chapter 16-17

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What was lend lease act

A policy that allowed the president to provide arms to certain foreign countries

which description accuratley defines the Nuremberg Trials

An international tribulation to try Nazi officials for crimes against humanity

identify the correct cause and effect relationship in the lead up to war in Europe before WWII

Appeasement by allies-->nazi invading czechoslovakia-->invasion of poland-->sparking of alliance system

the man pictured above was the facist leader italy stating 1921 and would later form an alliance with Hitler to form Axis power, who is he

Benito Mussolini

How were Britain and France drawn into war with Germany?

Germany had attacked Poland

VE day or may 8, 1945, was the day when

Germany surrendered

the results of dropping atomic bombs on japan were that

Hiroshima and Nagasaki were almost completely destroyed

during most of WWII, what best describes the military's attitude to the role of African Americans in fighting the war

It segregated African Americans and, for the most part, kept them from combat roles

WWII affected people across the US by creating

More jobs than there were workers, leading to urban shortage

The Allied invasion of _____ was given code name D Day

Nazi occupied Europe

During the war, women in WAACs served as

Nurses and radio operators

Roosevelt's decision to remove people of Japanese ancestry to internment camps was a response to

Strong anti Japanese sentiment.

what was the last major attempt at peaceful resolution with Germany prior ro outbreak of WWII

The Munich Conference

the political cartoon best represents (hitler and moussilini hugging)

The breakdown of relations between the soviet union and Germany following the invasion of poland

complete the cause and effect relationship: japan invades east asia-->______-->japan bombs pearl harbor-->____

US cuts off trade with japan; the american cause for isolationism ends

What best describes zoot suit riots

Violence between Mexican Americans and soldiers in Los angles that resulted in jailing of Mexican Americans

extension of the bracero program was supported by

agriculture industry

which of the following best describes the nazi occupation of Europe

all of the above

the picture above is from the munich conference where hitler, mussolini, edouard daladier, and neville chamberlain met to dicuss hitlers annexation of the sudeteterland. During the conference, the leader agree on the startegy of giving into hitlers demands in order to prevent war. what is this strategy called


the supreme court decision in korematsu vs united states (1944) led to

approval of the internment of Japanese American as a matter of military necessity

one way the us government tried to remedy the labor shortage was by

approving the imprtation of workers, or braceros, from mexico to work in california's fields and on the railroads

Which of the following refers to German Military strategy where modern tech combined with speed and force to surprise and over whelm their target


when did pearl harbor occur

december 7 1941

what is genocide as practiced by nazis

deliberate extermination of a specific group of people

which of the following have a casual relationship to the rise of totalitarian rule throughout Europe in 1920-1930

economic depression

the neutrality acts passed by the united stated as part of a policy of isolationism during the 1930 were, in part, a response to

growing conflicts in Europe and ASian countires

the assistance the US provided to Europe after WWII helped US economy by

helping US unload surplus of goods and crops

which of the following terms refers to the mass execution and deportation of jews and other groups deemed undesirable by Hitler and the Nazi


prior to entering and while they fought WWII the united stated approach to providing arms to allies followed which sequence

neutrality, cash and carry, lend lease

once the united states had entered WWII the Allies focused their efforts on first winning the war in the

north africa

whats did the united states do after japan surrendered at the end of WWII

occupied japan and helped it to establish a constitution and democratic government

what impact did WWII have on the American economy

permanently ended the great depression

which congressional action not only raised money for WWII but also contributed to the national debt

selling war bonds

which countries signed a nonaggression pact with Germany that led to the invasion and division of Poland

soviet union

which of the following leaders transformed the soviet union from a rural nation into an industrial power


before entering WWII, the united states acted as the arsenal of democracy by

supplying war material to allies

the japanese attack on pearl harbor in 1941 is an illustration of

the impact a single event can have on public opinion in time of crisis

after the Allies won the hard fought battles of JIma and Oknawa, They realized,

the invasion of japan will involve too many allie casualities

this was a line of fortifications across the french border with germany

the magiont line

which statement best describes the contribution made by many navajo soldiers towards winning the war in the pacific

they served as codetalkers, using the navajo language for military communication

why did congress pass Len LEase act and amend neutrality act of 1941

to allow us to lend military equipment to any nation the president said was vital to the defense of the US

which of the following statements most accurately reflects FDR feeling towards joining the war

wanted to help allies but had to appease US Citizens who opposed entering war

shortly after entering WWII the united states began the Manhattan Project to

work on the development of an atomic bomb

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