Chapter 16

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when microbe establishes itself and multiplies in a particular environment


microbes that show no known beneficial relationship to humans; benign


cause histamine release leading to vasodilation and neutrophil chemotaxis and accumulation leading to inflammation

complement cascade

stage of infectious disease cycle of recovery and recuperation


normal microbiota excludes pathogens by

covering binding sites for attachment, consuming nutrients, producing compounds toxic to other bacteria

exotoxins are synthesized in the


toxins that interfere with essential cellular mechanisms/ lyse cells


___ are able to penetrate body's first line of defenses and then multiply in host tissue

invasive pathogens

hyaluronidase enzyme viral pathway

invasive pathogens reach epithelial surface, pathogens produce hyaluronidase, pathogens invade deeper tissues

provided a foundation for establishing that a given microbe causes a specific disease

koch's postulates

general mechanism used by protozoa and helminths to avoid antibodies

live inside host cells

pathogens can hide within ___ and avoid antibodies, control part of immune response and be transported


to avoid destruction by the complement system microbes must be able to inactivate or avoid formation of

membrane attack complex (MAC)

cytotoxins that disrupt eukaryotic cytoplasmic membranes, causing the cell to lyse

membrane-damaging toxins

when a pathogen disguises itself by coating its surface with molecules that are similar to those found in the host

molecular mimicry

methods viruses use to avoid antibodies

move from cell to cell, force fusion of cells (syncytium formation)

most invasive pathogens enter tissues via

mucous membranes

mutual benefit between microbes and human host


toxins that affect the nervous system


an ___ pathogen only causes disease when body's innate/adaptive responses are compromised


relationship benefits microbes but harms human host


suites of genes encoding for virulence

pathogenicity islands

unlike other microbes, ___ have the ability to overcome host innate and adaptive immune response and cause damage


coagulase enzyme viral pathway

pathogens produce coagulase, blood clot forms around pathogens, pathogens produce streptokinase dissolving clot and releasing bacteria

can cause symptoms similar to the release of an endotoxin; systemic response leads to septic shock


toxin that hydrolyzes phospholipids in the cytoplasmic membrane


exotoxin that destroys membrane integrity

phospholipid hydrolyzing phospholipase

damage membranes by inserting themselves into the phospholipid bilayer, forming channels that allow fluids to enter the cell

pore-forming toxins

microbe that causes disease in otherwise healthy individuals

primary pathogen

period of early vague symptoms

prodromal phase

when monocytes or macrophages interact with LPS molecule what can happen

production of cytokines which stimulate production of prostaglandins and leukotrienes, activation of complement cascade, activation of coagulation cascade to stimulate bradykinin release

microbiota that are only in body area for temporary amount of time

transient microbiota

life cycle of microbial pathogens

transmission, adherence to human host, invasion, reproduction/exit, survival, transmission

TTSS stands for

type three secretion system

presence of free viral particles in the blood


traits of a microbe that specifically allow it to cause disease

virulence factors

beta hemolysis produces a ___ color


3 parts of host defenses detect and eliminate viruses

interferon, apoptosis, antibodies

presence of toxins circulating the bloodstream


koch's postulates

1. microorganism must be present in every case of disease but not in healthy hosts 2. microorganism must be grown in pure culture from diseased hosts 3. the same disease must be produced when a pure culture of the microorganism is introduced into susceptible host 4. same microorganism must be recovered from experimentally infected hosts

in AB toxins which part is toxic


stages of phagocytosis

chemotaxis, recognition/attachment, engulfment, fusion of phagosome with lysosomes

in AB toxins which part is a targeting piece that binds to specific receptors on target cell


lipopolysaccharides can affect which cells of the immune system?

B cells, macrophages, monocytes

degrades complement component C5a

C5a peptidase

first used to link Bacillus anthracis with disease anthrax

Koch's postulates

specialized cell of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues (MALT) that samples materials from intestinal mucosa and can exploited by pathogens to cross membranes

M cells

when oral antibiotics inhibit normal intestinal microbiota what grows in response

clostridium difficile

lipopolysaccharide structure

O side chain, core polysaccharide, lipid A

after adherence, inject toxins that reorganize actin filaments causing loss of microvilli allowing toxin to enter cell


allows certain toxins to be injected into host cell


types of membrane disrupting exotoxins

channel forming (pore-forming) and phospholipid hydrolyzing phospholipase

exotoxin that inserts itself into normal host cell membranes

channel forming exotoxin

what effects the length of the incubation period?

age of individual, host's physical condition, growth rate of pathogen, number of infectious particles encountered

suspension of exotoxin-neutralizing antibodies used to treat exotoxin-induced diseases


presence of bacteria in the bloodstream


TTSS is similar to

bacterial flagella

function in coagulation, thrombosis and can lead to internal bleeding


produced by coagulation cascade


the toxic LPS molecule from gram-negative bacteria is a ____


unlike bacterial cells, a virus must ___ to cause disease

enter host cell

toxins that cause symptoms associated with intestinal disturbance


type of toxin inactivated by heat


toxic secreted enzymes are ____


true or false: macrophages are the only way to kill shigella cells

false; they survive when engulfed by macrophages

bacterial source of exotoxins

gram + and gram - bacteria

bacterial source of endotoxins

gram - bacteria

alpha hemolysis produces a ___ color


molecules that lyse red blood cells


time between exposure to pathogen and onset of physical illness

incubation period

progression of infectious disease

incubation period, illness, convalescence

LPS net effect is to

induce inflammation, fever, intravascular coagulation, hemorrhage, and shock

a microbe establishing itself onto a body surface and into a parasitic relationship with its host


when relationship between microbe and host is parasitic it is called an


number of microbes necessary to establish an infection

infectious dose

by forming actin tails certain bacteria can __ themselves from the interior of one cell directly into the interior of an adjacent cell. This lets the bacteria __ extracellular immune response mechanisms

propel; avoid

powerful mediators of inflammation, fever, and septic shock

prostaglandins and leukotrienes

produced by cytokines

prostaglandins and leukotrienes

beneficial roles of normal microbiota

protecting against infection, promoting oral tolerance, aiding digestion, producing substances important for human health

exotoxins are what kind of molecule?


used by staphylococcus aureus as a strategy to avoid antibody adhesion and phagocytosis

protein A

within an epithelial cell, ____ cells propel and force themselves into the next cell


if scarring from inflammatory response damages inner areas of fallopian tubes in female reproductive tract there is a higher likelihood of

sterility due to blocking of fertilization and ectopic pregnancy

virulence factors

structural features, exotoxins, endotoxins

when symptoms do not appear or are mild enough to go unnoticed


exotoxins that activate too many effector helper T cells causing a massive release of cytokines that leads to fever, nausea, etc


___ and subjective because only the patient can feel them and ___ are objective because the doctors can notice them

symptoms; signs

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