chapter 16 apush

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Gabriel revolt

1800 and armed insurrection led by a slave named Gabriel in Richmond Virginia was foiled by informers and its leaders were hanged.

_____ New Hampshire had a school that ______ and it got dragged into a swamp

1935 New Hampshire farmers had a small school house that enrolled 14 black children interact into a swamp; Northern blacks were specially created by the Irish immigrants with whom they competed with for jobs.


Amistad:1839, Spanish slave ship dramatically seized off the coast of Cuba by the enslaved African's on board. The ship was driven offshore in long island and the slaves were put on trial. Former Pres. John Quincy Adams argued their case before Supreme Court in 1841, securing their eventual release. Eventually they returned to the British colony of Sierra Leone in west Africa.

How much did cotton account for in American exports after 1840?

Cotton accounted for half of the value of all American exports after 1840, and export running by than much of the capital that stoked the republic economic growth.

Frederick Douglass

Escaping from bondage in 1838 at the age of 21, he was discovered by the abolitionists in 1841 when he gave a speech at an anti-slavery meeting in Massachusetts in 1845 he published to the classic autobiography, narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass.

Over-speculation in the South:

Financial instability in the plantation system was a large problem, the temptation over speculate in land and slaves caused many planters, including Andrew Jackson and his later years, the plunge in beyond their debt. The slaves where a large investment per capital about $1200 each in the case of prime Field hands.

Gag resolution

Gag resolution: prohibited to debate or action on anti-slavery appeals. Driven through the house by proslavery southerners, the gag resolution passed every year for eight years and was eventually overturned with the help of John Quincy Adams. Adams fought for eight years to repeal the resolution.

Harriet Beecher Stowe:

Harriet Beecher Stowe seized on the emotional power of families being pulled away from each other in her 1852 novel uncle Tom's cabin.

Nat Turner

In 1831 the semi literate Nat Turner, the visionary black preacher, one uprising that slaughtered about 60 Virginians, Mostly women and children. Reprisals were swift and bloody and Nat Turner's rebellion was soon extinguished.

American Anti-slavery society

In 1833 they founded the American antislavery society. American Anti-slavery society: 1833 to 1870, abolition society founded by William Lloyd Garrison, who advocated the immediate abolition of slavery. By 1838 the organization had more than 250,000 members across 1350 chapters.

In 1850, how many families owned more than 100 slaves each? Essentially, what were these families?

In 1850 only 1733 families owned more than 100 slaves each, and they essentially ruled as an oligarchy.

J.C Calhoun and Jefferson Davis:

J. C. Calhoun a Yale graduate and Jefferson Davis a West Point graduate where are examples of the richly educated sons of wealthy cotton families.


Responsorial: call response style of preaching that molded Christian African traditions. Practiced by African slaves in the south. Adapted by African ring shout dance.

Slaves as a commodity:

Saves the primary form of wealth in the south, and as such they were care for as any's asset is cared for by printing capitalist. Sometimes they were spared dangerous work so not often like putting a roof on the house if enough was going to be broken the master preferred it to be a wage earning Irish labor rather than a slave.

Sir Walter Scott

Sir Walter Scott: writer that helped idealize a feudal society even when many other economic activities were undeniably capitalistic.

Sojourner Truth:

Sojourner Truth a freed black woman in New York who fought for the Black emancipation and women's rights, and Martin Delany and took seriously the notion of mass reconciliation of Africa. In 1859 visited what's Africa's Niger Valley seeking a suitable site for relocation.

Opinions on white non-slaveholding farmers in the South:

Some of the least prosperous non-slaveholding is poor 'white trash, hillbillies, crackers or clay eaters'. Later investigations have revealed that many of them were not lazy but sick and suffering from malnutrition and parasites especially hookworm

The liberator:

The liberator: 1831 to 1865, anti-slavery newspaper published by William Lloyd Garrison, who calls for the immediate emancipation of all slaves.

What party did the mountain whites attach themselves to?

The mountain whites attach themselves to the union party of Abraham Lincoln, so that they were the most concentrated Republican strength in the south.

New Orleans former slaves

Through the south there were some free blacks would purchase their freedom with earnings from labor after hours. Many free blacks owned property, especially in New Orleans, where sizable mulatto community prospered

Wendell Phillips

Wendell Phillips of Boston patrician known as abolitionist Golden trumpet, A man of strict principle he wouldn't know sugarcane where no cotton cloth since both were produced by southern slaves. David Walker produced the appealed to the colored citizens of the world.

William T. Johnson

William T Johnson: the barber of notches even own slaves, had fifteen slaves which he whipped on June 1848.

Nat Turner's Rebellion

Nat Turner's rebellion 1831: Virginia slave revolt that resulted in the death of 60 white Virginians, and raised fears among white Southerners of future of uprisings.


Liberia: West African nation founded in 1822 at the Haven for freed blacks, 15,000 who made their way back across the Atlantic by the 1860s. Its capital of Monrovia was named after Pres. Monroe. Most blacks did not wish to be transplanted to extreme civilization after partially becoming Americanized. 1930s the abolitionist movement took a new energy and momentum in 1833 with their British counterparts they inspired William Wilberforce.

How much did slaves account for the population in some southern counties?

Majority of black slaves lived on plantations communities of 20 or more slaves. Some counties of the deep South especially on the lower Mississippi River, slaves account for more than 75% of the population.

How many of adult slaves at the beginning of the Civil war were illiterate?

Many states pass laws for bidding their instruction and 9/10 of adult slaves at the beginning of the Civil War were totally illiterate.

Mason Dixon line:

Mason-Dixon line: originally drawn by Survey errands to resolve the boundaries between Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, and Virginia in the 1760s, it came to symbolize the north south divide over slavery.

N.P Gordon:

N.P. Gordon: what is the only slave trader that was executed, and this took place in New York in 1862, the second year of the Civil War.

Narrative of the life of Fredrick Douglass

Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass: 1845, vivid autobiography of the escaped slave and renowned evolutionist Frederick Douglass. It depicted his remarkable origins is the son of a black slave woman and went father struggle to learn and read and write and eventual escape to the north.

Farmers kicked of their land

They lived mostly in the backcountry and the mountain valleys, because richer planters had kicked them off their land. This large class acted as substance farmers raised corn and hogs not cotton, they lived isolated lives punctuated periodically by extended socializing in sermonizing at religious Camp meeting.

Upper Southern States and cotton

Upper southern states like Virginia became major sources of supply for the booming cotton economy of the deep South. Above all the planters regarded their slaves as investments finance of nearly 2,000,000,000 in the capital by 1860.

Weldon's pamphlet

Weldon also assembled a propaganda pamphlet called American slavery as it is in 1839. And influenced Harriet Beecher Stowe's uncle Tom's cabin.

Weldon expelled

Weldon later expelled for organizing 18 day debate on slavery, Weldon follow late arrivals send out across the old Northwest preaching the anti-slavery gospel.

West African Squadron:

West Africa squadron: established 1808, British Royal Navy force formed to enforce the abolition of the slave trade in 1807. It intercepted hundreds of slave ships and free thousands of Africans. As many as 3 million slaves Africans were shipped to Brazil in the west Indies and assembled the kids after 1807. Many slave traders snuck slaves into the south despite the death penalty for slavers, those several slave traders were captured the southern juries repeatedly acquitted them.

William Llyod Garrison

William Lloyd Garrison at 26 years old published in Boston the first issue of his anti-slavery newspaper the Liberator.

William Wilberforce

William Wilberforce: a member of Parliament and Evangelical Christian reformer his family have been preaching George Whitefield unchained many of slaves in the west Indies. Wilberforce University in Ohio was named after him. A religious spirit of the second great awakening, Wilberforce joins the abolitionist movement.

Slave rights:

they had no civil or political rights other than the minimal protection from arbitrary murder it for unusual crime punishment. Some states offered further protection such as banning the sales child under the age of 10 away from his or her mother but such laws were difficult to enforce since live sort for been to testify in court or even have their marriages legally recognized.

Louis Tappan

Louis Tappan's New York house in 1834 and demolished its interior. In 1835 Garrison was drive through the streets by a rope by the Southerners broadcloth mob.

No inter-marriage:

African Americans also display their African cultural roots when they avoided marriage between first cousins, in contrast to the frequent intermarriage of close relatives among the planter aristocracy.

How much did the South produce in the entire world supply of cotton? What percent of Britain's citizens drew it's income from industrial cotton?

American South produce more than half of the entire world supply of cotton and Britain was in the leading industrial power it's most important single manufacturer in 1850s was cotton, which about 1/5 of its population drew it's income. About 75% of this Cotton came from the south.

Who were 'the mountain whites'? Which president was a mountain white? Who did they dislike?

Appalachian Range that stretched from Western Virginia to northern Georgia and by Alabama. Many of the Mountain whites, Including Andrew Johnson in Tennessee, the future president, hated both the planters and the slaves.

Appeals to colored citizens of the world:

Appeals to the colored citizens of the world: 1829 incendiary abolitionist tract advocating the violent overthrow slavery published by David Walker the southern born free black.

Black Belt:

Black belt: region of the deep South with the highest concentration of slaves. The Black belt emerged in the 19 century as cotton production became more profitable and slavery expanded south and west.


Breakers: sleep drivers him for the last brutally to break the souls of strong-willed slaves. But 1860 most the slaves were concentrated in the black belt of the deep South that stretch from South Carolina and Georgia into the new Southwest state of Alabama Mississippi and Louisiana.

When were white abolutionists not as common? what happened to turner?

But after about 1830 the White Southern abolitionist or not as common. The Virginia legislator debated and eventually defeated various emancipation proposals in 1831 through 1832. Nat Turner's rebellion in 1831 and we have we have a hysteria that's left over the south, re-collecting the mass of slave revolt in Haiti in the 1790s. Although Garrison had no connection with the Turner conspiracy, as Liberator appeared at about the same time and he was condemned as a terrorist an insider of murder. The state of Georgia offered $5000 for his arrest and conviction.

By 1860 the class of white people who did not own slaves was at ____________, _______ of all Southern Whites.

By 1860 the class of white people who did not own slaves was at 6,120,825, Three quarters of all southern whites

By 1860 which southern states held the majority of slaves that haunted for _/_ of the total amount of slaves in the South?

By 1860 the deep South and state of South Carolina, Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana each how majority or near majority of blacks that I counted for half of all the slaves in the south.

Denmark Vesey:

Denmark Vesey, a free black led another ill-fated rebellion in Charleston South Carolina in 1822. Also betrayed by informer is Vesey and 30 more followers were publicly hung in the gallows.

What did dominance by a favored aristocracy or farmer oligarchy do to the economy?

Dominance by favored aristocracy widened the gap between the rich and poor, it hurt tax supported education because the rich planters could send their children to private institutions.

Douglas and other abolutionists supported what parties?

Douglas and other evolutionists back the liberty party in 1840, the free soil party in 1848, and eventually the Republican Party in the 1850s.

Free Blacks in the North

Free blacks for also unpopular in the north there were another 250,000 of them there. Several states forbade their entrance, most denied them the right to vote, and some did not allow them to go to public schools. The north cannot support the spread of slavery into the new territories in 1840s and 1850s because of racial prejudice not humanitarian ideals.

Proslavery mobs burning pamphlets and free speech

In 1835 a proslavery mob in Charleston South Carolina looted the post office and burn the file of abolitionist propaganda. The Washington government in 1835 ordered Southern postmasters to destroy abolitionist material and called on Southern state officials to arrest federal postmasters who did not comply. This disagreed with the freedom of press is guaranteed by the Constitution.

Plantation Agriculture: cultivation butchery and what it caused

Plantation agriculture was wasteful largely because it ruined good Earth, quick profits led to it excessive cultivation butchery which in turn caused heavy leakage of population into the west northwest. The economic structure of the south became increasingly monopolistic many small farmers began to sell their holdings to more prosperous neighbors and went north or west in short, the big got bigger and the small got smaller.

Garrison burns constitution

Renouncing politics, garrison Burns a copy of the Constitution I was a covenant with death and agreement withheld. Critics including some's former supporters charged garrison with not finding a solution to slavery, only telling what was wrong with it.

Reverend Elisha P. Lovejoy

Reverend Elisha P. Love joy of Alton Illinois not content to assail slavery challenged the chastity of Catholic women. His printing press was destroyed four times in 1837 years killed in a gun battle with an anti-abolitionist mob making the martyr of abolitionism. Yeah by the 1850s abolitionist outcry was very popular in the north, and many people who opposed extending slavery to the western territories including Lincoln were known as free-soilers.

Since ______ the # of slaves had _______.

Since the dawn of the Century the number of slaves had quadrupled. Legal importation of Thinking thereafter the West African squadron seized hundreds of slave ships and free thousands of grateful captives.

American Colonization Society

The American Colonization Society: reflecting the focus of early abolitionists on transporting freed blacks back to Africa, The organization established Liberia, a west African settlement intended as a haven for an emancipated slaves. It was founded for its purpose in 1817 and 1822 the Republic of Liberia, was established for former slaves.

The Nullification Crisis of 1832:

The nullification crisis of 1832 scared the white Southerners, calling them to be even harsher, With more frequent jailing's whippings and lynchings. Proslavery weights responded by launching a massive defensive slavery, claiming that it was supported by the authority of the Bible that was some of Aristotle. They said it was good for the Africans who were lifted from the barbaric some of the jungle enclosed with blessings of Christian civilization. Slave masters encourage religion in the slave quarters.

By 1860 how many southern free blacks were there?

The south free blacks, numbered about 250,000 by 1860

Theodore Dwight Weldon

Theodore Dwight Weldon: who had been evens all sides by Charles Grandison Finney in the 1820s, And appealed to the more rural audiences of the farmers. He was aided by two wealthy New York merchants the brothers Arthur and Louis Tappan. In 1832 they paid his way to Lane Theological seminary in Cincinnati Ohio.

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