Chapter 12 McGraw Hill

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According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, in order for Josephina to seek fulfillment of her love needs, she must first satisfy which of the following needs?

1. Physiological 2. Safety


Emphasizes needs as motivators Maslow's hierarchy of needs

Which of the following is the BEST example of an effective goal for an employee?

Increase sales by 10% during the next quarter

What types of justice are the components of organizational justice?

Interactional Distributive Procedural

How should managers approach Maslow's theory?

It should be applied cautiously.

How does McClelland view needs?

Needs are something that we learn from our culture.

"Consequences influence behavior" best describes which theory of motivation?

Reinforcement theory

The weakening of behavior by ignoring it or making sure it is not reinforced is referred to as ______.


When a supervisor no longer gives bonuses for selling a particular product, employees are less likely to try to sell that product. This is a type of reinforcement called ______.


Raises and other monetary incentives are examples of ______ rewards.


According to reinforcement theory, turning in your monthly expense report on time so that your supervisor will not nag you for it is an example of ______.

negative reinforcement

According to McClelland's acquired needs theory, ______ power is expressed in an individual's desire to dominate others.


People with a high need for affiliation ______.

seek social approval

Which are principal perspectives on motivation?

1. process 2. job design 3.reinforcement 4. content

Regarding Maslow's theory of needs, which statements are true?

Actions are aimed at fulfilling the deprived needs. Needs at the lowest level in the hierarchy must be met before an individual will seek to achieve needs at higher levels. Needs are met in order from the bottom to the top of the hierarchy.


Based on notion that motivation is a function of behavioral consequences and not unmet needs Motivation is a function of behavioral consequenc

Which guidelines should be followed when giving positive reinforcement?

Be clear about what behavior is desired. Give rewards as soon as possible.

In equity theory, the outputs received from an organization include which of the following?

Bonuses Praise Pay

What key ideas can be drawn from equity and justice theories?

Employees need a way to appeal decisions. Organizations should foster a climate for justice.

The model of motivation called equity theory is based on which of the following ideas?

Employees want to see fairness in how they are rewarded for task performance.

What do managers need to remember when they apply the hierarchy of needs to motivate employees?

Employers should try to provide a living wage. Research does not clearly support the theory and it likely presents an oversimplified view of motivation. Managers should prioritize meeting the level 1 and 2 needs of employees.

Which theories of motivation are characterized as process perspectives?

Equity theory Goal-setting theory Expectancy theory

According to equity theory, which of the following would be characterized as inputs?

Experience Effort Training

In terms of the goal-setting theory, what is necessary for employees to know if they are on the right track when working on a project?


Job Design

Focus on employee satisfaction and performance Scientific management theory


Focus on thoughts and perspectives that motivate behavior Expectancy theory

Which theory suggests that employees can be motivated by objectives that are specific and challenging but achievable and that have rewards tailored to individual needs?

Goal-setting theory

Marie has been given a goal to sell five cars by the end of the weekend. During the workday, she approaches every potential customer and makes an effort to engage with them and make a sale. When customers seem unsure about buying a car, she points out the car's best features and talks about the great deal she can give the customers if they buy. Marie is demonstrating what motivational mechanism of goal setting?

Goals increase your persistence.

What is a question that would be asked to evaluate procedural justice?

How fair is the method that management uses to determine the size of our performance bonuses?

Equity theory is focused on explaining how people work to achieve which of the following?

Justice Fairness

Which foundational idea of the reinforcement perspective says that behavior with favorable consequences tends to be repeated, while behavior with unfavorable consequences tends to disappear?

Law of effect

The theory of motivation that asserts that people are motivated by physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization needs is ______ theory.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs

What theories of motivation would be characterized as content perspectives?

Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory Herzberg's two-factor theory McClelland's acquired needs theory

Which statements about Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory are correct?

Maslow's theory is popular with managers. Managers should first focus on meeting level 1 and level 2 needs. Maslow's theory shows that workers need more than a paycheck.

The theory of motivation that asserts that achievement, affiliation, and power are the major motives determining people's behavior in the workplace is called ______.

McClelland's acquired needs theory

Which statements about motivation are true?

Motivation can only be inferred from a person's behavior. Multiple contextual and personal factors create motivation.

Which two ideas form the foundation for the reinforcement perspective?

Operant conditioning Law of effect

What area of equity theory is concerned with the extent to which people believe they are being treated fairly at work?

Organizational justice

Hillary knows she needs a full-time job so she can buy groceries and clothing for her three children. Which level in Maslow's hierarchy of needs does this describe?


Which perspectives on motivation are concerned with the thought progression that leads to people deciding how to act?

Process perspectives

Which types of reinforcement are intended to weaken a behavior?

Punishment Extinction


Reflects how organizational representatives treat employees while implementing procedures.


Reflects perceived fairness of rewards being given out.


Reflects perceived fairness of the process of making allocation decisions.

How does goal setting motivate employees?

Regulating employee efforts Increasing employee persistence Fostering employee use of action plans Directing employee attention

What are characteristics of motivating goals according to goal-setting theory?

Specific Challenging Achievable

What statement about stretch goals is true?

Stretch goals increase willingness to take risks.

When Jose compares his input/output ratio with that of his co-workers, he is satisfied that he is being treated fairly. What is Jose most likely to do as a result?

Support organizational change

What statement is true about people who have a performance goal orientation?

They are less likely to take on new challenges.

Which statements about employees who are motivated by a need for power are true?

They enjoy being in control of events and people. They like being publicly recognized for their responsibilities.

According to equity theory, how might employees respond if they feel their rewards are inadequate?

They may try to change the outputs. They may change the object of comparison. They may leave the situation

What is true of people who are motivated by the need for achievement?

They want fair and balanced feedback, both negative and positive.

According to the concept of goal orientation, there are two basic reasons why people try to achieve a goal, depending on the individual's personality. What are those reasons?

To demonstrate competence and receive approval To develop competence by learning new skills

True or false: When punishing an employee, it is best to give out disciplinary action as soon as possible after the undesirable behavior.


Leslie likes working on tasks that are challenging but still within her abilities. Leslie is most likely motivated by a need for ______.


Darius works in sales. For him, the most important thing is to build satisfying personal relationships with his co-workers and clients. Darius is primarily motivated by a need for ______.


Most effective managers ______.

are motivated by a high need for power

When punishing an employee, you should ______.

consider combining punishment with positive reinforcement

According to equity theory, when people believe there is equity, they will ______.

continue their current behavior

Janeen's boss is so pleased with her sales performance during the past quarter that he gives her a bonus. In terms of the model of motivation, the bonus represents a(n) ______.

extrinsic reward

When rewarding an employee for a behavior, you should ______.

give rewards as soon as possible

In equity theory, the education, experience, and skills that individuals contribute to their organizations are examples of ______.


Power that is used as a means to further organizational goals is known as ______ power.


Liu wants to better understand how to motivate employees at her company. Because she knows there is no single leading theory accepted by everyone on what motivates people, she looks into the top four perspectives: content, process, reinforcement, and ______.

job design

The use of reinforcement theory to change human behavior is called behavior ______.


The psychological processes that arouse and direct goal-directed behavior are collectively called ______.


Physiological or psychological deficiencies that arouse behavior are called ______.


"I'll take out the garbage," Jan tells her husband. "Just stop bugging me about it." This situation exemplifies ______.

negative reinforcement

When analyzing the pay scale of her staff, Nanci saw that several equivalent positions in the department were paid at various rates. She felt that they needed to be balanced. Which aspect of equity theory is Nanci taking into consideration?


To encourage Mikayla to help around the house, her mother offers to pay her $1 each time she makes her bed in the morning and puts her laundry in the hamper. This is an example of ______.

positive reinforcement

Your professor awards five bonus points for coming to class on time. This is an example of ______.

positive reinforcement

According to McClelland's acquired needs theory, a "control freak" might be described as an individual with normal achievement needs, a low level of affiliation needs, and a very high level of ______ needs.


What is important to Marie in the workplace is to be in charge and in a position of control over her co-workers. This reflects which of the following needs identified by McClelland's acquired needs theory?


If students arrive late to Professor Clarkson's class, their participation grade is automatically docked five points. This is an example of ______.


Keir's boss calls him into her office to berate him for coming in late for the third time this week. This is an example of ______.


In equity theory, people compare their ______.

ratio of inputs and outputs to the ratio of others in similar jobs

Anything that causes a given behavior to be repeated or inhibited is known as ______.


According to equity and justice theories, organizational decisions ______.

should include input from the employees they will affect

A goal that goes beyond what a person is actually expected to achieve is a ______ goal.


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