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What did Baldassare Castiglione write? When was it written? What were three basic attributes he wrote about?

Baldassare Castiglione wrote The Book of the Courtier in 1528. 1. Nobles should possess impeccable character, grace, talent, and noble birth. 2. cultivate certain achievements like military and bodily exercises 3. Have classical education and indulge in the arts like playing an instrument, painting, or drawing

Who were Battista Sforza and Isabella d'Este? Why are they important in the landscape of Renaissance Italy?

Battista Sforza and Isabella dÉste were wives of Renaissance rulers who ruled the state in the absence of their husbands. Both were strong,intelligent, and courageous women well versed in politics.

The Papal States

Controlled by the Renaissance Popes: Alexander VI (Borgia Pope), Julius II (Warrior Pope), and Leo X (Medici Pope).


Father of Humanism

Cosimo de Medici

the Medici who put the family on the map by sponsoring a pirate for a pope, and supporting artists like Lippi, Donatello, and Brunelleschi.

Hanseatic League (Hansa)

trade network in the baltic and north sea; grain, fish, furs, timber, and pitch; adoption of credit and banking systems; commercial partnership led to increased amount of trade; class structure made social mobility possible

Baldassare Castiglione

wrote The Book of the Courtier

Michaelangelo (Renaissance)

An Italian sculptor, painter, poet, engineer, and architect. Famous works include the mural on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

The Italian states utilized a "balance of power" that would later be applied on a larger scale to all of Europe. What was this and how well did it work? What two nations competed to dominate Italy and who were their rulers?

An alliance system between the Italian states of Milan.Florence,and Naples versus Venice and the papacy maintained a workable balance of power within Italy for nearly 40 years. It failed to establish lasting cooperation and great power struggle began in Europe for control over Italy. The two nations that competed to dominate Italy were France and Spain. Francis the 1st of France and Charles the 1st clashed with each other to dominate Italy.


An intellectual movement in Renaissance Italy based on the study of Greek and Roman classics. Also a philosophy which states that humans are the ut-most important thing

What is an "oligarchy"? Explain how this concept manifested itself in the Republic of Florence.

An oligarchy is a small group of people having control of a country. The oligarchy in Florence was a small group of merchants and in 1432 Cosimo de Medici took control of the oligarchy. He and later his grandson Lorenzo the Magnificent ran the government from behind the scenes.


4 horsemen

During the Renaissance, what percentage of the population was peasantry? What two major systems began to decline after the 14th century?

85-90% - manorial system - serfdom

What is a diplomat and what kind of duties do they perform?

A diplomat is an agent representing the territorial state that sends him to a foreign country in order to advance the political interests of his or her own state. They typically preserve and advance the political interest of their country.

Nuclear Family

A married couple and their unmarried children living together, no extended family.


Emphasis on the interest in unique traits of each person

Joan of Arc

French heroine and military leader inspired by religious visions to organize French resistance to the English and to have Charles VII crowned king

What was Machiavelli's view of human nature? How did this affect the morality of his ideas?

He thought human nature was to be self-centered, he thought men were ungrateful, fickle, deceptive, avoiders of danger, and eager to gain. Machievelli thought politics should be free of moral considerations and conscience.

How was the concept of a ̈family ̈ during the Renaissance different than most people probably think of a ̈family ̈ today?

In upper class family, the extended household consisted of parents, children, and servants.

Women in the Renaissance

Increased education, functioned as "ornaments" to their husbands and make themselves pleasing to the man, sexual-double standard imposed.

Johannes Gutenburg

Invented the printing press

Who was Jacob Burckhardt, and what was his argument about the Renaissance? Do modern scholars agree with Burckhardt? Why or why not?

Jacob Burckhardt: Swiss historian and art critic; created modern concept of Renaissance in book (The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy) - argument: Renaissance = birthplace of modern world and exaggerated the individuality and secularism of the renaissance - contemporary scholars do not believe that the Renaissance was a dramatic break from the Middle Ages like Burckhart believed because of the continuity of economic, political, and social life. However, they still view the Renaissance as a distinct period in European history that started in Italy and spread to the rest of the world.

Who did Machiavelli point to as being a good example of a ruler? Why?

Maccieveli thought Carse Borgia was a good example of a ruler because he used ruthless measures in politics.

What were Machiavelli's biggest concerns and what was it that caused him to develop his ideas?

Machiavelli's biggest concerns were the acquisition/expansion of political power in order to restore order. This was because Italy had become merely a battleground for the larger monacarcial states surrounding it.

Duchy of Milan

Major enemy of Florence throughout much of the Renaissance.

Who was Niccolò Machiavelli? What was his book called and what was it generally about?

Niccolo Machiavelli was a secretary to the Florentien council of ten. He wrote the book The Prince and it was about whether it is better for a ruler to be loved than to be feared.

Pico della Mirandola

Oration on the Dignity of Man - Emphasized humans are capable of achieving great things and are made in God's image.

What was the nature of the relationship between Pope Julius II and Michelangelo? What great work did Michelangelo end up producing?

Pope Julius II hired Michaelangelo in the early 16th century to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Pope Julius also known as the "warrior pope" had a temper and wanted the work to be done quickly. Michaelangelo was a great Italian artist of the early 16th century and by nature he only considered a piece of art finished when it satisfied the artist in him. But fearing the pope's anger, Michaelangelo began doing "all that was wanted" and quickly completed the ceiling going against his temperament. Michaelangelo ended up creating one of the greatest masterpieces of the Renaissance by producing his fresco painting of the Sistine Chapel's ceiling.

Renaissance means "rebirth," but when referencing the era of the "Renaissance" what exactly is it a rebirth of?

Renaissance is a French word meaning "rebirth" and involved the following. - A rediscovery of classical antiquity of the Greco-Roman civilizations, - reconciliation of pagan philosophy of the Greco-Roman civilization with christianity, - emphasis on perfecting individual ability,high regard for human worth and dignity, - secularism (separation from the church), - recovery from the Black Death, and - political disorder/economic recession of the Middle Ages.

Medici Family

Rich merchant family who ruled Florence, Italy. Medici Bank one of top banks

Isabella d'Este

Set an example for women to break away from their traditional roles, ruled after the death of her husband.

Agricultural slavery had been in decline for centuries by the fifteenth century. Why did it briefly return? Where did slaves reemerge? How were their jobs different than before?

Slavery was reintroduced in Europe after the Black Death due to a lack of workers. Slaves would now work as skilled workers making hand crafted goods or they would be household workers. It first reemerged in Spain.


The "rebirth" of Classical culture that occurred in Italy between c.1350 and c. 1550; also, the earlier revivals of Classical culture that occurred under Charlemagne and in the 12th century

What was the Hanseatic League, or Hansa? What is a monopoly?

The Hanseatic League or Hansa was an economic and military alliance of northern European trading cities that established a monopoly on trade from the Baltic to the North Sea. A monopoly is an exclusive ownership or control of a commodity by one party.

Lorenzo Medici "the Magnificent"

the Magnificent Medici who brought the family to new heights, survived the Pazzi conspiracy, and supported artists like Botticelli and Michelangelo

Was the Italian Renaissance a movement for everyone? If not, who was affected by it and where were these people located?

The Italian Renaissance was not a movement for the masses. It was a characteristic of the wealthy upper classes who were a small percentage of the total population. They were located in the city-states of northern Italy. The movement later spread throughout Europe. The city-states included Florence, Venice, Milan, and Rome.

What is the Medici family? What important service did they provide across Europe? What happened to them at the close of the 15th century(1400's)?

The Medici family were in the textile business and they expanded into commerce, real estate, and banking. The House of Medici was the greatest bank in Europe. They were also the principal bankers for the Vatican. Due to poor leadership and bad lending, the Medici financial enterprise collapsed at the close of the 15th century.

What was the birthplace of the Italian Renaissance? Why here?

The birthplace of the Italian Renaissance was Italy more specifically Florence, Italy. It was born in Florence, Italy because of the thriving cities, wealthy merchant class, and classical heritage from Greece and Rome. When the Ottoman Turks banned Christian universities, many Greeks fled to Italy from Constantinople.

The social system of the Middle Ages lingered into the renaissance. It was made of 3 estates. What were they?

The first estate,which was the top of urban society, because the church believed people should be guided towards spirituality. The second estate were the nobility because they provided security and justice for society. The third estate was made up of peasants and townspeople.


The process of becoming more concerned with material, worldly, temporal things and less with spiritual and religious things; a characteristic of the Italian Renaissance

Generally peasants don ́t live in towns, what kinds of activities did urban members of the Third Estate do?

They were merchants and artisans and they provided goods and services for local consumption.

What happened to the economy as Europe entered the 15th century? What were some new industries that came along at that time?

Trade recovered dramatically from the economic contraction of the fourteenth century. The Italians and the Ottoman Turks prospered. The Italians developed several industries like woolen, silk, glassware, and handworked metal and precious stones. Printing,mining and metallurgy also flourished. Metalworking contributed to the development of firearms.

Giovanni Boccaccio

Wrote the Decameron

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