Chapter 14

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

Saying "um," "like," "uh," and "you know" repeatedly during your presentation is known as using ______.

Vocal Fillers

John likes to watch YouTube clips of an athlete giving an interview on ESPN. YouTube clips are an example of a(n) ______.

mediated presentation

In his class evaluations, Dr. Morgan often got poor reviews for his teaching style, with students citing his monotone voice as the reason for their displeasure. Which paralinguistic skill does Dr. Morgan need to work on?


As Robert prepared to give his first persuasive speech in his "Communicating in the Modern Age" class, his knees began to tremble, he started to sweat, and his mouth felt dry. What are these the classic symptoms of?

Communication Apprehension

A speech where the speaker has carefully prepared notes and an outline and has practiced a great deal is a(n) ______.

Extemporaneous Presentation

Professor Smith often stands in front of his class and reads from the papers in front of him. This is an example of a(n) ______ presentation.

Manuscript Presentation

Sarah is very anxious about giving her speech. She has spent the last three days imagining negative feedback from her audience and worrying about her presentation aids while her speech sat on her desk untouched. Which solution to communication apprehension is Sarah overlooking?

Practicing her presentation

Christine is sitting in class listening to one of her classmates deliver a presentation. She is continually distracted by her classmate's use of the word like. The problem with this presentation is that ______.

here are too many vocal fillers

During her Wednesday morning staff meeting, Katrina's supervisor asked Katrina to report on her findings as a result of her focus group she conducted with college students regarding perceptions of campus safety. Katrina was being asked to do a(n) ______ presentation.


The more you give presentations and practice speaking in front of others, the more you will be aware of the symptoms of communication apprehension without suffering too much from them. This is often called ______.

systematic desensitization

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