Chapter 13-14

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

Which of the following is FALSE regarding recent research on love and marriage in middle-age?

Marriages that were difficult and rocky in early adulthood tended to stay that way.

Which of the following is TRUE of middle-aged and older adults who had poor sibling relationships in childhood?

Men were more likely to develop depression by age 50

_____ is the developmental period that has been traditionally defined as beginning at approximately 40 to 45 years of age and extending to about 60 to 65 years of age.

Middle adulthood

Which of the following is FALSE about menopause?

Most women will have severe physical problems related to menopause.

In the Berkeley Longitudinal Studies, which of the following characteristics generally changed the most across time for the adult?

Nurturance or hostility

Alexis is feeling the stress of a major life event—her daughter's wedding. Her already high blood pressure is soaring, causing her to worry. The contemporary life-events approach would consider her health issues to be:

a mediating factor.

In a longitudinal study of individuals from their early thirties through their late sixties/early seventies:

a significant increase in spirituality occurred between late middle and late adulthood.

Stan, a middle-aged man, rarely gets more than five hours of sleep a night. Stan is at risk for:

a weakening of his immune system.

Levinson sees the twenties as a(n) _____ phase of adult development.


In 1900, _____ of children 10 years old had four living grandparents; in 2000, _____ of children 10 years old had four living grandparents.

4%; 40%

Accommodation of the eye experiences its sharpest decline between:

40 and 59 years of age.

Which of the following is a sign of aging for the average adult in middle adulthood?

Brittle fingernails

Which of the following is the finding of the longitudinal and cross-sectional assessment of intellectual abilities conducted by Schaie?

Decline in intellectual abilities was more likely in the cross-sectional assessments than in the longitudinal assessments.

Which of the following places individuals on a continuum from affectionate to reserved?


Which of the following statements about late midlife is FALSE?

People in late midlife are less likely to experience their last child leaving home than people in early midlife.

Which of the following is a common way to assess speed of information processing?

Reaction-time task

In the Berkeley Longitudinal Studies, which of the following characteristics was generally stable across time for the adult?


Lillian is 50 years old. Her doctor has noticed a sharp decrease in her estrogen levels, and Lillian is complaining about nausea and fatigue. According to the symptoms given in the textbook, what could be her initial diagnosis?

She is going through menopause.

Which of the following statements about intergenerational relations is TRUE?

Similarity between parents and an adult child is most noticeable in religion and politics.

Which of the following is a major difference between Levinson's and Valliant's views on midlife?

Valliant maintains that only a minority of adults experience midlife as a crisis

Stability of personality peaks in this age range

What is 50s and 60s?

Ability to focus and maintain an image on the retina

What is Accommodation of the Eye?

How old someone feels; what age group they believe they belong in

What is Age Identity?

Being high in this says that you are more likely to have more satisfying romantic relationships

What is Agreeableness?

Age-related declines in these two occupations

What is Air Traffic Controller and Professional Athletes?

This type of Generativity happens when individuals have children.

What is Biological?

This is the leading cause of death in Middle Age

What is Cancer?

Exercise, weight control, and a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains help reduce this issue.

What is Cardiovascular Disease?

The role of work is this during middle age

What is Central?

This is the reason risk of cardiovascular disease continues to increase with age.

What is Cholesterol accumulates on the artery walls?

Many are now delaying their retirement due these concerns

What is Concerns about Pension and Health Care?

This theory says how life events influence the individual's development depends on several factors, including mediating factors and Sociohistorical context

What is Contemporary Life Events Approach?

Dr. G. brings in 50-25 year olds, 50-35 year olds, and 50-45 year olds. He gives them a list of words that they have to define. He is using this type of research design to test this mental ability.

What is Cross-Sectional AND Verbal Comprehension?

Accumulated information and verbal skills

What is Crystallized Intelligence?

Men who had poor sibling relationships in childhood were more likely to develop this by the age of 50

What is Depression?

Some companies offer this as a way to help reduce cost

What is Early Retirement?

Decrease in marital satisfaction after children leave the home

What is Empty Nest Syndrome?

Having extensive, highly organized knowledge and understanding of a particular domain

What is Expertise?

When Dennis gets stressed, he drinks to try to numb the stress; an example of how men deal with stress using this concept.

What is Fight or Flight?

Erikson's stage in Middle Adulthood

What is Generativity vs. Stagnation?

Mother's intergenerational ties influential for these relationships

What is Grandparent-Grandchild?

If you surveyed 100 people who were 60-75 years old, this many would say they were Middle Age

What is Half?

Chris is married to Brandy, he is going to be more likely to spend time with this family.

What is Her?

Memory decline linked to this.

What is Ineffective memory strategies?

Janet's parents have died and she is preparing for retirement. She is likely in this period of her life.

What is LATE Midlife?

Pleasant times after work, pursue activities and interests of their choosing

What is Leisure?

If someone's health is poor, they are more likely to struggle with dealing with the Life-Event due to this component of the Contemporary Life-Events Approach.

What is Mediating Factors?

This, cessation of menstrual period, occurs because this declines.

What is Menopause and Estrogen (and Progesterone)?

40-45 years to about 60-65 years of age

What is Middle Age/Adulthood?

While the 40s is a decade of reassessing and recording truth about adolescent and adult years, contrary to popular belief, only a minority of individuals actually experience this.

What is Midlife Crisis?

Mindy is often anxious and her friends are never really sure what mood she will be in when they hang out with her. She is likely high on this trait from the Big Five Factors

What is Neuroticism?

Middle-aged adults experience more "this" stressors, due to juggling too many activities at once.

What is Overload?

Middle Age people become shorter due to this.

What is Progressive Bone Loss/reduced Bone Density?

During an experiment, Julie is told to press a button when a light appears. This is an example of this.

What is Reaction Time Task? (Test of Perceptual Speed is also Acceptable)

Increasing percentage of the population made up of middle-aged and older adults leads to this.

What is Rectangularization?

This promotes health through Lifestyle Issues, Social Networks, and Coping with Stress

What is Religion?

Responsibilities for caring for adolescent/young adult children and aging parents

What is Sandwich Generation?

This is the term for age-related loss of muscle mass and strength

What is Sarcopenia?

Most married individuals are this with their marriages during midlife

What is Satisfied?

Berkley's Longitudinal Study found the most stable characteristics are openness to experience, intellectual orientation, and this.

What is Self-Confidence?

During Middle Adulthood, generally there is a greater sense of control over finances, work, and marriage, but less sense of control over this and this.

What is Sex Life and Children?

The Baltimore Study concluded this across adult years for the Big Five Factors

What is Stability?

Develops when individuals sense that they have done nothing for the next generation

What is Stagnation?

Full-time grandparenting linked to health problems, depression, and this

What is Stress?

Generativity in middle age was this related enduring and happy marriage

What is Strongly?

With this and this, people become more adept at interacting with their environment in ways that promote stability of personality

What is Time and Age?

Paul is talking to his girlfriend, and she tells him the things she would like for Christmas. Paul is able to remember that list when he goes shopping due to this type of mental ability

What is Verbal Memory?

Where individuals manipulate and assemble information when making decisions, solving problems, and comprehending written and spoken language begins to decline in Middle Age, also known as this.

What is Working Memory?

These individuals are more likely to have more frequent contact with grandchildren

Who are Grandmothers?

When stressed out, these seek social alliances with others.

Who are Women?

He said that men entering into Middle Adulthood have to deal with 4 main conflicts, including being younger vs. being old and being masculine vs. feminine

Who is Levinson?

He said the most distinct human qualities are Spirituality, Freedom, and responsibility

Who is Victor Frankl?

Vaillant's research showed that at age 50, the best predictors of who would be dead at 75 to 80 years of age were:

alcohol abuse and smoking.

The term not used in your textbook to describe middle-aged adults who care for their own adolescent or young adulthood children as well as their aging parents is the _____ generation.


Middle-aged adults feel they have less control over their:


From about the ages of 28 to 33, a man goes through a transition period in which he must face the more serious question of:

determining his goals.

According to Levinson, which of the following is a major task that needs to be mastered in early adulthood?

developing a stable life structure

Chelsea has severe coronary heart disease. This condition is most closely linked to:


Sleep deprivation in middle-age has been linked to all of the following EXCEPT:

improved cognitive functioning.

Jimmy, a fireman in his forties, is starting to notice _____, a typical thing at his age.

joint stiffness

Linda, 55 years old, has trouble reading small print and trouble seeing things when the light is dim. Her doctor suggested she look into _____. Even though she was worried, after some research she found that this is a routine procedure to correct vision for people her age.

laser surgery

Two years ago Ariana's father died, and now her mother's health is failing quickly. Developmental experts would use these circumstances to place her specifically in:

late midlife.

Researchers have primarily used _____ studies to assess stability and change across the life span.


A common complaint voiced by both adult children and their parents when adult children return home is a(n):

loss of privacy.

Marisol, age 61, just returned from the funeral of a friend who was about 10 years older than she is. She is writing in a journal about what gives her life meaning, and how she feels about the years she has left. Frankl would say she is engaging in:

meaning-making coping

Tucker has been a lobsterman for most of his adult life. Now 50 years old, he can tell he is losing strength in his back and legs. His _____ is starting to interrupt his work.


In middle age there is an increase in:

sleep-disordered breathing.

In terms of visible signs of aging, a study of twins found that sagging facial skin and wrinkles were linked to:


Megan and Bill have had a difficult marriage from the beginning. They finally divorced later in life. Their reason for staying together so long, consistent with a 2004 survey conducted by AARP, was because of:

their children.

Trevor and Michelle's last child has just left home to attend college. According to research, this will most likely be a time when:

they will spend more quality time together.

According to cognitive aging expert Denise Park, the slowdown in learning new information has been linked to changes in:

working memory

Lydia, a first-time grandmother, works in the office at a health clinic. Research would say her age identity is:

younger than her chronological age.

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