Chapter 13 Test Review

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Describe The Judeo-Christian Tradition.

-both believe in 1 God -both put emphasis on 10 Commandments -both accepts ethical ideas -both read and study the Hebrew Bible

Describe the Christian Bible.

-early Christians used the Hebrew Bible -Then, they added the New Testament -the 3 parts are the Gospels, epistles, and the Revelations

fill it in: Diocletian tries to stabilize Rome- ____ - military leaders fight for power after Diocletian's death

Diocletian's efforts failed

What are the 4 views on the life and teachings of Christ?

the Gospels

What is the Trinity?

God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit

The culture that draws its features from ancient Rome and Greece is called __.


What is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit?

the trinity

How did emperor Theodosius show his support for Christian orthodoxy?

H helped make Rome permanently Christian. He showed his support for it. Orthodoxy means traditional or established.

What important discovery did Galen make about how things move inside people's bodies?

He discovered arteries and that they carried blood.

Cause: Rome's Practical Achievements

Roads helped merchants, artisans, etc. Aqueducts helped cities to grow and crops to grow. Concrete helped them to create stronger, well-instructed buildings.

Over centuries, local ways of speaking of Latin changed into new languages, including Spanish, Italian, French, and Portuguese. These are called ___, or languages that developed from Latin.

Romance languages

What category of languages includes Spanish, French, and Portuguese? They are all based on Latin.

Romance languages

fill it in: death of Theodosius- ____- Rome falls

Romans abandoned provinces to German tribes

According to the Romans, why were the Germans BARBARIANS?

Romans called the Germans barbarians because they didn't share the same cultures. Romans thought they were savage or uncivilized.

Describe Rome's cultural literature.

Romans created oratory, and wrote many poems we have today. They also created satires. Satires is when you take a serious subject and present it in a funny way. Cicero was a great orator.

What do you call men who fight each other as part of public entertainment?


Who were men who fought one another as art of a public entertainment called?


fill it in: civil wars-inflation, trade networks disrupted, foreign invasions- ______

imperial crisis

What is a general rise in the cost of goods ?


Fill it in: Death of Marcus Aurelius -________- end of Pax Romana

led to unrest and conflict with the military

Who are people who die for their faiths called?


Who were soldiers who fight for pay rather than for their country?


What is a design formed with small tiles of glass, stone, or pottery?


Do more Christians today live in Asia, where Christianity was founded, or on other continents?

on other continents

What is the art of giving speeches?


What word means traditional or established religious beliefs?


What is a story with a religious moral?


Many of Jesus's teachings are presented in the form of ___.


What means coming back to life?


What are works of literature that make fun of their subject?


What kind of literature makes fun of its subject?


Describe Beliefs about God.

-Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God -believe that Jesus is God in human-form -his death shows humanity, resurrection, and shows His Divinity

Describe Practicing Christianity.

-follow Jesus's teachings -include Christian ethics in life -must believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus -observe Sunday as a day of rest and worship -participate in holy communion -Christians are usually baptized

How did the movement of the Huns affect the Roman empire?

As the Huns went further into the Roman empire, they pushed the Germans further into the Roman empire. Therefore, the Germans influenced the Romans.

What happened in A.D. 64?

Christians are blamed for the fire that burned much of Rome (this event occurred while Nero ruled)

What happened in A.D. 380?

Constantine mad Christianity the official Roman religion (he was a converted Christian)

Cause: Rule by Emperors

Effect: Augustus was the first emperor after the republic fell. He brought peace and began the Pax Romana. Augustus shrunk the size of the army. Trajan conquered new territory. Hadrian built walls that separated Roman provinces from foreign lands. Many emperors built aqueducts. Some emperors got too much power, however.

Cause: Pax Romana

Effect: It created peace with trade could prosper and people could live without fear.

Of you traveled to Roman cities all across the empire in ad 1000, what similar buildings would you see wherever you went?

Forums, baths, temples, theaters, etc.

What happened in A.D. 33?

Jesus travels to Jerusalem and was executed by the Romans

What happened in A.D. 66?

Jewish Zealots led a huge rebellion against Rome

Summarize Chapter 13, Section 4 in a few sentences.

Judaism influenced Christianity. One difference is that Jews believe that their Messiah hasn't come yet, but Christians believe that Jesus is our Messiah.

Describe Rome's cultural language.

Latin has been used to create the Romance languages which many people speak today. People based their languages off of Latin.

What role did MERCENARIES play in the Roman empire's fight to survive?

Mercenaries are soldiers who fight for pay rather than for their country. Rome hired German mercenaries to fight invaders like the Huns, Persians, Goths, etc.

Christians called the Hebrew Bible the Old Testament, and the new body of work the ___ ____.

New Testament

What is Part 2 of the Christian Bible?

New Testament

Romans experienced a long period of peace and prosperity during the __.

Pax Romana

The __ ___ is when Augustus's rule began a long period of peace and prosperity.

Pax Romana

What are problems that people might have in a time of INFLATION?

People won't be able to afford things and they will rebel. Inflation is a general rise in the cost of goods.

Describe Rome's cultural science.

Ptolemy wrote a book that was used for astronomy until the 1400s. Galen found out what arteries were for the first time. Lots of Medical and scientific words were based off on Latin.

How did the actions of the Roman government help allow the spread of Christianity and other ideas?

Since they were persecuted by Romans, Christians fled and spread out. Also, it was easier to escape because of the good roads Roman roads.

Describe Rome's cultural popular.

The Greeks had many types of entertainment. There was gladiators and a round amphitheater. They also had chariot races and the arena. They had sports events.

Describe Rome's cultural entertainment.

The Romans had chariot races that many people came to watch. They also had gladiator games.

Describe Rome's cultural law.

The law was 12 tables that set down laws. Roman law developed into a civil law, which has spread to many countries and states that were once colonies.

Describe Rome's cultural art.

They had mosaics, murals, pottery, sculptures, jewelry, and statues.

What is a heartfelt change in one's opinions or beliefs?

a conversion

What is a channel that moves water over land?

an aqueduct

Roman cities grew rapidly, partly because engineers brought water great distances through __.


Groups practiced ritual cleansing by plunging into water. Christianity later adopted this ritual as ____.


__ were people who did not share the same cultures with Romans and Greeks. They thought of ___ as uncivilized and savage.


Mixing stone and sand with limestone, clay, and water produces a useful building material called ___.


What is a building material made by mixing small stones and sand with limestone, clay, and water?


What was a slow and painful Roman method of execution?


Emperors who were worshipped as if they were gods have been ___.


___ means officially declared to be a god and worshipped.


What are religious groups?


What happened in A.D. 250?

emperors persecuted Christians across the empire

What formal letters come after the Gospels?


What is a formal letter, like those Paul wrote?


What are ideas about the right way to act?


What is issues of right and wrong and how to treat people?


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