Chapter 18 History Question and Answer

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What condition did America seek to maintain in order to preserve peace in Asia?

Balance of power

What naval battle in the Pacific was an important part of the Spanish American war?

Battle of Manila Bay

What was the name given to Theodore Roosevelt foreign policy which involves using military strength to keep foreign nations in line?

Big stick policy

During what turn of the century uprising did a group of Chinese try to force foreigners to leave China?

Boxer Rebellion

In the late 1800s, various countries claimed spheres of influence in...


The United States helped Panama gain it's independence from...


Which of the following places became a commonwealth of the United States in 1952... 1. Cuba 2. Guam 3. The Philippines 4. Puerto Rico

D. Puerto Rico

Strife was stirred up between the United States and Spain because of a letter written by...

Dupuy de Lôme

A great emphasis was placed on foreign missions by the evangelist...

Dwight L. Moody

Who was the American evangelist of the late 1800s who encourage students to become foreign missionaries and thus spurred the student volunteer movement?

Dwight L. Moody

Who fought for the independence of the Philippines

Emilio Aguinaldo

Who fought for the independence of the Philippines?

Emilio Aguinaldo

Who was Spanish minister to the United States

Enrique Dupuy de Lôme

What word denotes the action of one person, group, or nation, who, for its own gain, takes advantage of another person, group, or nation?


True or false: America's first intentionally imperialistic gain was midway


True or false: Theodore Roosevelt used dollar diplomacy to force Latin American to abide by the demands of the United States


True or false: Woodrow Wilson's moral diplomacy effectively kept trouble out of Latin America during his administration


True or false: an effort to meet the physical needs of the poor people of the world is known as exploitation


True or false: an incident that heightened tensions between the United States and Spain was the publication of a letter written by President McKinley that criticized the Spanish foreign minister


True or false: because Spain had controlled Cuba before the war, there were no American investments in Cuba until after the conflict


True or false: evidence proved that Spain had blown up the USS Maine


True or false: the Filipinos eagerly excepted American rule of their islands as a replacement for the harsh rule of Spain


True or false: the Senate overwhelmingly approved the treaty that ended the Spanish American war


True or false: the Spanish American war was long and costly for the United States


True or false: the United States purchased Hawaii the same year that it acquired Alaska Alaska


True or false: the United states entered the Spanish American war with the advantage of a thoroughly prepared military force


True or false: the settlement of the boxer rebellion destroyed all friendship between China and the United States


True or false: the united states immediately handed control of the panama canal over to the Panamanians after its completion


Who was the hero of Manila Bay

George Dewey

What was the site of an American naval base in Cuba

Guantanamo Bay

Where is the naval base in Cuba in America established as a result of the Spanish-American war?

Guatánamo Bay or Gitmo

What word refers to the acquisition of foreign lands used for the benefit of the acquiring country?


What word denotes America's policy of staying out of world politics during most of the 19th century?


During the late 1800s and early 1900s, America began to fear the rising power of what Asian country...


What Asian country gained great industrial and military power during the late 1800s?


Which secretary of state negotiated the treaty for the building of the Panama Canal, formulated the open door policy, and pursued a balance of power in Asia?

John Hay

Who was the secretary of state who was active in devising American foreign policy at the turn of the century

John Hay

Who was the owner of the New York world

Joseph Pulitzer

A decisive naval battle of the Spanish American war occurred at...

Manila Bay

Where did Dewey attack the Spanish fleet in the Philippines

Manila Bay

The Spanish minister to the United States criticized which American president in a private letter that came to national attention?


Americas first ventures in imperialism involved...

Midway Island and Alaska

What territory did the United States acquired in 1867 besides Alaska?

Midway Islands

What made all of China open to all Nations on equal terms

Open Door policy

What policy did the United States pursue to end the division of China by foreign powers?

Open door policy

What gave Cuba strict regulations for its new independent government?

Platt Amendment

What legislation did Congress pass to strictly regulate the new independent government of Cuba following the war?

Platt amendment

Who connected to the big stick policy


What addition to the Monroe doctrine asserted the right of the United States to be an international police power in the western hemisphere?

Roosevelt Corollary

What Richmond gained fame in the Spanish American war when it pushed the Spanish back to defenses on San Juan Hill?

Rough Riders

What were the foreign controlled areas of China called in the late 1800s?

Spears of influence

Which president used a foreign policy in light America that allowed for the advance or withdrawal of American investments?


Who connected to the dollar diplomacy


The United States declared that it had no intention of annexing Cuba to its empire in the...

Teller Amendment

What gave Americans confidence that further action in Cuba would not be intended to further American imperialism

Teller Amendment

For more than two years after the Spanish American war, the United States face the difficulty of quelling a rebellion in...

The Philippines

The president most responsible for the building of the Panama Canal was...

Theodore Roosevelt

What man served as assistant secretary of the Navy, organized an all volunteer cavalry to fight in the war, and later became president?

Theodore Roosevelt

Who charged up San Juan hill with his men

Theodore Roosevelt

Who was the hero of San Juan Hill

Theodore Roosevelt

What treaty was barely passed in the Senate because some creamed that violated the Monroe doctrine?

Treaty of Paris

True or false: America was eager to achieve a balance of power in Asia because it feared the growing military strength of Japan


True or false: Cuban revolutionaries tried to draw the United States into a conflict with Spain


True or false: Spain had allowed Cuba to suffer from exploitation and poor government


True or false: Theodore Roosevelt sent the great White Fleet on a world cruise to impress imperialistic nations with America's military might


True or false: before the Spanish - American war, newspaper reports on the Cupid situation were sometimes exaggerated or in accurate


True or false: during the battle of Manila Bay, no Americans died from combat


True or false: far more American soldiers died from disease then from battle wounds in the Spanish American war


True or false: in a sense, Alaska was one of the first imperialistic acquisitions of the United States


True or false: nations often built world empires in order to gain military and economic advantages


True or false: the strength of the US Navy proved to be America's most impressive military feature in the Spanish American war


True or false: to gain better financial arrangements for the panama canal the United states actually aided panamas independence effort


true or false: the belief in the "white man's burden" caused some countries to undertake humanitarian efforts


What American war ship exploded in Havana's harbor?

USS Maine

What were the underlying causes of the Spanish American war? Give at least two causes.

USS Maine mysteriously exploded, lack of independence for Cubans, and yellow journalism built the United States's desire to help Cubans be free of the Spanish, etc.

Who was the army Doctor Who identified the source of yellow fever

Walter Reed

What American army doctor approved that yellow fever was carried by mosquitoes?

Walter reed

Define imperialism in state some of its goals. Give at least three goals.

When countries extend their way of life over other peoples; gaining more wealth and power, prestige among other nations, showing military strength, controlling trade and development of natural resources, civilizing other nations, etc.

What man lead a team of Armie engineers to drain the swamp of Cuba?

William Gorgas

Who was the Army engineer who battled mosquitoes in Cuba's swamps

William Gorgas

Who was the owner of the New York journal

William Randolph Hearst

What to newspaper owners helped lead America into war by competing for increased circulation?

William Randolph Hearst, Joseph Pulitzer

Moral diplomacy with the foreign policy of which president?


Who connected to the moral diplomacy


What is the practice of twisting news stories to make them more exciting?

Yellow journalism

In what year did the Spanish American war occur?


Which of the following was instituted during Taft administration... 1. The big stick policy 2. The dollar diplomacy 3. The moral pharmacy 4. The open door policy

2. The dollar diplomacy

All of the following were major reasons for practicing imperialism at the turn of the century except a desire to... 1. Offer humanitarian assistance 2. Do you well from the activities of the colony 3. Find a new place for people to settle 4. Build and maintain a strong military force

3. Find a new place for people to settle

All of the following terms are associated with China except... 1. Boxer rebellion 2. Open door policy 3. Roosevelt corollary 4. Spears of influence

3. Roosevelt corollary

The Hay-Bunau- Varilla treaty... 1. Ended Spanish American war 2. Cube cube a strict regulations for independent government 3. Asserted Americas rights to be international police power in the Western Hemisphere 4. Give United States the Panama Canal Zone

4. Give United States the Panama Canal Zone

Which of the following was not an underlying reason for the Spanish American war... 1. Americans had large investments in the Spanish controlled area 2. Newspapers used yellow journalism to blow up the contentions 3. Americans had humanitarian desires to end the Spanish oppression 4. Spain threatened to invade Florida if the United States did not quit interfering

4. Spain threatened to invade Florida if the United States did not quit interfering

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