Perceptual motor approach - experimental psychology

defensive communication

Messages that are aggressive, malevolent, passive, or withdrawn.

nondefensive communication

Messages that are assertive, direct, and powerful.

Change leaders within organizations tend to be all of the following except:

Middle aged, between the ages of 35-45

A relatively new source of work-home conflict is

Need for eldercare

When a person continually responds with pessimism to attempts at solving a problem, he/she is displaying:


"A new, complex decision that requires a creative solution"

Non-programmed decision

Example: If only one person in an organization has the expertise to start up a system after a shutdown, everyone becomes dependent on that person, who them becomes power-enabled through his/her degree of what?


The extent to which a group performs a function that is indispensable to an organization and for which there is no alternative provider


loss of individuality

One of the contributing factors to the violent and aggressive acts that led to the riot that destroyed Los Angeles following the Rodney King verdict in the early 1990's included:

What is the only way that reward power can lead to better performance

Only as long as the employee sees a clear and strong link between performance and rewards

OPCG stands for

Organizational Power Conversion Grid

What is the most widely accepted contingency theory of leadership?

Path-goal theory

there is a loss of individuality

People may engage in immoral acts or even violent behavior as committed members of their group when:

If negative feedback is not given properly, what can happen?

People often get defensive

Two machine operators disagree over the cause of an equipment breakdown. This conflict is based on differences in:


The Job Characteristics Model is a/an

Person-job fit approach to job design and employee job placement

The conflict that develops when a role behavior clashes with individual values is called



Person-role conflicts typically stem from differences in _____ between the focal person and the organization or work group.

McClelland's two faces of power include

Personal and social

Maslow's hierarchy of needs model begins with ___ needs and ends with ___ needs.

Physiological, self-actualization

Actions not officially sanctioned by an organization that are taken to influence others in order to meet one's personal goals are called..?

Political behaviour

The ability to get things done through positive interpersonal relationships outside the formal organization is known as:

Political skill

Situational favorableness using Fiedler's model consists of which three dimensions?

Position power, leader-member relations, and task structure

reward power

Power based on an agent's ability to control rewards that a target wants.

coercive power

Power that is based on an agent's ability to cause an unpleasant experience for a target.

legitimate power

Power that is based on position and mutual agreement; agent and target agree that the agent has the right to influence the target.

personal power

Power used for personal gain.

social power

Power used to create motivation or to accomplish group goals.

If a person uses frequent checking and persistent reminders to influence the other person, he or she is which influence tactic?


When an outside consultant provides assistance to executives concerning their interpersonal skills, conflict resolution styles, decisions approaches, and leadership styles, ___ is being used

Process consultation

"A simple, routine matter for which a manager has an established decision rule"

Programmed Decision

Evidence indicates that the influence tactic which has the most positive effect on supervisors' assessments of promot-abiltiy is:

Rational persuasion

Evidence indicates that the influence tactic which has the most positive effect on supervisors' assessments ofpromotability is...?

Rational persuasion

A way of avoiding inherent conflicts between the individual and organization regarding job choice is

Realistic job preview

Which of the following is an incorrect match of Holland's personality types and occupations? baseball player

they arrive at better decisions than racially similar groups

Recent research examining the effects of cultural diversity on decision making has found that when individuals in a group are racially dissimilar:

As a management trainee, you are assigned to a mentor and gain considerable insight into the nature of management and how to behave in different managerial situations. The relationship you have with the mentor is based on ____ power.


Charismatic leadership rests greatly with ___ power


French and Raven identified sources of power including expert, coercive, reward, adn legitimate. What other source was identified?


"Do it because you respect, like or identify with me"

Referent Power

An elusive power based on interpersonal attraction

Referent Power

"My supervisor makes me feel personally accepted"

Referent power

Which form of power is a strong predictor of employees' satisfaction and is more effective than other power bases influence employee behaviour?

Referent power

Moses Znaimer, former president of CHUM, was known for relying on one type of power, through which people wanted to be associated with him. Jay Switzer, the current president who knows the radio industry inside and out, influences others based on another type of power. What are these powers?

Referent; expert


Research on influence tactics indicates that _____ tactics are least used.

Negative moods result in better performance

Research on the impact of moods on tasks that involve considerable cognitive demands suggests:

responding to a problem that is presented to you by others because it is part of your job

Responsive creativity is:

"Do it because there is something in it for you"

Reward Power

Power based on a person's ability to control the rewards that another person wants

Reward Power

Middle managers frequently are caught in a power squeeze. This conflict takes the form of

Role conflict

Psychological contracting can be modified, improved, and clarified through

Role negotiation

According to the career research of Edgar Schein, career anchors are

Self-assessed talents, motives, and values that guide career decisions

decision-making control over job content and job context

Self-management or the highest level of empowerment represents:

social decision schemes

Simple rules used to determine final group decisions.

Enlarging a job is most closely associated with which of the following core job characteristics

Skill variety

Corporate allegiance meant

Social relationships within corporate boundaries being actively encouraged

In Lewin's force field analysis technique, the status quo can be viewed as a/an

State of equilibrium

Which step in the rational model of decision making is the most difficult and important?

Step 1 Recognizing the problem (and the need for discussion)

At which stage can there be an information overload in the rational model of decision making

Step 3 Gathering and evaluating data and diagnosing the situation


Step one of the Z model corresponds to the _____ cognitive style.

What is multi srouce (360 degree) feedback?

Structured feedback received from supervisor, subordinates, peers and customers and is an effective and popular strategy for upward communication and performance management.

intrarole conflict

Suppose a manager receives counseling from her department head that she needs to socialize less with the nonmanagement employees. She also is told by her project manager that she needs to be a better team member, and that she can accomplish this by socializing more with the other nonmanagement team members. This is an example of:

While downsizing can increase shareholder value by better aligning costs and revenues, the effective organizations are the ones that excel at

Systematic innovation

You use "I" statements rather than "we" or "they". For example, instead of saying "The group feels you are not contributing" you would say "It makes me angry when you remain silient at our meetings" is an example of which attribute of supportive communication?

Taking responsibility for (owning) one's communication, you own yourstatements and feelings about someone else's actions

What is "owning communication"?

Taking responsibility for one's statements and acknowledging that the source of the ideas isoneself andnot the other person or group

consensus testing

Task functions relate to a group's efforts to complete an assignment. These functions include all of the following except:

As a supervisor, you find yourself in a situation where you have good relationships with employees, the task is structured, and you have and can exercise strong position power. Your leadership behavior and style should be:


the knowledge and talent of workers are dispersed across members and require integration

Teams are appropriate where:

a projective technique that evaluates the person a leader has least preferred to work with

The LPC scale

when to have employees participate in the decision-making process

The Vroom-Yetton-Jago normative decision model helps leaders and managers know:

According to Levinson's life stages and career stages, middle adulthood is best associated with

The advancement/maintenance stage

What is media richness?

The amount and variety of information a communication medium can carry

What is data capacity?

The amount of information that can be transmitted effectively at one time

the tendency to compete

The behavioral tendencies associated with an equal versus equal power relationship is:


The cognitive style that exhibits a preference for data and a detailed, objective approach to decision making is:

cognitive style

The combination of a perceiving style and judging style that an individual prefers for gathering information and evaluating alternatives is known as:

provides data and necessary information for problem solutions

The contributor role in a team is usually occupied by someone who:

mission defining

The critical factor that increases empowerment in relation to the critical job dimensions is:

internal competition

The development of group cohesiveness is negatively influenced by:

The path-goal theory of leader effectiveness by Robert House is based on:

The expectancy theory of motivation.

social loafing

The failure of a group member to contribute personal time, effort, thoughts, or other resources to the group.


The first step in the Z problem solving model, which is to examine facts and detail, uses which of the following to gather information about the problem?

The transformational leader's focus is directed toward the organization while the servant leader's focus is on...?

The followers

impact analysis

The fourth step in the Z model of problem solving is:

A shortcoming of work simplification is that

The human capacity for thought and creativity

In determining appropriate leader behaviour and style, contingency theories of leadership focus strongly on...?

The importance and characteristics of the situation

problem recognition

The initial step in a problem solving, decision situation is:

authority; power

The legitimacy inherent in one's job is _____, whereas the ability to influence someone else is _____.

Herbert Simon

The model of bounded rationality was first proposed by:

punctuated equilibrium

The notion that groups alternate between periods of inertia and bursts of energy as they develop is most consistent with:

What is key to the idea of information power

The person's focal position in the communication networks of the organization, both formal and informal

expert power

The power that exists when an agent has specialized knowledge or skills that the target needs.

EI is defined as:

The power to control one's emotions and perceive emotions in others

As a manager, your ability to diagnose conflict as good or bad is contingent upon your looking at all of the following except:

The presence of groupthink

Zone of indiference

The range in which attempts to influence a person will be perceived as legitimate and will be acted on without a great deal of thought.

zone of indifference

The range in which attempts to influence a person will be perceived as legitimate and will be acted on without a great deal of thought.

that the decision maker can calculate the probability of success for alternatives

The rational model of decision making assumes:

managers make judgments based on hunches

The research by Henry Mintzberg regarding intuition and managerial roles suggests that:

status structure

The set of authority and task relations among a group's members.

status structure

The set of authority and task relations among group members is known as:

group polarization

The social comparison approach and persuasive arguments view have both been used to explain:


The stage of creativity where one engages in other activities while the mind considers the problem is:


The study of an individual's perception and use of space.


The study of body movement and posture.

low concern of relationships and strong initiating structure

The telling style of leadership in the Hersey-Blanchard leadership model entails:

Lewin's model proposes that successful change efforts require

The three-stage process must be completed

follower characteristics and task characteristics

The variables used to determine the most appropriate leader behavior in House's path-goal theory are:

why has the rational decision model been called into question

There are time constraints and limits to human knowledge and information processing capabilities. Manager's preferences often change. This model is a good starting point but does not reflect the true complexities and imperfections involved in managerial decision making

When people with an external locus of control perform well,

They are likely to attribute their performance to luck or the fact that the task was easy

How is the problem of the lack of important nonverbal cues in email being overcome?

Through the use of videoconferencing technology, which allows for face-to-face cmmunication

An individual who seems to always have a full calendar and is frequently going to meetings displays ___, according to Korda.

Time Power

Scientific management includes all of the following elements:

Time and motion studies Differential piece-rate systems of pay Scientific selection of workers

make sure their tasks fit their methods of interacting

To avoid dysfunctional conflicts in virtual teams, a manager should:

the distributive justice criterion, the utilitarian criterion, the individual rights criterion

To be considered ethical, power related behavior must meet:

the individual rights criterion, the distributive justice criterion, the utilitarian criterion.

To be considered ethical, power related behavior must meet:

What is the goal of being descriptive rather than evaluative?

To discuss the problem and find a solution that satisfies both parties

The best attitude toward change in the new work environment is

To think of organizational change not as a disruption to your work, but instead as the central focus of your work

A major difference between trait and behavioral theories of leadership is:

Trait theories emphasize personality & ability attributes versus actions and abilities

negotiate with the parties

Two of your employees are having a disagreement over the scheduling of a production run. An appropriate way to resolve this conflict is:

managers are comfortable making decisions without identifying all options

Under the bounded rationality model of problem solving and decision making:

The textbook suggested that there were three ways a manager can use influence tactics well or in a positive manner. Which of the following is NOT one of the key ways to positively use influence?

Use job-related tactics

Instead of saying "You are always late" you would tend to say "You have been late for the last three meetings" is an example of which attribute of supportive communication?

Using specific, not global, language

Wht is congruent communication?

What is communicated, verbally and nonverbally, matches exactly what the individual is thinking and feeling, It means communicating what is intended.

interrole conflict

When a child gets sick at school, the parent often must leave work to care for the child. This would be an example of:

their nonsubstitutability

When a firm is preparing for bankruptcy, the accountants as a group may become unduly powerful because of:

How does a subunit or individual hold power?

When a subunit of individual controls an important resource, which another person of group desires

defining moment

When an intrapersonal conflict forces us to choose between right and right, the situation is called a:

men and women will view the political behavior more positively

When both men and women witness political behavior and the agent is of their gender and the target is of the opposite gender, evidence suggests:

do not closely supervise and allow employee initiative and decision making

When comparing autocratic leadership style to democratic leadership style, democratic leaders:

Situational characteristics are not important because the leader's style does not vary over different situations.

When considering the type of leadership style exhibited according to the behavioral theories, which of the following is most accurate?

be individualistic; collectivism

When contrasting American and Japanese business cultures, Americans tend to _____, whereas the Japanese prefer _____.


When two departments are in conflict but are also facing a common threat, the _____ style of conflict management is most appropriate.


Which base of power has the strongest relationship with performance and satisfaction?

internal locus of control, cognitive dissonance, and illusion of control

Which of the following best represents the three reasons why managers may hang on to a losing course of action or escalate their commitment?

abundant resources

Which of the following conditions would LEAST encourage political activity?


Which of the following defense mechanisms takes the form of aggressive behavior directed at someone else who is not the source of the conflict?

trust, personal comfort, and security

Which of the following includes the set of interpersonal issues that need to be addressed according to the group development model?


Which of the following influence tactics would likely have the most negative effect in your attempt to influence a decision with respect to promotability?

disregard the informal organization

Which of the following is LEAST likely to minimize the negative aspects of organizational politics?

elaborating concepts

Which of the following is NOT a maintenance function of a group?

skills and abilities

Which of the following is NOT a structural cause of conflict in organizations?

Assess the needs of the organization as they relate to customers or the external/market environment.

Which of the following is NOT included in the set of activities discussed in your text on how to manage the relationship with your boss?

high or low self-monitoring

Which of the following is NOT one of the explanations for the escalation of commitment?

overly close supervision

Which of the following is a symptom of powerlessness at the first line supervisory level?

concern for failure

Which of the following is generally NOT associated with creative abilities or creativity?

value dissimilarity is negatively related to team involvement

Which of the following is most accurate regarding the impact of dissimilarity on teams and team members?

meaning, competence, self-determination, and impact

Which of the following set of dimensions comprise the essence of empowerment?

highly cohesive groups are better able to control and manager their membership better than work groups low in cohesion.

Which of the following statements regarding group cohesion is NOT accurate?

high conflict

Which of the following would NOT be considered a symptom of groupthink?


Which stage requires that team members feel they are a part of the team for further progression in group development to occur?

The cooperative approach to conflict management leads to

Win-win solutions

Effortful, productive activity that results in a product or a service defines


While there are differences in the meaning of work among countries, similarities appear to exist in

Work content, measured by items such as "the amount of responsibility on the job" and job context, measured by items such as "The policies of my company"

shared leadership

Work groups place a strong emphasis on:

The standardization and the narrow, explicit specification of task activities for workers defines

Work simplification

If something is bothering you and you are asked "What's wrong?" you would express what is wrong, rather than saying "Nothing, I'm fine!"is an example of which attribute of supportive communication?

You are congruent. Your words andbody language match your thoughts and feelings

bounded rationality model

You are starting your senior year of college and look forward to graduation in May. An important task at hand is selecting courses for your final year of study. All but two of your courses are electives. Your course selections will most likely be made based on the:

An example of the subjective element of a career is

Your perception of your potential in a chosen occupation

they keep true to a vision and make sound business decisions in line with that vision

Your text discusses the difficult decisions frequently confronting the Blue Man Group. Many of these decisions would be classified as programmable and unprogrammable. However, the feature states they have consistently made effective decisions as reflected by their continuous success. Which of the following is the best explanation for the Blue Man Group's good decision making?

In the Hershey-Blanchard situational leadership model, maturity is determined by:

a follower's ability and willingness to accept responsibility for completing work

McClelland has found that the best managers are those who have

a high need for social power and a low need for affiliation

define the term "rationality"

a logical, step-by-step approach to decision making, with a thorough analysis of alternatives and their consequences

Which of the following best suggests recent research on women's leadership? a. The same leadership traits may be interpreted differently in a man and a woman because of stereotypes. b. Women use transformational approaches to leadership more frequently than transactional approaches to leadership. c. Women use transactional approaches more frequently than transformational approaches. d. Women do not develop unique relationships with employees independent of group membership

a. The same leadership traits may be interpreted differently in a man and a woman because of stereotypes.

Which of the following is known as the window through which we interact with people and which influences the quality, accuracy, and clarity of the communication? a. a perceptual screen b. a communication filter c. an interpretation funnel d. the communication vacuum

a. a perceptual screen

Which best defines when managers get trapped by success and respond in disruptive ways by accelerating activities that succeeded in the past? a. active inertia b. cynicism c. conservativism d. re-engineering

a. active inertia

Which of the following is critical during organizational change is critical to success because reaction to change can be caused by fear of the unknown? a. communication b. education c. support d. employee involvement

a. communication

Which best defines the perception of incompatible wishes, goals, attitudes, emotions, or behaviours, in an interdependent relationship? a. conflict b. jurisdictional ambiguity c. cognitive component of emotion d. relational component of emotion

a. conflict

Which negotiation approach defines where each party seeks to maximize its resources? a. distributive bargaining b. integrative negotiation c. spiral bargaining d. collective bargaining

a. distributive bargaining

Which best defines the following step of Kotter's successful large-scale change; continue with wave after wave of change, not stopping until the vision is reality, despite seemingly intractable problems? a. don't let up b. create short-term wins c. get the vision right d. communicate for the buy-in

a. don't let up

Which best describe the tendency of most types of political behaviour? a. drain energy from the organization b. be ignored by most employees c. increase the energy level in the organization d. have no real effect on the organization

a. drain energy from the organization

If performance appraisals that are fact based and as objective as possible occur, what is the likely result? a. help create less political behaviour b. lead to increased competition c. lead to ambiguous authority d. lead to fewer advancement opportunities

a. help create less political behaviour

Which are the four stages of the creative process? a. incubation, illumination, verification, preparation b. illumination, verification, preparation, calculation c. calculation, incubation, illumination, verification, d. verification, calculation, preparation, incubation

a. incubation, illumination, verification, preparation

Which best defines transformational leaders? a. inspire followers to share a vision and empowers them to achieve it b. someone who possesses superhuman, or even mystical qualities c. think the same as transactional leaders d. be more or less successful depending on the situation

a. inspire followers to share a vision and empowers them to achieve it

Which is an important aspect of a manager's exercise of reward power in the determination of employee salary increases? a. it only works if the worker values the reward b. it has no effect on employee performance c. the extent of the reward does not affect the amount of employee effort d. it relates to monetary factors only

a. it only works if the worker values the reward

Which best defines a communication tool that uses pictures and other visuals to deliver key messages in a consistent manner while engaging employees? a. learning map b. supportive communication c. multi-source feedback d. congruent communication

a. learning map

Which distinguishes high-context cultures from low-context cultures? a. maintain social harmony b. expression clearly and logically as possible c. the language used d. non-verbal communication used

a. maintain social harmony

Which influence tactic best describes if a person uses frequent checking and persistent reminders to influence another person? a. pressure b. ingratiation c. rational persuasion d. legitimizing

a. pressure

Which of the following identify three of the four common targets of change? a. processes, structure, technology b. communications, processes, reward systems c. structure, communications, people d. technology, communication, people

a. processes, structure, technology

Which best defines interpersonal incompatibilities, typically including feelings of tension and friction? a. relationship (affective) conflict b. task (cognitive) conflict c. process conflict d. intergroup conflict

a. relationship (affective) conflict

Which of the following best identifies with how people often react to change as a rational response? a. self-interest b. what is in the best interest of the organization c. how customers might respond to the change d. how the change will affect profitability

a. self-interest

According to Fiedler, the effectiveness of leaders is dependent on which of the following statements? a. the favourableness of their situation b. the least preferred co-worker c. task structure d. position power

a. the favourableness of their situation

Which are the four perspectives on leadership? a. trait, behavioural, contingency and transformational b. attitudinal, transformational, contingency and trait c. behavioural, transformational, contingency and attitudinal d. contingency, attitudinal, trait and behavioural,

a. trait, behavioural, contingency and transformational

Which form of communication has high to moderate data capacity and moderate to low information richness? a. written communication b. face-to-face communication c. telephone communication d. voice mail

a. written communication

An ineffective technique for dealing with conflict where a delaying action is used to buy time is referred to as:

administrative orbiting

Secondary prevention is intended to

alter or modify the individual's or the organization's response to a demand

Psychosomatic disorders

are physical ailments that begin in the mind

Kotter suggests that leadership and management:

are two distinct, yet complementary systems of action in organizations

Which of the following is NOT one of the leadership theory categorization factors


In research on styles of conflict management, the _____ style was least effective.


Which position of the Leadership Grid according to Blake and Mouton would a manager with a low concern for production and high concern for people be? a. 1,1 b. 1,9 c. 9,1 d. 9,9

b. 1,9

Which best defines the process of actually exercising this power by affecting the thoughts, behaviour, and feelings of others. a. Power b. Influence c. Political behaviour d. powerlessness

b. Influence

Which best exemplifies the principle of when an employee who takes on communication responsibilities in addition to their regular responsibilities? a. communication strategist b. communication champion c. communication evaluator d. communication critic

b. communication champion

Which type of activity or decision is the right side of the brain best used for? a. flowchart work processes b. develop visions and strategic plans c. day-to-day operations d. tax preparations

b. develop visions and strategic plans

Which best defines a win-lose negotiating strategy, such that one party gains at the expense of the other? a. bargaining zone b. distributive bargaining c. integrative bargaining d. BATNA

b. distributive brgaining

Which best defines an individual's ability to generate several potential solutions to a problem? a. convergent thinking b. divergent thinking c. rational thinking d. group think

b. divergent thinking

Which best defines Kotter's 5th step for successful large scale change (deal effectively with obstacles that block action, especially disempowering bosses, lack of information, the wrong performance measurement and reward systems, and lack of self-confidence)? a. increase urgency b. empower action c. create short-term wins d. don't let up

b. empower action

Which of the following best identifies "What will I be expected to do" according the 'individual reactions against change' a. fear of loss b. fear of the unknown c. selective perception d. fear of failure

b. fear of the unkown

Which is the result of a study of managers' communication skills and performance? a. higher performing managers' communication skills were no better than lower performing managers b. higher performing managers are better and less apprehensive communicators than lower performing managers c. higher performing managers had significantly greater social cognitive abilities than lower performing managers d. female managers consistently outperformed male managers when communication skills were about the same

b. higher performing managers are better and less apprehensive communicators than lower performing managers

Which is the process of affecting the thoughts, behaviour and feelings of others? a. power b. influence c. powerlessness d. political behaviour

b. influence

If organizations become flatter and more team-based, workers who are responsible for more decision making will become more? a. skilled in the interpersonal area b. interdependent c. relaxed d. confident

b. interdependent

Which is a common assumption about the use of intuition in decision making? a. it is seldom a positive force b. it is fast or leads to quick decisions c. it involves new and different patterns of information d. it is a conscious activity

b. it is fast or leads to quick decisions

You own and operate a pre-cast concrete company that specializes in large beams, walls, and other components for large commercial structures. You deliver and install as well as manufacture. One of your installation foremen just called to say that the ironworkers for another company had installed the door jams for a building when you had sent your crew to perform this task. Which example of a conflict is this scenario based on? a. authority relationships b. jurisdictional ambiguity c. Interdependence d. status inconsistencies

b. jurisdictional ambiguity

Which of the following could an organization use to increase creativity? a. providing quiet offices b. keeping the organizational structure simple c. emphasizing win-lose competition for creative ideas d. focusing on specific or identifiable rewards

b. keeping the organizational structure simple

Which of the following cultures best describes cultures that use language primarily to express thoughts, feelings and ideas as clearly and logically as possible? a. high-context b. low-context c. evaluative d. strategic

b. low-context

Which is the second step in Lewin's change model, in which individuals are encouraged to discard old behaviours by shaking up the equilibrium? a. freezing b. moving c. unfreezing d. shifting

b. moving

Which best defines the style of conflict management (also known as yielding and accommodating) that involves giving in to the other's wishes without attending to one's own. It also indicates low concern for self and high concern for others? a. dominating b. obliging c. avoiding d. compromising

b. obliging

Which best describes Kanter's focus on power? a. one's inclination to be coercive b. one's ability to exercise power and do things for others, particularly persons in need c. one's expertise in accomplishing job tasks and reaching production objectives d. one's charisma and liking by others

b. one's ability to exercise power and do things for others, particularly persons in need

Which of the following is an example of a programmed decision situation? a. arranging financing for constructing anew $50 million office building b. reorder of raw materials from an established supplier c. purchase of a new mainframe computer d. a firm's purchase consideration of a parts manufacturer

b. reorder of raw materials from an established supplier

Which of the following will likely occur when a firm is preparing for bankruptcy and the accountants as a group may become unduly powerful? a. high centrality b. their nonsubstitutability c. operational knowledge of the firm d. their ability to better cope with change

b. their nonsubstitutability

why is NGT called "nominal"

bc group is a group name only ("nominally"). in fact, they are making decisions as individuals, and while there is a common goal, the interdependence has been significantly reduced.

When contrasting American and Japanese business cultures, Americans tend to _____, whereas the Japanese prefer _____.

be individualistic; collectivism

The theories of leadership concerned with identifying the specific leader behaviors that are most effective in specific leadership situations would be:

behavioral theories

Which decision-making model is the most realistic in portraying the managerial decision process?

bounded rationality

You are starting your senior year of college and look forward to graduation in May. An important task at hand is selecting courses for your final year of study. All but two of your courses are electives. Your course selections will most likely be made based on the

bounded rationality model

a technique for generating as many ideas as possible on a given subject, while suspending evaluation until all the ides have been generated


Which of the following statements best reflects the support for trait theories to identify universal distinguishing attributes of leaders? a. Trait studies have identified physical attributes as being more important to leadership than personality or leader abilities such as intelligence. b. When looking at physical attributes, height has been the attribute most often attributed to leaders c. Findings on traits as a basis for explaining leader effectiveness are neither strong nor uniform. d. Trait theory studies have tended to conclude that there are strong implications for training and development rather than selection.

c. Findings on traits as a basis for explaining leader effectiveness are neither strong nor uniform.

Which of the following personality characteristic indicates one's willingness to "do whatever it takes"? a. ingratiation b. self-determination c. Machiavellianism d. rational persuasion

c. Machiavellianism

If the followers are trained professionals and the task is a difficult yet achievable one; according to path-goal theory the leader should use which of the following styles? a. directive b. supportive c. achievement oriented d. participative

c. achievement oriented

Which best defines a tool for connecting organizations to their positive change potential by opening every strength, innovation, achievement, imaginative story, hope, positive tradition, passion, and dream systematic inquiry? a. team development (TD) b. open space technology (OST) c. appreciative inquiry (AI) d. social networking (SN)

c. appreciative inquiry (AI)

Which best defines A personal trait that gives a leader referent power over followers? a. reward power b. referent power c. charisma d. expert power

c. charisma

Which influence tactic best identifies seeking the aid of others to persuade you to do something? a. exchange b. ingratiation c. coalition d. consultation

c. coalition

Which of the following styles of conflict management results in both parties (persons or groups) to the dispute giving something up to reach an understanding? a. collaborating b. avoiding c. compromising d. accommodating

c. compromising

Which theory of leadership concerned with identifying the specific leader behaviours that are most effective in specific leadership situations are? a. trait theories b. behavioural theories c. contingency theories d. transformational theories

c. contingency theories

Which is the ability to recognize and manage emotion in oneself and others? a. multi-source feedback b. empathy c. emotional intelligence d. kinesics

c. emotional intelligence

Which best defines any information that people receive about their behaviour or performance, its effect on others, or a comparison to a standard or expectation? a. decoding b. encoding c. feedback d. messaging

c. feedback

If employees can't fully participate in all the stages of decision making, which of the following would be the most important? a. identifying problems, planning implementations, evaluation results b. identifying problems, generating alternatives, selecting solutions c. generating alternatives, planning implementations, evaluating results d. generating alternatives, selecting solutions, evaluating results

c. generating alternatives, planning implementations, evaluating results

Which best completes organization development? a. focuses primarily on the individual in bringing about change b. emphasizes intervention at the lowest possible level of the organization c. is goal oriented and utilizes an organization-wide problem solving approach to change d. is unstructured problem solving in organizations

c. is goal oriented and utilizes an organization-wide problem solving approach to change

Which type of strategy would an organization use to minimize the likelihood of conflict between people in diverse roles? a. job enlargement b. job enrichment c. job rotation d. job reclassification

c. job rotation

Which best defines an employee-centered leadership style in which the manager permits his or her employees to function within prescribed limits? a. production-oriented style b. initiating structure style c. laissez-faire style d. autocratic style

c. laissez-faire style

Which best defines the theory that in some situations leaders can reduce the amount of leadership they exercise because it becomes unnecessary due to existing substitutes or "neutralizers."? a. path-goal contingency theory b. fielders contingency theory c. leadership substitutes theory d. transformational leadership theory

c. leadership substitutes theory

Which best describes the research by Henry Mintzberg regarding intuition and managerial roles? a. managers rarely use intuition b. in most cases managers use a systematic step-by-step approach to decision making c. managers make judgments based on hunches d. intuition has not been shown to be very effective as an antidote to over-analysis

c. managers make judgments based on hunches

Which best defines when structured feedback is received from supervisor, subordinates, peers and customers? a. communication championing b. mapping c. multi-source feedback d. upward communication

c. multi-source feedback

Which is an example of offering retention bonuses in order to gain employee commitment as a strategy for managing reaction to change? a. communication b. facilitation c. negotiation d. coercion

c. negotiation

Which best defines variations in a person's speech? a. kinesics b. proxemics c. paralanguage d. filters

c. paralanguage

Which key strategy for managing reactions to change does the phrase "that which we create, we support" reflect? a. support b. communication c. participation d. creativity in problem solving

c. participation

Which is the least effective influence tactic, regardless of the circumstance of a situation? a. consultation b. upward appeals c. pressure d. ingratiation

c. pressure

Which type of conflict is defined as interpersonal incompatibilities and typically includes feeling of anger, tension and friction? a. process b. task c. relationship d. inter-group

c. relationship

Which of the following competencies are learned behaviours? a. intelligence and personal attributes b. abilities and intelligence c. skills, abilities and values d. abilities and personal attributes

c. skills, abilities and values

Which best defines a structured approach to decision making that focuses on generating alternatives silently, prevents criticism of alternatives, and uses a voting process to identify group choices? a. the Delphi technique b. dialectical inquiry c. the nominal group d. devil's advocacy

c. the nominal group

Which is a defining characteristic of dysfunctional conflict? a. health b. structure c. unhealthy d. instability

c. unhealthy

Fiedler recommends that managers, in order to be effective, should

carefully assess and diagnose the situation

The OPCG is set up to show what

cause-effect relationship between power sources, influence tactics and outcomes are moderated by certain organizational conditions such as the degree to which someone is replaceable.

Which of the following best represents the three reasons why managers may hang on to a losing course of action or escalate their commitment?

cognitive dissonance, overly optimistic, and illusion of control

an individual's preference for gathering information and evaluating alternatives

cognitive style

When two departments are in conflict but are also facing a common threat, the _____ style of conflict management is most appropriate.


two departments in a university are engaged in a conflict because one had its budget cut. This is an example of conflict based on:

common resources

Which of the following is generally NOT associated with creative abilities or creativity?

concern for failure and social sanctions

"The manager presents the problem to the group members individually, gets their input, and then makes the decision" describes what decision making model in the Vroom Decision Making Tree

consult individually

Which statement best describes the path-goal theory? a. Leaders adapt their behaviour and style to fit the characteristics of the followers. b. Leaders adapt their behaviour and style to fit the characteristics of the environment in which they work. c. Leaders structure the situation so as to best fit their leader style. d. Leaders adapt their behaviour and style to fit the characteristics of the work environment and followers.

d. Leaders adapt their behaviour and style to fit the characteristics of the work environment and followers.

Which of the following has three essential components: a description of the troublesome behaviour, the disclosure of your feelings about the behaviour and a statement about the effect that the person's behaviour had on you? a. ADR system b. conflict management strategy c. ACR d. XYZ model

d. XYZ Model

Which is synonymous to ADR? a. alternative decision resolution b. alternative dispute rationale c. alternative decision rationale d. alternative dispute resolution

d. alternative dispute resolution

You are starting your senior year of college and look forward to graduation in May. An important task at hand is selecting courses for your final year of study. All but two of your courses are electives. Which best describes the model you will use to select your courses? a. garbage can model b. irrational model c. random model d. bounded rationality model

d. bounded rationality model

Which of the following conclusions regarding the third stage of Lewin's change model is correct? a. showing, framing, and displaying the organizations mission statement in managers' offices led to significant behavioural change. b. changes in the reward structure was not needed in generating new behaviours. c. changing the culture was the quickest way to generate behavioural change. d. changing the reward system is often needed.

d. changing the reward system is often needed

Which of the following identifies when words and body language match your thoughts and feelings? a. jargon b. counterfeit questions c. cross-cultural training d. congruence

d. congruence

Which best defines a decision that is made after exploring alternatives and their consequences so that actions are consistent with one's personal values and commonly held values of the organization and society? a. effective b. programmed c. non-programmed d. ethical

d. ethical

Which best defines charismatic leadership? a. is very different than transformational leadership b. is based on actions and behaviours c. becomes a very effective leadership approach when combined with personalized power motivation d. has great potential for high levels of achievement but also risks of destructive courses of action

d. has great potential for high levels of achievement but also risks of destructive courses of action

Which of the following is an effective way of managing decisions in order to avoid escalation of commitment? a. make managers accountable for their decisions. b. don't reward people who admit to poor decisions. c. limit the amount of resources managers can allocate to various situations. d. having groups rather than individuals make initial investment decisions.

d. having groups rather than individuals make initial investment decisions.

Which distinguishes the integrated style of conflict management from the compromising style? a. high concern for self and low concern for others b. intermediate concern for self and others c. intermediate concern for self and high concern for others d. high concern for self and high concern for other

d. high concern for self and high concern for others

Which is the cause of the leadership substitutes theory suggesting that when factors such as high job feedback and team cohesion are present, the leadership style can become? a. autocratic b. democratic c. production-oriented d. laissez-faire

d. laissez-faire

Which of the following are the Six individual sources of power? a. legitimate, recognition, coercive, referent, expert and information power b. legitimate, reward, coercive, referent, entitlement, and informational power c. legitimate, recognition, coercive, referent, entitlement and individual power d. legitimate, reward, coercive, referent, expert, and information power

d. legitimate, reward, coercive, referent, expert, and information power

Which of the following set of dimensions comprise the essence of empowerment? a. teamwork, delegation, trust, and autonomy b. meaning, teamwork, competence, and trust c. delegation, trust, competence, and autonomy d. meaning, competence, and self-determination

d. meaning, competence, and self-determination

Which best identifies actions not officially sanctioned by an organization that are taken to influence others in order to meet one's personal goals? a. coercion b. illegitimate power c. utilitarian power d. political behaviour

d. political behaviour

Which of the following is the third step in the communication process? a. encode b. decode c. form message d. receive message

d. receive message

Which of the following would Fiedler advocate in effecting a match of the leader to a favourable leadership situation? a. leader behaviour training b. follower skill training c. better selection and assignment of leaders d. reengineer the situation

d. reengineer the situation

Which of the following best defines Change in which the organization moves to a radically different and sometimes unknown, future state. a. planned organizational change b. first-order, incremental (developmental) change c. organizational structure (OS) d. second-order, discontinuous (transformational) change

d. second-order, discontinuous (transformational) change

Which of the following are sources of conflict in organizations? a. healthy and unhealthy b. healthy and personal c. structural and unhealthy d. structural and personal

d. structural and personal

You witness an incident at work where a supervisor loudly criticizes an employee in front of several other employees. Later, you learn that the employee didn't make any mistake. Which of the following is the definition of the supervisor's communication? a. non-defensive communication b. a territorial space violation c. paralanguage d. superiority

d. superiority

Which of the following is an advantage of groupthink? a. pressure to conform b. time requirement c. group polarization d. synergy

d. synergy

Which is the assumption within the rational model of decision making? a. preferences of the decision maker are inconsistent b. that all possible alternatives can't be known to decision makers c. that outcomes can't be optimized d. that the decision maker can calculate the probability of success for alternative

d. that the decision maker can calculate the probability of success for alternative

Which of the following supports that for change efforts to be successful according to Lewin's model? a. there must be top management support b. they must be introduced incrementally and receive that necessary resource allocation c. effective communication will be essential d. the three-stage process must be completed

d. the three-stage process must be complete

Which best indicates heightened creative performance? a. flexible structures are implemented b. there is a supportive environment c. individuals are part of a team with diverse skills d. there is a match, or fit, between the individual and organizational influences on creativity

d. there is a match, or fit, between the individual and organizational influences on creativity

Which is the main goal of the communication process? a. transmit the message b. receive the message c. code the message d. understand the message

d. understand the message

"The manager makes the decision alone and either announces it or "sells" it to the group" describes what decision making model in the Vroom Decision Making Tree


One of the positive sides of intrapersonal conflicts is

defining moments

The key element behind the factors used to explain power differences between groups based on the strategic contingency model is:


The right side of the brain is best used for which type of activity or decision

develop visions and strategic plans

A technique for preventing groupthink in which a group or individual is given the role of critic during decision making

devil's advocate

a debate between two opposing sets of recommendations

dialectical inquiry

The adverse psychological, physical, behavioral, and organizational consequence that may occur as a result of stressful events is known as:


An important aspect of a manager's exercise of reward power in the determination of employee salary increases is:

distributive justice

When comparing autocratic leadership style to democratic leadership style, democratic leaders:

do not closely supervise and allow employee initiative and decision making

An organization could increase creativity by doing which of the following

eliminate office walls and cubicles

An organization could increase creativity by doing which of the following?

eliminate office walls and cubicles

The power not only to control emotions but also to perceive them is termed:

emotional intelligence

According to the Michigan studies on leadership, a work environment characterized by constant influence attempts on the part of the leader through closer supervision or written rules and regulations is likely the result of:

employee-centered style

A group approach to decision making tends to be appropriate when:

employees may be in conflict over preferred solution

Continuing to support a failing course of action is known as

escalation of commitment

the tendency to continue to support a failing course of action

escalation of commitment to a losing course of action

The impoverished manager is one who..?

exerts just enough effort to avoid being fired

The impoverished manager is one who:

exerts just enough effort to avoid being fired.

Assume you are a senior accounting major. A friend who is taking a Principles of Accounting course seeks you out for tutorial assistance. This is an example of _____ power.


The power base of the future will likely be:


Details of the Delphi Technique process

experts at remote locations respond to questionnaires, coordinator summarizes results, sends them back to the experts. Experts rate the various alternatives and the coordinator tabulates the results.

A defense mechanism in which an individual continues dysfunctional behavior that will clearly not solve a conflict is known as:


Trait theories of leadership attempt to:

focus on leaders physical attributes, personality, and abilities

Research suggests that social comparisons processes and persuasive arguments help facilitate unexpected group dynamics that culminate in:

group polarization

The tendency for group discussion to product shifts toward more extreme attitudes among members

group polarization

A phenomenon in which peer pressure and self-censorship during team decision making overrides the realistic appraisal of alternative courses of action


Which of the following is not one of the explanations for the escalation of commitment to a poor decisions or to an ineffective course of action?

high or low self-monitoring

The fight-or-flight stress response is most closely associated with which approach to stress?


The fourth step in the Z model of problem solving is

impact analysis

Conflict involves disagreement between two or more parties because of

incompatible goals

The stage of creativity where one engages in other activities while the mind considers the problem is:


If a person can affect the thoughts, behavior, and feelings of another person, she has


the process of actually exercising this power by affecting the thoughts, behaviour and feelings of others


What does NGT minimize

influences of peer pressure, face saving or domination by a forceful team member

Transformational leaders have been found to:

inspire followers to perform beyond expectations

Self-reliance is a healthy, secure, _____ pattern of behavior


The conflict that occurs between a company and a union during a strike is:


Conflict that occurs between two or more individuals would be considered:

interpersonal conflict

An employee with a major sales presentation on Monday and a sick child at home Sunday night is likely to experience:

interrole conflict

As a supervisor, you are not likely to be able to solve _____ conflict of others.


All of the following are stress-related interpersonal demands of the workplace except:

intrarole conflict

What did Khatri and Ng confirm?

intuition was positively associated with organizational performance in unstable environments while negatively associated with organizational performance in stable environments in managers from the computer, banking and utilities industries.

An incorrect assumption about the use of intuition in making decisions is that:

it is seldom a positive force

You have a problem with your computer, so you call the company that made it. They inform you that the problem is caused by software, so you call the software division and they tell you it's the hardware. This is an example of:

jurisdictional ambiguities

According to the Vroom-Yetton-Jago normative decision model, all of the following are possible appropriate decision-making strategies except:


What is "flaming"

making rude or obscene outburts by computer

Under the bounded rationality model of problem solving and decision making:

managers are comfortable making decisions without identifying all options

Give examples of reward power

managers control the rewards of salary increases, bonuses, praise and promotions

What did HENRY MINTZBERG suggest re decision making?

managers make judgments based on "hunches" or gut feel

The key situational variable of the Hersey-Blanchard leadership model is:

maturity level of employees

Searching for the "right" answer and avoiding problems outside of our own expertise would be considered what type of problem for creativity?

mental locks

What does groups seen as powerful tend to be given

more resources from top management

Why do managers face limits to their rationality

must make decisions under risk and time pressure the situations that they find themselves in is highly uncertain and the probability of success is unknown

Research on the impact of moods on tasks that involve considerable cognitive demands suggests that:

negative moods result in better performance

What are the traditional methods of downward communication?

newsletters (written and electronic), memos, meetings, video broadcasts, company magazines and manuals

A structured approach to group decision making that focuses on generating alternatives and choosing one

nominal group technique (NGT)

Intuition would be a major part of the input for a manager making what kind of decision?

non programmed

what is production blocking

occurs when individuals are distracted from their own ideas while listening to others

what is evaluation apprehension

occurs when individuals fear that others might respond negatively to their ideas

According to Michael Korda's view on power which emphasizes symbols of power, which of the following are the three unusual symbols used to explain power differences between individuals?

office furnishings, time power, and standing by

In the rational model, the decision maker strives to


Three direct costs of organizational distress include:

participation problems, performance decrements, and compensation awards

DEcision making in which individuals who are affected by decisions influence those decisions

participative decision making

Two machine operators disagree over the cause of an equipment breakdown. This conflict is based on differences in:


When one's values conflict with his/her job demands, this is _____ conflict.


influence attempts that are for personal gain and are not officially sanctioned by an organization

political behaviour

The ability (or potential) of one party to change or control the behaviour, attitudes, opinions, objectives, needs or values of another party


A lack of power


According to the discussion of conflict offered in the text, conflict cannot be:


The initial step in a problem solving, decision situation is

problem recognition

2 most common problems that can occur in face-to-face brainstorming

production blocking and evaluation apprehension

An approach to minimize groupthink is to:

re-examine the preferred solution even if consensus has been reached

As a management trainee, you are assigned to a mentor and gain considerable insight into the nature of management and how to behave in different managerial situations. The relationship you have with the mentor is based on _____ power.


Charismatic leadership restsgreatly with what type of power?


Which of the following is NOT one of the leader behavior styles one can choose from when using the path- goal theory of leader effectiveness


Which of the following is an example of a programmed decision situation?

reorder a raw material from and established supplier

Responsive creativity is:

responding to a problem that is presented to you by others because it is part of your job

The tendency to choose options that entail fewer risks and less uncertainty

risk aversion

Individual influences on decision making

risk aversion escalation of commitment to a losing course of action cognitive style preference

A good technique for managing intrarole conflict is:

role analysis

Organizational costs of distress may take the form of all of the following except


An important conceptual element introduced in Simon's model of bounded rationality is:


An important element of the bounded rationality model is


Give an example of a programmed decision

scheduling lunch hours for one's work group

An individual's beliefs and expectancies about his or her ability to perform a specific task effectively


Step one of the Z model corresponds to the _____ cognitive style


The cognitive style of individuals who have a preference for data and a detailed, objective approach to problem-solving and decision-making is:


The cognitive style that exhibits a preference for data and a detailed, objective approach to decision making is:


According to John Kotter, leadership (in contrast to management) entails

setting a direction for the organization

Heuristics are:

shortcuts in decision making that save mental activity


shortcuts in decision making that save mental activity (use past experience to make future decisions)

What are social decision schemes

simple rules to determine final group decisions

jurisdictional ambiguities

skills and abilities

Competencies are learned behaviours such as...

skills, abilities and values

What are the 8 characteristics of effective feedback?

specific, timely, focus on problem (not the person), frequent, constructive and balanced (postive and negative), purposeful, interactive,and in the appropriate setting

other than information, what are important resources within organizations?

staff, budget dollars, office space, equipment, and labs

a positive force that occurs in the groups when group members stimulate new or better solutions through the process of mutual influence and encouragement


The rational model of decision making assumes

that the decision maker can calculate the probability of success for alternatives

What is Bounded Rationality Model of Decision Making also referred to as?

the "Administrative Man"

The path-goal theory of leader effectiveness by Robert House is based on:

the expectancy theory of motivation

According to Fiedler, the effectiveness of leaders is dependent on:

the favorableness of their situation

One occasion in which managers should work to stimulate conflict is when:

the group suffers from group think


the internal reservoir of cumulative experience, from which one distils, at a level below consciousness, a direction or an urger to do or not do something

The demand, person, activity, or event that triggers an uncomfortable encounter is known as:

the stressor

Enlarging an employee's zone of indifference is accomplished by:

the use of power

Recent research examining the effects of cultural diversity on decision making has found that when individuals in a group are dissimilar in regards to race and ethnicity:

they arrive at better decisions than racially similar groups

An individual who seems to always have a full calendar and is frequently going to meetings displays _____, according to Korda.

time power


to select the first alternative that is "good enough", because the costs in time and effort are too great to optimize

Individuals tend to make more extreme decisions when they are in groups, compared to when they make decisions alone. t or f


If a salesperson significantly discounted the price of a product in order to make a sale that would win a contest, the salesperson would be most likely to breach which of the

utilitarian principle

Ineffective uses of coercive power

verbal abuse, workplace bullying, and physical punishment

Bosses that adopt a bullying style, drawing on coercive power leads to most employees wishing what

wishing to leave their job

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