Chapter 11: Development

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When 3-year-old Alex was on the playground, Haley began making fun of him. Alex got angry and pushed Haley. Haley fell down and began to cry. When the teacher came over, she asked Alex how he thought Haley was feeling. Alex's response was MOST likely:

"Haley feels angry."

Alison is pregnant and asks Jared if he wants to go out for sushi. After reading this chapter in the text, Jared replies:

"Let's go somewhere else because the mercury in fish is not good for the fetus."

Hanna is just beginning a growth spurt. She has NOT menstruated yet, but has begun to grow breasts. Hanna is MOST likely _____ years old.


Tyrone is part of a clique of boys who have known each other since they were 5 or 6. Tyrone is MOST likely about _____ years old.


David is just beginning a growth spurt. He notices that his testes and scrotum are beginning to enlarge. David is MOST likely _____ years old. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.


Alice has just finished her growth spurt. She has been menstruating for a while and also has developed larger breasts. Alice is MOST likely _____ years old. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.


There is a _____ chance that Tammy is gay because her fraternal twin sister is gay.


Which individual is MOST likely experiencing Erik Erikson's identity versus role confusion crisis?

15-year-old Stuart

Ali has just finished a growth spurt. His testes, scrotum, and penis have enlarged. He now has hair on his face and under his arms. Ali is MOST likely _____ years old.


Nadine hears a television talk-show guest remark that "A baby's mother provides it with food, and that's the basis for attachment." Nadine immediately realizes that this statement is FALSE, because she is familiar with:

Harlow's work with monkeys.

Who would be at the peak of their physical and mental abilities?

Jonathan, a 24-year-old man

Anna is a gay female, Paul is a gay male, Sarah is a straight female, and Carlos is a straight male. Which two individuals are MOST likely to have brains with hemispheres of the same size? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.

Sarah and Paul

_____ sex characteristics refer to bodily structures that change dramatically with sexual maturity, but are not directly involved in reproduction.


Which individual is in the longest stage of life?

Will, who is 30 years old

All else being equal, who is MOST likely to experience puberty first?

Yoli, an African American girl

Jan is attending a baby shower for her pregnant friend. Which gift might Jan give to the mother to help her interact with the fetus while it is in the womb?

a book for her to read aloud

At times, Jan acts as if he is certain his mother will respond to him. At other times, he acts as if he is certain she will not respond. Jan MOST likely has a(n) _____ attachment style.


Leon acts as if he is certain his mother will not respond to him. Leon MOST likely has a(n) _____ attachment style.


Kerstin has several friends who think that smashing mailboxes is fun. Although she knows that this is wrong, she would really like to fit in and not be excluded from the group. The next time they ask her to go with them, Kerstin MOST likely will:

go with them to avoid being seen as an outcast.

Ramona is part of a small clique that includes both boys and girls. Ramona is MOST likely in:

middle adolescence.

Hank has noticed that his job has become cognitively harder over the years. However, on his performance evaluation, his productivity is the same as most of his younger coworkers. The equality in productivity may be because Hank is _____ than are the younger employees.

more efficient

Baby Ella is 6 months old and, like about half her peers, she can now:

sit unsupported.

Silvia has decided that she believes in the preservation of all creatures and refuses to eat any meat. When she goes out to eat with friends, she always orders a vegetarian meal, even when her friends make fun of her for it. During Thanksgiving, Silvia's parents serve turkey. Silvia MOST likely chooses to:

skip eating the turkey because of her own moral values.

Eric has had a significant growth spurt, his voice has deepened, he has facial hair, and he has seen enlargement of his testes, scrotum, and penis. Eric is about _____ years old.


Eric is a gay male who has an identical twin brother. There is a _____ chance his identical twin brother is also gay.


About _____ of preindustrial societies do NOT have a word for adolescence.


All else being equal, which adolescent is MOST likely to experience difficulty following puberty?

Gloria, who matures earlier than do her same-sex peers

In a new situation, 14-month-old Alice becomes very upset when her mother leaves the room. Once her mother returns, Alice runs to her but squirms to get away when her mother tries to comfort her. According to Mary Ainsworth, this exemplifies the _____ attachment style.


Fourteen-month-old Jamaiah used to cry when her mother left her and then would squirm to get away when her mother came back and tried to comfort her. However, lately when her mother comes back to comfort her, Jamaiah calms down. According to attachment theorists, Jamaiah used to have a(n) _____ type of attachment style but now has a(n) _____ type of attachment style.

ambivalent; secure

Eleven-month-old Casey cried when his mother left him with his grandmother. However, when his mother came back, Casey did not even look up at her. Casey MOST likely has a(n) _____ attachment style.


Samantha's mother has difficulty responding to her daughter's need to be held. When Samantha needs comfort, her mother is unresponsive. Samantha is MOST likely to develop a(n) _____ attachment style.


Tom rarely acts nervous in new environments and pays little attention to whether his mother is present or absent. Tom would MOST likely be classified as having a(n) _____ attachment style.


Ten-month-old Nancy sees her sister playing with a toy house. Her sister then hits her head on the house and cries. When the house is placed in front of her, Nancy MOST likely:

avoids playing with the house that her sister hit her head on.

Lucio was born a male, with an XY chromosomal pattern and a penis. He identifies as a male and feels that he is a man. Lucio is:


Olivia is shown an egg. She is then shown an egg that is colored red. She is asked if both are eggs. She hesitates, but then replies, "Yes." Olivia is in which stage of cognitive development?

concrete operational

With respect to Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning, preconventional is to _____ as _____ is to social rules.

consequences; conventional

With respect to Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning, preconventional is to _____ as conventional is to _____.

consequences; social rules

A ban is imposed on outdoor watering during a severe drought. The Robinsons decide not to water their new shrubs because the neighbors would disapprove. Their reasoning places in Kohlberg's _____ stage of moral development.


Even though all her friends tried marijuana and cocaine in the 1980s, Monica refused to experiment with drugs because it was against the law. Based on Lawrence Kohlberg's theory, Monica's reasons for refusing drugs reflect _____ moral reasoning.


Sixteen-year-old Michael begins growing a marijuana plant in a corner of his family's garden. His stepfather asks him to remove it because it is illegal. In Kohlberg's terms, Michael's stepfather is demonstrating _____reasoning.


Tommy, a 14-year-old boy, makes his moral decisions based on how they help him fit in with his friends. Lawrence Kohlberg would MOST likely place Tommy in the _____ stage of moral development.


Dr. Grove studies how obesity rates change from childhood through old age. Dr. Grove is MOST likely a _____psychologist.


Marjorie has just completed an introductory course in psychology at a local community college. She would like to take another psychology course next semester. The college offers courses in developmental psychology, social psychology, personality psychology, and industrial-organizational psychology. Marjorie is especially interested in change across the life span. Based on this information, Marjorie should consider the course in _____ psychology MOST strongly.


Deirdre is a fussy baby. She does not seem to eat or sleep on a fixed schedule. She is extremely active, and she gets upset easily. Deirdre likely has a(n) _____ temperament.


Baby Jacquie eats and sleeps on a regular schedule. She is quickly soothed when she cries. Jacquie appears to have a(n) _____ temperament.


Annie went to the doctor for an ultrasound. The doctor told Annie that the organism had a heartbeat and was about an inch long. At which stage of development is her baby?


The doctor tells Audra that a zygote has implanted into her uterus. Audra knows that it is in the _____ stage of development.


Tori tells her partner that she is 4 weeks pregnant. Tori's pregnancy is at the _____ stage of development, in which _____ can be distinguished.

embryonic; body parts

Peter can recite all of the states and their capitals but has a difficult time remembering the summers he spent at the lake as a child. MOST specifically, Peter has trouble with _____ memory.


Silvia has a baby with low birth weight. Silvia's _____ while she was pregnant could be the reason for her baby's low birth weight.

exposure to secondhand cigarette smoke

Babies who pull themselves to a stand at 5 months are developing their motor skills:

faster than does the average infant.

Susie's teacher reported that she is performing below the level of some of her peers. Susie was referred to a psychologist, who described Susie as "a youngster who has distinct physical features including short eye openings, a flat midface, and a thin upper lip." The psychologist MOST likely diagnosed Susie with:

fetal alcohol syndrome.

Aden went to a few parties and drank alcohol once during his teen years. According to the text, he is MOST likely to:

grow up to be a normal healthy adult.

What do developmental psychologists seek to understand?

growth and change across the life span

Four-month-old Stacy realizes her mother is moving away from her. Stacy would MOST likely _____ to get her mother to come back to her.


George has noticed that it is harder for him to remember where he left his keys and the things that he was supposed to buy at the store. However, he notices he can still keep up when playing backgammon with his 20-year-old grandson. This is because:

he has become more skillful at cognitive tasks.

Sarah has two friends who drank alcohol during their pregnancies. One friend had a perfectly healthy baby boy; the other had a baby born with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). Sarah wants to know why one baby is fine but the other is not. Joanie responds by telling her that:

healthcare providers do not really know how much drinking is "too much."

Betty has noticed a decline in her memory and attention. However, she can still keep up with the younger computer programmers in her field. Betty may be able to do this because:

her brain can use other parts to compensate for her decline in mental abilities.

Which life stage is NOT matched with the correct stage of cognitive development, according to Piaget's theory?

infancy - formal operational

Barb believes that no matter how she acts, she will not get her mother's attention. Therefore, Barb believes that her behavior does not matter in other relationships in her life. Barb has developed a(n) _____ about relationships.

internal working model

Sinbad's mother leaves him alone in the room for a minute. Sinbad is sure that his mother will return and expectantly watches the doorway for her reappearance. Sinbad has developed a(n):

internal working model of relationships.

Becky believes that no matter how she behaves, she will not get her mother's attention. Therefore, Becky refuses to try and does not feel like she has a relationship with her mother. This is an example of Becky's:

internal working model.

Gayle is 15 years old and often argues with her mother. If Gayle and her mother have a typical adolescent daughter-mother relationship, which factor is LEAST likely to cause an argument?

major issues such as the meaning of success

People feel _____ happy and _____ attractive at age 70 than at age 30.

more; more

Sara is at the beginning stages of motor development. According to the proximodistal rule, she can:

move her arms and legs, but has trouble moving her fingers and toes.

Brook saw her mother place a book on the bookshelf. However the book fell over. Brook MOST likely would take her book and:

place it on the bookshelf, taking care that it not fall over as did her mother's.

If one were to challenge one's 50-year-old self at a game of chess, one's older self would MOST likely _____one's younger self.

play just as well as

Jack registered as a conscientious objector during a recent war. He believed that it is fundamentally wrong to take human life. He was willing to serve time in jail, rather than take part in an armed conflict. Jack's reasons for not going to war reflect Kohlberg's _____ stage of moral reasoning.


Lilly cannot understand why someone who is crying might be happy. She is MOST likely in the _____ stage of cognitive development.


A boy experiences a "wet dream," in which he ejaculates for the first time. This is an example of a(n) _____sex characteristic.


Peter, a young child, can move his head, his arms, and his legs, but cannot control his fingers individually. This demonstrates which principle of development?


Sara is at the beginning stages of motor development. According to the _____ rule, she can move her legs but not her toes.


Toni reads to her unborn child every night, thinking that it will familiarize the baby to her once the baby is born. After reading this chapter, Darren tells her:

reading to her baby will help the baby recognize her outside of the womb.

Kat believes that it is morally wrong to kill a living creature. When she sees an insect in the house, she will pick it up and place it outside. Kat's science class is participating in a frog dissection lab. Kat will MOST likely:

refuse to participate, even if it means punishment.

As Sally has aged, she has had a hard time recalling information that she was told. However, if she is given choices, she always can choose correctly the information she was told. Sally has trouble with:


Baby Hannah automatically turns her head in the direction of a touch on her cheek. This is the _____ reflex; it helps an infant _____.

rooting; locate food

A teenage girl begins wearing a bra because she is growing breasts, which are a(n) _____ sex characteristic.


Alice takes her 1-year-old son, Derek, to visit an infant-toddler program in which she hopes to enroll him. Derek eagerly explores the room as long as Alice is present. When Alice leaves the room to fill out some forms, Derek becomes somewhat upset. When she returns, though, Derek quickly calms down. Which term BEST describes Derek's attachment style?


Alicia is especially responsive to her baby's signs of distress. Her baby will MOST likely have a(n) _____attachment style.


Fifteen-month-old Harris cried when his mother left him with his grandmother. However, when his mother came back, Harris seemed fine, and smiled at his mother when she came in the door. According to attachment theorists, Harris has a(n) _____ attachment style.


In an unfamiliar environment, 17-month-old Gravis notices when his mother leaves the room but does not appear upset. When she returns, Gravis smiles at her and continues to play happily with a truck. Gravis MOST likely has a(n) _____ attachment style.


Fourteen-month-old Yolanda used to cry when her father left her and then would quiet down when her father came back and comforted her. However, lately when her father comes back to comfort her, Yolanda squirms and tries to get way. According to attachment theorists, Yolanda used to have a(n) _____ type of attachment style but now she has a(n) _____ type of attachment style.

secure; ambivalent

Two-year-old Tory looks at her brother, who has clearly hurt himself. Tory goes to comfort him MOST likely because:

she feels his pain.

Carlton has an insecure attachment. He observes a positive mother-child interaction. According to the text, Carlton will MOST likely:

stare at the interaction.

Sexual orientation is a good predictor of physiological arousal to erotic stimuli among:

straight men and gay men, but not among straight women or lesbians.

When Reiko touched her newborn's lips, he produced an automatic response called the _____ reflex.


Tammy's mother is worried about her daughter having sex. Tammy's mother should _____ to delay the possibility of her daughter having sex.

talk to her early about sex and its consequences

Michael is 3 years old and can understand that it is wrong to inflict distress on others. Which factor allows him to do so?

the fact that he feels another's distress

One reason aging adults may perform more poorly on tasks is that:

the specific task does not interest them.

Older people may attend to more positive information because:

they have shorter futures and spend their time thinking about information that serves them well in the moment.

Heather is a 14-year-old who spends less time _____ to spend more time with opposite-sex peers.

with her parents

Tom is a 14-year-old who is spending more time with opposite-sex peers. He can make time for these peers by spending less time:

with his parents.

Adriana lives in a preindustrial society. She has just menstruated for the first time. Within her society, Adriana has a ceremony and is now considered a(n):


Rita is experiencing a hard time remembering the items on her grocery list while she is at the store. She has to look at it several times to get all of the items on her list. However, when her daughter asks her about what she did last week, Rita can recite everything she did down to the last minute. Rita has trouble with _____memory.


As Janice gets older, she realizes she cannot remember what she just wrote on her to-do list for the day, yet she can recall events that occurred last week. Janice has trouble with her:

working memory.

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