Chapter 13 and 14

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Amyloid plaques can develop in the brain

10 to 20 years before behavioral symptoms become noticeable

What percentage of wounded soldiers in the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars are estimated to have suffered a TBI?


In 2013, there were an estimated ________TBI-related hospitalizations, emergency department visits, and deaths


U.S. mortality records and recent autopsy studies have led to more conservative estimates of the incidence of Alzheimer's disease. These findings suggest that the incidence is approximately ________%.


What is the worldwide prevalence rate of Alzheimer's disease as provided by The World Health Organization?

5% of men and 6% of women

Which of the following is the one of the most significant factors in determining personality disorders?

A person has significant impairment in cognition, affectivity, interpersonal functioning, or impulse control

Gracia, after having suffered from cognitive deficits for a period of five years dies at the age of 75. When her brain is examined, it is discovered that her cerebral cortex had degenerated. It is likely that this woman suffered from

Alzheimer's disease

John is in his early 60s. He has difficulties in remembering basic information, such as his own address. He often fails to recognize people and cannot carry out simple motor activities. John initially experienced loss of memory a few years ago; over time these symptoms have increased. He does not experience any fluctuations in consciousness. John is unable to carry out day-to-day activities. Which of the following diagnoses would best fit John's condition?

Alzheimer's disease

________ is a neurodegenerative disorder, characterized by progressive and gradual cognitive deficits due to severe cerebral atrophy.

Alzheimer's disease

Cindy had met with a motor accident two months back in which she suffered from a head injury. She was unable to recollect any of her personal information, such as her name, profession, and where she lived. She had no recollection of events that had occurred before the accident. Which of the following diagnoses would best fit her condition?


Which of the following is a symptom typically associated with major neurocognitive disorder?


Which part of the brain plays a role in aversive conditioning and is involved in processing emotion?


________ are a characteristic of Alzheimer's disease in which clusters of dead or dying neurons become mixed together with fragments of protein molecules.

Amyloid plaques

________ is the condition in which the brain is deprived of oxygen leading to dementia.


Nicole, a junior high student, is always busy, plotting against Amanda, the most popular girl in class. Nicole is callous and hostile and constantly seeks attention to herself. Which of the following personality domains in the DSM-5 is Nicole depicting?


________ therapies for AIDS have primarily been responsible for lowering the chances of developing dementia in the late stages of the disease.


Which of the following is the subcortical structure that controls a person's motor movements and whose degeneration is primarily related to Parkinson's disease?

Basal ganglia

Which of the following statements is true about treating individuals with antisocial personality disorder?

Because they seem unable to experience empathy and do not learn from the negative consequences of their behaviors, they seem to be resistant to approaches using either insight or behavioral interventions.

How best can a cognitive-behavioral therapist treat a person with avoidant personality disorder?

By helping the client see the irrationality of fears of rejection

Which of the following statements about chronic traumatic encephalography (CTE) is not true?

CTE routinely causes the loss of language and math skills. Correct answers: CTE is a form of neurocognitive disorder that can lead to premature death. Football players are particularly likely to experience deficits in executive functioning associated with damage to their frontal lobes. The effects of CTE appear to be attributable to tau proteins

Which of the following is one of the primary causes of anoxia?

Carbon monoxide poisoning Complications with anesthesia during surgery

Which of the following is primarily affected by Alzheimer's disease?

Cerebral cortex

Which of the following is primarily affected by Pick's disease?

Cerebral cortex

Which of the following statements about neurocognitive disorder due to traumatic brain injury (TBI) is true?

Children ages 0-4, young adults aged 15-24, and adults over 75 years of age have the greatest risk of TBI

How might a clinician differentiate between the cognitive impairment seen in Alzheimer's clients and the deficits seen in clients suffering from vascular neurocognitive disorder?

Cilents with Alzheimer's follow a gradual pattern of cognitive deterioration while clients with vascular neurocognitive disorder show a stepwise deterioration in cognitive functioning

Which of the following indicates that individuals do not learn from their negative experiences?

Deficit of classical conditioning passive avoidance

_______ is a neurocognitive disorder that is temporary in nature and involves disturbances in attention and awareness.


________ personality disorder is characterized by an extreme neediness for other people, to the point that the person is unable to make any decisions or take any independent action.


Devlin is reclusive and does not derive pleasure from any kind of social activity. She rarely attends any social gathering and keeps to herself. Which of the following personality domains in the DSM-5 is Devlin depicting?


Which of the following term involves engaging in behaviors with high impulsivity, irresponsibility, and risk-taking?


Andrew's inability to engage in goal-directed behaviors when experiencing distress has led to several problems for him at work. His lack of awareness, understanding, or acceptance of emotions has led to people disliking him. Which of the following term explains Andrew's inability to regulate emotions?

Emotional dysregulation

Individuals least at risk of developing postconcussion syndrome are those who had an anxiety or depressive disorder prior to their injury.


Individuals with schizoid personality disorder secretly desire intimate relationships with others.


People high in psychopathy also have difficulty processing positive emotional stimuli.


People who are higher on grandiose narcissism find it easy to brush off negative comments from others, especially others whom they see as being "beneath" them.


People with Pick's disease have memory problems before undergoing personality alterations.


The cognitive losses that are associated with physical disorders and toxic reactions is irreversible.


The term borderline, as it applies to borderline personality disorder, has origins in the notion that the individual is functioning on the border of avoidant and psychotic forms of psychopathology.


People with schizoid personality disorder appear particularly distressed and a risk to others.


Which of the following is not a cause of neurocognitive disorder?

Genetic disposition

Which of the following indicates core personality traits for antisocial disorder in Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R)?

Glibness and superficial charm

Which of the following is a medication commonly used for the treatment of delirium?


The diagnosis of antisocial behavior used today had its origins in the work of

Hervey Cleckley

________ is a genetic, degenerative neurological disorder that can affect personality and cognitive functioning. This disease is caused by an abnormality on chromosome 4.

Huntington's disease

Which of the following statements about the treatment of cognitive losses associated with physical disorders and toxic reactions is true?

If the client receives prompt care, the cognitive losses may be reversed

Which of the following statements about dependent personality disorder is true?

In high levels, the personality quality agreeableness can become a tendency to be overly docile, self-sacrificing, and clinging.

In the context of TBI, which of the following is true?

In older adults, falls are the most common cause of TBIs

Which of the following is true about categorical diagnostic system?

In the process of revising the DSM-IV-TR, the personality disorders panels developed a number of alternative models to get away from the categorical diagnostic system.

Which of the following statements describes the major difference between Pick's disease and Alzheimer's disease?

Individuals with Pick's disease undergo personality changes before they begin to have memory problems while individuals with Alzheimer's experience memory problems first

Which of the following is not a component of emotional dysregulation?

Interpersonal instability and impaired relationships

What is meant by deficit of classical conditioning passive avoidance?

It means that an individual fails to learn from previous negative experiences.

_________ refer to tiny, spherical structures consisting of protein deposits in dying nerve cells found in damaged regions deep within the brains of people with Parkinson's disease.

Lewy bodies

Which of the following is one of the symptom of Parkinson's disease?

Loss of motor coordination

Pierce recently suffered from a head trauma, as a result of which he is unable to retain new information. He cannot remember his personal details, such as his name, address, and educational details. Which of the following diagnoses would best fit his condition?

Major neurocognitive disorder due to a general medical condition

Which of the following statement is true regarding theories of antisocial personality disorder?

Malnutrition in early life may serve as another risk factor for the development of antisocial personality disorder

Bernard was a very aggressive and impulsive teenager. He was always involved in neighborhood brawl As he aged, his antisocial behavior declined and he was more patient with people around him. Which of the following explains this behavior?

Maturation hypothesis

Which of the following terms suggest that older individuals are better able to manage their high-risk tendencies?

Maturation hypothesis

In which of the following therapies do clinicians help their clients take a step back and learn to identify their problematic ruminative thinking patterns in the context of a building a supportive therapeutic alliance?

Metacognitive interpersonal

________ is a condition that involves a modest cognitive decline from a previous level of performance.

Mild neurocognitive disorder

Which of the following is a form of vascular neurocognitive disorder caused by transient attacks in which blood flow to the brain is interrupted by a clogged or burst artery?

Multi-infarct dementia

Which personality disorder is characterized by an unrealistic, inflated sense of self-importance and an sensitivity toward the needs of other people?

Narcissistic personality disorder

Jason, a final year graduate student from Cornell University, is always suspicious about his girlfriend Joule. He is always anxious and believes that separation after college will spoil their relationship forever. He is always depressed and hostile. Which of the following personality domains in the DSM-5 is Jason depicting?

Negative affectivity

Which of the following is true about antisocial personality disorder?

Not all individuals with antisocial personality disorder engage in explicitly criminal behavior, but instead their disorder may manifest itself in behaviors such as job problems, promiscuity, and aggressiveness

Which of the following is not a trait that is associated with people suffering from borderline personality disorder?

Obsessive thinking

Intense perfectionism and inflexibility manifested in worrying, indecisiveness, and behavioral rigidity is referred to as ________ personality disorder.


Which personality disorder is characterized by an undue preoccupation with neatness and routine?


________ personality disorder is characterized by extreme suspicion and always being on guard against danger.


_________ disease primarily involves neuronal degeneration of the basal ganglia, the subcortical structures that control motor movements.


Which of the following is the disease that involves the neuronal degeneration of the basal ganglia, the subcortical structures that control motor movements?

Parkinson's disease

________ is a disease that can cause neurocognitive disorder and that involves the degeneration of neurons in the subcortical structures that control motor movements

Parkinson's disease

Which of the following statements is true about delirium?

People diagnosed with delirium temporarily experience disturbances in their attention and awareness

Which of the following is true about Pick's disease?

People with Pick's disease appear apathetic and unmotivated

Which of the following is a symptom typically associated with Pick's disease?

People with Pick's disease become socially disinhibited.

Michelle, a 70-year-old woman, was a very composed and gentle person. For the past eight months, she has been behaving in a very impulsive and violent manner. She has been experiencing memory problems, too. She also exhibits other symptoms of neurocognitive disorder. Michelle is most likely suffering from

Pick's disease

Which of the following is a condition that people undergoing mild TBI are most likely to experience?

Postconcussion syndrome

Anaida suddenly starts dressing and behaving like the cannibalistic witch from the fairy tale "Hansel and Gretel." Her thought content is viewed by others as bizarre and idiosyncratic. Which of the following personality domains in the DSM-5 is Anaida depicting?


Lamont is an interstate truck driver. Many people consider him a loner. Lamont is indifferent to the idea of marriage, shows no emotions, and does not seem to desire social contact. If we assume Lamont's problem is long-standing, which of the following diagnoses would be most appropriate?

Schizoid personality disorder

Which personality disorder is primarily characterized by an indifference to social relationships as well as a very limited range of emotions?

Schizoid personality disorder

Which personality disorder involves peculiarities in thought, behavior, appearance, and style of relating to others?

Schizotypal personality disorder

________ are enzymes that trim part of the APP remaining outside the neuron so that it is flush with the neuron's outer membrane


"________" is the term used by Cleckley to refer to a psychopath's inability to react appropriately to expressions of emotionality.

Semantic dementia

Which of the following is a symptom of borderline personality disorder?


Of the following, which is most likely to be a cause of delirium?

Substance intoxication

A certain amount of paranoid thinking and behavior might be appropriate in some situations, such as in dangerous political climates


A definitive diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease can only be made after an autopsy is performed.


A distinguishing feature of personality disorders is the fact that the behavior patterns are apparent even in adolescence or young adulthood.


Another evidence-based treatment for BPD, transference-focused psychotherapy, uses the client-clinician relationships as the framework for helping clients achieve greater understanding of their unconscious feelings and motives.


Behavioral strategies can reduce the frequency of aggression in an Alzheimer's patient.


Cognitive changes do not occur in all people with Parkinson's disease.


Early childhood experiences play an important role in the development of borderline personality disorder.


Huntington's disease affects personality and cognitive functioning.


In the process of revising the DSM-IV-TR, the personality disorders panels developed a number of alternative models to get away from the categorical diagnostic system.


Neuropsychological testing helps clinicians identify specific patterns of responses that fit known disease profiles.


Reducing the risk of hypertension and diabetes is one important way to lower the chances of developing cognitive disorders in later life.


The biopsychosocial perspective has yet to develop a cure for Alzheimer's disease.


Treatment for people with schizotypal personality disorder parallels the interventions that clinicians commonly use in treating schizophrenia.


Which of the following statement about antisocial personality disorder is correct?

The components of psychopathy involving impulsivity, social deviance, and antisocial behavior are less prominent in prison inmates who are in their mid-40s and older.

Which of the following statements about the biology of Alzheimer's disease is not true?

The cut-off fragments of alpha-amyloid join with fragments of beta-amyloid to form plaque that can only be removed with medication.

Which of the following statements about neurocognitive disorder with Lewy bodies is not true?

The disorder gets in name from the woman who first identified it, Adela Lewy

Which of the following facets of an individual's history would a psychodynamically-oriented therapist consider most important if the individual was diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder?

The early failure of the individual to receive adequate parental support.

Which of the following statements about Alzheimer's disease is true?

The symptoms of Alzheimer's disease become progressively worse over time

Gillian has been diagnosed as having borderline personality disorder. When her therapist arrived late for an appointment, she flew into a rage at the office, claiming that he must hate her and that she wants to stop seeing him. What might be the best strategy to deal with this situation?

The therapist should explain to her in a gentle but firm manner that his tardiness is not due to anything about her.

Which of the following is true about vascular neurocognitive disorder?

There is no treatment to reverse the cognitive losses in vascular neurocognitive disorder

The prevalence rates for Alzheimer's disease are actually much lower than previously reported.


Which of the following is true about delirium?

Vitamin deficiency can cause delirium

Which of the following statements in not true about the alternative personality disorder diagnostic system in section 3 of the DSM-5?

We now have hard evidence showing that the categorical approach to diagnosing personality disorders more accurately reflects clinical conditions than the dimensional system. Correct answers: -The alternative diagnostic system was included in the DSM-5 in response to the criticism that the 10 diagnoses there require too many fine distinctions to be made about behaviors and qualities that, in reality, occur as a continuum. -In using the existing DSM-5 diagnosis system, clinicians found that they were using the category "personality disorder not otherwise specified." -In response to the criticisms and questions raised by the existing diagnostic system, DSM-5 authors decided to include the dimensional ratings of pathological personality traits on a trial basis.

Alzheimer's disease is best defined as

a cause of neurocognitive disorder, characterized by progressive and gradual cognitive deficits due to severe cerebral atrophy

Mild neurocognitive disorder is best defined as

a condition in which there is a modest decline in cognitive functioning from previous levels.


a difficulty imitating movement because of the rigidity of the muscles


a form of cognitive impairment involving generalized progressive deficits in a person's memory

Multi-infarct dementia is best defined as

a form of neurocognitive disorder caused by transient attacks in which blood flow to the brain is interrupted by a clogged or burst artery

Frontotemporal neurocognitive disorder

a form of neurocognitive disorder characterized by apathy, lack of inhibition, obsessiveness, and loss of judgment


a general slowing of motor activity

Parkinson's disease is best defined as

a neurocognitive disorder that involves the degeneration of neurons in the subcortical structures that control motor movements

According to psychoanalytic theories, the narcissist's inflated self-image is a result of

a paradoxical attempt to overcome insecurity


a protein that normally helps maintain the internal support structure of the axons

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

a rare neurological disease thought to be caused by an infectious agent that results in abnormal protein accumulations in the brain

Pick's disease is best defined as

a relatively rare degenerative disease that affects the frontal and temporal lobes of the cerebral cortex and that can cause neurocognitive disorder.

Pick's disease

a relatively rare progressive degenerative disease that affects the frontal and temporal lobes of the cerebral

Delirium is best defined as

a temporary condition where individuals experience disturbances in their attention and awareness


a temporary state in which individuals disturbances in their attention and awareness; they are unaware of what is happening around them and are unable to focus or pay attention

Lewy bodies are abnormal deposits of a protein called


The cognitive disorder symptom involving the inability to recall previously learned information or to register new memories is referred to as


Trauma to the head that results in an alteration or loss of consciousness, or post-traumatic _____ is called traumatic brain injury


Which of the following is a core symptom of delirium?

an acute state of confusion

Which of the following is a factor for the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) developed by Robert D. Hare?

an antisocial lifestyle


an attempt to gain attention from family, friends, or professionals

Personality trait

an enduring pattern of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the environment and others

Dependent personality disorder

an excessive reliance on others

Anxiousness, submissiveness, and ________ are the pathological traits associated with dependent personality disorder

an insecure attachment style

From a psychodynamic standpoint, Freud believed that people with an obsessive-compulsive style have not progressed from, or are constantly returning to, the ________ stage of psychosexual development.



another expression for antisocial personality disorder

A lack of regard for society's moral and legal standards characterizes _______ personality disorder.


According to the maturation hypothesis, in ________ personality disorder aging is likely to bring about a reduction in troublesome behavior patterns.


Closely related to the biological perspective is the hypothesis that neuropsychological deficits in learning and attention have been thought to contribute to ________ personality disorder.


Hervey Cleckley's notion of psychopathy remains a key concept in descriptions of ________ personality disorder.


The DSM-5 defines people who receive the diagnosis of ________ personality disorder as highly impulsive and lacking in the capacity for regret over their actions.


The term "psychopath" has been considered synonymous with ________ personality disorder for quite some time.


Vic has demonstrated a long-standing pattern of disreputable and manipulative behaviors. He has a drug abuse problem and has a long criminal record for a variety of crimes. What is worse, he shows no remorse for some of the harsh things he has done. Vic would most likely be diagnosed as having ________ personality disorder.


Which personality disorder is characterized by a lack of regard for society's moral and legal standards?


Stealing, lying, and cheating are examples of

antisocial behaviors

Uriah is 50 years old and has been in prison for 20 years for a variety of crimes linked to his antisocial personality. Which of the following statements would he most want to have presented at his parole hearing?

antisocial personality traits tend to decrease in midlife

Which of the following lifestyle traits revolves around impulsivity, juvenile delinquency, early behavioral problems, lack of realistic long-term goals, and a need for constant stimulation?

antisocial trait

Amygdala and prefrontal cortex

areas of the brain involved in emotional processing and regulation

Personality disorders usually become evident

as early as adolescence

Individuals with ________ personality disorder stay home for a significant portion of the time due to excessive fears of embarrassment or rejection by others.


People with _______ personality disorder define themselves as lacking in social skills and having no desirable qualities that would make others want to be with them.


The personality disorder in which the individual is fearful of any involvement with other people and terrified at the prospect of being publicly embarrassed is referred to as ________ personality disorder.


People with paranoid personality disorder tend to

be highly suspicious of others

Cluster B disorders

behaviors that are dramatic, emotional, and erratic

The phenomenon of the "psychopath in the ________" describes corporate executives who ruthlessly exploit investors and employees alike, seeking their own gain at the expense of the bank accounts and livelihood of their victims.


A disturbed childhood family environment that involves abuse or neglect may contribute to the development of ________ personality disorder.


Campbell has been diagnosed with a personality disorder and his clinician suggests a transference-focused psychotherapy that uses the client-clinician relationships as the framework for helping clients achieve greater understanding of their unconscious feelings and motives. Using a process called core mindfulness, his clinician teaches Campbell to balance his emotions, reason, and intuition as he approach life's problems. It is most likely that Campbell would be diagnosed as having ________ personality disorder.


Lori becomes angry and hostile when her boyfriend chooses to spend a night out with his friends. She views him as "bad" and tries to manipulate him in order to make him stay home. Occasionally, when this occurs he threatens to break off the relationship, but Lori will do almost anything to keep him. She has on occasion threatened to commit suicide. Lori's behavior pattern is characteristic of ________ personality disorder.


The formation of intense and demanding relationships with others is characteristic of ________ personality disorder.


The tendency to behave impulsively in areas such as sexuality, spending, or reckless driving is characteristic of ________ personality disorder.


Which personality disorder is characterized by a pervasive pattern of poor impulse control as well as instability of moods, interpersonal relationships, and self-image?

borderline personality disorder

_________ is characterized by a pervasive pattern of poor impulse control, fluctuating self-image, and unstable mood and interpersonal relationships.

borderline personality disorder

Hervey Cleckley

categorized the behavior of the psychopathic personality

Which of the following is the most common cause of substance-induced persisting amnestic disorder?

chronic alcohol use

Repeated injuries over time, such as those experienced by college and professional football players, specifically may lead to ________, which causes a form of neurocognitive disorder and can lead to premature death.

chronic traumatic encephalography (CTE)

Dysfunctional attitudes and beliefs, rooted in childhood experiences of extreme criticism by parents, are central to the ________ approach to avoidant personality disorder.


The notion that people with obsessive-compulsive disorder operate according to unrealistic concerns with perfection and avoidance of mistakes is based on the ________ theory.


The view that narcissists hold maladaptive ideas about themselves is central to the ________ perspective.


In a recent study, poor nutrition at age 3 was associated with a higher likelihood of ________ disorder at age 17.


The media in the United States tend to ________ the prevalence rate of Alzheimer's disease.

confuse the prevalence rate of dementia with

Neurofibrillary tangles

consists of a protein call tau

Of the following, substance/medication-induced neurocognitive disorder is most likely to be caused by

continuous exposure to environmental toxins

Using a process called ________, DBT clinicians teach their clients to balance their emotions, reason, and intuition as they approach life's problems.

core mindfulness

Alzheimer's disease is primarily characterized by

degeneration in the tissues of the cerebral cortex

A temporary condition in which individuals experience a disturbance in attention and awareness, is referred to as


While Rupert was playing baseball at school, one of his team mates accidently hit him with his baseball bat. Immediately after that incident, he was unable to focus on the game. He seemed to be cut off from reality. Based on this information we can say that Rupert was experiencing an episode of


An extreme reliance on others, accompanied by a strong fear of abandonment, is characteristic of _____ personality disorder.


Reggie has had some significant challenges. Even though he is 28 years old, he lets his mother make all of the decisions in his life such as where he works, who he sees, what he wears, and where he goes. Reggie does not seem to mind; as a matter of fact he often says, "Momma knows best." Reggie would most likely be diagnosed as having ________ personality disorder.


Dr. Laskey is currently treating a client with borderline personality disorder. She is attempting to reframe her client's dysfunctional impulsive behaviors in order to identify their origins. She is also helping the client find new ways to analyze problems and to develop healthier solutions. Dr. Laskey is using a therapy known as

dialectical behavior therapy

Treatment approach for people with borderline personality disorder that integrates supportive and cognitive-behavioral treatments to reduce the frequency of self-destructive acts and to improve the client's ability to handle disturbing emotions, such as anger and dependency is known as

dialectical behavior therapy

The term "borderline personality" was originally coined to describe patients who

did not fit into either the neurotic or psychotic category.

Compulsivity is the opposite pole of the ________ domain.


Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

disorders characterized by extremely perfectionist behavior

Lack of awareness, understanding, or acceptance of emotions, and an inability to control the intensity or duration of emotions, are characteristics of emotional __________


Psychoanalytic theorists might view narcissistic personality disorder as the result of an individual's failure to progress beyond

early stages of psychosexual development

The emotional disturbances seen in people with borderline personality disorder are characterized by

emotional dysregulation

The psychodynamic approach to avoidant personality disorder

emphasizes on the individual's fear of attachment in relationships

Talia has never had any previous problems with the law but at the age of 27, she started engaging in constant stealing and cheating people out of their money. Talia would most likely be diagnosed as

engaging in antisocial behavior

Narcissistic personality disorder

exaggerated sense of self-importance

Histrionic personality disorder

excessive emotions and attention-seeking

Avoidant personality disorder

excessive shyness and fear in social situations

Avoidant personality disorder is characterized by

extreme sensitivity toward rejection and ridicule

People who are severely undernourished are prone to develop a deficiency of ________, a critical nutrient, which can lead to progressive cerebral atrophy.


Cognitive-behavioral therapists may use ________ to present the client with social situations that are increasingly more difficult for them to confront.

graduated exposure

At her going-away party, Elaina sobbed uncontrollably and became overwhelmed with emotion at the thought of leaving even though everyone knew that she was secretly glad to be moving out of town and away from everyone there. Her co-workers often recall dramatic shouting matches with others over small details and overbearing attempts to seduce all of the men in the office. Elaina's attempts to get attention might be indicative of ________ personality disorder.


Engaging in behaviors designed to draw attention to one's self is often characteristic of ________ personality disorder.


The personality disorder in which the primary symptom is constant efforts by the individual to attract attention with exaggerated displays of emotion is called ________ personality disorder.


The symptoms of antisocial personality disorder include

impulsive and aggressive behavior

Risky activities like speeding and bungee-jumping that may be undertaken by psychopaths may be a manifestation of their


Semantic dementia

inability to react appropriately to expressions of emotionality

According to the response modulation hypothesis,

individuals high on the trait of psychopathy are unable to pay enough attention to secondary cues to switch their attention when necessary.

In the context of substance-induced persisting amnestic disorder, which of the following is true?

industrial solvents can cause this disorder

Cluster C

involves anxious or fearful behavior

Multi-infarct dementia differs from Alzheimer's disease in that multi-infarct dementia

is caused by transient attacks where blood flow to the brain is interrupted by a clogged or burst artery

Which of the following is true of postconcussion syndrome?

its symptoms can persist from weeks to years

Which of the following is a definitive characteristic of antisocial personality disorder?

lack of concern for the pain caused to others

Delirium is characterized by an acute state of confusion or impairment of cognitive processing that affects memory, orientation, executive functioning, ability to use language, visual perception, and



loss of memory due to depression

Statistics show that impulsivity, acting out, and other extreme behaviors of people with antisocial personality disorder decrease as these individuals age. This finding supports what is known as the

maturation hypothesis.

Delirium is most common among

medically or psychiatrically hospitalized older adults

Janice is suffering from a cardiovascular disease. She experiences brief attacks during which blocks in her arteries reduce the supply of blood to her brain. As a result of this, she has also been exhibiting symptoms of neurocognitive disorder, including a disturbance in executive functioning Janice is most likely to be suffering from

multi-infarct dementia

The type of dementia that results from a vascular disease that affects the supply of blood to the brain is called ________

multi-infarct dementia (MID)

Calum often boasts about how talented a teacher he is and he continually notes that the reason he never gets promoted is because no one fully appreciates him. He resents other teachers who have been promoted before him and claims that they are self-promoting. He demands that other people fulfill his wishes but is insensitive when it comes to other people's feelings. Calum would most likely be diagnosed as having ________ personality disorder.


A disorder whose primary clinical deficit is in cognition that represents a decline from previous functioning is called

neurocognitive disorder

The ________ specifically describe decline acquired in one or more domains of cognition and associated with alterations in the brain.

neurocognitive disorder

Parkinson's disease

neuronal degeneration of the basal ganglia

Multi-infarct dementia leads to the death of


In the past, the term borderline was used to describe patients who were functioning on the "border" of ________ and ________.

neurosis; psychosis

At present, ________ has been shown to be effective in reducing the core features of antisocial personality disorder.

no one accepted method of treatment

Felix has been a worrier all of his life. When he was a child, he believed and followed the expression "step on a crack, break your mother's back." He is now a perfectionist and runs his daily routine based on an inflexible schedule. His environment is arranged very predictably; for example, all of his shirts must be neatly pressed and hung exactly four inches apart in his closet. His pursuit of perfection has become self-defeating rather than constructive. Felix would be diagnosed as having ________ personality disorder.


Neurocognitive disorder resulting from anoxia is mainly caused due to

oxygen deprivation to the brain

A client who is always on guard against potential danger or harm might be diagnosed as having a(n) ________ personality disorder.


When asked why she tried to kill herself, Calista responded, "These past few days I haven't really been sure about myself. I wasn't really sure I was alive. It was a test." Calista's intent would be best described as


An attempt to take one's life that is often a call for attention is called


Schizotypal personality disorder

peculiar, eccentric, and odd ways of thinking and behaving

A ________ involves a long-lasting maladaptive pattern of inner experience and behavior dating back to adolescence or young adulthood.

personality disorder

Ingrained patterns of relating to other people, situations, and events with a rigid and maladaptive pattern of inner experience and behavior, dating back to adolescence or early adulthood are characteristics of

personality disorders

In psychology, an enduring pattern of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the environment and others is referred to as a(n)

personality trait

Following a mild traumatic brain injury, some people experience ________, which is a constellation of physical, cognitive, and emotional symptoms that last from weeks to years.

postconcussion syndrome

Gerard had met with an accident in which he had injured his head. Just prior to the accident, Gerard had an episode of anxiety disorder. Following the accident, he suffered acute post-traumatic stress for five days. Gerard is most likely to develop

postconcussion syndrome

Individuals with paranoid personality disorder

project their own mistakes and problems to other people

The following cluster of traits that includes lack of remorse or shame for harmful acts committed to others; lack of emotional responsiveness to others; impulsivity; absence of "nervousness"; and unreliability, untruthfulness, and insincerity, indicates


According to ________ hypothesis, people have a dominant and nondominant focus of their attention in any given situation.

response modulation

The ________ hypothesis attempts to explain the failure of individuals high in psychopathy to learn from negative experience and to process emotional information.

response modulation

The notion that psychopathic individuals are unable to process any information that is not relevant to their primary goals is central to the ________ hypothesis.

response modulation

Schizoid personality disorder

restricted emotions and indifference to social relationships

Individuals with paranoid personality disorder rarely seek help, and when they do seek treatment, communication is difficult because of their

rigidity and defensiveness

The term "obsessive-compulsive" as it applies to individuals who suffer from obsessive-compulsive personality disorder refers to the

rigidly compulsive personality tendency they have.

An indifference to social and sexual relationships characterizes _____ personality disorder, as well as a very limited range of emotional experience and expression.


Livia's hair is usually unkempt and she wears clothes that date back to the 1960s. Her ways of thinking and dealing with other people are rather eccentric—she has the idea that she can communicate telepathically with her brother who lives on the west coast. Livia will most likely be diagnosed as having ________ personality disorder.


The social isolation, eccentricity, peculiar communication, and poor social adaptation that come with ________ personality disorder place it within the schizophrenic spectrum.


With the publication of the DSM-5, clinicians may use a dimensional rating system rather than the existing categorical system for diagnosing the ________ most readily differentiated personality disorders.


Avoidant personality disorder could be characterized as a more severe form of

social anxiety disorder

The tendency for an individual to perceive people, others or one's self, as either all good or all bad is referred to as


Studies on family inheritance of antisocial personality disorder have demonstrated

strong evidence in favor of genetic explanations of antisocial personality disorder

Carmine has worked at a pesticide manufacturing company for years and recently she has become increasingly forgetful. If her memory loss persists, Carmine is most likely to be diagnosed with

substance-induced persisting amnestic disorder

Supportive therapeutic approaches to the treatment of borderline personality disorder emphasize

that the therapist take a primary role in treatment and involve the client in the therapeutic process

Maturation hypothesis

the ability to better manage symptoms as one ages

Amnesia is best defined as

the inability to recall previously learned information or to register new memories

Dialectic behavioral

therapy integration of supportive and cognitive behavioral treatments to improve the client's ability to handle disturbing emotions

Which of the following indicates a major flaw in the categorical rating system for personality disorder?

there are too many fine distinctions that the diagnoses require

The main goal of therapists working in the cognitive-behavioral framework is

to break the client's negative cycle of avoidance

Borderline personality disorder

unstable moods, relationships, and self-image

Psychodynamic therapies for narcissistic personality disorder include

using empathy to support the client's search for recognition and admiration

Stephen has recently had a stroke, interrupting the supply of oxygenated blood to his brain. He has been suffering from hypertension for the past few years. Since he has had the stroke, Stephen has found it difficult to understand what people are saying. He is unable to recall simple words, and is finding it difficult to communicate. He is unable to complete routine tasks by himself, such as getting dressed or making a toast. Stephen is most likely to be suffering from

vascular neurocognitive disorder


viewing other as being all good or all bad

Which of the following is one of the symptoms of vascular neurocognitive disorder?

weakness in the arms and legs

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