Chapter 14 Gysbers- Assessments that Focus on Strengths and Positive Psychology:

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Work Style and Personal Style Similarities and Differences

when workstyle personal style different most likely adapting to responsibilities, pressures, stressors, or other of two settings . > this causes change in traits >if behavior same, they behave consistently >other settings where behavior shifts ~over time and across situations ; predictable set of pref INSIGHT inventory encourages people to explore how their behavior may change in different environments and help people identify the settings which they are comfortable

understanding the four INSIGHT Inventory Traits work style and personal style differences

four independent traits on both their work style and profiles are plotted on two horizontal charts

Clifton Strengths Finder development and theory

"What would happen if we studied what is right with people?" leaves clients empowered to share their results 17 languages reading to 10th grade level and higher issue: adoping associated orientation to positive psychology finding ways to move clients beyond positive first impressions

the Clifton Strengths Finder compton and hoffmans text on positive psychology discussion of 5 charcteristics

1. yearning- pull to move toward certain interests, certain skills, goal, particular project 2. particular strength may make one feel instrinsic satisfaction ; makes person feel better about self 3. comes easily, feels natural 4. person does it extraordinarily well 5. when identified strengths all of above come into play as deeper sense of satisfaction

The Insight Inventory Development and Theory

1984 patrick handley PhD personality assessment helped users identify strengths and apply career planning team building and leadership development 32 predictive terms measured 4 personality traits positive strengths- based language rate 1 how the see themselves at work 2 on how they seem themselves in personal world identify diff environments impact on behavior

what the INSIGHT Inventory Asseses

4 behavior traits each with 2 opposite extremes independent factors 1 scale A: influencing- how people express thoughts, present ideas, assert themselves, influence others ; indirect or direct 2 scale B: responding- how people approach and respond to others. reversed and outgoing 3 scale C: pacing- the speed and rhythm with which people take action and make decisions; urgent and steady 4. scale D: organizing- how people structure time, organize tasks, handle details unstructured and precise


B = f(P × E), or Behavior is a function of the Personality within an Environment. certain environments bring out their strengths other environments move them away from their strengths force field analysis -- widely used, for analyzing many situations, problems, challenges, marketing approaches, family dynamics

what two assessments help you work with clients' personal strengths?

Clifton StrengthsFInder INSIGHT Inventory focus on strengths little time to complete, self-score easily, and have good validity and reliability data.

Recent research in positive psychology suggests that keeping the focus on the positive may be .

an equally effective approach to changing behaviors "People don't change that much. Don't waste time trying to put in what was left out (i.e., defi cits). Try to draw out what was left in. That is hard enough" Do not focus on defi cits, work with the positive!

goal: helping clients combine personality preferences, interests, and competencies

be aware of personality traits that give certain job roles may be individuals who score precise but do not want to use those skills int traditional jobs uncover a person's special interests areas identify good match between interests and personal traits >> convo becomes interesting

organizational talent management and career development

biggest challenge is identifying and using assessment instruments that fit culture and language of business INSIGHT inventory and clifton strengthsfinder ensure use of language, strengths talents possibilities

example 2: ken and barbara: two direct reserved urgent unstructured with different strengthsfinder talent themes

both ken and barbara based on INSIGHT inteventory they are candid driven forceful rather quiet and reserved quick decision mmakers take action quickly creative nontraditional thinkers different strengthsfinder themes ken ideation strongest when he is engrossed in world of ideas busy sorting out possibilities combining creative thoughts into even bigger /greater concepts thrives on marketing and advertising focus daily on ideas for product launches brusque and intimidating (direct) hard to read (reserved) impatient with long meetings (urgent) always open to doing things differently (unstructured) barbara dwells on arranger has not had a new idea in years bring any good idea others immediately conducts how-to-do-it, who-to-do-it ,when-to-do-it they are both similar but different

Example 1: Jack and Jennifer: Two Achievers With Different INSIGHT Inventory Profiles

constant need for achievement acc to strengthsfinder, nature of this theme suggests how much they achieve shortly after glory fades, feel compelled to set another goal and begin a new toward it gives incredible energy helps accomplish great deal have trouble relxing and enjoying fruits of their success INSIGHT jennifer scores direct outgoing urgent precise pushes for results drives others hard expresses emotions acts quick comes across as forceful expressive restless jack scores indirect reserved steady unstructured works quietly negotiates agendas avoids conflict persists for hours thinks and acts in unconventional outside box manner comes across as tactful reserved patient creative

goal: helping clients develop more accurate views of their personality strengths

counselors can use online INSIGHT inventory- self report and insight observer feedback assessment to learn whether they see themselves same as other people do clients soon discover interpersonal relationships are just as important as job skills clients find jobs of dreams - perfect fit between personality, interests, values, job requirements ; dissatisfied because of strained working relationships with coworkers

The Insight Inventory

describes how the person with these themes looks and behaves uses strengths based language for describing 4 personality traits influencing responding pacing organizing consider impact of certain environments (work and personal) on their behaviors users reflect on natural strengths / cause of stress rate behavior in two global environments

online versions

easy- to- follow wizard and produces self report users own strengths reaction to stress flexing to better communicate self development observer feedback report describes how observers view the user student/ teen versions student/ teen self- esteem strengths career planning

using the results

get clients to focus on one or few of five strengths look at list 34 strengths before taking instrument so they realize difficult narrowing list to 5 choose expect strengths from list of 34 or place into three categories as in the book first "thinking" talents "relating" talents strengths reflect striving personal motivation relating interpersonal skills impacting self- presentation thinking learning Finding ways to reinforce what they may be hearing or considering for the fi rst time is important. >restate strengths use documentation in logs/ narratives writing baout strengths best to use both clifton strengths finder and INSIGHT inventory If you have access to student orientation courses, career planning courses, leadership development offerings, learning communities, academic advising, peer mentoring, residential life programs, or any school or campus living arrangements—places where clients relate in ongoing fashion and can refl ect on and try out their strengths and styles—those are where this strengths-based approach can best be implemented= using situations can be more impactful help clients understand styles ; provide support for learning give attention to client strengths

goal: helping clients learn to flex their traits

help clients identify the traits to develop more flexibility increase satisfaction some people have strong interpersonal skills and grasp immediately the concept of flexing their style to better communicate others takes awareness understanding action

goal: increasing awareness of family preferences

help people at all life stages students identify subconscious and family patterns that relate to personality traits by INSIGHT inventory give the message that is "good" to be attentive to details planned organized predictable career coaching help clients discover strengths of their own personality preferences and gain permission to follow these even if they do not match the messages they grew up receiving

Clifton Strengths Finder supporting materials person pays fee to take assessment >online supporting materials example suggest that they focus on only one or two of the fi ve strengths the assessment provides, or talk about the one they most often use. new thinking about self exploration reinforcement

closing thoughts

increase message about strengths clifton strengths and inventory

understanding the four INSIGHT Inventory Traits Trait A- Influencing (indirect and direct)

indication of how people express thoughts, ideas, assert themselves indirect and direct both effective influencing eachother indirect- strategy tact diplomacy in get ideas out and accepted modest avoid conflict caution in position good mediators and facilitators direct candor assertiveness conviction in expressing thoughts/ opinions come across as forceful self confident good at taking charge esp need control and clear direction

understanding the four INSIGHT Inventory Traits Trait D- Organizing (unstructured and precise)

indication of persons preference for structuring time, organizing tasks, handlling details unstructured and precise unstructured flexible noncomforting inattentive to details to organization resistant to systems and rules good at identifying innovative atypical ways of completing projects or connecting people precise structured and ordered in how they manage time organize tasks handle details

impact of stress

situations that prevent people fro using their preferred styles are often stressful overuse strongest traits and strengths can become weaknesses example being in control and taking charge tired situations in little authority feel stressed react and more blunt forceful to regain control

understanding the four INSIGHT Inventory Traits trait B- responding (reserved and outgoing)

individuals response to others particularly groups of people reserved and outgoing reserved quiet retiring minimize engagement in large groups introvert prefer one on one or small groups emotions private self contained gestures and facial expressions outgoing extroverted animated very expressive "people people" enjoy others particularly comfortable in groups share emotions openly and freely gestures and expressions outgoing individuals shine when meeting and greeting others people at ease staying connected

using the INSIGHT Inventory in career coaching or counseling Goal: helping clients identify interests and subgroup personality job matches

most career interests have multiple roles/ subgroups good planning and placement involves both identifying ebst career interest area and matching personality preferences to specific roles in that interest area identification of interests and values personality and role fit has been left to individual sort out as he or she gets into particular.

understanding the four INSIGHT Inventory Traits Trait C- pacing (urgent and steady)

pace, speed, rhythm which people make decisions and take action urgent and steady urgent take action quickly move ahead in restless fast paced manner operate best with decisions made and action taken experienced they good at clarifying priorities eliminating options moving ahead inexperienced, impulsive premature steady preference describes individuals who prefer to take their time when making decisions take action only after considering options carefully deliberally patience perform well on long- term projects requiring consistency, persistence, calculated responses

Clifton Strengths Finder general description

provides a structured approach to identifying one's top 5 strengths from among a list of 34 possible ones ( Web-based instrument of positive psychology 30 minutes to complete 177 items two items pared with self- descriptors printout of person's five strengths "themes" or signature themes

INSIGHT Inventory reliability and validity

provides all data from factor analysis techniques normative studies reliability and validity statistics

the strengths finder

reveals underlying themes

interpretive booklet

self-scoreable version of the INSIGHT Inventory provides guidelines that help users understand and apply their results.

Goal: drawing out clients' strengths

some clients move out of their ideal personality and job fit / trade long term satisfaction for short- term gains. gains take form of increased salary improved benefits or more ideal job location psychological payoffs ; prestige status family approval * neither trade off leads to long- term satisfaction examples students in high school and college may find themselves in similar positions more young people drawn away from ideal personality career fit ; may trade dream job or career track for parental or peer approval might abandon her study in piano because her parents (whose approval she highly values and needs for fi nancial support) may believe she should get a degree in something more practical, such as business. So to retain their support, she switches majors Teresa might stay in the same interest area, music, but shift from becoming an artist in the entertainment industry to a private piano teacher. This may lead to just as much psychological job dissatisfaction down the road even though it appears to be a fi t because the career is in music

goal: helping clients deal with job stress

some people lose touch with personality strength overuse the trait and experience negative side of this overuse example. mary medical tech scored direct and urgent drawn to positions to be in charge, take control, chaos, fast decisions however, ended in dysfunctional trauma team members counselors and coaches can help people become aware of their reactios to stress and learn to moderate these before they overuse

Using the INSIGHT inventory with the clifton strengthsfinder

the INSIGHT Inventory and Clifton Strengths Finder focus on strengths what is right iwth people assess and define characteristics differently can use in complementary gashion INSIGHT inventory describes how people behave based on personality traits and environment; how people behave when acting on their talents Clifton strengths finder describes peoples talent themes ; which talents to engage in


when people have opposite styles misunderstandings and conflicts may rise not over what is but how it is said making temporary shifts in behavior then moving back to ones styles and strengths emphasize self- awareness talent reading in others skill at changing behavior enhances communication and relationships INSIGHT provides positive strength- based practical process for helping develop emotional intelligence and link to behavioral changes identify behaviors in different environments learn how other see them develop skill at reading others

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