Chapter 14

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A change in reserve requirement causes a change in

-Excess Reserves -The money Multiplier -The lending capacity of the banking system these changes sharply reduce bank lending power

The Feds control of the money supply is exercised by the use of three policy tools:

-Reserve requirements -Discount Rates -Open Market Rates

Recall the banks systems ability to make additional loans-create deposits- is determined by two factors:

1) The amount of excess reserve banks hold 2) The money multiplier. Both are directly influenced by the Fad`s required reserve ratio

How many branches are in the fed, how many governors?

3 Branches: Board of Governors (7 members), Federal Reserve banks (12 banks with 25 branches), Private banks (depository institutions).

Fed funds rate

A visible signal of Federal Reserve open market operations

Sale Of securities

Banks use some of their excess reserve to buy government bonds

The Fed can decrease the federal funds rate by

Buying government bonds, which causes market interest rates to fall.

By raising or lowering the discount rate the fed

Charges the cost of money for banks and therewith the incentive to borrow reserves

Reserves the fed lends to banks has a rate of interest

Discount rate

The rate of interest charged by Federal Reserve banks for lending reserves to member banks is the

Discount rate.

Open Market Operations

Entail the purchase and sale of government securities (bonds) for the purpose of altering the flow of reserves into and out of the banking system

A Bond

Is a piece of paper certifying that someone has borrowed money and promises to pay it back at some future date IOU

Which of the following is true about an increase in the discount rate?

It signals the Federal Reserve's desire to restrain money growth.

Currency held by the public plus balances in transactions accounts plus travelers checks is the definition of


The federal Reserve systems control over the supply of money is the key mechanism of the __________ policy


The federal funds rate is the interest rate charged when

One bank lends reserves to another bank.

Which of the following is the principal mechanism used by the Federal Reserve to directly alter the reserves of the banking system?

Open market operations.

The minimum amount of reserves a bank is required to hold is

Required reserves.

Required Reserves=

Required reserves= Required reserve ratio x Toal Deposits

A growing economy needs a

Steadily increasing supply of money to finance market exchanges.

Which of the following is responsible for the Fed's daily activity in financial markets?



The Fed is lending reserves directly to private banks

The Federal Open Market Committee is responsible for

The Fed's daily activity in financial markets.

What is the FOMC responsible for?

The Fed`s daily activity in finacial markets.

Buying bonds

The fed increases bank reserves

Federal Fund rate

The interest rate for inter reserve loans

Money Multiplier

The number of deposit (loan) dollars that the banking system can create from $1 of excess reserves; equal to 1/ required reserve ratio

Terms and who is in charge of appointing and confirming

The president appoints the chairman, who serves as board chairman for 7 years. Governors in general only have 14 year terms in which they cant not be reappointed

Which of the following is not true for members of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors?

They usually serve two or three terms.

Which of the following represents the lending capacity of an individual (nonmonopoly) bank?

Total reserves - required reserves.

Excess Reserves=

Total reserves-Required reserves

The money supply (M1) includes currency held by the public plus

Transactions accounts plus travelers checks.

The Fed is most likely to pursue

Use of open market operations as the primary mechanism to change reserves.

reserves borrowed by one bank from another are referred to as "federal funds"

and are lent for short periods

The interest rate that the federal banks charge on loans they grant to private banks is called the

discount rate

By changing the reserve requirements....

the Fed can directly alter the lending of the banking system.

The Fed can use all of the following except ____________ to change the lending capacity of the banking system.

the excess reserve requirement

selling bonds

the fed reduces bank reserves

The rate of the return of a bond is the


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