Chapter 11 World History

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Absorbing colonized people into the culture of the imperialist nation


Adding of territory


Belief that one race is superior to others

1. What problems did British rule bring?

British rule brought economic and social problems. Indian industry died out because of British trade laws. Many farmers and villages could no longer feed themselves because they were forced to grow cash crops. India suffered famines in the late 1800s. In addition, most British officials had racist attitudes that threatened Indian culture.


British rule over India from 1757 to 1947

1. What major problems did colonialism bring?

Colonialism brought economic and social problems. Economic change benefited Europeans more than it benefited the local people. Also, the mix of cultures did not always go smoothly. Racism started in Malaysia.

Contrast Britain's imperialism in Nigeria to other areas.

Compared to other areas, Britain's imperialism in Nigeria were caused by desire of resources, Meanwhile, the French took their land for control of the people.

Crimean War

Conflict in which the Ottoman Empire halted Russian expansion near the Black Sea


Control by a strong nation over a weaker nation


Dutch colonist in South Africa

1. What are four reasons for imperialism?

Four reasons for imperialism are money, national pride, racism, and religion.Europeans wanted colonies to provide raw materials for their factories and to sell their goods in the new colonies. Some nations wanted to gain colonies to show their national strength. Many Europeans believed that whites were better than other races, which relates to Social Darwinism. Christian missionaries thought that European rule would end the slave trade and they also wanted to convert the people of other continents to Christianity.


Governing in a "parental" way by providing for needs but not giving rights

Suez Canal

Human-made waterway connecting the Red and Mediterranean Seas

1. What forms and methods did imperialists use to control and manage colonies?

Imperialists used many forms and methods to control and manage colonies. Imperialist nations had four forms of control: colony, protectorate, sphere of influence, and economic imperialism. A colony is an area ruled by a foreign government. A protectorate runs its own daily affairs, but is controlled by an imperialist nation. A sphere of influence is an area where an imperialist nation has exclusive economic rights. Economic imperialism refers to a situation where an independent nation is controlled by foreign businesses rather than foreign governments. Imperialist nations also developed two basic methods to manage their colonies: indirect control and direct control.

2. Who resisted imperialism in Africa, and what were the results?

In Africa, many Africans resisted imperialism. Algeria fought against France. East Africa fought against Germnay. Ethopia fought against Europe. However, Algeria had been fighting France for 50 years. Thousands in East Africa died trying to use magic to fight against the German army. However, the emperor of Ethopia, Menelik I, turned European countries against each other by using European weapons to defeat an Italian army.

3. What happened in Egypt and in Persia?

In Egypt and in Persia, they tried to avoid imperialism, but were imperialized by European countries. In Egypt, Muhammad Ali's grandson modernized the empire, and Egypt joined France in building the Suez Canal. However, Egypt couldn't pay for the canal, so Britain took control of the canal and of Egypt. In Persia, the Russians and the British competed for control. In the early 1900s, when oil was discovered in Persia, a British company signed an agreement with Persia's ruler to develop these oil fields. When the Persians rebelled against their leader and the Europeans, Britain and Russia took over the land.

3. What happened in the Philippines?

In the Philippines, the United States took control of the Philippines. The United States took control of Hawaii for access to sugar plantations. Unlike Touissant Louveture, Emilio Aguinaldo rebelled against the United States, but lost.


Indian soldier under British command


Interest in or taking of land for its location or products

King Mongkut

King who helped Siam modernize

Queen Liliuokalani

Last Hawaiian ruler of Hawaii

Menelik II

Leader of Ethiopian resistance

Emilio Aguinaldo

Leader of Filipino nationalists

Berlin Conference

Meeting at which Europeans agreed on rules for colonizing Africa

Have events of world history led to a more just world?

Prediction: Events of world history did not lead to a more just world. Such as: war with Ukraine and Russia, global terrorism in Europe.

How did imperialism affect India and SE Asia?

Prediction:Due to Social Darwinism, exploitation of labor, the rebellions led to injuries and death. Economic inequality: trade laws favored British, Indian faced famine because they had to grow cash crops. Imperialism had a positive effect on India: new technology, increased employment, schools were built, indirect control.

2. Why did Russia engage in the Crimean War and the Great Game?

Russia engaged in the Crimean War and the Great Game due to geopolitics. Russia fought the Ottomans in the Crimean War in hopes of winning control of the Black Sea so it could ship grain into the Mediterranean Sea. Although Russia lost the war, the Ottomans lost almost all of their land in Europe and parts of Africa. Russia fought Britain in the Great Game in hopes of extending its empire and gaining access to India.

2. How did Siam confront imperialism?

Siam confronted imperialism by playing Britain and France against each other. Also, Ethiopia used manipulation to gain independence. East Africans used magic to confront imperialism.

Pacific Rim

Southeast Asian mainland and islands along the rim of the Pacific Ocean

"jewel in the crown"

Term referring to India as the most valuable of all British colonies

3. Who were the Boers, and whom did they fight?

The Boers were Dutch settlers form Holland who migrated to the Zulus' land after the British took their colony. When the Boers migrated, they fought the Zulus.

3. What groups called for change?

The Indian National Congress and the Muslim League called for change and for self government to the British.

Explain the decline of Ottoman Empire/rise of geopolitics.

The Ottoman Empire was declined due to nationalism and a weak economy. Geopolitics rose due to the desire of geostrategic locations for wealth and power. Geopolitics developed nations from others.

2. What was the Sepoy Mutiny?

The Sepoy Mutiny was a rebellion against the British by the Indian soldiers. It took the East India Company and British troops a year to put it down. However, the Sepoy Mutiny failed because Muslims and Hindus did not trust each other.

Evaluate the division of Africa by Europeans.

The division of Africa by Europeans was unfair because the Africans lost their homes, lands, and resources. The Europeans wrongly believed they had the right to take the Africans' lands because they were more advanced and had advanced technology after the Industrial Revolution.

2. What was the purpose of the Berlin Conference?

The purpose of the Berlin Conference was to discuss how to divide Africa. The European nations did not want to fight over the land. They met at the Berlin Conference in 1884-85. They agreed that any nation could claim any part of Africa by telling the others and by showing that it had control of the area.

3. What were three benefits and three problems of colonial rule?

Three benefits of colonial rule and three problems of colonial rule were social, political, and economic. On the bright side, European governments reduced local conflicts, Europeans brought Africa deeper into the world economy, and railroads, dams, and telephone and telegraph lines were built. However, Africans lost control over much of their land, African traditions were destroyed, and people were forced out of their homes.

Sepoy Mutiny

Uprising of Indian soldiers against the British

Social Darwinism

Use of Charles Darwin's ideas about evolution to explain human societies

Boer War

War between the British and the Boers

1. What happened when the Ottoman Empire weakened?

When the Ottoman Empire weakened, social, political and economic effects occurred. Corruption and theft caused financial chaos. The Ottomans were behind the Europeans in modern technology. Due to nationalism, Greece and Syria gained independence from the Ottoman Empire.


Zulu chief who created a large centralized state

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