Chapter 12 pure monopoly

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price discrimination forms are

-charging different customer different price -charging each customer the maximum price he or she willing to pay -charging each customer one price for the first unite and lower price for consequent unite

in context of total revenue elastic

a decline a price will increase total revenue

in context of total revenue inelastic

a decline a price will reduce total revenue

which allows natural monopoly to produce efficiently

a decline long run average total cost curve extensive economic scale

all else equal, which is more likely to experience economic profit in the long run

a pure monopolist

The absence of any effective entry barriers

a very large number of firms, which provide the basic of pure competitions.

the main characteristic of pure monopoly

blocked entry for other firms unavailability close substitute of its products presence of single seller considerable control over the price

price discrimination high fares

business travelers whose demand for travel inelastic

monopolist use economic of scale to block to entry new firms in the industry

by lowering price so that another firm cannot compete developing innovative technology that make it difficult another firm compete

imperfect competitor by changing market supply

can influence product price

which of following describes what no close substitute means as it related to consumers and pure monopoly

consumers must either buy monopolized product or do without it entirely

efficiency loss is also know

deadweight loss

The key difference between pure monopolists and purely competitive seller lies on the

demand side of the market

computer operating software, commercial aircraft and basic steel are examples of industries which

economic of scale limit the enter of new firms

a natural monopoly may occur only a single firm can achieve

economic of scale necessary to compete in an industry

which term to used to describe declining average total cost with added firms size

economic scale

which of the following are necessary to determine the profit-maximizing and lose maximizing level output, profit-maximizing and lose maximizing price, economic profit or loss in pure monopoly

employ profit-maximizing and lose maximizing rule MR=MC identify the profit-maximizing and lose maximizing price and output by finding the price/ output combination at MR=MC

most regulatory agencies in the United stated

establish an fair-return-price that utility company is allowed to earn

network effect exists

if the value of product to each user increases as the total number of users increase

monopoly can

increase profit by charging different prices to different buyers

monopolist my create entry barrier when confronted with a entrant into the industry by

incurring advertising cost reducing product price

total economic profit

is found by multiplying per-unite profit by profit-maximizing output

whereas pure monopolist's demand curve

is market demand curve and is down-sloping

efficient loss

is occur when the sum of consumers surplus and producer surplus is less then the maximum

a near monopoly

is single firm that has bulk of sales in specific market

price discriminiation or charging different price to different customers

is widely practiced in US economy

monopolists doesn't have supply curve because

it doesn't equate the price to marginal cost there is no single, unique price associated with each level of output

government licensing is

legal barrier to entry

which of following is characteristic of public utilities

monopoly or virtually so governments owned or regulated

which of following are example that may be found x-inefficiency in regulated firms

more managers and staff then necessary nicer-than typical office building higher then competitive wages

condition necessary for price discrimination are

no reselling , market segregation monopoly power

Weaker barriers to enter

oligopoly, market structure dominated by a few firms

which of the following is consider barrier to entry into industry

ownership of essential property

the exclusive right of an inventor to use or to allow another to use,her or his invention is called


government creates legal barriers to entry

patents and licenses

two legal barriers to entry are

patents and licenses

the spread or difference that result when price exceeds average total cost determines

per-unite economic profit

practice for charging different prices from different buyers for specific product is known

price discrimination

firms with down-sloping product demand curve is know

price makers

which of the following are potential to economic losses incurred by regulated monopoly caused by socially optimal pricing

public subsidies price discrimination

purely competitive

seller faces perfectly elastic demand curve at the price determined by market supply and demand

the profit-maximizing monopolist will always want to avoid which segment of its demand curve

the inelastic segment

Which of the following are reason that monopolist considered price maker

the monopolist controls the total quantity supply the monopolist exerts control over the price

monopolists used marginal revenue equal marginal cost rule to determine

the profit-maximizing output and price

the pure monopolist has no supply curve because

there is no relationship between price and quantity, and monopolists doesn't equate marginal cost to price, it is possible for different demand condition to bring about different price for the same output

marginal revenue is the change

total revenue

pure monopolist

total revenue increase at diminishing rate

when marginal revenue is positive

total revenue is increasing

how much will profit seeking produce if producing is preferable to shutdown

up to the output which marginal revenue equals marginal cost

price discrimination lower,highly restricted, nonrefundable fares

vacationers and others whose demand are more elastic

natural monopoly is called

when market demand curve crosses the long run average total cost where average total cost declining

pure monopoly exists

when single firm is solo producer of product which there are no close substitution

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