Chapter 11 Study Guide

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1. The sternocleidomastoid muscle acts mainly as a fixator of the sternum. The sternocleidomastoid tilts the head forward and medially. -------------------------- 5. Exhaling requires contraction of the internal intercostal muscle. Normal exhalation is passive and does not employ the internal intercostals. -------------------------- 6. The digastric muscles form the floor of the mouth. The floor of the mouth is formed by the mylohyoid muscle. -------------------------- 7. The scalenes are superficial to the trapezius. The scalenes are deep to the trapezius. -------------------------- 10. All of the cranial nerves innervate muscles of the head and neck. Only cranial nerves III, V, VII, XI, and XII innervate head and neck muscles.

False Statements + Reasons

Figure 11.6: Explain how the medial pterygoid muscles can produce both lateral and medial excursion of the mandible.

If the mandible was already at its farthest right lateral excursion, the right medial ptergoid would help draw it bak to the zero position or midline (medial excursion), or it could contract still more to cause left lateral excursion.

Figure 11.12: Name at least three muscles that lie deep to the pectoralis major?

The pectoralis minor, subclavius, and the upper intercostal and serratus anterior muscles.

2. The largest deep muscle of the lower back is the quadratus lumborum. -------------------------- 3. The muscle used to stick out your tongue is the genioglossus. -------------------------- 4. The abdominal oblique muscles rotate the vertebral column. -------------------------- 8. Cutting the phrenic nerves would paralyze the prime mover of respiration. -------------------------- 9. The orbicularis oculi and orbicularis oris are sphincters.

True Statements

Figure 11.4: Name an antagonist of each of these muscles: the depressor anguli oris, orbicularis oculi, and leavtor labii superioris.

Zygomaticus major, elevator palpebrae superiors, orbicularis oris.

Which of the following muscles is the prime mover in spitting out a mouthful of liquid?


Ejaculation result from contraction of the _________ muscle.


The _______ muscle, named for its two bellies, opens the mouth.


The prime mover of spinal extensions is the _________.

erector spinae

Which of these is not a suprahyoid muscle?


As its name implies, the ________ nerve controls several muscles of the tongue.


The thyrohyoid muscle attaches to the thyroid cartilage of the _______.


Which of these muscles of the pelvic floor is the deepest?

levator ani

The muscle that opens your eyes is the _________.

levator palpebrae superioris

The abdominal aponeuroses converge on a median fibrous band on the abdomen called the _______.

linea alba

Which of these muscles is an extensor of the neck?

splenius capitis

A muscle that aids in chewing without moving the mandible is

the buccinator

The facial nerve supplies all of the following muscles except

the mylohyoid

The largest muscle of the upper back is the _________.


The anterior half of the perineum is a region called the ________.

urogenital triangle

Which of the following muscles raises the upper lip?

zygomaticus minor

The word ________ in a muscle name indicates a function related to the head.


The ______ produce(s) lateral grinding movements of the jaw.


The _______ muscles diverge like a V from the middle of the upper thorax to attachments behind the ears.


All f the following muscles at on the vertebral column except

the serratus posterior superior

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