Chapter 16
What are the 2 typical kinds of deliverables resulting from proposals?
-A tangible product, a service, or some combo of the 2 -A research report
To be persuasive, proposal writers must demonstrate that they undertand the readers' needs. What 2 other qualities must they demonstrate?
-They are able to do what they plan to do -They are commmitted to fulfilling their own promises
Formative evaluations are intended to assess the quality of a completed project. True or False
The proposed program section of a proposal contains an itemization of the costs associated w/the project you are proposing. True or False
The initials IFB stand for:
Info for bid
The initials RFP stand for:
Request for proposal
In the sample internal proposal contained in Chapter 16, what are the authors proposing to do?
Study whether offering MP3 players for gym member use would increase customer satisfaction & improve gym attendance of members
Indirect costs are intangible expenses such as general secretarial & clerical expenses not devoted exclusively to any one project, as well a operationg expenses such as utilities & maintenance. True or False
The task schedule is almost always drawn in 1 of 3 graphical formats: table, bar chart, or network diagram. True or False
The intro to a proposal must answer 7 questions, 1 of which is "What is the problem or oppurtunity?" What is another question the intro must answer?
What are your sources of info?