chapter 15

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a determining condition

the use of columns and arches

ancient romans also inspired the work of renaissance architects , how?


artistic techniques used to give the effect of 3D depth to 2D surface

leonardo di vinci , raphael, and michaelangelo

artists in the high renaissance


author of divine comedy


basic or essential part


capital of the territories known as the papal states


change to a lower level or state

they were wealthy and dominated their communities

describe the lives of the urban upper class in renaissance society


during the renaissance what was the major population

silk sugar spices

european merchants wanted to trade for

High Renaissance

final stage of italian renaissance was called

van Eyck

flanders artist that helped effect the technique of oil painting

Jan van Eyck

flemish painter who used oil painting

liberal arts

focus of education in the humanist movement led to core topics


form of government in which the leader is not a king and certain citizens have the right to vote


german printer


having a distinctive quality or form

major land trade routes

how could traders from landlocked states gain access to the sea

the riches of italy attracted the french king, charles VIII

how did the growth of monarchial states in europe affect the italian states

venice's power was tremendously profitable and made the city-state an international power; each state dominated the economic, political , and cultural life of its region

how did the states rise to power and what kind of power did they have?

they lived miserable lives and made up a significant portion of the urban population

how were the lives of burghers and workers similar

literature of the ancient greece and rome

humanism focused on the study of


humanism was based on the study of

well rounded citizens

humanist educators believed that the purpose of education was to create what?


humanist educators stressed the importance of preparing the what as well as the mind

well rounded citizens

humanist intended for their schools to produce what

liberal studies today known as liberal arts

humanist school base their curriculum on


humanist/liberal. not religious


intellectual movement of the renaissance based on the study of humanities


international power


italian painter that helped pioneer the technique of perspective which created a 3D effect

Francesco Petrarch

italian scholar that helped to start the humanist movement and organize a search for forgotten latin manuscripts


language of everyday speech in an everyday region


located in southern italy; ruled my hereditary monarchy


located in the northern region of tuscany


major port city

milan, venice, florence , rome, and naples

major states in italy

raphael di vinci and michaelangelo

master painters that captured the perfection of nature and individual in their art


member of the middle class who lived in a city


most important school of art in the 1400s was in


painting done on fresh wet plaster with water based paint

poetry, grammar, rhetoric, moral philosophy and history

parts of humanities

realistic portrayal of the individual with technical and the study of movement and human anatomy

renaissance artists achieved ......

Tommaso di Giovanni (Masaccio)

renaissance period in art began with

nobility and leaders of clergy, burghers, rural peasants and urban workers

social classes of the renaissance


soldier who fights primarily for pay

history, ethics, grammar, logic, math, and music

subjects of liberal studies

prosperous states with rich merchants and large urban centers

the growth of trade routes in italy led to.....


to gain or achieve


to influence or control


what did dante write it

he believed that morality and politics were unrelated. based on human nature

what did machiavelli think about the connection between politics and moral principles

importance of the individual which is consistent with renaissance humanism

what did machiavelli's ideas emphasize

changing human beings and focus less on religion

what did renaissance humanists believe that education should emphasize

realistic portrayal of human anatomy

what did renaissance sculptors focus on

research and the public's desire to acquire knowledge

what did the printing of books encourage

tax system

what did the sforza family create

cultures that maintain records from ancient greek and roman civilization

what did the trade routes connect italy with

fine detail

what do oil painters focus on


what family rules milan

the latin used in ancient rome as opposed to that used in medieval times

what is classical latin

the lack of single strong ruler, no centralized monarchical state

what made it possible for a number of italian states to remain independent

cicero and virgil's works

what served as models of writing

physical education and leadership

what skills were considered important


what was at the crossroads of the trade routes

nobles were expected to fulfill certain ideas in renaissance society

what was expected of the nobility in renaissance society

they did not have the wall space for art that italian churches had (SCALE)

what was northern renaissance style

imitating nature and accurately portraying the human body

what was the focus of italian renaissance art

to strengthen business or family ties and provide security

what was the purpose of marriage

supervise the household and raise for children

what was the role of the mother - wife in the italian family

well-developed individual , have character, grace, talent, be a warrior , have good conduct, and interest in the arts

what were key characteristics of italy during the renaissance

milan, venice, france,

what were the major territorial states

naples 1494

where did france first strike and when


which of the five dominant italian states did not have a seacoast


who benefited from their studies of art in ancient greece and rome

the church

who controlled rome


who finally emerged as the winner between spain and france


who rejected the popular notion that rulers should base their decisions solely on moral principles

medici in 1434

who ruled florence and what year


who took over naples

Francesco Petrarch

who was known as the father of italian renaissance humanism

dante, pizan

who wrote in vernacular

because of the wealth

why did france and spain want the italian states

medici was very wealthy and powerful and supported the arts

why do you think gozzoli included portraits of the medici

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