Chapter 18 InQuizitive: Foreign Policy

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Imagine that the nation of Bermuda was trying to develop the ability to manufacture nuclear weapons, and the United States did not want them to do so. Order the following possible responses the United States could use, from the one that is likely to be tried first to the one that is likely to be used only as a last resort.

1) diplomacy 2) sanctions 3) military force

There are many different actors on the foreign policy stage, from interest groups to official government institutions in Congress and the executive branch. Match each entity with where it fits into the foreign policy establishment.

Committee on Foreign Affairs: -House of Representatives Foreign Relations Committee: -Senate National Security Council: -Executive Office of the President Amnesty Internationa: -interest group

During the Cold War, the United States balanced between two extremes. On the one hand, the United States built a huge military force. On the other hand, it frequently stated that it had no intention of attacking the Soviet Union, though it did engage in several proxy conflicts such as the wars in Vietnam and Korea. What two principles did the U.S. adopt with the Soviet Union?

Correct Answers: - deterrence -containment Incorrect answers: -preventive war -appeasement

Which of the following organizations or agreements are primarily related to free trade?

Correct Answers: -World Trade Organization -United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Incorrect answers: -World Health Organization -North Atlantic Treaty Organization

A trade deficit means a country is exporting more than it is importing. (true or false)


China currently has the world's largest, most expensive military. (true or false)


In the history of American foreign policy in the twentieth century, which came first: American isolationism or American engagement?


Complete the following statement. Since 1949, the United States has had been part of a collective security arrangement with most of Western Europe known as the _____________. The resurgence of Russia as a military power and its invasion of Ukraine now has NATO set to _______________.

-North Atlantic Treaty Organization -expand

Complete the following statement. Under President George W. Bush, and in response to the terrorist attacks of September 11 and related concerns, America's security policy changed from one of ______________ to a policy of ____________.

-deterrence -preventive war

Place these major moments in the history of American foreign relations in chronological order from earliest to most recent.

1) George Washington gives his Farewell Address 2) President Monroe issues his Monroe Doctrine 3) The United States enters WW2 4) The United States and the Soviet Union engage in the Cold War 5) The September 11 terrorist attacks occur

Economic sanctions can include which of the following actions?

Correct Answers: -bans on investment -trade embargoes Incorrect Answers: -diplomatic negotiations -naval blockade

The threat of massive retaliation is more useful in combating terrorism than in fighting traditional nation-states. (true or false)

False (Feedback: Because terrorists are more geographically dispersed than conventional states, and because they can blend in with civilian populations, they are less susceptible to threats of massive retaliation.)

The Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) primary mission is to collect foreign intelligence. (true or false)

True (Feedback: The Central Intelligence Agency is the chief civilian intelligence agency, collecting information throughout the world, preparing analyses, and launching covert operations in some cases.)

Match each foreign policy tool with the correct example of its use.

collective security: -The North Atlantic Treaty Organization specifies that an attack against one country is an attack against all member nations. military force: -The United States sends a carrier battle group to conduct flight operations during a crisis with Iran over access to the Strait of Hormuz. arbitration: -Nigeria asks the International Court of Justice to resolve a long-standing dispute it has with a neighboring country. economic aid: -Australia gives Indonesia money to help the Indonesian government provide basic services to its citizens after a typhoon.

Complete the following statements. An economic "carrot," or incentive, is ___________. An economic "stick," or punishment, is ____________.

- foreign aid -sanctions

Which of the following trade policies did President Trump implement during his time as president?

Correct Answers: -established trade sanctions with China -withdrew from the Trans-Pacific Partnership Incorrect Answers: -withdrew from the United Nations Security Council -withdrew from a trade partnership with Mexico and Canada

What goals does the International Monetary Fund serve today?

Correct Answers: -It facilitates international monetary exchange. -It promotes the structural readjustment of some economies. Incorrect answers: -It offers cash transfers to assist nations in humanitarian crises. -It finances long-term loans for development in poor countries.

Which of the following are ways in which Congress can check the power of the president in foreign policy?

Correct Answers: -provide no funding for a military operation -refuse to confirm a nominee for ambassador -fail to ratify a treaty Incorrect Answers: -command the army to cease military actions

What kinds of foreign policy issues might interest groups get involved in?

Correct answers: -Jewish Americans lobbying against a foreign deal that they believe hurts Israel -environmental activists seeking to promote climate agreements -a business lobby objecting to China's piracy of intellectual property rights -concerned citizens attempting to get the United States to oppose human rights abuses by foreign governments Incorrect Answers: N/A

American foreign ambassadors have become increasingly powerful in providing information and advice to presidents. (true or false)

False (Feedback: In recent years, American ambassadors have complained that they have been relegated to secondary status as the White House has looked to military commanders for information, advice, and policy implementation.)

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