Chapter 14 (Inquizitive)
Before his execution, King Charles I expressed this opinion about the role and powers of a king: "But I must tell you that [the people's] liberty and freedom consists in having of government those laws by which their lives and goods may be most their own. It is not for having share in government. That is nothing pertaining to them. A subject and a sovereign are clean different things ... " Which of his contemporaries' ideas on this topic would Charles I have found most objectionable?
"i do think that the poorest man in england is not at all bound in a strict sense to that government that he has not had a voice to put himself under..." (from the Army Debates, 1647)
Africans & some Native Americans, especially from the Carolinas.
Which of these connections can be inferred from the information in this chapter?
Correct : Silver, mined by Native American conscripted laborers, helped fund European conflicts, like the one between Spain and the Netherlands. Silver, mined by Native American conscripted laborers, enabled Europeans to invest in the African slave trade. Incorrect : Caribbean sugar, grown by enslaved Africans, helped France defend Catholic regimes during the Thirty Years' War. Caribbean sugar, grown by enslaved Africans, helped fund the conquest of New Spain.
Analyze the excerpt from Grimmelhausen's novel, Simplicissimus. The narrator says, "[the Thirty Years' War] must ... have been sent to us by the goodness of Almighty God for our profit. For, gentle reader, who would ever have taught me that there was a God in Heaven if these soldiers had not destroyed my dad's house, and by such a deed driven me out among folk who gave me all fitting instruction thereupon?" What messages does the author convey about the war?
Correct : The soldiers were fighting for personal gain, not for God's glory. Peasants who survived an attack were likely to starve to death or freeze in the next winter Incorrect: Soldiers had to enter houses and vigorously question suspects to root out enemies. The war was horrible, but it was justified by the good end results.
identify the long term effects of the columbian exchange
Correct: American foods like corn, potatoes, and chili peppers revolutionized diets in Europe, Africa, and Asia. Invasive plants and animals significantly altered landscapes and edged out indigenous species. Communicable diseases killed as much as 90 percent of the pre-Columbian human population of the Americas. Incorrect: Indigenous Americans and settlers rejected Old World foods in favor of more efficient local crops
Identify the monarchies that lost power between 1550 and the end of the Thirty Years' War.
Correct: Austrian crown Spanish crown Incorrect: Swedish crown French crown English crown
identify how the price revolution contributed to european political instabilit
Correct: Financiers, merchants, and other growing middle classes challenged monarchs. Monarchs had to raise taxes to meet military needs, angering many of their subjects. Incorrect: The influx of silver benefitted Catholic kingdoms, while it weakened Protestant kingdoms. Angry indentured servants attacked conscripted laborers for producing too much silver.
Identify the events during the Thirty Years' War that demonstrated political expediency, rather than religious unity.
Correct: France funded and joined the Swedish military effort against the habsburgs bohemians, austrian elites, and ottoman forces attempted to defeat ferdinand's forces Incorrect: Sweden allied itself with German Lutheran princes against the Habsburgs. The Spanish Habsburgs allied with the Austrian Habsburgs to fight at Prague.
identify the factors that enabled French power to grow during this period
Correct: French national identity was connected to the king. France was agriculturally self-sufficient. Incorrect: France did not suffer from religious conflict. The French government supported industrial mass production of luxury items and textiles.
Identify the statements that accurately describe the silver mines at Potosí.
Correct: The Spanish crown had a strong interest in supporting the system of conscript labor because it directly benefitted from mining activity. The municipal governor (Corregidor) made arrangements with local leaders to deliver 13,300 conscripted workers to the mine. Incorrect: All of the workers at Potosí were conscripted (unfree) laborers. Conscripted workers had to stay down in the mines for 18 hours per day, coming up to rest only at night
identify the factors that led to the decline of Spanish power during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
Correct: Thirty year war Incorrect: French conquests in South America war against the Austrian Habsburgs
Describe the similarities between the Spanish and English settlement experiences in North America.
Correct: both used methods of conquest and governance that they first developed in europe their settlement patterns were both a response to the population distribution of native americans Incorrect: hey both made immediate efforts to convert local populations to Christianity. English and Spanish settlers both heavily intermarried with local people.
Analyze the following excerpts from John Winthrop's 1629 piece, "Reasons to be Considered for Justifying the Undertakers of the Intended Plantation in New England." It will be a service to the Church of great consequence to carry the gospel into those parts of the world ... and to raise a bulwark against the kingdom of Antichrist which the Jesuits labor to rear up in those parts. ... all towns complain of the burden of their poor ... and thus it is come to pass that children, servants, and neighbors, especially if they be poor, are counted the greatest burdens, which, if things were right, would be the chiefest earthly blessings. Identify the themes reflected in these excerpts.
Correct: ongoing tensions between Catholics and Protestants widespread poverty as a result of the price revolution Incorrect: the growth of the triangular trade arguments against the powers of monarchs
Identify how tumultuous events in Europe before the Peace of Westphialia affected the demand for African slaves in the Americas.
Deaths from bubonic plague &
Indentured Servitude
Europeans, often poor or indebted.
By 1660, the once-powerful Spanish Habsburg Empire had been completely dismantled. True or False.
Initially, New World colonies had lots of workers, but lacked the natural resources they needed for profitable trade. True or False.
The Thirty Years' War was a religious conflict that pitted an alliance of Catholic leaders against an alliance of Protestant leaders. True or False.
Identify what the following portraits reveal about the rulers.
King Charel (pg478) - This image downplays the symbol of kingship (the crown), instead emphasizing the power and independence of the leader. The "Amanda Portrait" of Elizabeth(pg469)- The power of person at the center of this image is communicated through overt references to the office of the king. Oliver Cromwell (pg 479)- The symbolism of this image mixes visual metaphors, connecting the leader to republican rule, empire, and heroic feats.
Conscripted labor
Native Americans in Spanish colonial territories.
Which transaltanic system was driven by the intense European demand for sugar?
Triangle Trade.
Before the Columbian exchange, there were no horses on the North American plains, no tomatoes in Italy, & no potatoes in Ireland. True or False.
Though they disagreed on many other topics, Catholics & Protestants generally agreed on the execution of witches. True or False.
Identify the statement that accurately reflects immigration between 1492 and 1700.
between 1492 - 1700, over 80 percent of all imigrants to the americas came from africa as slaves
Analyze the "Armada Portrait" of Queen Elizabeth. Identify the elements in the portrait that clearly symbolize English challenges to Spanish power.
both pictures to her left and right her right hand resting on the globe
n 1588, a "protesant wind" prevented the spanish "invincible armada" from attacking england. put in order the events that caused tension b/n england and spain
english throne passes from philips II's wife, Queen Mary, to her protestant half sister, elizabeth ireland rebels against protestant englsih rule, and philip II supports the irish english merchants encroach on spanish trade in the americas and english privateers attack and plunder spanish treasure ships english government supports the netherlands as they seek independence phillip II sends the "Invincible Armada" to invade England
Colonization of the Americas gave rise to a complex web of economic events. Match each group of people with the impact they felt from these events.
enslaved africans- The European demand for sugar combined with labor shortages in the Americas to create a booming trade in this group of people. european waged laborers- Silver mining in New Spain benefitted some entrepreneurs, but the inflation it caused made life harder for this group of people. indentrued servants- High food prices, the closing of common lands, and stagnant wages forced some poor Europeans to become members of this group. financal agents- The triangular trade caused a 60 percent mortality rate among enslaved people, but it significantly benefitted planters and this group.
By 1660, the once-powerful Spanish Habsburg Empire had been completely dismantled.
Pages 470-473, 477-478 14.4. Explain the reasons for Europe's religious and political instability and its consequences. Identify the following European conflicts.
fronde (1648-1653)- this series of civil conflicts began in response to high taxes and increased kingly power thirty years war- europe was engulfed in conflicts after the holy roman empire tried to stop protestant rebels in bohemia english civil war- this conflict b/n a king and his legislature broke out over civil rights and powers of taxation
Whereas the ---- established the idea that subjects had to follow the religion of their prince, the ----established state protections for religious pluralism Cardinal Richelieu reduced state protections fro french Huguenots, but he retained the edict through the ---. Instead of fostering unity based on religious affiliation, France developed a national identity focused on the---
peace of ausburg edict of nantes thirty years war monarchy
Identify the groups of people who most often worked under each system of unfree labor.
slavery- Africans and some Native Americans, especially from the Carolinas conscripted labor - Native Americans in Spanish colonial territories indentured servitude - Europeans, often poor or indebted
Analyze the passage below from Jesuit Friedrich Spee's 1631 Warnings for Prosecutors: "So, whether she confesses or does not confess, the result is the same. If she confesses ... she is executed: all recantation is in vain ... If she does not confess, the torture is repeated—twice, thrice, four times: anything one pleases is permissible, for in an excepted crime there is no limit of duration or severity or repetition of the tortures." What does this passage reveal about the "witch craze"?
some people, including clergy, thought that the trial and executions for withcraft were inhumane and illogical
the vast majority of the workers who produced sugar in the americas were enslaved africans. put in chronological order the events that would lead a teen boy to servitude
the teen boy was captured far from the central african coast, in a raid after several months of forced walking, the teen boy reached a slave-trading fort a Luanda the teen boy found himself constrained in tight quarters on a ship the teen boy was made to work on a brazilian sugar plantation the teen boy understood his options: revolt, suicide, unlikely escape, or hard work and early death
the English Civil War marked a decline in royal power and a rise in the power of the English parliament. Put the events of this conflict in orde
when his subjects refused to raise taxes to fund a war with spain, king charles ignored parliament and violated his subjects' civil rights rather than negotiate to raise money to defend against a scottish invasion, the king raised an army and went to war with parliament-aligned forces parliamentary forces beat the royalist cavaliers and established a calvinist-style church, but disagreed about the role of the king oliver cromwell, leader of the radical puritans, took control of parliament and orchestrates the beheading of king charles after almost 20 years of strict puritan rule, charles II came to power, restores the church of england, and acknowledged parliamentary powers