Chapter 14

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C. Robert E. Lee

The commander of the Army of Northern Virginia was: A. George B. McClellan B. Ambrose Burnside C. Robert E. Lee D. John Pope

C. The battle of Antietam

Lincoln issued his preliminary Emancipation Proclamation immediately following: A. The attack on Fort Sumter B. General Fremont's Missouri emancipation decree C. The battle of Antietam D. The New York City draft riots

B. Copperheads

Northerners opposed to the Union cause were known as: A. Blacklegs B. Copperheads C. Diamondbacks D. Lobsterbacks

B. The number of southerners killed in the war far exceeded the number of northerners killed.

Which is not true of the death toll in the Civil War? A. 620,000 Americans died in the Civil War. B. The number of southerners killed in the war far exceeded the number of northerners killed. C. The number of war dead in terms of today's population would represent more than 5 million dead. D. The number that died in the Civil War nearly equals the number of Americans who died in all of the nation's other wars combined.

A. Irish immigrants

Which of the following groups was not a major target of the New York City dragt riots? A. Irish immigrants B. Conscription officials C. Affluent Republicans D. African-Americans

D. Second Confiscation Act; enlistment of blacks as Union soldiers; congressional passage of Thirteenth Amendment

Which of the following series of events is listed in proper sequence? A. Gettysburg Address; Emancipation Proclamation; reelection of Lincoln B. Sherman's capture of Atlanta; battle of Gettysburg; 1862 fall elections C. New York City draft riots; second battle of Bull Run; authorization by Confederate Congress for arming of slaves D. Second Confiscation Act; enlistment of blacks as Union soldiers; congressional passage of Thirteenth Amendment

C. Protection of labor's right to organize

Which of the following was not a major thrust of expanded federal activity during the war? A. Promotion of westward expansion B. Restriction of public expression C. Protection of labor's right to organize D. Insurance of paper money

A. A growing conviction on the part of Confederate soldiers that slavery was wrong

Which of the following was not a significant factor behind the Union's defeat of the Confederacy? A. A growing conviction on the part of Confederate soldiers that slavery was wrong B. Pro-union initiatives on the part of the slaves C. The ruthless resolve of Union generals like Grant and Sherman D. The superior material resources of the North

D. The harder things went for the Confederacy, the more unified its citizens became.

Which of the following was not a significant wartime development? A. Women on both sides assumed many roles traditionally reserved for men. B. What began as war to preserve the union gradually expand into a war to end slavery. C. Northerners came to think of America more as a single nation than as a union of separate states. D. The harder things went for the Confederacy, the more unified its citizens became.

B. The recruitment of slaves to serve as Confederate army officers

Which of the following was not a source of growing disaffection among whites on the Confederate Homefront? A. The "substitution" clause of the conscription system B. The recruitment of slaves to serve as Confederate army officers C. The military confiscation of yeomen's goods D. The suppression of Unionist dissent

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