Chapter 11: Baroque Vocal Music

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The form of a typical da capo aria is represented by which of the following?


Which of the following were aspects of all Baroque genres of sacred music and which were not?

Aspect of Baroque sacred music -participation of the choir -borrowing from secular vocal music Not an aspect of Baroque sacred music -use of the Italian language, no matter where the country of origin -focus on secular subject matter

Which of the following are general characteristics of Baroque sacred-music genres and which are not?

Characteristic of Baroque sacred music genre -borrowings from secular vocal music -use of the choir Not a characteristic of Baroque sacred music genre -use of Latin as the primary language -the inclusion of theatrical elements, such as elaborate costumes or dance numbers

Which of the following are characteristic of a typical Lutheran chorale and which are not?

Characteristic of Lutheran chorale -based on a single repeated melody -may be introduced to the congregation in a cantata Not characteristic of Lutheran chorale -sung in Latin -used a highly virtuosic vocal style

In Baroque opera, an ---- is often used when a single singer-actor reflects on his or her feelings and is accompanied by the -----, while ----- helps to move the action along and is typically accompanied by the ----.

aria; whole orchestra; recitative; basso continuo

What does Bach call the short orchestral prelude heard at the beginning of his Easter cantata "Christ lag in Todesbanden"?


In approximately what year did Western opera begin?


Complete the sentence below.

A(n) aria is a set piece for a solo singer designed to show a character's emotion, whereas a(n) recitative is a more speech-like style of singing used to move the plot forward.

Bach's Lutheran church cantatas were typically based on which?

Basis for Lutheran church cantatas -the fixed readings for the liturgical year -chorale hymn tunes -operatic conventions Not a basis for Lutheran church cantatas -Anglican anthems

Which of the following describe the excerpt and which do not? 0:14

Describes the excerpt -This excerpt is accompanied by violin and continuo. -This is a gapped chorale. Does not describe the excerpt -This excerpt uses imitative polyphony to illustrate warfare. -This is an example of secco recitative.

Drag and drop the correct words to complete the sentence about female musicians during the Baroque era.

During the Baroque era, it was rather common to see a female performing as a(n) {opera singer}, but it was much less common for a woman to be a professional {instrumentalist} and even more rare for a female to make a living as a(n) {composer.}

Match the following excerpts to the person who composed the musical work.

George Frideric Handel excerpt- Z and X Johann Sebastian Bach excerpt Y

Match the following excerpts to the person who composed the musical work. Johann Sebastian Bach George Frederic Handel 11.4. Identify composers and their works

Johann Sebastian Bach Excerpt A and Y George Frederic Handel x and Z

Match the musical excerpts to the correct stanza of Bach's Cantata No. 4, "Christ lag in Todesbanden."

Stanza 3 -Excerpt X 0:22 Stanza 4 -Excerpt Y 0:08 Stanza 7 -Excerpt Z 0:11

Fill in the blanks with the words that describe the following excerpt. 0:29

The musical excerpt above opens with an instrumental {ritornello} which is followed by the entrance of a singer playing the role of {Sextus.}

Which of the following statements are true regarding Handel's Messiah?

True Statement -It contains the famous "Hallelujah" Chorus. -It is the only piece of music from its day that has been continuously and frequently performed since its first appearance. -It features anonymous narrators who relate episodes from Jesus' life. False Statement It is an example of opera seria.

Which of the following statements are true regarding George Frideric Handel and which are false?

True statement -He became an opera impresario. -He composed the famous Baroque orchestral suites known as Water Music. False statement -He was deaf for most of his adult life. -He never left Germany.

Listen to the following three excerpts and then click on the corresponding cards in the order that they appear in Handel's aria "La giustizia."

Y; Z; X

Match the female Baroque musician to the description.

a musical prodigy who achieved fame as a harpsichordist, but was also a prolific composer -Elizabeth-Claude Jacquet the fierce rival of Faustina Bordoni, this soprano sang in the premiere of Handel's Julius Caesar -Francesca Cuzzoni a legendary prima donna who sang in Monteverdi's opera Coronation of Poppea -Anna Renzi

What musical effect that was rarely used during the Baroque period does Handel include at the end of this chorus "Glory to God" in order to reflect the story? 0:32

an orchestral decrescendo

During the Baroque period, most plots used for Italian opera seria were based on what?

ancient history

Listen to the use of fast, rising notes and turns in this excerpt from "La giustizia." What is the main emotional affect Handel meant to convey in this aria? Handel, Julius Caesar, "La giustizia" 0:25


Identify each of the following excerpts as recitative, aria, or chorus.

aria Excerpt B 0:08 Excerpt X 0:14 chorus Excerpt Y 0:10 Excerpt C 0:14 recitative Excerpt Z 0:19 Excerpt A 0:19

Who among the following were castrati and who were prima donnas?

castrato -Moreschi -Broschi prima donna -Bordoni -Renzi

The role of Sextus from Handel's opera Julius Caesar was presumably written for a(n) ----, but in our recording it is sung by a(n) -----.

castrato; mezzo-soprano

For each description below, indicate if it is more typical of a Baroque aria, recitative, or chorus.

chorus -Handel's often feature imitative vocal polyphony -used much more prominently in Baroque oratorios than in Italian opera recitative -rarely include any substantial melodic repetition -can be secco or accompanied aria -:often in da capo form

In which of the following sections would a singer ornament and improvise the music?

during the repeat of the "A" section of a da capo aria

Drag or click on the events in Handel's life in chronological order from earliest to latest.

earliest: Handel joined the Hamburg orchestra - Handel visited Italy and had successful opera productions in major Italian cites - Handel moved to London - Handel wrote Messiah latest: Handel became blind

Which musical excerpt features an ascending two-note melodic sequence? Excerpt W: 0:25 Excerpt X: 0:11 Excerpt Y: 0:06 Excerpt Z: 0:11

excerpt W

Which of the following excerpts from the aria "La giustizia" from Handel's opera Julius Caesar displays improvisation? Excerpt X: 0:35 Excerpt Y: 0:34 Excerpt Z: 0:28

excerpt x

Why is it still customary for audiences to stand during performances of Handel's "Hallelujah" Chorus?

george II of England stood during this movement at the london premiere of messiah

Who wrote the words to Cantata No. 4, "Christ lag in Todesbanden"?

martin luther

Which musical textures are used in Handel's "Hallelujah" Chorus from Messiah?

monophonic, homophonic, polyphonic

Match the excerpts to the main musical texture heard in each.

monophonic: excerpt X 0:06 homophonic: excerpt Z 0:11 polyphonic: excerpt Y 0:17

Match the excerpts to the main musical texture heard in each.

monophonic: excerpt Y 0:07 homophonic: excerpt X 0:10 polyphonic: excerpt Z 0:18

Match the following musical devices to what they represent in Handel's Messiah.

musical halo -slowly pulsing high-string background [Excerpt X] beating angel wings -excited, faster pulsations in the high strings [Excerpt Y] calmness, the earth -slow, repeated and low melody notes [Excerpt A] the heavens, God -high, fanfare-like notes in the vocal melody [Excerpt Z]

Which of the following musical excerpts are examples of a standard recitative cadence formula?

not a standard recitative cadence: - excerpt X - excerpt Y standard recitative cadence: - excerpt Z - excerpt A

What was the principal genre of secular vocal music during the Baroque era?


What was the main type of Italian Baroque opera?

opera seria

Match the characteristic to the genre it describes.

oratorio a prized entertainment that was considered suitable for Lent cantata a musical genre that was frequently part of a Lutheran church service opera a staged theatrical work that used both singing and instrumental music to project a character's emotion

Most castrati had vocal ranges similar to that of which?


Which voice type is singing the melody in this excerpt from Bach's Cantata No. 4?Bach, Cantata No. 4, 0:16


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