Chapter 19 Study Guide

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Describe the goal of Booker T. Washington's "Atlanta Compromise. "What did Booker T. Washington believe was the best plan for African Americans? What did W.E.B. DuBois believe was the key to African American success?

- A speech at the Atlanta Exposition in 1895 led to what is known as the Atlanta Compromise which acknowledged white domination as it called for slow progress through self-improvement, not through lawsuits or agitation rather than fighting for equal rights blacks should acquire property and show they wore worthy of their rights he contributed to the rise to black nationalism in the 20th century. - Booker T. Washington believed the best plan for African Americans was that Blacks should focus on economic gains; they should go to school, learn skills, and work their way up the ladder; patience, manual training, and hard work - W.E.B. DuBois believed that the key to African American success was that blacks should aspire to professional careers, fight for their civil rights, and get a college education; his approach was more aggressive but called for integrated schools with equal opportunity for all.

Explain how Henry George proposed to close the gap between America's rich and poor.

- He thought that land was the simple solution, believing that owning land was the basis for wealth, and few people could grow wealth just because the price of their land rose to - Since the rise in price did not result from any effort on their part it represented and earned increment which George argued should be taxed for the good of society. - A "single tax" on the increment replacing other taxes would help equalize wealth and raise revenue to aid the poor - "single tax" clubs sprang up around the country but his solution was simplistic and unappealing and has much less impact than his analysis of the problem itself.

Name the main types of popular entertainment from the late 19th century.

1. Cards, Dominoes, Backgammon, Chess, Checkers 2. Author Cards: required knowledge of books, authors, noted quotations 3. Stereopticon "magic lantern": slide projector, brought 3D life to art, history, nature 4. Musical forms: Ragtime, Classical, Sentimental ballads, orchestra 5. Circus, Fairs, Spectator sports: Football, Baseball, Horse races 6. Golf, Tennis, and bicycling, theaters, shows

Identify the main American educational trends and politics from 1877 to 1890. What did public schools stress?

1. Children no longer perceived as little adults 2. Allowed children to grow, learn, and be nurtured rather than rushed into adulthood 3. By 1900, 31 states enacted laws making school attendance compulsory 4. More schools built 5. Budgets rose 6. illiteracy declined 7. As late as 1900, the average adult had only 5 yrs of schooling 8. Educators saw school primary way to train people for life and work in an industrializing society - focused basic values: mathematics and reading and on values: obedience and attentiveness 9. Most schools had a structured curriculum built around discipline and routine 10. Boys attended all day but girls stayed home after lunch 11: South lagging in education; wanted segregated schools 12: Kindergarten movement

Explain how the urban political machines worked from 1850 to 1900. Describe how urban political machines traded services for votes. How did urban political machines stay in power?

1. Cities grew = city gov. responsible became confusing 2. Increased opportunity for corruption and greed 3. Growing populations required streets and public services 4. Immigrants required more services 5. Political machines traded services for votes 6. Leaders tied together a network of ward and district captains. Each looked after his local constituents. Stay in Power: - B/c of skillful political organization and the fact that immigrants and others made up the bosses' constituency - Bosses stayed in power because they paid attention to the needs of least- privileged city voters - they offered valued services that the traditional govt. or business didn't do

List the major changes in American lifestyles and why cities grew between 1877 to 1900.

1. Drawn from farms, small towns, and foreign land 2. Newcomers swelled the population of older cities and created new ones quickly 3. Urbanization of America: cities grew, attracting millions of newcomers - Influenced politics, education, entertainment, family life. 4. African Americans moving from South to North and immigrants coming 5. Industrialization and Urbanization led to cities growth

Describe the place of Blacks in higher education from 1860 to 1900.

1. Fewer opportunities existed for blacks. Most colleges did not accept minority students. 2. Black students turned to black colleges (ex: Hampton Normal and Industrial Institute in Virginia and Tuskegee Institute in Alabama.) 3. Booker. T. Washington started Tuskegee college (1881) for blacks which emphasized patience, manual training, and hard work. 4. A speech at the Atlanta Cotton States Exposition in 1895 led to what is known as the Atlanta Compromise which acknowledged white domination as it called for slow progress through self-improvement, not through lawsuits or agitation. 5. Rather than fighting for equal rights, blacks should acquire property and show they were worthy of their rights. He contributed to the rise of black nationalism in the 20th century

Explain how the average American middle class family changed in the late 19th century.

1. Middle class wife and children became increasingly isolated from the world of work. 2. Family became more self contained 3. Older children spent more time in adolescence 4. Formal schooling became lengthier 5. Family took in fewer apprentices and boarders. 6. Fewer wives participated directly in their husbands work 7. Children occupied a separate sphere of domesticity apart from the masculine sphere of income producing work 8. Family home became a walled garden. 9. Fathers began to move their families out of the city to the suburbs. 10. Family had once functioned in part to transmit a craft or skill, arrange marriages, and offer care for dependent kin. These functions declined. 11. Family took on new emotional and ideological responsibilities. 12. Became more and more important as a means of social contrail 13. Placed new burdens on wives

Describe the social characteristics of immigrants from 1890 to 1910.

1. Most came from Southern and Eastern Europe:- Greece, Russia, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Italy (GRAPHI) 2. Typically Catholic or Jewish rather than Protestant 3. Most were unskilled, poor and uneducated 4. Stayed in close-knit communities and clung to native customs, languages, and religions

Identify the major reform movements from 1877 to 1900.

1. Mugwump: Republican political activists against corruption who switched to the Democratic party 2. Mugwumps worked to end corruption in politics. 3. Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU): women who advocated total abstinence from alcohol 4. Comstock Law failed; passed earlier in 1873 to prohibit mailing or transporting of obscene, lewd, or lascivious articles. Other: - improved sanitation and healthcare - new sciences (microbiology) and surgery was improved - strict dress codes and behavior implemented

Identify the developments in city architecture and housing patterns in the late 19th century.

1. Revolution in technology in the age of steel and glass produced the skyscraper, the streetcar, the suburbs and new residential patterns 2. Buildings typically made of masonry 3. Steel frames and girders ended the limitation and allowed buildings to soar higher and higher 4. Curtain walls which concealed the steel framework were no longer load bearing. Pierced by many windows that let in fresh air and light 5. New trends served as a springboard for innovative forms. 6. Ideas of modern business life were simplicity, stability, breadth, and dignity 7. Root and Sullivan = leaders of this movement. 8. Sullivan thought that form follows function. 9. Mass transit changed the urban map. 10. Streetcar city became a more fragmented and stratified society with middle class residential rings surrounding a business and working class core 11. Older brownstones, row houses, and workers' cottages turned into the slum of the city 12: Dumbell tenements

Describe the factors fostering the growth in higher education and curriculum to 1900. Why did they broaden their curriculum?

1. The Morrill Land Grant Act of 1862: Gave large grants of land to states for the establishment of colleges to teach agriculture and mechanic arts (69 land grant institutions) 2. Private philanthropy also spurred growth in higher education. 3. As colleges expanded their function changed and their curriculum broadened because their goal wasn't to teach men about ministry anymore. Moved toward reality and practicality. 4. Charles Eliot president of Harvard revises the curriculum setting up an elective system in which students chose their own courses rather than follow a rigidly prescribed curriculum. - Lectures and discussions replaced not recitation and coursed in natural and social sciences fine arts and modern language multiplied. 5. Increased education opportunities for women; most colleges didn't accept minority students

Describe the founder, background, and goals of the Settlement House program. What did the new professional social workers focus on collecting data?

Founder(s): William Tweed and other bosses; Stanton Coit was the 1st American to borrow the settlement house idea - The social reformers appreciated the dependency of the poor. Unlike them, they wanted to eradicate the conditions that underlay it. - The reformers wanted the bridge the socioeconomic gap between rich and poor and to bring education, culture, and hope to the slums. - They sought to create in the heart of the city the values and sense of community of small-town America. - Many settlement workers were women - Jane Adams: Opened Hull House Collecting Data: - called "caseworkers" and collected data on the income, housing, jobs, health, and housing of the poor - gathered info. on the number of rooms and occupants, ventilation, and sanitation of buildings - put together a fund of useful data

Describe the social characteristics of immigrants from 1877 to 1890.

Most were: 1. Job Seekers; Males; Between 15 and 40 2. Unskilled laborers; From Northern and Western Europe 3. Settled on the eastern seaboard 4. Crowded into northern and eastern cities among others of same nationality/origin 5. Increasingly foreign born populations

Name the court case establishing the "separate but equal" doctrine. What did it propose?

Plessy vs Ferguson - It upheld(supported) a Lousiana law requiring different seating in railroad cars for whites and blacks - declared that segregation is not necessarily discrimination

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