Chapter 12

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At the Basilica of St. Peter, to reduce the scale of the vast space under Michelangelo Buonarroti's dome, Gianlorenzo Bernini designed the _________

bronze Baldacchino

The interior concave-convex rhythms of the plan of the church of S. Ivo della Sapienza rise in planes through the bent and folded entablature into the ribs of its six-lobed _____


At S. Andrea al Quirinale in Rome, Gianlorenzo Bernini placed chapels on the cross-axis


In the angles of the crossing piers at the Basilica of St. Peter, Gianlorenzo Bernini's design placed _______

four statues of saints

Identify the true statements about the church of S. Andrea al Quirinale in Rome

it has a convex curving portico that is supported by Ionic columns, it has a thermal window that allows light into the interior, it has giant-order Corinthian pilasters that support a pediment

Which of the following are true of S. Andrea al Quirinale?

it has a painted image of St. Andrew that hangs above the alter, lit by a hidden, secondary dome with lantern, it has a sculpted figure of St. Andrew that rises through the broken pediment that defines the altar

Which of the following are true of the Baroque style of architecture?

it is characterized by spatial complexity and drama created by light from undisclosed sources, it is achieved through the imaginative integration of painting, sculpture, and architecture to create illusions, it involves the dynamic play of concave against convex curves

A feature of the Piazza Obliqua at the Piazza of St. Peter's is that _________

it is more characteristically Baroque than the Piazza Retta

In the church of S. Carlo alle Quattro Fontane, the verticality of the structure is terminated by a crowning balustrade broken by a large oval ______


At the point where the three radial streets converge in the Piazza del Popolo, Domenico Fontana placed an


The bronze Baldacchino at the Basilica of St. Peter is a protective canopy over the high altar above the tomb of St. Peter


Located at the center of the Piazza of St. Peter's is the eighty-three-foot tall _______

Vatican Obelisk

Which of the following was added to the Piazza del Popolo by Giuseppe Valadier?

a set of viewing terraces

At the Basilica of St. Peter, to reduce the scale of the vast space under Michaelangelo Buonarroti's dome, Gianlorenzo Bernini designed the __________

bronze Baldacchino

At II Gesu, the fresco of the Adoration of the Name of Jesus, which includes clouds, draperies, and human bodies floating in space, was painted by ________

Giovanni Battista Gaulli

Paul III

He commissioned Michelangelo's redesign of the Capitoline Hill

Giacomo della Porta

He completed the dome of the basilica

Carlo Maderno

He designed the nave addition and the main facade of the basilica

Pius IV

He laid out a straight avenue, the Strada Pia

The architectural works commissioned by the Catholic Church around Rome in both the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries gave rise to a new architectural style known as the ________


The most important Christian monument in Rome was the ______, located across the Tiber from the older parts of the city

Basilica of St. Peter

The twin towers on either side of the curved facade of the church of S. Agnese in Agone were added by ______

Carlo Rainaldi

At the Basilica of St. Peter, lightly supported by four figures representing Doctors of the Church and against a glorious backdrop where golden rays emanate from a brightly illuminated stained-glass center on which rises the dove of the Holy Spirit is the _______

Cathedra Petri

Technical direction for the installation of the Vatican Obelisk was provided by _______

Domenico Fontana

Identify the architect of the church of S. Agnese in Agone who provided it with a new concave facade, above which rose a high drum, elongated dome, and slender cupola

Francesco Borromini

The architect of the church of S. Ivo della Sapienza in Rome is _______

Francesco Borromini

Identify the architects involved in creating the urban design of the Piazza Navona located in Rome

Francesco Borromini, Gianlorenzo Bernini

Identify the architects of the Spanish Steps in Rome

Francesco de Sanctis, Alessandro Specchi

Identify the architects of II Gesu in Rome

Giacomo della Porta, Giacomo Vignola

Either directly or through workshops under his supervision, ______ was responsible for the flooring in the nave and narthex, for the decoration of the have piers, and for the design of four scultural groupings for altars and tombs of the Basilica of St. Peter

Gianlorenzo Bernini

The Cathedra Petri, or Chair of Peter, at St. Peter's is the culminating work of ________

Gianlorenzo Bernini

The Cathedra Petri, or Chair of Peter, at St. Peter's is the culminating work of __________

Gianlorenzo Bernini

The Piazza of St. Peter's composed of the Piazza Obliqua and the Piazza Retta was designed by _______

Gianlorenzo Bernini

The official architect of the Basilica of St. Peter, from 1629 until his death, was ___________

Gianlorenzo Bernini

The statue of St. Longinus at the Basilica of St. Peter was carved by ______

Gianlorenzo Bernini

The principal church of the Jesuits and one of the earliest Baroque architectural designs was the church of _______

II Gesu

The principal church of the Jesuits and one of the earliest Baroque architectural designs was the church of __________

II Gesu

Which of the following are coffered on the dome of the church of S. Carlo alle Quattro Fontane?

Octagons, Trinitarian crosses, Hexagons

During the reign of ______, work was resumed on the construction of the dome after twenty-five years of relative inaction following the death of Michelangelo

Sixtus V

The building of twenty-seven new fountains in Rome was undertaken during the pontificate of _______

Sixtus V

Francesco Borromini collaborated with Gianlorenzo Bernini on the __________

St. Peter's Baldacchino

The new street that extended from S. Maria Maggiore to S. Croce in Gerusalemme in one direction and in the other direction to SS. Trinita dei Monti on the Esquiline Hill, constructed during the pontificate of Sixtus V. was the __________

Strada Felice

During the pontificate of Sixtus, which of the following was redesigned to provide an appropriate entranceway for pilgrims entering Rome from the north?

The Piazza del Popolo

The undulating interior plan of the church of S. Carlo alle Quattro Fontane is reduced to an oval drum supporting an oval dome by ______


Francesco Borromini began his career as a _________


At II Gesu, Giacomo Vignola produced clear slightlines and acoustics that allowed for preaching, to be heard clearly by ________

suppressing the transepts and shortening the nave

Identify the structure designed by Francesco Borromini at the corner of the Strada Felice and the Strada Pia

the church of S. Carlo alle Quattro Fontane

Identify the identical domed churches on the trapezoidal sites created by the three streets at the Piazza del Popolo

the church of S. Maria in Montesanto, the church of S. Maria dei Miracoli

Which of the following activities were undertaken during the pontificate of Sixtus V?

the construction of a new aqueduct, the revival of the wool and silk industries

Externally, the bulging walls and stepped cap of the dome of the church of S. Ivo della Sapienza support an exotic lantern tower that spirals upward in a form that allows multiple associations


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