Chapter 10 MULTIPLE CHOICE Psy 322

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

31. American colleges are criticized because of A. they teach general versus specific job skills. B. They offer degrees in too few areas. C. They are too selective in the admissions requirements D. Few students complete their degrees.

A. they teach general versus specific job skills.

69. Lizeth goes to school in Brazil. She is required to study A. Western literature. B. Portuguese and four other languages (Latin, French, Spanish, and English). C. weaving and other indigenous crafts. D. None of these choices are correct.

B. Portuguese and four other languages (Latin, French, Spanish, and English).

26. The "I Have A Dream" Program is designed to A. prepare students to open their own businesses. B. prevent students from dropping out of school. C. prevent teen pregnancy. D. promote greater harmony among diverse ethnic groups.

B. prevent students from dropping out of school.

67. Which of the following countries has an entrance examination for secondary schools? A. China B. Japan C. Australia D. Brazil

B. Japan

5. Which of the following statements regarding the direct approach to learning is NOT true? A. It is a student-centered approach. B. It is a teacher-centered approach. C. It is a passive approach. D. It emphasizes time on academic tasks.

A. It is a student-centered approach

87. Which of the following statements regarding gifted adolescents is NOT true? A. They have a high degree of external motivation. B. They excel at information processing. C. They begin to master an area earlier than their peers do. D. They require less support and scaffolding than their nongifted peers do to learn.

A. They have a high degree of external motivation.

89. Ellen Winner's three characteristics of adolescents who are gifted are precocity, a passion to master, and A. marching to their own drummer. B. becoming easily bored. C. external motivation. D. slow but methodical processing of information.

A. marching to their own drummer.

11. All of the following are areas of competency in which students are required by the No Child Left Behind Act to be regularly tested EXCEPT A. social studies. B. math. C. science. D. English and language arts.

A. social studies.

83. New treatments for ADHD include all of the following EXCEPT A. Biofeedback B. Exercise C. Neurofeedback D. Horseback riding.

D. Horseback riding.

72. ADHD is categorized as A. an emotional disturbance. B. a cognitive impairment. C. a mental illness. D. a disability

D. a disability

20. Being a high school dropout increases the likelihood of ______ during emerging adulthood. A. attempted suicide. B. divorce C. high levels of neuroticism D. poor peer relations

A. attempted suicide.

68. Which of the following countries has a comprehensive secondary-school exit exam? A. China B. Brazil C. Australia D. Japan

C. Australia

39. Which of the following statements regarding secondary-school students' problems is NOT true? A. Secondary-school students' problems are more difficult to modify than those of elementary-school students. B. Secondary-school students demand elaborate explanations of rules. C. Discipline problems are frequently less severe than in elementary school. D. Secondary-school students may be unruly and potentially dangerous

C. Discipline problems are frequently less severe than in elementary school.

73. The largest group of U.S. students to receive special education is children with A. mental retardation. B. emotional problems. C. learning disabilities. D. speech and language impairments.

C. learning disabilities.

58. Which of the following students is MOST likely to be enrolled in an advanced math class? A. Erica, a non Latino White girl. B. Charlene, an African-American girl. C. Everett, a Native-American boy. D. Angie, an Asian girl.

D. Angie, an Asian girl.

85. Patrice's daughter, Amber, has a severe hearing disorder which requires that she have a sign-language interpreter in order for her to learn. When Patrice meets with the education team, she is given an educational plan that was developed for another student with mild hearing problems. This plan does not meet Amber's needs. This plan does not meet the standards of A. an IEP. B. the No Child Left Behind Act. C. an inclusion plan. D. a mainstreaming plan.

A. an IEP.

30. How much more money can a college graduate expect to make compared to a higher school graduate? A. $10,000 B. $20,000 C. $30,000 D. $40,000

B. $20,000

7. One of the criticisms of the direct instruction approach to learning is that it A. is boring for the learners. B. focuses too much on the development of critical thinking and not enough of the content of the discipline. C. turns children into passive learners. D. wastes valuable class time.

C. turns children into passive learners.

50. Olweus's bullying prevention program focuses on children ages A. 6 to 9. B. 7 to 11. C. 12 to 15. D. 6 to 15.

D. 6 to 15.

74. A learning disability can involve all of the following EXCEPT difficulty with A. math. B. reading. C. spelling. D. music.

D. music.

75. Individuals who have a severe impairment in their ability to read and spell have a type of learning disability known as A. dyslexia. B. dyscalculia. C. dyslogia. D. dyspepsia.

A. dyslexia.

18. Employers expect employees to have all of the following basic skills EXCEPT the ability to A. communicate effectively both verbally and in writing. B. do basic geometry. C. read at relatively high levels. D. solve semi-structured problems.

B. do basic geometry.

45. Which of the following students is most likely to be a bully? A. Skyler, who has average grades and is fairly popular. B. Donald, who drinks alcohol and has some mild depressive symptoms. C. Evie, who is shy and socially withdrawn from her peers. D. Lisa, who is an honor student but suffers from anxiety.

B. Donald, who drinks alcohol and has some mild depressive symptoms.

53. Which of the following statements regarding extracurricular activities is NOT true? A. The quality of extracurricular activities matters. B. The highest rate of college attendance by vulnerable youth was predicted by participation in school clubs. C. Vulnerable youth who mainly engaged in paid work were less likely to go to college. D. High quality extracurricular activities include competent, supportive adult mentors.

B. The highest rate of college attendance by vulnerable youth was predicted by participation in school clubs.

33. Two effective general strategies for creating positive classrooms are effectively managing the group's activities and using A. an authoritarian strategy. B. an authoritative strategy. C. a permissive strategy. D. a laissez-faire strategy.

B. an authoritative strategy.

8. Jamie has a reading disability. Which of the following approaches to learning would experts recommend for Jamie? A. self-paced learning B. direct instruction C. peer-tutored D. computer-assisted

B. direct instruction

55. The overall effect of participation in extracurricular activities A. is positive in all areas. B. is positive when teens participate in a variety of activities. C. is positive only when teens focus on one extracurricular activity. D. Is almost always negative because it takes time away from academics.

B. is positive when teens participate in a variety of activities.

81. Which of the following medications has been prescribed for the treatment of ADHD? A. Cymbalta B. Lisinopril C. Ritalin D. Resperidol

C. Ritalin

35. Students in authoritarian classrooms often develop A. passive learning habits. B. poor communication skills. C. anxiety about social comparison. D. All of these choices are correct.

D. All of these choices are correct.

62. The "jigsaw classroom" was developed by A. John Dewey. B. Maryanne Bright. C. Elliot Aronson. D. Peter Blos.

C. Elliot Aronson.

84. A written statement that spells out a program specifically tailored for children or adolescents with a disability is called A. an inclusion plan. B. a mainstreaming plan. C. a child-centered plan. D. an individualized education plan.

D. an individualized education plan.

77. Which of the following characteristics must be present for a diagnosis of ADHD? A. obsessions and compulsions B. phobias C. anxiety D. inattention

D. inattention

38. Mr. Root has clear classroom rules but students are so busy being absorbed in learning that he rarely has to enforce a rule. As a result, his students are A. more likely to be motivated. B. less likely to develop academic problems. C. less likely to develop emotional problems. D. All of these choices are correct.

A. more likely to be motivated.

88. Adolescents who are gifted have a superior talent in some domain and/or A. are creative. B. have an above-normal average IQ, usually 130 or higher. C. are dedicated to their studies more than average children. D. All of these choices are correct.

B. have an above-normal average IQ, usually 130 or higher.

80. David, age seven, has been diagnosed with ADHD. All of the following are probably true for David EXCEPT A. he will outgrow his condition by late adolescence. B. he has difficulty working independently. C. he is distractible. D. he needs help to organize his work.

A. he will outgrow his condition by late adolescence.

76. Researchers have found all of the following to be true of learning disabilities EXCEPT A. learning disabilities reside in a specific area of the brain. B. the most common learning disability involves reading. C. children and adolescents with learning disabilities often have poor handwriting. D. children and adolescents with learning disabilities often cannot match up letters and sounds.

A. learning disabilities reside in a specific area of the brain.

29. The reason most frequently given for stress and depression among college students is A. living away from home. B. having too many assignments and too little time to complete them. C. fear of failing in a success-oriented world. D. pressure from parents to get good grades.

C. fear of failing in a success-oriented world.

12. The Common Core State Standards A. Mandates standardized testing to ensure that children meet certain educational objectives. B. specifies a minimum skills set that all children of a certain age should have. C. ends social promotion. D. ensures that schools hire quality teachers.

B. specifies a minimum skills set that all children of a certain age should have.

36. Students in permissive strategy classrooms have all of the following EXCEPT A. low self-control. B. considerable autonomy. C. support for developing learning skills. D. inadequate academic skills.

C. support for developing learning skills.

44. Which of the following individuals is MOST likely to be bullied? A. Tom, a ninth grader who is somewhat aggressive. B. Janet, a quiet but popular seventh grader. C. Agnes, a studious tenth grader. D. Peter, a somewhat anxious and withdrawn sixth grader.

D. Peter, a somewhat anxious and withdrawn sixth grader.

82. ADHD is best treated with A. medication and behavior management. B. behavior management without medication. C. stimulant medications. D. antidepressant medications.

A. medication and behavior management.

6. Ms. Carter teaches a high-school civics class. She lectures and uses PowerPoint slides to illustrate her main points, has the students memorize key facts, and keeps the students focused on the material. Ms. Carter is using which approach to learning? A. critical thinking B. nontraditional C. direct instruction D. constructivist

C. direct instruction

22. Which of the following statements regarding school dropouts is NOT true? A. Students from low-income families are more likely to drop out than those from middle-income families. B. A positive trajectory towards academic success is related to good parent-adolescent relationships in early adolescence. C. Approximately one-third of the girls who drop out do so for personal reasons. D. Almost 50 percent of students drop out due to personal problems.

D. Almost 50 percent of students drop out due to personal problems.

40. Which of the following factors has adolescent expert Jacquelynne Eccles identified as a problem for adolescents entering middle school or junior high school? A. Teachers become more lax at the same time that young adolescents need more structure. B. Teachers become more like surrogate parents when young adolescents need less warmth and adult interest. C. A decreased emphasis on grades makes things less stressful. D. Teachers become more controlling at a time when young adolescents are seeking more autonomy.

D. Teachers become more controlling at a time when young adolescents are seeking more autonomy.

21. In one study, almost 50 percent of dropouts said their primary reason for leaving school was A. peer-related. B. personal. C. economic. D. school-related

D. school-related

23. Mrs. Grundy, a superintendent of schools, wants to implement strategies that will decrease the dropout rate in her district. According to research, what should Mrs. Grundy concentrate on FIRST? A. Early detection and remediation of children's learning difficulties. B. Allowing adolescents to have shorter school days so that they can work and contribute financially to their families. C. Developing comprehensive sex-education programs to decrease teen pregnancy rates. D. Developing more exciting curricula so that students won't drop out from boredom.

A. Early detection and remediation of children's learning difficulties.

51. When implemented properly, Olweus's bullying prevention program reduces bullying by A. 10 to 25 percent. B. 20 to 30 percent. C. 70 to 90 percent. D. 30 to 70 percent.

D. 30 to 70 percent.

14. Some experts in the area of adolescent giftedness believe that the inadequate education of gifted adolescents has been compounded by _____, which focuses on underperforming students at the expense of the gifted. A. IDEA B. No Child Left Behind C. I Have a Dream program D. All of these choices are correct

B. No Child Left Behind

48. What role do peers play in bullying? A. Peer support can prevent bullying because bullies are less likely to target those with friends who can defend the person being bullied. B. Peers encourage bullying because bullies often gain social status by bullying victims. C. All of these choices are correct. D. None of these choices are correct.

C. All of these choices are correct.

52. All of the following students are participating in extracurricular activities EXCEPT A. Naomi, who is in her school's drama club. B. Elliot, who is a member of the Future Teachers' Club. C. Courtney, who works part-time at a local pizza shop. D. Sam, who takes violin lessons at the Community Academy of Music.

C. Courtney, who works part-time at a local pizza shop.

13. Which of the following is a criticism of No Child Left Behind? A. Using a single test score represents a narrow aspect of students' skills. B. Teachers spend too much time "teaching to the test." C. It limits ability to develop higher-level thinking skills. D. All of these choices are correct.

D. All of these choices are correct.

2. Which of the following statements regarding the constructivist view of student learning is TRUE? A. It is learner-centered. B. Individuals actively construct their knowledge. C. Teachers are guides to learning. D. All of these choices are correct.

D. All of these choices are correct.

46. What developmental outcomes have been associated with bullying? A. Attempted suicide B. Internalizing problems like depression C. Externalizing problems like Antisocial beh aviors D. All of these choices are correct.

D. All of these choices are correct.

70. Which of the following statements regarding Chinese schools is TRUE? A. Parents are responsible for orienting their adolescents to behave in school. B. Chinese schools send students with discipline problems home immediately. C. Classrooms are large but orderly. D. All of these choices are correct.

D. All of these choices are correct.

32. Which of the following statements regarding the social context of schools is NOT true? A. The school environment increases in scope and complexity as children move into middle and junior high schools. B. Adolescents socially interact with many different teachers and peers. C. Social behavior is heavily weighted towards peers, extracurricular activities, clubs, and community. D. The classroom is the social system.

D. The classroom is the social system

59. Which students are MOST likely to be suspended from school? A. Latinos B. African Americans C. Native Americans D. non Latino Whites

B. African Americans

9. The U.S. government's effort to hold schools accountable for the success or failure of their students is called the _____ initiative. A. Carnegie Foundation B. Talent Search C. No Child Left Behind D. Reach for Success

C. No Child Left Behind

43. Which of the following statements regarding parental involvement in adolescents' schooling is TRUE? A. Most parents are fairly knowledgeable about normal adolescent development. B. Parents and teachers usually get to know each other well at the high-school level. C. Parents need to receive better information about curricular choices. D. Parents' involvement needs to decrease by the time their children are in high school.

C. Parents need to receive better information about curricular choices.

90. Moira, age 13, began playing the violin at age 4. Now she can play nearly as well as her father, who is a professional musician. She seems to love her music lessons, and playing the violin seems effortless for her. Moira is demonstrating a characteristic of giftedness that Ellen Winner calls A. rapid information processing. B. precocity. C. a passion to master. D. marching to her own drummer.

B. precocity.

16. The top-dog phenomenon occurs when A. older students bully younger students in the school setting. B. students go from being the most powerful in a school to the least powerful in a new, higher-level school. C. shy students compete with more assertive students for respect of their peers. D. teachers let students know that they are in control in the classroom.

B. students go from being the most powerful in a school to the least powerful in a new, higher-level school.

66. Which of the following statements regarding Germany's school system is NOT true? A. It has four educational ability tracks. B. It offers a classical education, which includes courses in Latin and Greek. C. It has a comprehensive exit exam. D. The academic school prepares students to enter a university.

A. It has four educational ability tracks.

57. Which of the following students is MOST likely to be enrolled in a special-education class? A. Joey, a Latino adolescent B. Emmy, an Asian adolescent C. Oscar, a non Latino White adolescent D. Greta, an exchange student from Austria

A. Joey, a Latino adolescent

37. Mrs. Chen has been given an award by her school district for being a highly effective teacher. Which of the following is most likely to be true of Mrs. Chen? A. She is able to keep her class working together. B. She has strict rules to avoid any discipline problems at all. C. She does not do much actual direct instruction; she monitors student learning in groups. D. She sets a fast pace for moving through material and does not waste time.

A. She is able to keep her class working together.

47. How might parents indirectly affect the likelihood of children both being victim of bullying and a perpetrator of bullying? A. Supervising their children. B. Using harsh discipline techniques C. Having depression D. Using an indulgent parenting style.

A. Supervising their children.

71. What is the best explanation as to why the U.S. has a lower percentage of adults with a college education than many other countries? A. The high cost of a college education in the prevents many from attending college. B. Poor math and science performance among U.S. high school students prevents many from getting into college. C. U.S. colleges are more academically difficult than colleges in other countries. D. None of these choices are correct.

A. The high cost of a college education in the prevents many from attending college.

34. Mr. Delaney encourages his students to be independent thinkers and doers, but he still monitors them and provides clear rules and regulations for his classroom. He engages his students in considerable verbal exchanges about the subject matter and displays a caring attitude towards them. Mr. Delaney has which of the following classroom management strategies? A. authoritative B. authoritarian C. semi-permissive D. laissez-faire

A. authoritative

19. In suggesting ways to improve schools, the National Research Council emphasized the importance of A. finding ways to get students more engaged in learning. B. expanding the high-school curriculum to include courses on life skills. C. getting back to basics and eliminating many elective courses. D. extending the school day to allow for more instructional time.

A. finding ways to get students more engaged in learning.

63. Troy, an African American student, works in cooperation with students from a variety of backgrounds who each contribute different parts of a classroom project in order for the group to reach a common goal. Troy is participating in a A. jigsaw classroom. B. patchwork classroom. C. crossword classroom. D. router classroom.

A. jigsaw classroom.

56. Jonathan Kozol, author of The Shame of the Nation, found in his visits to 60 U.S. schools in low-income areas that teachers A. often employed threatening discipline techniques. B. tried to stimulate critical thinking. C. have fewer resources than schools in better areas but they were adequate. D. All of these choices are correct.

A. often employed threatening discipline techniques.

3. In Mr. Durgan's U.S. history class, students work in teams to explore, research, and present a topic to the class. They can choose from a list of topics or propose a topic to the teacher for approval. Mr. Durgan serves as their guide and mentor for the project. This is an example of A. the constructivist approach to learning. B. the jigsaw classroom. C. direct instruction. D. an open education approach.

A. the constructivist approach to learning.

15. The transition to middle school or junior high school is stressful because A. students have less independence than they did in elementary school. B. students have to shift to a team-oriented approach. C. students have too many subjects from which to select their courses. D. many changes are taking place at the same time.

D. many changes are taking place at the same time.

28. Which of the following statements about stress in college is NOT true? A. Today's college freshmen report that they are experiencing more stress than in the past. B. College males are more likely than their female counterparts to feel overwhelmed. C. College females are more than twice as likely as their male counterparts to feel overwhelmed. D. The pressure to succeed in college is pervasive.

B. College males are more likely than their female counterparts to feel overwhelmed.

42. Which one of the following is NOT recommended in terms of how parents should be involved in their children's education? A. Realize that each child learns in his/her own way. B. Help children complete their homework assignments. C. Encourage children to be responsible for his/her own work. D. Make learning fun and enjoyable.

B. Help children complete their homework assignments.

65. Which of the following statements regarding secondary-school experiences in other countries is TRUE? A. Brazil requires students to go to school until they are 16 years of age. B. Japan requires school attendance until at least age 15 to 16. C. Russia allows students to leave school at age 15 with parental permission. D. Australia mandates that students be in school until age 18.

B. Japan requires school attendance until at least age 15 to 16.

60. America's fastest-growing minority population is A. immigrants from the former Soviet Union. B. Latinas. C. Filipinos. D. African Americans.

B. Latinas.

27. Which of the following statements about the transition from high school to college is NOT true? A. There is an increased focus on achievement and performance. B. The transition to college usually involves moving to a more personal setting. C. Students have more time to spend with peers in college. D. Students have more opportunities to explore different values in college.

B. The transition to college usually involves moving to a more personal setting.

64. Four important aspects of the Comer Project for Change are a governance and management team that develops a comprehensive school plan, assessment strategy, and staff development plan; a parent's program; and A. a program for siblings. B. a mental health or school support team. C. a strong focus on athletics. D. a strong focus on life skills.

B. a mental health or school support team.

17. Turning Points 2000 continues to endorse the recommendations of Turning Points 1989 but adds a new recommendation for schools to A. have all students learn a foreign language, beginning in elementary school. B. engage in instruction to help students achieve higher standards and become life-long learners. C. provide more elective courses and fewer core courses. D. None of these choices are correct.

B. engage in instruction to help students achieve higher standards and become life-long learners.

41. Ross's parents have routines for meals, chores, recreation, homework, and bedtimes. As a result, Ross is likely to A. be on the honor roll nearly every term. B. have few school problems. C. be involved in several extracurricular activities. D. rebel against his parents for forcing such a scheduled life.

B. have few school problems.

86. Educating a child or adolescent with special education needs in the regular classroom full-time is called A. mainstreaming. B. inclusion. C. modified education. D. supplemented education.

B. inclusion.

79. A major concern of experts is that ADHD is being A. underdiagnosed by child psychiatrists. B. incorrectly diagnosed by school teams. C. overdiagnosed by pediatricians. D. overdiagnosed by child neurologists.

B. incorrectly diagnosed by school teams.

54. Eddie lives in a housing project for low-income families. His parents both work hard, but there is little time or extra money for their children. Eddie is most likely to attend a school that has A. high expectations for students. B. inexperienced teachers. C. several state and federal grants to buy computers and other teaching technology. D. None of these choices are correct.

B. inexperienced teachers.

4. An important goal in the direct instruction approach to learning is A. collaboration. B. maximizing student learning time. C. the development of critical thinking skills. D. None of these choices are correct.

B. maximizing student learning time.

49. Oliver has been threatened and harassed on the Internet by another child. He has had rumors spread about him and has had direct threats made against him. Oliver is a victim of A. instrumental bullying. B. virtual harassment. C. cyberbullying. D. covert bullying.

C. cyberbullying.

1. The two main approaches to student learning are constructivist and A. deconstructivist. B. instrumental. C. direct instruction. D. cooperative.

C. direct instruction.

78. James cannot sit still for a 75-minute college class. He gets up every 15 minutes and walks across the room to the wastebasket. He shreds his Styrofoam cup into tiny pieces, interrupts the professor to ask questions about material that has already been covered, and shouts out answers to questions without raising his hand. It is likely that James A. is gifted and is bored in class. B. has restless-leg syndrome. C. has ADHD. D. has OCD.

C. has ADHD. D. has OCD.

25. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funds dropout-reduction programs that emphasize which strategy? A. peer mentoring and tutoring B. Saturday school to help students catch up with their peers academically C. keeping at-risk students with the same teachers through their high school years D. placing students with community mentors at least five hours each week

C. keeping at-risk students with the same teachers through their high school years

10. No Child Left Behind places responsibility for student learning primarily on A. the federal government. B. individual towns and communities. C. the states. D. teachers' unions.

C. the states.

24. Talent Search, a high school dropout prevention program, provides all of the following services to at-risk students EXCEPT A. mentoring. B. tutoring. C. vocational training. D. training in test-taking skills.

C. vocational training.

61. Ms. Robbins, a high-school guidance counselor, tells Anita, a Latina adolescent, that she should plan to go away to college. Anita is most likely to A. agree with Ms. Robbins. B. get married right out of high school and not attend college. C. want to stay close to home, due to family responsibilities. D. ask Ms. Robbins to talk to her parents about letting her move away for college.

C. want to stay close to home, due to family responsibilities.

91. Linda, age 12, is gifted in art. Her parents arrange for her to take a class in sculpture at a local college, but she does not take directions from the professor very well. While other students ask for support and guidance, Linda creates her sculptures totally on her own. Linda is demonstrating a characteristic of giftedness that Ellen Winner calls A. rapid information processing. B. precocity. C. a passion to master. D. marching to her own drummer.

D. marching to her own drummer.

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