Chapter 14: Global South

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Any country with a GNI below ____________ per capita is a less developed country.

$12,475 per capita

What is one of the reasons the military often emerges within less developed countries that are experiencing considerable political decay? (a) The military has the capabilities to function effectively. (b) The military is often led by officers who hold strong support among the public. (c) The military is often made up of soldiers who accurately reflect the general public. (d) The military often adheres to a commitment to free political expression.

(a) The military has the capabilities to function effectively.

If no group emerges to establish and maintain political and social order, continued political decay often leads to __________. (a) rapid economic growth (b) a failed state (c) political institutionalization (d) neocolonialism

(b) a failed state

Which of the following is a possible effect of export promotion? (a) high tariffs (b) a well-trained labor force (c) fewer subsidized materials (d) restrictive environmental policies

(b) a well-trained labor force

When a state is guided by a long-range vision based on shared norms and values, as well as rules and institutions that build societal and political trust and cohesion, it is said to be acting like a(n) __________. (a) democratizing state (b) proactive development state (c) authoritarian-resistant state (d) social policy innovating state

(b) proactive development state

The rate of development in the Global South is __________. (a) even across regions (b) uneven both within and between countries (c) steadily on the decline in all regions (d) even within countries, but uneven between them

(b) uneven both within and between countries

An IMF structural adjustment program __________. (a) is very similar to a foreign direct investment, in which foreign investors take ownership or invest in domestic companies trying to compete in the global economy (b) is a type of foreign aid that gives a fixed amount of aid each year and allows the receiving state to spend it as it sees fit (c) often requires the borrowing country to increase its openness to the global economy by facilitating free trade and foreign direct investment (d) involves a team of IMF economic advisors arriving in a less developed country to help craft policy that will protect promising domestic companies from too much exposure to the global market.

(c) often requires the borrowing country to increase its openness to the global economy by facilitating free trade and foreign direct investment

Acting in a kind of ricochet effect, which unfortunate by-product of a less developed country's internal disorder can often escalate internal disorder in surrounding less developed countries? (a) neocolonialism (b) corruption (c) refugees (d) capital flight

(c) refugees

In which region do we find many countries with limited control over their own resources and a dependency on foreign financial and technological assistance? (a) East Asia and the Pacific (b) Latin America (c) South Asia and Central Asia (d) Sub-Saharan Africa

(d) Sub-Saharan Africa

Why would a less developed country fall under the category of neocolonialism despite the end of colonial rule and its newly asserted control over its oil? (a) The leaders still owe a substantial debt to Great Britain. (b) The government looks to the United States before making any significant decisions. (c) All states in the Global South are subjected to neocolonialism when they enter into global trade. (d) The country's elite is dependent on foreign multinational corporations to maintain its wealth and power.

(d) The country's elite is dependent on foreign multinational corporations to maintain its wealth and power.

While large farms can benefit from commercial agriculture, small farms __________. (a) are typically disinterested in moving away from subsistence farming (b) exist without being influenced by global trade (c) are rare in the less developed world (d) are too vulnerable to the global food market to commercialize

(d) are too vulnerable to the global food market to commercialize

Global extreme poverty has __________ over the last 30 years. (a) doubled (b) increased slightly (c) seen no significant change (d) decreased by half

(d) decreased by half

The fact that states with internal problems often look at neighboring states as scapegoats is one common reason for __________. (a) states being sanctioned by the United States (b) shrinking militaries in the less developed world (c) regular military intervention by the United Nations (d) interstate violence between adjacent states

(d) interstate violence between adjacent states

For countries of the Global South, a key factor in attaining the goal of autonomy is their capacity to __________. (a) apply and receive a structural adjustment program from the IMF (b) seek the military involvement of a more developed country to quash civil unrest (c)successfully avoid any management of the frustrations of their citizens (d) resist external manipulation of their political economy

(d) resist external manipulation of their political economy

Challenges to achieving development in the Global South

-Overpopulation -Corruption and Inefficiency -Geopolitical vulnerability -Internal Disorder -Neocolonialism

Developmental Classification of the Global South

-Two-pronged Classification System: Economic development and Social development. -Look at GNI (any country below $12,475 per capita is a less developed country). -Measure indicators such as literacy, urbanization, health, and communications.

The extent of collaboration with foreign capital

1) Foreign aid 2)Foreign Direct Investment 3) Loans 4) Microfinance

Goals to improve Agriculture

1) Stable and attractive policies with a reliable market 2) An efficient system of distribution 3) Increased crop yields

Five key strategic areas of the Global South to achieve prosperity

1) The balance between import substitution and export promotion 2) The mix of manufacturing, services, and commodities 3) The imbalance between state control and the market. 4) The role of agriculture The extent of 5) collaboration with foreign capital

Five reasons there is interstate violence in the Global South

1) The geographic boundaries between some states do not correspond to the boundaries of historically established nations, and conflict develops in conjunction with attempts to realign states with nations. 2) Differences in the cultures of two states, especially differences grounded in nationality, political ideology, or religious belief, can produce animosities so strong that violence erupts. 3) States look covetously at valuable resources in neighboring states and sometimes attempt to gain control of those resources by force. 4) States with severe internal problems can use neighboring states as scapegoats, redirecting internal frustration into violence against those states. 5) Conflict between states can be encouraged by the actions of other states that are attempting to serve their own national interests.

How many coups were there in Ghana after achieving independence?


Import Substitution

A policy whereby a country decreases the share of goods that are imported by producing more of those goods domestically

Export Promotion

A policy whereby firms are encouraged to produce goods and services that can exported and sold at a profit in the global economy. -The government can implement policies that provide its domestic firms with an advantage over global competitors (e.g., government-offered export insurance to protect against loss, damage, and delay of exported products).

Among two-thirds of the world's poorest countries are in ________________.

Among two-thirds of the world's poorest countries are in Subsaharan, Africa.

What happened in Ghana in 1966?

An army-led coup otherthrew Nkrumah and installed a "temporary" military junta.

Countries in latin America with high social development but mid-level economic development

Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica

Oil rich countries of the middle east

Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia

How many gang members are active in Honduras?

Between 12,00 and 36,000

Less developed Countries in Central and South America

Bolivia, Honduras, Nicaragua


Brazil, Russia, India, China, South AFrica


Capacity to resist external manipulation of its political economy

What East Asian countries have a recent history of repressive and brutal Communist political regimes?

China, Cambodia, North Korea, Vietnam.

leader of Ghana when it became the first African nation to gain independence from Britain

Dr. Kwame Khrumah

Drive for success in global south

First, a successful strategy must be grounded in a strong, active, and responsible state. The UN terms this a "proactive development state." The policies of such a state must be guided by a long-range vision based on shared norms and values as well as rules and institutions that build societal and political trust and cohesion. While there are multiple paths to success, it is essential that the government's policies support the growth of key sectors of the economy, expand the number of quality jobs, and invest in "people-friendly" policies in education, health, and public services (UNDP 2013: 4). The second driver of development is success in tapping into global markets. A Global South country can generate positive growth when it imports skills and knowledge from the rest of the world and then produces and exports the goods and services the rest of the world would like to purchase. This requires both private firms and the state to take actions that further the country's gradual and strategic integration into the global market. The state must also implement policies that minimize any shocks to the domestic economy that might occur as a result of global engagement (UNDP 2013: 4). The third driver of the rise of the Global South is a commitment to social policy innovation. The state must make substantial investments in education, health care, social protection, and legal empowerment, and it must also reduce inequality. According to the UN, these state policies will support long-term, sustained economic growth and create a population that is both capable of contributing to that economy and supportive of political and social institutions that are fair and stable (UNDP 2013: 5). Despite the UN's optimistic assessment and prescription, the current overall balance sheet of the Global South seems complicated in terms of the pursuit of prosperity, security, and stability. In the pursuit of prosperity, the positives include greater economic diversification, with manufactured goods now accounting for two-thirds of exports (excluding oil). The annual economic growth rate for the low-income countries has averaged 4.9 percent since 2000, which is more than triple the growth rate of the world's high-income countries (World Bank 2018b). The average person in the less developed world is living longer (16 years longer than in 1960, on average), is better educated, has more material possessions, and is healthier than at any prior time. For instance, between 1990 and 2015, the under-age-five mortality rate was halved, and 2.6 billion people gained access to improved sources of drinking water (UNDP 2016: 3). Countries in the Global South are often depicted as hopeless and backward, but such portraits can be misleading and misinformed. This story shows the way in which Rwanda is a global leader in halting mother-to-child HIV transmission.

Why were the causes of the Iran-Iraqi War?

For example, the Iran-Iraq War (which occurred between 1980 and 1988 when both countries were considered less developed) is an example of a conflict resulting from the complex, interrelated impacts of nationality (Persian versus Arab), competition for resources (especially oil in Kurdish areas), religious ideology (Shi'a versus Sunni), personal animosity between leaders (Saddam Hussein versus Ayatollah Khomeini), internal problems in each country, and external influences from global superpowers with interests in the region.

Global South

Generally less advanced economically, have lower levels of competitive and representative politics, have a lower proportion in the middle class, and have a lower overall standard of living.

What was the first colonial territory in Sub-Saharan Africa to gain independence?


Where are the countries with the highest total fertility rate located?

Global South

Between 2012 and 2016, what country had the highest murder rate in the world?


What country has one of the highest femicide rates in the word?


What country has the lowest HDI score of any country in Central or South America?


Foreign loans

IMF and World Bank; must be repaid.

In Honduras, ______ of the people live in poverty.

In Honduras, 2/3 of the people live in poverty.

Middle East and North Africa (MENA)

Include the dozen states and mini-states of Southwest Asia (e.g., Iraq, Jordan, Yemen), as well as the five North African states on the Meditarranean Sea and are dominated by the Sahara Desert (E.g., Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia).

Foreign Direct Investment

Investing in the developing country's firms or set up their own firms within the country. -Such investment is provided by those who expect substantial profits due to the rich resources, cheap labor, tax advantages, and minimal regulation in the developing country. Many less developed countries accept such foreign involvement in their economy on the assumption that capital, jobs, and other economic benefits will "trickle down" to their population.

Less developed island states of the Caribbean

Jamaica, Haiti

Who led the last two coups?

Jerry Rawlings


Loans, insurance, saving programs, and other financial services extended to the very poor.

Foreign Aid

Most aid from the Global North has been in the form of shared technology, grants and loans (with no expectation of repayment), and debt forgiveness on existing loans. -Global North countries usually offer such aid with self-serving strings attached: economic (to obtain resources, to open markets for their own goods and services); political (to establish alliances or a political sphere of influence, to exclude ideological rivals); or military (to deploy strategic military power in Global South territory).

Argument: There WILL always be a Global South

Numerous social indicators reveal significant recent improvement in the life conditions of those living in the Global South. Life expectancy in low-income countries has increased from 53 years to 62 years (1990-2012); the global adult literacy rate has increased from 69 percent to 86 percent (1976-2016); the global mortality rate for children under five (per 1000) has decreased from 93 to 41 (1990-2016) (World Health Organization 2017; World Bank 2018b). The proportion of the world's population in extreme poverty, largely in the Global South, has declined from 42 percent in 1981 to 10 percent in 2015. Every day, the number of people living in extreme poverty declines by 217,000. Every day, 325,000 additional people get access to electricity and 300,000 more people have access to clean drinking water (World Bank 2018d, Kristof 2018.) Overall, the countries of the Global South achieve substantially higher economic growth rates than the high-income countries. Since 2000, low-income countries have grown at an annual rate of 4.9 percent, and lower-middle-income countries have grown at 5.8 percent, compared with only 1.8 percent annual growth in the high-income countries (World Bank 2018e). The mobility of capital, the transfer of technology across borders, and the extensive outsourcing of economic activity associated with globalization are producing substantial and increasing economic and social benefits for most citizens in the less developed countries (Baghwati 2007; Wolf 2004). The Global South increased its share of world merchandise trade from 25 percent to 47 percent between 1980 and 2010, helping to push its share of world economic output to just under half of the global total (UNDP 2013). The external debt service (as a percentage of exports) that burdened most of the less developed countries was reduced from 16 percent in 1990 to only 3 percent by 2011 (UNMDG 2013). If "Global South" is merely the newest label for those countries that are relatively poor, even while the absolute standard of living rises to a reasonable level for most of the population, then there will always be a group of "less developed countries," but only because some countries will continue to be less rich than others.

Argument: There will not always be a global south

Numerous social indicators reveal significant recent improvement in the life conditions of those living in the Global South. Life expectancy in low-income countries has increased from 53 years to 62 years (1990-2012); the global adult literacy rate has increased from 69 percent to 86 percent (1976-2016); the global mortality rate for children under five (per 1000) has decreased from 93 to 41 (1990-2016) (World Health Organization 2017; World Bank 2018b). The proportion of the world's population in extreme poverty, largely in the Global South, has declined from 42 percent in 1981 to 10 percent in 2015. Every day, the number of people living in extreme poverty declines by 217,000. Every day, 325,000 additional people get access to electricity and 300,000 more people have access to clean drinking water (World Bank 2018d, Kristof 2018.) Overall, the countries of the Global South achieve substantially higher economic growth rates than the high-income countries. Since 2000, low-income countries have grown at an annual rate of 4.9 percent, and lower-middle-income countries have grown at 5.8 percent, compared with only 1.8 percent annual growth in the high-income countries (World Bank 2018e). The mobility of capital, the transfer of technology across borders, and the extensive outsourcing of economic activity associated with globalization are producing substantial and increasing economic and social benefits for most citizens in the less developed countries (Baghwati 2007; Wolf 2004). The Global South increased its share of world merchandise trade from 25 percent to 47 percent between 1980 and 2010, helping to push its share of world economic output to just under half of the global total (UNDP 2013). The external debt service (as a percentage of exports) that burdened most of the less developed countries was reduced from 16 percent in 1990 to only 3 percent by 2011 (UNMDG 2013). If "Global South" is merely the newest label for those countries that are relatively poor, even while the absolute standard of living rises to a reasonable level for most of the population, then there will always be a group of "less developed countries," but only because some countries will continue to be less rich than others.

South and Central Asia

Primarily composed of the "stans" countries: Nomadic, kin and clan based social organized, localized power based a weak central authority, and cultures that have been dominated by Islam for hundreds of years.

What is the poorest and least economically developed region in the world?

Sub-Saharan Africa

Partly developed countries in the Caribbean

The Bahamas, Cuba.

What has the green revolution done for Indonesia?

The green revolution initially increased rice yields dramatically. But yields soon dropped because pesticides were killing off many good insects, and the new hybrid rice breeds were less resistant to the bad insects. So the government implemented policies by the mid-1980s that limited pesticide use and required farmers to return to using traditional crop rotation techniques and natural fertilizers.


The intention killing of a girl or woman because of her gender.


The lending of very small amounts of money typically ranging from $100 to $500 to enable them to launch such venues. These loans are offered to individuals who, because of their low levels of wealth and collateral, were deemed "high risk" and have been excluded from the traditional financial system. Microfinance approaches are now utilized in more than half of all less developed countries, and microcredit loans have been extended to more than 200 million clients, many of whom are the world's very poorest.

Jerry Rawlings

Took over got Ghana back on track, good for economy

Trade Protectionism

Use of tariffs and other procedures to discourage imports or make imports more expensive than goods produced in the economy to encourage people to buy from their own economy thus generating their own economy.

Proactive development State

When a state is guided by a long-range vision based on shared norms and values, as well as rules and institutions that build societal and political trust and cohesion.

What MENA countries fit clearly into the less developed countries category?

Yemen, Syria, Morocco

Between 2017 and 2050, the population of the less developed countries is expected to ___________ from 1 billion to 2 billion- much of this growth occurring in Africa.


Many East Asian and Pacific countries had a __________ experience with colonialism, which never penetrated too deeply into the societies.


Ethnic-cultural heritage of Caribbean people

their ethnic-cultural heritage is African and Asian (and, secondarily, English and French) more than Indian, Central American, and South American (the most common heritages in the rest of Latin America).

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