Chapter 13 Finance Test 13

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17) Legal capital refers to ________. A) a legal constraint imposed by lenders of a firm to maintain a certain level of debt to equity ratio and capital B) capital impairment restrictions are generally established to provide a sufficient equity base to protect creditors' claims C) the capital which is typically measured by the retained earnings D) the capital which is typically measured by net income


22) Which of the following is true of arguments for dividend relevance? A) A firm's value is determined solely by the earning power and risk of its assets. B) Investors are generally risk averse and attach less risk to current dividends than future dividends or capital gains. C) The value of a firm is unaffected as it functions in a perfect market. D) A clientele effect exists which causes a firm's shareholders to receive the dividends that they expect.


28) In a(n) ________, a firm announces the price it is willing to pay to buy back shares and the quantity of shares it wishes to repurchase. A) Dutch auction B) tender offer C) American option D) European auction


33) Which of the following methods can be utilized by a firm when it wants to purchase outstanding shares of common stock? A) a purchase of stock through private placement B) a tender offer at varying prices C) a tender offer at a specified price D) an European auction plan


8) A firm has had the following earnings history over the last five years: 2013 2.50 2014 2.00 2013 1.75 2012 1.25 2011 -1.00 If the firm's dividend policy was based on a constant payout ratio of 50 percent for all of the years with earnings over $1.50 per share and a zero payout otherwise, the annual dividends for 2012 and 2015 were ________. A) $0.50 and $1.25, respectively B) $0 and $2.00, respectively C) $0 and $1.25, respectively D) $0 and $0.88, respectively


9) Stock dividends are ________. A) taxable at a higher level than dividend taxes B) taxable at a lower level than dividend taxes C) non taxable D) are taxable only to the shareholders


12) Tangshan Mining has 100,000 shares outstanding and just declared a 20% stock dividend. Before the announcement, the firm's shares were trading at $50.00 per share. After the stock dividend, the firm's shares should trade at ________ per share. A) $42.00 B) $41.67 C) $46.33 D) $50.00


1) The stock repurchase can be viewed as a cash dividend.


14) The repurchase of shares reduces the number of outstanding shares.


2) The residual theory of dividends implies that if a firm's available retained earnings are in excess of its financing needs, it should distribute the earnings by paying dividends to stockholders.


20) Dividend reinvestment plans (DRIPs) enable stockholders to use dividends received on a firm's stock to acquire additional shares-even fractional shares-at little or no transaction (brokerage) cost.


21) Ignoring general market fluctuations, the stock's price would be expected to drop by the amount of the declared dividend on the ex dividend date.


3) If a firm's earnings remain constant and total cash dividends do not increase, a stock dividend results in a lower per-share market value for the firm's stock.


3) Regularly paying a fixed or increasing dividend eliminates uncertainty about the frequency and magnitude of dividends.


6) The motive to pay stock dividend to retain cash to satisfy past-due bills, may result in a decline in market value.


1) A constant-payout-ratio dividend policy is based on the payment of a certain percentage of earnings to owners in each dividend period.


1) Payout policy refers to the decisions that firms make about whether to distribute cash to shareholders, how much cash to distribute, and by what means the cash should be distributed.


1) The payment of a stock dividend is a shifting of funds between stockholders' equity accounts rather than an outflow of funds.


1) The residual theory of dividends suggests that the dividend paid by a firm should be viewed as a residual, the amount left over after all acceptable investment opportunities have been undertaken.


1) While an earnings requirement limiting the amount of dividends paid is sometimes imposed, a firm is not prohibited from paying more in dividends than its current earnings.


10) In establishing a dividend policy, a firm should retain funds for investment in projects yielding higher returns than the owners could obtain from external investments of equal risk.


10) The bird-in-the-hand argument espousing the importance of dividends or dividend relevance suggests that investors view current dividends as less risky than future dividends or capital gains.


11) Informational content of dividends throws light with respect to future earnings. In other words, investors view a change in dividends, up or down, as a signal that management expects future earnings to change in the same direction.


13) The market rewards firms that adopt a fixed or increasing level of dividends rather than a fixed dividend payout policy through higher share prices.


13) The repurchase of common stock results in a type of reverse dilution, since the earnings per share and the market price of stock are increased by reducing the number of shares outstanding.


15) In a tender offer share repurchase, a firm announces the price it is willing to pay to buy back shares and the quantity of shares it wishes to repurchase.


16) The Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 significantly changed the tax treatment of corporate dividends for most taxpayers by dropping the tax rate to the rate applicable on capital gains, which is a maximum rate of 15%.


18) By purchasing shares through a firm's dividend reinvestment plan (or DRIP), shareholders typically can acquire shares at a value that is below the prevailing market price.


2) In case of stock dividend, the shareholder's proportion of ownership in a firm remains the same, and as long as the firm's earnings remain unchanged, so does his or her share of total earnings.


2) Since lenders are generally reluctant to grant loans to a firm to pay dividends, the firm's ability to pay cash dividends is generally constrained by the amount of excess cash available.


3) The residual theory of dividends, as espoused by Modigliani and Miller, suggests that dividends represent an earnings residual rather than an active decision variable that affects firm value: this means that a firm's decision to pay dividends or not will not have any impact on a firm's share price.


4) Because retained earnings are a form of internal financing, the dividend decision can significantly affect a firm's external financing requirements.


4) By calling the additional dividend an extra dividend, a firm avoids setting expectations that the dividend increase will be permanent.


4) In most states, legal capital is measured either by the par value of common stock: other states, however, define legal capital to include not only the par value of the stock, but also any paid-in capital in excess of par.


4) Reverse stock splits are initiated when a stock is selling at a very low price to appear respectable.


5) Clientele effect is the argument that a firm attracts shareholders whose preferences with respect to the payment and stability of dividends corresponds to the payment pattern and stability of the firm itself.


5) If a firm has overdue liabilities or is legally insolvent or bankrupt, most states prohibit its payment of cash dividends.


6) According to Modigliani and Miller, a firm's value is determined solely by the earning power and risk of its assets and that the manner in which it splits its earnings stream between dividends and internally retained funds does not affect this value.


6) Holders of record are stockholders whose names are recorded on the date of record receive the declared dividend.


7) A shareholder receiving a stock dividend typically receives nothing of value.


7) Due to clientele effect, Modigliani and Miller argue that the shareholders get what they expect and, thus, the value of a firm's stock is unaffected by dividend policy.


7) The level of dividends a firm expects to pay is often directly related to how rapidly it expects to grow and expand its operations.


8) According to the bird-in-the-hand argument, current dividend payments reduce investor uncertainty and result in a higher value for a firm's stock.


9) Because dividends are taxed at the same rate as capital gains under the 2003 Tax Act, a firm's strategy of paying low or no dividends primarily offers tax advantages to wealthy stockholders through tax deferral.


9) The dividend payment date is set by a firm's board of directors and represents the actual date on which the firm mails the dividend payment to the holders of record.


38) At the quarterly meeting of Tangshan Mining Corporation, held on September 10th, the directors declared a $1.00 per share dividend for the firm's 100,000 shares of common stock outstanding. The net effect of declaring and paying this dividend would be to ________. A) decrease total assets by $100,000 and increase stockholders equity by $100,000 B) decrease total assets by $100,000 and decrease stockholders equity by $100,000 C) increase total assets by $100,000 and increase stockholders equity by $100,000 D) increase total assets by $100,000 and decrease stockholders equity by $100,000


6) A ________ has an effect on a firm's share price similar to that of a ________. A) stock repurchase: stock split B) stock dividend: stock split C) cash dividend: stock dividend D) cash dividend: stock split


8) A stock split has ________. A) little effect on a firm's capital structure B) no effect on a firm's capital structure C) a measurable effect on a firm's capital structure D) a detrimental effect on a firm's capital structure


30) Which of the following is a reason for a firm for repurchasing its shares? A) to diminish the shareholder value by increasing the number of shares outstanding and thereby raising earnings per share B) to help encourage a friendly takeover by increasing the number of publicly traded shares C) to make shares available for stock option plans D) to make shares available for cash dividends


32) Which of the following is true of a dividend payout? A) When a firm announces that it will increase its dividend, the share price usually decreases on that news. B) Dividend payments send a positive signal to investors in the marketplace that management believes that the stock is overvalued. C) When a firm pays out dividends the share price will fall. D) Dividend payouts have no impact on the share price of a stock in an efficient market.


35) In a Dutch auction, ________. A) a firm offers to repurchase a fixed number of shares, at a discount B) a firm offers to repurchase a fixed number of shares, at a premium C) a firm specifies a range of prices at which it is willing to repurchase shares and the quantity of shares that it desires D) a firm enables stockholders to use dividends received on the firm's stock to acquire additional shares


10) The problem with a constant-payout-ratio dividend policy from the shareholders' perspective is that ________. A) it pays constant dividend irrespective of the earnings of a firm B) if the firm's earnings drop, the dividends tend to be lower C) even when earnings are low, the company must pay a fixed dividend D) there is no uniformity in this type of dividend policy


11) Paying a stock dividend ________. A) decreases the retained earnings account B) has no effect on the retained earnings account C) increases the retained earnings account D) reorganizes the income


11) Tangshan Mining has 100,000 shares outstanding and just declared a 2-for-1 stock split. Before the announcement, the firm's shares were trading at $50.00 per share. After the stock split, the firm's shares should trade at ________ per share. A) $100.00 B) $25.00 C) $50.00 D) $75.00


12) Dividend payment policy is a form of ________. A) capital budgeting policy B) financing policy C) working capital policy D) dividend reinvestment policy


13) Which type of dividend payment policy has the advantage that if a firm's earnings drop, dividends will still be maintained at a relatively constant level? A) constant-payout-ratio policy B) regular dividend policy C) low-regular-and-extra dividend policy D) target dividend policy


14) According to the residual theory of dividends, if a firm's equity need is less than the amount of retained earnings, the firm would ________. A) borrow to pay the cash dividend B) declare a dividend equal to the remaining balance C) pay no cash dividends D) pay dividends higher than the remaining balance to gain credibility


14) Firms are usually prohibited by state law from distributing ________. A) retained earnings as dividends B) paid-in capital in excess of par as dividends C) dividends in a year the firm has a net loss D) preferred dividends


15) Tangshan Mining has common stock at par of $200,000, paid-in capital in excess of par of $400,000, and retained earnings of $280,000. In states where the firm's legal capital is defined as the par value of common stock, the firm could pay out ________ in cash dividends without impairing its capital. A) $200,000 B) $680,000 C) $600,000 D) $880,000


5) The dividend policy must be formulated considering two basic objectives, namely ________. A) delaying the tax liability of the stockholder and information content B) maximizing shareholder wealth and maintaining liquidity C) maximizing shareholder wealth and providing for sufficient financing D) maintaining liquidity and minimizing the weighted average cost of capital


7) The purpose of a stock split is to ________. A) change a firm's capital structure B) decrease the dividend C) enhance the trading activity of the stock by lowering the market price D) increase the market price of a stock


9) The purpose of a reverse stock split is to ________. A) issue additional shares B) increase the dividend C) increase the price of a stock D) decrease trading activity


16) A firm has had the following earnings history over the last five years: 2015 2.50 2014 2.00 2013 1.75 2012 1.25 2011 -1.00 If the firm's dividend policy was to pay $0.25 per share each period except when earnings exceed $1.50, an extra dividend equal to 50 percent of the earnings above $1.50 would be paid, the annual dividends for 2012 and 2015 were ________. A) $0.25 and $1.25, respectively B) $0.25 and $0.75, respectively C) $0 and $0.25, respectively D) $0.25 and $0.25, respectively


16) The clientele effect refers to ________. A) the relevance of dividend policy on a firm's share value B) a firm's ability to attract stockholders whose dividend preferences are similar to the firm's dividend policy C) the informational content of dividends that helps in predicting the future earnings and growth of a firm D) the "bird-in-the-hand" argument


17) Modigliani and Miller argue that when a firm has no acceptable investment opportunities, it should ________. A) preserve the funds and not declare dividends B) distribute the surplus funds to the owners C) lower its cost of capital D) retain the funds until an acceptable project arises


18) Modigliani and Miller suggest that the value of a firm is not affected by the firm's dividend policy, due to ________. A) the relevance of dividends B) the clientele effect C) the informational content D) the optimal capital structure


19) An excess earnings accumulation tax is levied when ________. A) shareholders receive dividends which exceed a firm's earnings B) firms do not pay dividends in order to delay the owners' tax liability C) firms do not pay dividends to reinvest in the firm D) earnings exceed accumulated dividends over the years


21) The information content of dividends refers to ________. A) the nonpayment of dividends by corporations B) dividend changes as indicators of a firm's future C) a stable and continuous dividend D) a study of firm's history of dividend payments


21) With regard to dividend payments, which of the following is included in the contractual constraints imposed by loan agreements? A) limiting the payment to suppliers B) limiting the percentage of earnings that can be paid out in dividends C) sustaining a constant dividend payout ratio D) making fixed payment to equityholders


29) Tender offer repurchase is a repurchase program in which a firm ________. A) offers to repurchase a fixed number of shares, usually at a discount relative to the market value B) offers to repurchase a fixed number of shares, usually at a premium relative to the market value C) offers to repurchase a fixed number of shares, usually at par relative to the market value D) has a right to repurchase a fixed number of shares at a premium relative to the market value


31) The net effect of a stock repurchase is ________. A) similar to an interest payment B) similar to a cash dividend C) similar to a stock split D) similar to a reverse stock split


14) A firm has had the following earnings history over the last five years: 2015 2.50 2014 2.00 2013 1.75 2012 1.25 2011 -1.00 If the firm's dividend policy is based on a $0.50 payout per share whenever it makes a positive earnings, increasing by $0.05 to previous year dividends per share whenever earnings exceed $1.50 per share, the annual dividends for 2014 and 2015 were ________. A) $0.50 and $0.60, respectively B) $0.50 and $0.55, respectively C) $0.55 and $0.65, respectively D) $0.60 and $0.65, respectively


19) Gordon and Lintner, recognizing that dividends affect stock prices, suggest that positive effects of dividend increases are attributable ________. A) directly to the dividend policy B) directly to the optimal capital structure C) not to the informational content but to the consistency in the payment of dividends D) to the informational content of the dividends with respect to future earnings


20) The capital impairment restrictions are established to ________. A) reduce dividends equal to or below the current earnings level B) constrain the firm to paying dividends which do not require additional borrowing C) provide sufficient safety to equity holders D) provide a sufficient equity base to protect creditors' claims


24) At a firm's quarterly dividend meeting held April 9, the directors declared a $0.50 per share cash dividend for the holders of record on Monday, May 1. The firm's stock will sell ex dividends on ________. A) April 28 B) May 5 C) April 29 D) April 27


26) The payment of cash dividends to corporate stockholders is decided by the ________. A) creditors B) stockholders C) SEC D) board of directors


36) Under the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003, the maximum rate of taxation on dividends received by shareholders was set at ________. A) 18% B) 20% C) 25% D) 15%


37) A dividend reinvestment plan enables stockholders to ________. A) reinvest the dividends in money market instruments which are risk free B) reinvest all dividends in the firm with no accompanying increase in equity C) acquire additional dividends through redemption of stock D) acquire shares at little or no transaction costs


6) A firm has current after-tax earnings of $1,000,000 and has declared a cash dividend of $400,000. The firm's dividend payout ratio is ________. A) 2.5 percent B) 2.0 percent C) 4.0 percent D) 40 percent


8) The shareholder receiving a stock dividend receives ________. A) a share of common stock of equal value to their existing shares of common stock B) cash C) additional shares of common stock and cash D) nothing of value


14) Tangshan Mining Company has released the following information. Earnings available to common stockholders 5000000 Number of shares of common outstanding 1000000 Market price per share 50 Retained earnings 11600000 (a) What are Tangshan Mining's current earnings per share? (b) What is Tangshan Mining's current P/E ratio? (c) Tangshan Mining wants to use half of its earnings either to pay shareholders dividends or to repurchase shares for inclusion in the firm's employee stock ownership plan. If the firm pays a cash dividend, what will be the dividend per share received by existing shareholders? (d) Instead of paying the cash dividend, what if the firm uses half of its earnings to pay $55 per share to repurchase the shares, what will be the firm's new EPS? What should be the firm's new share price? (e) Compare the impact of a stock dividend and stock repurchase on shareholder wealth.

(a) EPS = $5,000,000/1,000,000 = $5.00 per share (b) P/E Ratio = $50.00/$5.00 = 10 (c) Dividends/Share = $2,500,000/1,000,000 = $2.50/share (d) If the firm paid $55 to repurchase stock, it could repurchase approximately 45,455 shares ($2,500,000 ÷ $55 per share). As a result, the firm would now have 954,545 shares outstanding (1,000,000 shares - 45,455 shares). As a result, EPS would rise from $5.00 per share to approximately $5.24 per share ($5,000,000 ÷ 954,545 shares). If we assume the stock still sells at 10 times earnings, the new market price could be estimated by multiplying the new EPS by the PE ratio. The new price would thus be $52.40 per share, an increase of approximately $2.40 in share price. Note that this amount would have been precisely $2.50 cents per share if not due to rounding. (e) The net effect of a stock dividend and a stock repurchase is the same. In this example, in both cases, shareholders would have received a net gain of approximately $2.50 per share.

13) Hayley's Optical has a stockholders' equity account as shown below. The firm's common stock currently sells for $20 per share. Preferred stock 500000 Common stock 2 mi @ $1 2000000 Paid in cap in excess 10000000 Retained earnings 11600000 Total Stockholder equ 24100000 (a) What is the maximum dividend per share Hayley's Optical can pay? (Assume capital includes all paid-in capital.) (b) Recast the partial balance sheet (the stockholders' equity accounts) to show independently (1) a 2-for-1 stock split of the common stock. (2) a cash dividend of $1.50 per share. (3) a stock dividend of 5% on the common stock. (c) At what price would you expect Hayley's Optical stock to sell after (1) the stock split? (2) the stock dividend?

(a) The maximum dividend per share the firm can pay is: $11,600,000/2,000,000 shares = $5.80/share (b) 2-for-1 Cash dividend Stock dividend Preferred stock 500000 500000 500000 Common stock 2 mil* 2 mil 2.1 mil** Paid in capital 10 mil 10 mil 11.9 mil Retained earnings 11.6 mil 8.6 mil 9.6 mil Total S.E 24.1 mil 21.1 mil 24.1 mil *(4,000,000 shares at $0.50 par) **(2,100,000 shares at $1 par) (c) (1) $10/share (2) $19.05: 2,000,000 shares × $20/share = $40,000,000 market value No. of shares after the stock dividend = 2,100,000 shares Stock price per share = $40,000,00/2,100,000 =$19.05

12) Tangshan Mining has 100,000 shares outstanding and just declared a 3-for-2 stock split. Before the announcement, the firm's shares were trading at $50.00 per share. After the stock split, the firm's shares should trade at ________ per share. A) $33.33 B) $66.67 C) $75.00 D) $100.00


15) At a firm's quarterly dividend meeting held on December 5, the directors declared a $1.50 per share cash dividend to be paid to the holders of record on Monday, January 1. Before the dividend was declared, the firm's accumulated retained earnings balance and cash balance were $1,280,000 and $30,000 respectively. The firm has 10,000 shares of common stock outstanding. On January 2, the cash, dividends payable, and retained earnings accounts had balances of ________. A) $15,000, $0, and $1,265,000, respectively B) $30,000, $15,000, and $1,280,000, respectively C) $30,000, $0, and $1,265,000, respectively D) $15,000, $0, and $1,280,000, respectively


16) Tangshan Mining has common stock at par of $200,000, paid-in capital in excess of par of $400,000, and retained earnings of $280,000. In states where the firm's legal capital is defined as the total of par value and paid-in capital in excess of par, the firm could pay out ________ in cash dividends without impairing its capital. A) $280,000 B) $400,000 C) $480,000 D) $600,000


17) The advantage of using the extra dividend policy is that ________. A) a firm can avoid giving false hopes to shareholders B) if a firm's earnings drop, so does the dividend payment C) the extra dividend may become a regular event D) cyclical shifts in earnings may be avoided


22) Which of the following is considered in designing a dividend policy that is favorable to wealthy owners? A) the tax status of the firm's owners B) the political risk of the firm C) the liability of the firm's owners D) the reinvestment risk of the firm


23) A firm that has a large percentage of ________ investors may pay out a lower percentage of its earnings as dividends. A) wealthy B) domestic C) middle-income D) international


24) According to ________, investors' demands for dividends fluctuate over time. A) the catering theory B) Modigliani and Miller theory C) the residual theory of dividends D) CAPM theory


25) According to the catering theory, firms cater to the preferences of ________. A) investors B) creditors C) managers D) government


25) Ex dividend is ________. A) a period beginning 2 business days prior to the date of record, during which a stock is sold without the right to receive the current dividend B) the date on which all investors whose names are recorded as stockholders receive a declared dividend at a specified future time C) a period beginning 7 business days prior to the date of record, during which a stock is sold without the right to receive the current dividend D) the actual date on which a firm mails the dividend payment to the holders of record


27) In a(n) ________, a firm specifies a range of prices that it is willing to repurchase shares and the quantity of shares that it desires. A) Dutch auction B) tender offer C) American option D) self-tender offer


34) Repurchase of stock ________ the earnings per share and ________ the market price of stock. A) increases: increases B) decreases: decreases C) increases: decreases D) decreases: increases


7) A firm's dividend payout ratio is calculated by ________. A) dividing cash dividend per share by its earnings per share B) dividing earnings per share by its cash dividend per share C) dividing cash dividend per share by its net income D) dividing net income by its cash dividend per share


9) Which type of dividend payment policy has the disadvantage that if a firm's earnings drop or if a loss occurs in a given period, dividends may be low or nonexistent? A) constant-payout-ratio policy B) regular dividend policy C) low-regular-and-extra dividend policy D) stock dividend policy


10) Mr. R. owns 20,000 shares of ABC Corporation stock. The company is planning to issue a stock dividend. Before the dividend Mr. R. owned 10 percent of the outstanding stock, which had a market value of $200,000, or $10 per share. Upon receiving the 10 percent stock dividend the value of his shares is ________. A) $220,000 B) $210,000 C) $200,000 D) $180,000


10) The primary purpose of a stock split is to ________. A) issue additional shares B) increase the dividend C) reduce the price of a stock D) reduce trading activity


11) The problem with the regular dividend policy from a firm's perspective is that ________. A) it regularly pays dividends which fluctuate with earnings B) if the firm's earnings drop, the dividends may be low C) even when earnings are low, the company must pay a fixed dividend D) it increases the shareholders' uncertainty


12) When a firm pays a stated dollar dividend and adjusts the payment as earnings increase, its dividend policy can be called ________. A) a low-regular-and-extra dividend policy B) a regular dividend policy C) a target dividend-payout ratio policy D) a constant-payout-ratio dividend policy


13) The residual theory of dividends suggests that ________. A) different payout policies attract different types of investors but still do not change the value of a firm B) dividends are irrelevant in determining the value of a firm C) as long as a firm's equity need exceeds the amount of retained earnings, no cash dividend is paid D) the payout policies of different firms have no impact on the taxes that investors have to pay


15) According to the residual theory of dividends, if a firm's equity need exceeds the amount of retained earnings, the firm would ________. A) borrow to pay the cash dividend B) sell additional stock to pay the cash dividend C) pay no cash dividends D) pay less dividends


18) A firm has the following stockholders' equity balances: Common Stock par 400000 Paid in cap inexcess 1200000 Retained earnings 2000000 In states where the firm's legal capital is defined as the par value of its common stock, the maximum cash dividend the firm could pay is ________. A) $3,600,000 B) $400,000 C) $3,200,000 D) $1,600,000


18) An advantage of a ________ is that it avoids giving shareholders false hopes. A) constant-payout-ratio policy B) regular dividend policy C) low-regular-and-extra dividend policy D) target dividend policy


20) Gordon's "bird-in-the-hand" argument suggests that ________. A) dividends are irrelevant B) firms should have a 100 percent payout policy C) shareholders are risk averse and attach less risk to current dividends D) the market value of a firm is unaffected by dividend policy


22) When common stock is repurchased and retired, the underlying motive is to ________. A) delay taxes B) boost the stock's dividends C) distribute the excess cash to the owners D) reduce the retained earnings balance


23) Which of the following type of firms are most likely to payout cash dividends? A) rapidly growing firms B) firms encouraging innovation C) large mature firms D) firms expanding their operations


10) The payment date is five days after the date of record, on which the company will mail the dividend payment to the holders of record.


11) If a firm pays out a higher percentage of earnings, new equity capital will have to be raised with common stock, which will result in higher control and earnings for the existing owners.


11) The ex dividend period begins four business days prior to the payment date.


12) The market rewards firms that adopt a constant dividend payout policy rather than a fixed or increasing level of dividends through higher share prices.


12) The payment of cash dividends to corporate stockholders is decided based on the recommendation of the auditors.


17) The Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2009 significantly changed the tax treatment of corporate dividends for most taxpayers by dropping the tax rate to the rate applicable on capital gains, which is a maximum rate of 25%.


19) By purchasing shares through a firm's dividend reinvestment plan (or DRIP), shareholders typically can acquire shares at a value that is above the prevailing market price.


2) A stock split commonly increases the stock's per share par value.


2) Rapidly growing firms pay high dividends to shareholders.


2) Regular dividend policy is a dividend policy based on the payment of a certain fixed percentage of earnings to owners in each dividend period.


3) Dividends are the only means by which firms can distribute cash to shareholders.


3) In a 2-for-1 stock split, the number of shares outstanding decreases by fifty percent and the stock's per share par value will double.


3) In most states, legal capital is measured not only by the par value and paid-in capital in excess of par, but also by any accumulated retained earnings.


4) The representative theory of dividends, as espoused by Modigliani and Miller, suggests that dividends represent a significant active decision variable that affects firm value.


4) The shareholder receiving a stock dividend receives a share of common stock of equal value to their existing shares of common stock.


5) A stock split is usually taxable to a firm as it restructures the capital.


5) After the stock dividend is paid, the per share value of a stockholder's stock will remain the same as the value before the stock dividend and, thus, the market value of his or her total holdings in the firm will remain unchanged.


5) Dividends provide information about a firm's current performance.


6) Legal constraints prohibit the payment of cash dividends until a certain level of earnings has been achieved or limit the amount of dividends paid to a certain dollar amount or percentage of earnings.


7) Purchasers of a stock selling ex dividend receive the current dividend.


8) The date of record (dividends) is the actual date on which a company will mail the dividend payment to the holders of record.


8) The level of dividends a firm expects to pay is generally unrelated to how rapidly it expects to grow as well as the level of asset investments required.


9) As per dividend relevance theory, current dividend payments are believed to reduce investor's uncertainty, thereby—all else being equal—placing a lower value on a firm's stock after its payment.


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