Chapter 11 (T3): Language
Patient "Tan," studied by the neurologist Broca, had great difficulty in generating spontaneous speech and was unable to utter any word other than the nonsense syllable "tan." Postmortem autopsy of Tan's brain revealed
A lesion in the left inferior frontal cortex
People with Broca's aphasia may have subtle deficits in their ability to comprehend language based on its grammatical structure. This symptom is called
________________is a general term for deficits in language comprehension and production that occur as the result of brain injury.
Which of the following is NOT true of infants' speech recognition abilities?
At 9 months infants are unable to recognize foreign language phonemes.
The left perisylvian network of langauge includes which areas?
Broca's Area and Wernicke's Area
Animal calls were thought to be purely emotional. Which of the following findings with monkey calls does NOT contradict this view.
Calls can be strung together in predictable orders.
The symptoms of all of the following neurological language syndromes suggest that the disruption of an organized semantic network in which word meanings are stored, EXCEPT
Conduction aphasia
A patient with dysarthria has trouble...
Controlling the muscles that articulate speech sounds
An aphasic person who makes semantic paraphasia errors in her speech might say "________" when she actually intends to say "________."
Cow; horse
You receive a text message that reads "My steak eaten up by the broccoli." Which word would lead to a P600 for you?
TRUE/FALSE Listening to a sentence like "He spreads the warm bread with socks" will evoke a P600 brain potential
TRUE/FALSE Modular models of language argue for a high degree of interactivity between different specialized modules.
TRUE/FALSE Semantic priming effects are due to spreading activation in many models of lexical processing
TRUE/FALSE The Spanish language uses logographic system for written words
TRUE/FALSE The information that a listener derives from the speech rhythm and pitch of the speaker's voice is referred to as morphological
What is the main reason that there has been more success teaching nonhuman primates to use sign language than spoken language?
Hand signals are easier than vocalizations, vocalizations are better controlled in humans, Control of manual gestures is better in nonhuman primates. (All of the above)
Which of the following is NOT a property of the word bank?
It has more than one pronounciation
An early ERP component associated with morphosyntactic violations is the
According to Levelt, information-specific networks exist for word forms at the ________________ level and for the grammatical properties of words at the ________________
Lexeme; Lemma
Which of the following best describes the three main components of word or lexical processing in the correct order, according to most modular models of word recognition?
Lexical Access -->Lexical Selection --> Lexical Integration
In studies with implanted electrodes, Sahin and colleagues found that Broca's area processed which elements of language?
Lexical, Grammatical and Phonological (All of the above)
Homo Sapiens have made the leap from _____________ to __________________ sequences
Manual; Vocal
According to Levelt's (1989) model of speech production, two main processing stages are involved generating a meaningful utterances. In the __________________ stage, the speaker determines what he or she intends to express to the listener; in the ____________________ stage, word choices and the grammatical role that each word will play are determined.
Maroplanning; Microplanning
The term____________ refers to the collective store of information about semantics, syntax, orthography, and phonology of words
Mental Lexicon
You receive a text message that reads "What time do you want to have lunch tomorrow night?" Which word would lead to an N400 for you?
When you are shown the written word "neuroscience" and you read it aloud, you are translating ___________________ information into ________________ information about this word.
Orthographic; Phonological
________ specifically refers to the variations in the pitch of a speaker's voice that convey emotion and emphasis in speech.
A person with conduction aphasia is most likely to have difficulty in
Repeating Spoken Language
Language errors in which a person substitutes words that are related in meaning for one another are called
Semantic Paraphasias
___________ is to the meaning of a word as ________________ is to the spelling of a word.
Semantics; Orthography
Segmenting the boundaries between words is a particularly difficult computational problem in
Speech perception
The observation that we can understand the speech of different speakers, regardless of variations in the pitches of the speaker's voices, the speakers' rte of speech, and the speakers' dialects, indicates that
Speech recognition cannot rely on the direct matching of specific sounds to language
Which of the following structures is NOT directly involved in language?
Sylvian Fissure
The P600, also known as the SPS, is an ERP component that is sensitive to the violation of expectations based mostly on
TRUE/FALSE Phonemes are the smallest units of sound that make a difference in meaning.
TRUE/FALSE Saying the word "horse" when intending to say the word "cow" is an example of semantic paraphasia
TRUE/FALSE The immediate assignment of syntactic structure of incoming words is known as parsing.
TRUE/FALSE The normal adult speaker has passive knowledge of about 50,000 words.
The three primary ways in which words are symbolized in different writing systems are alphabetic, syllabic, and logographic.
The speech of people with Broca's aphasia is usually slow and effortful and consists of primarily concrete words, while words that serve grammatical functions are omitted. This type of speech output is called
Telegraphic Speech
In Hagoort's language model, the "memory" component is mediated by the ________________, the "unification" component by the _____________ and the "control" component by the ____________________.
Temporal Lobe; Inferior Frontal gyrus; Lateral Frontal Cortex
Which of the following best describes a case that depends primarily on prosodic aspects of language?
The ability to recognize the characteristic rise that occurs at the end of a sentence in a speaker's voice when she asks a question.
The mental lexicon is thought to be organized as a semantic network in which word meanings are connected to each other, as in the diagram here. Based on what you know about how strength of association between word meanings is represented in semantic networks, determine which of the following statements regarding the network is true.
The association between dog and cat is stronger than the association between animal and cat.
Which of the following statements regarding the organization of semantic networks is FALSE?
The most frequently associated nodes have the largest distances between them in the network.
Under certain circumstances, when the conceptual representation of an item is activated, there is subsequent difficulty activating the corresponding word form in the mental lexical, even though other information about the item can accessed. The phenomenon is called
The trip-of=the=tongue phenomenon
Which of the following statements best describes agrammatic aphasics?
They are unable to use syntax
Which of the following statements does NOT describe agrammatic aphasies?
They have difficulty with comprehension
A patient's symptoms include poor spoke and written comprehension but fluent and reasonably grammatical speech output. What is the most probable diagnosis?
Wernicke's aphasia
The concept of "words in the same neighborhood" is analogous to which of the following in the semantic domain?
Words related in meaning
A major issue in the study of word recognition involves the extent to which relatively low-level sensory representations interact with relatively high-level information, such as the context in which a word appears. A modular model of word comprehension would be most likely to argue that
processing at each level is independent, and there is little or no interaction between them.
You encounter an aphasic patient with language deficits resulting from brain injury. You are also likely to also observe hemispheres on the __________ side of the body, which would indicate that the _______________hemisphere is especially critical to language function
right, left
The German neurologist Wernicke found that injury to which region of the brain resulted in poor language comprehension and nonsensical but relatively fluent speech?
the left posterior and superior temporal lobe
A patient's symptoms include poor spoken and written comprehension but fluent and reasonably grammatical speech output. What part of this person's brain is most likely damaged?
the posterior language areas.
Recent studies have shown that the lesion associated with persistent severe Wernicke's aphasia may have to include NOT only Wernicke's itself, but also
the white matter tracts below Wernicke's area
A current controversy regarding the usefulness of Broca's aphasia as a diagnostic category focuses on the observation that...
there is no strict correspondence between lesions of Broca's area and the symptoms classically associated with Broca's aphasia.
Which of the following sentences would a person with Broca's aphasia be most likely to misunderstand?
"The woman whom Richard met yesterday is leaving for Vancouver."