Chapter 18: Families

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If Tom and Suzy represent the most common combination in an interracial married couple in the US, it would mean that _____

he is white and she is Asian

Two American Indian women from the same tribe who meet in a new city and assist one another are likely to consider that they share a bond of ______


As women joined the labor force, US family patterns changed in many ways. Which of the following is correct?

patriarchy has weakended as our soicety moves toward greater gender equality

How does the US Census Bureau define family for the purposes of data collections?

people living together, linked by birth, marriage, or adoption

social-conflict theory and feminist theory

points to ways in which families perpetuate social inequality families ensure the continuation of the class structure by passing on wealth to their children families perpetuate gender roles by establishing men as the heads of the household and by assigning the responsibility for child-rearing and housework to women the tendency of people to marry others like themselves supports racial and ethnic hierarchies

Patterns of preindustrial descent have been either patrilineal or matrilineal based on whether men or women, in a given culture,

provide a family with the most resources

According to researchers, middle-income parents in the US spend about how much to raise a child, including college tuition?


In the US, _____ became the first state to legalize same-sex marriage in 2004


Malcolm's parents are divorced, and his mother has custody of Malcolm and his sister. Malcolm's dad, who was ordered by a court to pay child support, has not made those payments for the past six months. This father is an example of what is commonly called ____

a "deadbeat dad"

nuclear family

a family composed of one or two parents and their children

extended family

a family consisting of parents and children as well as kin


a legal relationship, usually involving economic cooperation, sexual activity, and childbearing

incest taboo

a norm forbidding sexual relations or marriage between certain relatives


a residential pattern in which a married couple lives apart from both sets of parents


a residential pattern in which a married couple lives with or near the husband's faily


a residential pattern in which a married couple lives with or near the wife's family


a social bond based on common ancestry, marriage, or adoption


a social institution found in all societies that unites people in cooperative groups to care for one another, including any children

matrilineal descent

a system tracing kinship thorigh women

bilateral descent

a system tracing kinship thorugh both men and women

patrilineal descent

a system tracing kinship through men

Which of the following statements about arranged marriage is correct?

an arranged marriage is an agreement between the parents of the bride and groom that commonly takes places in traditional societies

A consanguine relation is based on ______, and a conjugal relationship is based on _______

blood relations; marriage

"Blended families" are composed of which of the following?

children with some combination of biological parents and stepparents

Leah and Alvin are a couple who share a household but are not married. Their living arrangement is known as _____


Why, according to a number of studies, is it more likely that a man is more eager than a woman to find a new partner after divorce?

compared to single men, married men generally live longer, are mentally better off, and report being happier overall than single men

In modern, high-income societies, the first stage in the formation of a new family typically is the process of ____


family violence

emotional, physical, or sexual abuse of one family member by another

symoblic-interaction theory

explores how family members build emotional bonds in the course of everyday family life

The text suggests that, of all social institutions, which one seems to most people to be changing the fastest?


Children born into affluent families are more likely than children of working-class families to ____

go on to greater achievement as adults

structural-functional theory

major family functions that help society operate smoothly: socialization of children to help them become well-integrated members of society regulation of sexual activity to maintain kinship organization and property rights giving children a social identity in terms of race, ethnicity, religion, and social class providing material and emotional support to family members


marriage between people of different social categories


marriage between people of the same category


marriage between people with the same social characteristics


marriage tha unites one man and two or ore women


marriage that unites a person with two or more spouses


marriage that unites one woman and two or more men


marriage that unites two partners

Marriages today are actually about as "durable" as marriages a century ago. What is different today is that ____

more couples now choose to end the marriage instead of marriage ending due to the death of one of the spouses

Which of the following statements about one-parent families in the US is correct?

one-parent families are at high risk of poverty

The oldest of the baby boomers are called the _____ because they will typically spend as many years caring for their aging parents as they did caring for thier children

sandwich generation

social-exhange theory

sees courtship and marriage as a process of negotiation in which each person weighs the advantages ad disadvantages of a potential partners


sexual activity outside one's marriage

Which of the follwoing statements about singlehood in the US is correct?

the share of household containing a single person has almost tripled single 1950


the sharing of a household by an unmarried couple

Historically, the average number of children in families has depended the most on

the society's level of economic development


the system by which members of a society trace kinship over generations

Child abuse and neglect are most common among children who are _____

the youngest and the oat socially vulnerable

Which of the following is not one of the main factors that contributes to divorce?

today, more than in the past, women are economically dependent on men

Which of the following statements about the risk of divorce is correct?

women with a college degree who marry have a far lower risk of divorce compared to women with less than a high school diploma

Which of the following statements correctly links a woman's expectations about the qualities of a "good" husband and her social class position?

working-class women think of a good husband as someone not prone to violence

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