Chapter 11

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During the administrations of Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush, ________ federal agencies or programs were terminated.


At its peak in ________, the federal bureaucracy had ________ employees, not including military personnel.

1968; 3 million

Which president's approach to the managerial presidency featured a deep belief in the importance of scientific expertise in government service?

Barack Obama

In 1996 ________ declared that "the era of big government is over."

Bill Clinton

Which of the following statements about the Federal Reserve System (the Fed) is correct?

Congress created the Fed in 1913

What is the origin of most federal bureaus?

Congress passes laws creating and funding most federal bureaus

The concept of oversight refers to the effort made by

Congress to make executive agencies accountable for their actions

The greatest number of federal government professionals working abroad are under the authority of the Department of ________.


Which of the following statements best describes how recent administrations have approached the issue of bureaucratic reform?

Democratic administrations have aimed to make the existing bureaucracies work more effectively while Republican administrations have sought to reduce bureaucracy by contracting out government work to private companies

The ________ administers the federal school lunch program.

Department of Agriculture

________ occurs when the federal government passes authority to administer a program to state or local governments.


________ is the primary mission of the State Department.


Which of the following is an independent agency?

Environmental Protection Agency

Congress was attempting to strike a balance between the need for secrecy in national security and the right of individuals to know what their government is doing when it passed the ________ Act.

Freedom of Information

Under the administration of ________, EPA officials claimed that they did not have the authority to regulate greenhouse gases.

George W. Bush

________ is when bureaucrats attempt to translate laws into specific rules and actions.


The first regulatory agency was the ________, created by Congress in ________.

Interstate Commerce Commission; 1887

Which president was most concerned with managing and reorganizing the executive bureaucracy?

Jimmy Carter

Which one of the following is NOT a federal department entrusted with providing national security?


Which one of the following agencies was created in 2005?

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence

The Obama administration's campaign to make government more transparent

Was jeopardized by Edward Snowden's leak of sensitive national security documents in 2013

The National Park Service is ________.

a government corporation

What has been one of the greatest difficulties in establishing the new Department of Homeland Security?

adjusting to the many different bureaucratic cultures now part of a single operation

Which of the following agencies is responsible for promoting the public welfare?

all of the above

Before the Civil Service Act of 1883, how were government appointments handled?

appointments were made to political supporters as part of the spoils system

What is an independent agency?

both c and d

The creation of the U.S. Northern Command was important because it

breached the long-standing line between domestic law-enforcement and foreign military operations for the first time

The Civil Service Act of 1883 attempted to pattern government hiring after practices found in ________.


Civil servants were given legal protection against being fired without a show of cause in order to

cleanse bureacraucy of political interference while upgrading performance

Which of the following is the most constitutionally essential way to make the bureaucracy responsible?

congressional oversight

The use of taxing and spending powers to shape the economy is part of ________ policy.


Since the 1950s, compared with the entire workforce, the number of federal employees has ________.

gradually declined

Which of the following is NOT a way in which Congress can exercise oversight?

having members of Congress work part-time for a particular agency that is struggling to meet the demands Congress has placed on it

The first regulatory agencies Congress established were ________.

independent regulatory commissions

Which of the following was a way in which President Obama attempted to uphold his campaign promise to reduce government secrecy?

issuing an executive order designed to promote more rapid declassification of secret documents

What is a government corporation?

it is an agency that performs and charges for services usually provided by the private sector

Public bureaucracies are powerful because

legislatures, chief executives and the people delegate vast power to them to make sure a particular job is done

The Freedom of Information Act is designed to

make more national security documents available to the public

________ policy concerns banks, credit, and currency.


The National Park Service is ________

part of the Department of Interior

Which of the following is NOT a major role of bureaucracy?

passing laws

Privatization is a way to

reduce government costs by relocating government programs to private groups or corporations

A bureau charged with putting restrictions and obligations on individuals or corporations in the private sector is called a ________ agency.


Bureaucracy literally means ________.

rule by offices and desks

The ________ is the head of a cabinet department.


Which of the following is NOT a type of federal agency?

state and local oversight

Which of the following executive agencies was created by Congress in the aftermath of the financial crisis that began in 2008?

the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Who has authority to set interest rates and lending activities for the nation's banks?

the Federal Reserve System

Which of the following is an agency created by Congress to assist it in overseeing the federal bureaucracy?

the Office of White House Affairs

Which of the following is an example of a revenue agency?

the U.S Customs Service

Devolution describes a process through which

the federal government is downsized by delegating the implementation of programs to state and local governments

Which of the following is true about the National Performance Review?

the size of the federal workforce was reduced by about 10 percent

Which of the following is the best description of an iron triangle?

the stable relationship between a bureaucratic agency, a clientele group, and a legislative committee

One drawback of devolution is that

the standard associated with particular programs become increasingly variable between states

What was the chief bureaucratic flaw identified by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States?

there was a lack of communication between the domestic and foreign security agencies

How are ambassadors chosen?

they selected by the president, often as patronage for large campaign donations

What was the mission of the National Performance Review?

to reorganize the federal bureaucracy to make it more efficient, more accountable and less wasteful

The most visible indication of oversight is the

use of public hearings before congressional committees and subcommittees

Which of the following statements about congressional oversight of the bureaucracy is most accurate?

while the number of oversight hearings has increased over time as the bureaucracy has expanded, the extent of oversight does depend somewhat on which party controls the White House

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