Chapter 14.

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Having a strong _____ in technique and skills will allow you to take calculated risks.

Movies, Tv, magazines, videos, a person on the street-anything anywhere.

Inspiration can come from?

Body shape and size

It is essential when designing a hairstyle that you take into account the client's ____ _____ and ____.

tools and techniques

Once inspired, you will need to decide which ____ and ___ such as cutting shears, flat irons, permanent wave to achieve your design.

oval,round,square,triangle,oblong,diamond,inverted triangle

The seven basic facial shapes are:

Center,side,diagonal, zigzag

There are four partings that can be used to highlight facial features:

Fine, straight hair

This combination usually hugs the head shape due to the fact that there is no body or volume. Silhouette is small and narrow.

Straight, coarse hair

This hair is hard to curl and carries more volume. It casts a slightly wider silhouette and responds well to thermal styling. Flat brushes are better for this hair type because of a wide diameter in the hair shaft. Blowdrying with round brushes can create too much volume for this hair type. Chemical services may also take a little longer to process.

Curly coarse hair

This hair needs heavy styling products to weigh it down. It is easy for this type of hair to overwhelm any client. Keep in mind while cutting this hair type that the hair will shrink considerably when dry, making it appear much shorter.


We are more aware of the ____ form than the negative space.


When choosing a color, be sure that the ___ is compatible with the skin tone of the client.

Curly fine hair

When this hair type is worn long, it often separates revealing the clients scalp unless the hair is thick in density. Responds well to mild relaxers and to color services. Blowdrying the hair straight may be difficult unless the hair is cut into short layers. Blowdrying is not an effective solution if the clients is going to be in a humid environment.


Your clients hair ____ is a major consideration in the selection of a hairstyle.


___ is establishing equal or appropriate proportions to create symmetry.


____ Chin: Move the hair up and away from the face along the chin area


____ Chin: The hair should be either longer or shorter than the chin line so as to avoid drawing attention to the chin.

Long narrow

____ ___ nose: Stay away from styles that are tapered close to the head and sides, with height on top. Middle parts or too much hair directed toward the face are also poor choices. These will only accentuate any long, narrow features on the face. instead select a style where the hair moves away from the face, creating the illusion of wider facial features.

Mustaches, beards and sideburns

____ ____ and ____ can be a great way for a male client to show his individual style or to camouflage facial flaws.

Curly hair

____ ____ creates a larger form than straight or wavy hair does.

Wide flat

____ ____ nose: Draw the hair away from the face and use a center part to help elongate and narrow the nose.

Symmetrical Balance

____ ____ occurs when an imaginary lines is drawn through the center of the face and the two resulting halves form a mirror image of one another.


____ area also known as fringe area is the triangular section that begins at the apex or high point of the head, and ends at the front corners.


____ forehead: Use bangs with little or no volume to cover the forehead.


____ irons are used to crate interesting and unusual wave patterns like zigzags.


____ is a regular pulsation or recurrent pattern of movement in a design.


____ is the mass or general outline of a hairstyle. It is three- dimensional and has length, width and depth. May be called volume.


____ is the outline of the face, head, and figure seen in a side view.


____ jaw: Hair should be full and fall below the jaw to direct attention away from it.


____ lines are positioned between horizontal and vertical lines. They are often used to emphasize or minimize facial features. They are also used to create interest in hair design


____ lines are repeating lines in a hairstyle. Can be straight or curved. The repetition of lines create more interest in the design. Fingerwaves are an example.


____ lines create width in the hair design. They extend in the same direction and maintain a constant distance apart.


____ lines moving in a circular or semi-circular direction, soften a design. They can be large or small, full circle, or just part of a circle. May move in a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction.


____ nose: Asymmetrical, off-center styles are best, as they attract the eye away from the nose. Symmetrical styles will accentuate the fact that the face is not even.


____ part is used for a receding hairline or high forehead.


____ parting gives height to a round or square face and width to a long thin face.


____ partings are classic. Used for an oval face but also give and oval illusion to wide and round faces. Do not use on people with prominent noses.


____ partings are used to direct hair across the top of the head. They help develop height on top and make thin hair appear fuller.


____ profile has a receding forehead and chin. Calls for an arrangement of curls or bangs over the forehead. Keep the style close to the head at the nape and move hair forward in the chin area.


____ set eyes usually found on long, narrow faces. Direct hair back and away from the face at the temples. A side movement from a diagonal back part with some height is advisable. A slight lightening of the hair at the conner of the eyes will give the illusion of width.


____ set eyes usually found on round or square faces. Use a higher half bang to create length in the face. This will give the face the illusion of being larger and will make the eyes appear more proportional. The hair should be slightly darker at the sides than the top.


_____ Chin: Hair should be directed forward in the chin area.

Design Texture

_____ _____ refers to wave patterns that must be taken into consideration when designing a style for your client.

Straight hair

_____ _____ reflects light better than other wave patterns, and reflects the most light when it is cut to a single length.


_____ also known as focus, in a design is what draws the eye first, before it travels to the rest of the design.


_____ back partings are used to create the illusion of width or height in a hairstyle.


_____ balance is established when the two imaginary halves of a hairstyle have an equal visual weight, but are positioned unevenly.


_____ can be created temporarily with the use of heat and wet styling techniques.


_____ can help define texture and lines, and it can tie design elements together.


_____ defines form and space. ____ create the shape,design and movement of a hairstyle. They eye follows the ____ in a design and can be straight or curved.


_____ forehead: Direct hair forward over the side of the forehead.


_____ forehead: Direct the bangs over the forehead with an outwardly directed volume.


_____ forehead: Direct the hair away from the face at the forehead. Lighter highlights maybe used at the temples to create the illusion of width.


_____ hair and extremely ____ hair do not reflect much light and can be coarse to the touch.


_____ hair can be combed into waves that create horizontal lines.


_____ is the area surrounding the form or the area the hairstyle occupies.


_____ is the comparative relationship of one thing to another.


_____ is the creation of unity in a design and is the most important of the art principles. It holds all the elements of the design together.


_____ jaw: Use curved lines at the jaw line.


_____ jaw: Use straight lines at the jaw line.


_____ lines are an example of one-length hairstyle. These hairstyles are best for clients requiring the low maintenance when styling their hair.


_____ lines are horizontal and vertical lines that meet at a 90 degree angle. Usually for clients able to carry off a strong look.


_____ lines are usually curved lines that are used to blend and soften horizontal or vertical lines.


_____ lines create length and height in hair design. They make a hairstyle appear longer and narrower as the eye follows the lines up and down.


_____ nose: Often gives a child like look; therefor, it is best to design an age appropriate hairstyle that would not be associated with children. Hair should be swept off the face, creating a line from nose to ear. The top hair should be moved off the forehead to give the illusion of length to the nose.


_____ nose: To draw attention away from the nose, bring hair forward at the forehead with softness around the face.


_____ parting is the basic parting for bang sections.


_____ partings create a dramatic effect.


_____ profile has a prominent forehead and chin, with other features receded inward. It should be accommodated by softly styling the hair at the nape with an upward movement. Do not build hair onto the forehead.


_____ profile is considered the ideal. When viewed in profile is neither convex nor concave. All hairstyles are flattering to the straight or ideal profile.


_____ wave pattern changes are considered permanent. They last until the new growth of hair is long enough to alter the design.


______ lines are lines with a definite forward or backward movement.

lighter and warmer

The illusion of dimension or depth is created when colors that are ___ and _____ alternate with those that are darker and cooler.

wave patterns hair texture

Hair types is categorized by two defining characteristics?


A ____ Contrast can create an attention-grabbing look and should only be used on clients who are trendy and can carry off a bold look.

Facial Bones

A clients facial shape is determined by the position and prominence of the ____ ____.

tight curls

A fast rhythm moves quickly in?

Classic Proportion

A general guide for _____ ____ is that the hair should not be wider than the center of the shoulders, regardless of the body structure.

large shaping or long waves.

A slow rhythm can be seen in?


*Facial Contour: Long narrow face with hollow cheeks. *Objective: To make the face appear shorter and wide. *Styling choice: Keep the hair fairly close to the top of the head. Add volume on the sides to create the illusion of width. The hair should not be too long, as this will elongate the ___ shape of the face. Chin length styles are most effective for this facial type.


*Facial Contour: Round Hairline and round chin line; wide face. *Objective: To create the illusion of length to the face, since this will make the face appear slimmer. *Styling choice: A hairstyle that has height or volume on top and closeness or no volume at the sides.


*Facial contour: Narrow forehead, extreme width through the cheekbones and narrow chin. *objective: To reduce the width across the cheekbone line. *styling choice: Increase the fullness across the jaw line and forehead while keeping the hair close to the head at the cheekbone line. Avoid hairstyles that lift away from the cheeks or move back from the hairline on the sides near the ear area.

Triangular or pear shaped

*Facial contour: Narrow forehead, wide jaw and chin line. *objective: To create the illusion of width in the forehead. *styling choice: A hairstyle that has volume at the temples and some height at the top. You can disguise the narrowness of the forehead with a soft bang or fringe.


*Facial contour: Wide at the temples, narrow at the middle third of the face, and square off at the jaw. *Objective: To offset or round out the square features. *styling choice: Soften the hairline around the temples and jaw by bringing the shape or silhouette close to the head form. Create volume in the area between the temples and jaw by adding width around the ear area.

inverted triangle

*Facial contour: Wide forehead and narrow line. *Objective: To decrease the width of the forehead and increase the width in the lower part of the face. *Styling Choice: Style the hair close to the head with no volume. A bang or fringe is recommended. Gradually increase the width of the silhouette as you style the middle third of the shape in the cheekbone area and near the ears, and keep the silhouette at its widest at the jaw and neck area.


Because the eye is drawn to the ____ color, you can use a light color to draw a line in a hairstyle in the direction you want the eye to travel.

wave or curl

Curling irons or hot rollers can be used to create ___ or ____

blowdryer or flat iron

Curly hair can be straightened with a _____ or _____ ____.


Curved lines repeating in opposite directions create a ____.


Facial contour: The _____ face is about one and half times longer than its width across the brow. The forehead is slightly wider than the chin. A person with an ____ face can wear any hairstyle unless there are other considerations such as glasses, length and shape of nose, or profile.

Proportion, balance, rhythm, emphasis and harmony

The Five important principle in art and design are?


The _____ is usually that part of the overall design that a client will respond to first.


The _____ may contain curls, curves, waves, straight hair or any combination.


The bang is parted in three basic ways:

time trial and error

The best teacher is ____ and the _____ _____ process that comes through experience.

line, form, space, texture and color

The five basic elements of three- dimensional design are?

Horizontal, vertical, diagonal and curved

The four basic types of lines are?


The hair form should be in _____ to the shape of the head and face, the length and width of the neck and the shoulder line.

Curly medium hair

This hair type creates a wide silhouette. When left natural, this type of hair gives a soft romantic look. The wide silhouette should be in proportion to the clients body shape and not overwhelm it. When shaping the hair, keep in mind where the weigh line of the haircut will fall. This hair responds well to relaxers and color.

very curly fine hair

This hair type is generally best cut short. If the hair is long, the silhouette will be wide and extremely voluminous. Chemical services and hair pressing takes well, but be careful because the hair may be fragile.

Wavy, fine hair

This hair type of hair can appear fuller with the appropriate haircut and style. Responds well to blowdrying and chemical services. Can be fragile so be careful not o overdo any of these services. Will straighten easily by blowdrying but you may sacrifice volume. If diffused the hair will have a fuller appearance.

Extremely curly medium hair

This silhouette can get very wide, because the hair can look wider rather than longer as it grows. Chemical relaxers work very well to make the shape narrower, and hair pressing is also a good option. Thermal styling could follow the pressing. Cropping it close to the head in a flattering shape is great for ease of styling and low maintenance if the hair is left in its natural state.

Extremely curly coarse hair

This silhouette will be extremely wide. Chemical relaxing is often recommended to make it easier to style with other thermal services. This hair type is often too thick to tie back in a ponytail, So if the client does not want any chemical service and wants easy care suggest short, cropped layers to make the silhouette narrower.

Wavy coarse hair

This type of hair can produce a silhouette that is very wide, and the hair can appear unruly if it is not shaped properly. Blowdrying can be effective but it's often mush easier for the stylist than the client. Try to work out a flattering shape that is easy to maintain if the client is not good at working with their hair. A soft perm could easily bring the client to a wash- and- wear curly style. A chemical relaxer might work very well if the client prefers a straighter look.

Straight medium hair

This type of hair offers more versatility in styling. Responds well to blowdrying with various-sized brushes and has a good amount of movement. Responds well to rollers and thermal styling.

Wavy medium hair

This type of hair offers the most versatility in styling. This hair can be diffused to look curly, or be easily straightened by blowdrying.

four equal parts

To measure symmetry, divide the face into ___ ___ ___

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