Chapter 19 Industrial Revolution

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What did the Factory Act of 1833 set?

9 was the minimum age to work. Children ages 9 to 13 could work only 9 hours a day; those between the ages 13-18 could only work 12 hours.

What did Britain had what?

A ready supple of capital~ money to invest for industrial machines and factories.

What was the Crimean War?

A war rooted by a conflict between Russia and the Ottoman Empire, broke the concert of Europe.

Where and what great powers met?

Austria, Prussia, Russia, and Great Britain met att he congress of Vienna in 1814, they wanted to restore the old order after Napoleons defeat.

Which condition is most necessary to the process of industrialization in a society?

Availability of wealthy investment capital

What is Liberalism?

Based on the belief that civil rights should be guaranteed, as they are in the American Bill of Rights.

What is Conservation?

Based on tradition and social stability. Keeping things the way they were.

What countries were united by the Crimean War?

By 1817 both Germany and Italy were unified, a change caused by the Crimean War.

The industrial Revolution impacted rural to urban migration by?

Causing people to give up farming and search for jobs and cities

What does this cartoon say about the working conditions during the industrial revolution?

Children were used in a negative way during the IR.

What is Nationalism?

Citizens own their loyalty to the nation, not a king or other entity.

By 1840 what was Britain's most valuable product?


What was the principle of intervention?

Countries has a right to intervene were revolutions were threatening monarchies.

Define Romanticism?

Emphasized feelings and imagination as sources of knowing. Loved the exotic, unfamiliar, and extreme attracted romantics. Viewed poetry as a direct expression of the sound.

A rural Area can be defined as______

Farming or country life

What process did Henry Cort develop?

He developed pudding and industry produced a better quality Iron.

What did Beethoven Believe?

He felt that music reflected deep feeling.

What did the Scottish engineer James Watt improve?

He improved the steam engine in 1782 so it could drive machinery.

What did Shelleys novel show?

Her novel Frankenstein monster was a symbol of the danger sciences attempt to conquer nature.

How was Abraham Lincoln?

In 1855 he said "this government Connor endure permanently half slave and half free. He was elected president in 1860. He somewhat started the Civil War.

Romantics valued above all______


The Industrial Revolution started in Great Britain due to all of the following except...

It has a large aristocratic class to run the factories.

What did the Industrial Revolution replace?

It replaced the commercial capitalism of the middle ages with industrial capitalism( an economic system based on industrial production.

This quotation reflects the ideas of?

Karl Marx

Society based on freedom, equal laws, and opportunities was advocated by______


Who formed the Germ Theory of Disease?


Factories changed the nature of working life in which of the following way?

People worked longer hours

What valuable resource did cities provide for industries?


One of the major results of the Industrial Revolution was?

Products made cheaper. Available to more people.

What did Louis Pasteur do?

Proposed the germ theory of disease.

Queen In England in 1880

Queen Victoria

Who ruled G Britain from 1873-1901?

Queen Victoria, which gave Britain the stability to grow.

Otto Von Bismarck Advocated______

Real politics

What is Socialism?

Society, usually government, owns and controls some means of production~ such as factories and Utilities.

What boiling power source was instrumental to industrial mechanization?


Who wrote a modest Proposal?


Which industry was first to be profitable in the Industrial Revolution?


What inventions made weaving and spinning faster? And who were they invented by?

The flying shuttle, the spinning jenny, and the water powered loom invented by Edmund Cartwright in 1787.

What did the Industrial Revolution spur?

The growth of cities and created industrial working class.

What was especially harmful in the cotton mills?

The hot temps

Where and when did the Industrial Revolution begin?

The revolution began in Great Britian in the 1780s for several reasons.

What did the pitiful conditions lead to in the Industrial Revolution?

The the movement of Socialism.

What did Industrial workers face?

They faced horrible working conditions with hours ranging from 12 to 16 hour a day, 6 days a week.

In Britain, what did women and children make up?

They made up 2/3s of the workforce.

What did people see in the Congress of Vienna?

They saw it as a victory such as Mettenich and held a political philosophy called conservatism.

What did factory workers do?

They trained rural laborers to work the same hours each day and to do repetitive work.

What was Steam power used for? And what were the powered with?

To spin and weave cotton. The steam- powered cotton mills proliferated throughout Britain. They were powered with coal. It drove Britain's industrial revo.

Before factories developed, machinery was powered by?

Using their muscles

The confederate states were formed by the election of ______

Warfare using hit and run raids

What were wealthy entrepreneurs looking for?

Ways to invest and make porfit.

How did cities grow?

When people moved from the country to work in factories.

What did coal and steam replace?

Wind and water as new sources of energy and power.

Define Sovereign

they hold absolute power

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