Chapter 17 Prep U Questions

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A client with bipolar disorder is receiving lithium therapy. The nurse is reviewing the client's serum plasma drug levels and determines that the client's level is therapeutic based on what?


The mental health nurse appropriately provides education on light therapy to which client?

20-year-old college student who reports being "too tired, sad, and unfocused" to enroll for classes in the winter term

Which client is most likely to benefit from electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)?

A client whose major depression has not responded appreciably to antidepressants

A client who has a recent diagnosis of bipolar I disorder is scheduled to begin therapy with lithium. Which instruction should the nurse provide to this client?

"Avoid exercise at the hottest times of the day."

When conducting a suicide risk assessment with a client, the nurse should identify the client as a high imminent risk if which statement is made?

"There are no solutions to my problems."

The nurse is assessing a client with depression and a colleague suggests that the client be encouraged to sign a no-suicide contract. What is the nurse's best response to the colleague?

"There's no demonstrated benefit of no-suicide contracts, though they're not believed to be harmful."

The nurse reviews the medication list for a client who is newly prescribed a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) for the treatment of depression. Which client statement indicates a need to assess the client for serotonin syndrome?

"I started taking diet pills to assist with weight loss."

The nurse is interviewing a client with a diagnosis of depression and the client states, "Honestly, I know my family would be a lot better off if I wasn't around to be a burden on them. That's just between you and me, though, okay?" What is the nurse's best response?

"I'm obliged to share what we talk about with the other people on your care team."

A client comes to the clinic for an evaluation of headache, fatigue, and an overall feeling of being "down." When assessing the client, which statement by the client would alert the nurse to suspect possible suicide? Select all that apply.

"I'm so tired that all I ever want to do is sleep all the time." "Most times, I feel like I'm trapped with no way out." "I've been drinking about three or four more beers every night."

The nurse working on a mental health unit is teaching a nursing student. The student asks the nurse about what constitutes a diagnosis for major depressive disorder. What is the nurse's best response?

"The primary diagnostic criterion is one or more major depressive episodes for at least 2 weeks with other symptoms present."

When a woman in the last weeks of her pregnancy expresses concern over experiencing postpartum depression (PPD) after the birth of her baby, which response by the nurse indicates the use of therapeutic communication?

"What makes you feel that you'll get depressed after your baby's birth?"

The client has recently been diagnosed with bipolar I disorder, a condition that is characterized by what?

An elevated mood that lasts for at least 1 week

The nurse is seeing a 43-year-old client whose spouse just died by suicide. Which is a common emotional response that the nurse should anticipate from this client?

Anger toward the loved one who committed suicide

A client has just been admitted to the inpatient psychiatry unit following a suicide attempt. During the client's first 24 hours of care, what outcome should be identified?

Client will express that the client feels safe on the unit

The nurse is planning the inpatient care of a client who has been admitted with major depression. The client's plan of care includes regular exercise, but the client is reluctant to participate due to a lack of energy and motivation. What is the nurse's best action?

Collaborate with the client to choose a manageable amount of exercise and acknowledge the client's subsequent effort

A client who otherwise is healthy is admitted for depression and reports feeling "all alone." The client reports recently losing a spouse to divorce. The client admits to drinking at least 12 beers every day. The client has which risk factors for the depression? Select all that apply.

Current substance use or abuse. Life and environmental stressors. Lack of coping abilities.

Which statement regarding depression and gender is correct?

Depressive disorders are more common in women than men

Following the failure of a woman's recent in vitro fertilization (IVF), the nurse recognizes that she may be at risk of depression. Which intervention is considered a primary suicide prevention measure?

Establishing a support system for the woman and teaching her some coping measures

Which statement regarding gender and suicide is correct?

Females engage in suicidal behaviors more frequently than males.

When teaching prevention to the parents of a 15-year-old client who recently attempted suicide by taking an overdose of alprazolam, the nurse describes which behavioral clue?

Giving away valued personal items

A client with major depression and a suicide attempt is admitted to the inpatient facility. The client is started on antidepressant therapy. The next day, the client demonstrates significantly higher energy and says, "I'll feel much better." The nurse would interpret this behavior as suggesting what?

Possible decision to complete a suicide attempt

A client in an acute manic phase is pacing the halls and talking in a loud voice with pressured speech. The client is overly involved with coclients and frequently threatens and disrupts others on the unit. After administering lithium treatment for the client, the nurse can expect the plan of care to include which additional intervention?

Monitoring blood levels of the medication.

Which biogenic amines have been implicated in depression?

Norepinephrine and serotonin

For which reason is depression in older adults often undiagnosed and untreated?

Older adult depression is often seen as "normal aging."

An elderly client is admitted to the hospital with fatigue and weight loss of 20 pounds in 1 month. Upon further assessment, the client is diagnosed with depression. What other thing should the nurse assess this client for based on the weight loss?


The nurse is caring for a client with major depressive disorder who has been admitted to a psychiatric-mental health facility. After assessing the client, the nurse has developed a nursing diagnosis of "risk for violence toward others related to agitation and low tolerance level." Which would be an appropriate intervention for this client?

Remove all dangerous items from the client's room.

After observing a bipolar client on the mental health unit, the nurse determines that the client is at risk for violence. Which would be an appropriate intervention?

Restrict the client to the client's room until the client can calm down.


Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor

A client taking lithium for bipolar disorder is having mild diarrhea. The nurse informs the client that this is an example of what?

Side effect

A client with major depression is scheduled to receive electroconvulsive therapy. The nurse understands that this treatment is typically used in which situation?

The client is experiencing catatonia.

The nurse is working with an outpatient who has a history of depression and suicide attempts. What assessment finding should the nurse interpret as indicating a high degree of planning for a future attempt?

The client recently purchased a large bottle of over-the-counter analgesics

A client taking lithium for bipolar disorder comes to the clinic and reports symptoms which the nurse interprets as consistent with moderate lithium toxicity. Which action should the nurse perform? Select all that apply.

Withhold additional doses of lithium. Obtain a blood sample for lithium level. Push fluids. Contact the physician.

A client is admitted to the unit in an acute manic episode. The client has had three major depressive episodes in the past 10 years and two other hospitalizations for mania. Which disorders would reflect the client's symptom profile?

bipolar 1

After teaching about depressive disorders, the nurse determines a need for additional teaching when the class identifies which physical or psychological symptom as being associated with depression?


The client's spouse calls the health clinic stating that the client is having a manic episode. What information should alert the nurse to recommend that the client should go to the emergency room for treatment?

client is avoiding eye contact and visibly shaking

When assessing a client immediately following electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), the nurse expects what in a client?


During an interview, the nurse has asked a client with depression about any hopes or plans for the future. In response, the client silently made a gesture of drawing the index finger from one side of the client's throat to the other. The nurse has informed the client that this must be communicated to the care team. What is the main rationale for the nurse's action?

ensuring the clients safety

Following a change in job position, a minister asks a client how the client likes the new job. The client states, "Oh everything is great. I can really see myself going far in this new position." However, the client's voice is monotone and the client's face is nearly absent of affective expression. The minister is worried about this client and describes this facial expression as what?


While conducting the assessment, the client starts speaking in illogical rhymes and using word associations. What is the name for this thought pattern?

flight of ideas

Which would be a finding related to perceptual disturbances during the mental status exam in the client with mania?


A client who is depressed tells the nurse, "If I'm honest, I really see suicide as the only way out." In order to challenge the client's belief, the nurse should ...

help the client to identify and explore other options.

A 56-year-old client who suffers from seasonal affective disorder is being assessed by the nurse in an outpatient mental health clinic. The nurse is aware which treatment is the most effective type of treatment for this condition?

light therapy

A client has been diagnosed with major depression. The client reports that the client often wakes up during the night and has trouble returning to sleep. The nurse interprets this finding as suggesting what?

middle insomnia

A nurse maintains a safe environment for a client who is suicidal by ...

observing the client frequently.

Which is the greatest predictor of a future suicide attempt?

previous attempt

A client with which psychiatric disorder is at high risk for suicide?


A nurse is caring for a client diagnosed with bipolar disorder. The client is experiencing a manic episode. The nurse would be especially alert for signs indicating what?

self injury

Which is a primary risk factor for suicide?

social isolation

When completing a baseline assessment of a client with depression, which diagnostic tests would the nurse anticipate?

thyroid function tests

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