Chapter 2: Beginnings of English America, 1607-1660

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In English Liberties, Or, The Free-Born Subject's Inheritance (1680), British journalist Henry Care describes various forms of government. Match each one to the country he cites as a specific example. Note that some countries and/or descriptions may not have a match, while others may have more than one.

"Oligarchy where the great men (like fish in the ocean) prey upon, and live by devouring the lesser at their pleasure." -N/A "...each man having a fixed fundamental right born with him as to the freedom of his person and property in his estate, which he cannot be deprived of, but either by his consent, or some crime for which the law has imposed..." -England "a Democracy or popular State" -N/A "Arbitrary tyranny...whose wills (or rather lusts) dispose of the lives and fortunes of their unhappy subjects." -France -Turkey

Place the following events in chronological order to describe early English colonization.

-Hakluyt writes A Discourse Concerning Western Planting, arguing that Queen Elizabeth I should support colonies in the New World. -Roanoke Island is settled but ultimately fails due to lack of planning. -Jamestown, Virginia, is established in hopes of turning a quick profit but faces numerous challenges. -Pilgrims set sail for Plymouth, Massachusetts. -The Mayflower Compact, the first written frame of government in what is now the United States, is created.

In the seventeenth century, approximately 500,000 people emigrated from England, largely due to the poor economic conditions in the country. List the emigrants' destinations in order of popularity.

-Ireland and the West Indies -Virginia and Maryland -The Middle Colonies and New England

European powers were slower to take an interest in North America than in South America and the Caribbean. Place the following North American settlements in chronological order according to their establishment.

-The Virginia Company finances Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in North America. -Quebec, the first permanent French settlement in North America, is founded. -Henry Hudson's exploration leads to the founding of New Netherland, the first permanent Butch settlement in North America. -Spanish settle Santa Fe as the capital of New Mexico.

The Magna Carta was written in 1215, but by 1600 it was being interpreted very differently than its original intention. Identify the important issue at the heart of the new interpretation of this document.

All Englishmen had rights and freedoms.

The settlement at Roanoke represented an early failure for the English to colonize. Identify why it most likely failed.

Although it is not known for sure, the English colonists at Roanoke most likely moved and blended in with native tribes.

Just as Spain justified its empire in part by claiming to convert Indians to -, England expressed its imperial ambitions in terms of an obligation to liberate the New World from the tyranny of -. The first justification James I offered for the English settlement of - was "propagating of the Christian religion [by which he meant Protestantism] to such people as yet live in darkness and miserable ignorance of the true knowledge and worship of God."

Catholicism, the pope, Virgnia

What does this image reveal about the life of Pocahontas?

Correct -After her Christian conversion, her name was changed to Rebecca. -She adopted English dress after her marriage to John Rolfe. Incorrect -After her marriage to John Rolfe, Pocahontas continued to associate strongly with her Indian heritage and opposed the continued colonization of America. -She represented the failed attempts of England to colonize America.

What does this image reveal about the subtle changes that took place in Indian life as Indians became integrated into the Atlantic economy?

Correct -Although settlers tried to impose their way of life on the Indians, the Indians did maintain their cultural identities and practices. -Indians adopted English-made attire and products, including those made of metal. Incorrect -Natives were resistant to adopting English-made goods. -Natives gave up every material representation of their own culture.

What do these images reveal about the relationship between the settlers and Indians in New England in the 1600s?

Correct -By the time settlers arrived, some Indians were accustomed to Europeans, and both offered them assistance and traded with them. -Europeans were drawn to the New World because they felt it was their Christian responsibility to "save" the Indians. -While English settlers perceived Indians to be in need of their help, in reality they were skilled hunters and farmers and offered assistance to the settlers. Incorrect -Indians reacted violently to all settlers arriving in New England, and as a result the English encouraged emigration and colonization in order to quell their aggressions.

Traders, religious missionaries, and colonial authorities all sought to reshape Indian society and culture. Identify the statements that describe the recurrent warfare between colonists and Indians.

Correct -Colonists frequently forced out Indians, and then settled on the land that they had cleared. -The conflicts resulted in feelings of superiority from the colonists and further encouraged their creation of boundaries between the two cultures. Incorrect -Although explorers in the sixteenth century clashed with Indians, by the seventeenth century relations between the English and Indians were peaceful. -Indians frequently adopted English technology in order to cultivate their land better.

When compared to early and rapid success for the Spanish, the English were slow to get their colonies into a profitable state. Identify the reasons why Jamestown was unsuccessful in the first five years.

Correct -English colonists were too focused on finding large veins of gold as it was rumored the Spanish had done so easily. -Early English settlers included numerous sons of English gentry and high-status craftsmen who did not want to grow crops or perform labor. -Diseases and illnesses such as malaria, dysentery, and typhoid took a heavy toll on the settlers. Incorrect -The English in Jamestown were more focused on converting natives than establishing a successful economic base.

Colonial English women were defined by their legal status as "feme covert" (married) or "feme sole" (single). Identify the unique privileges feme sole women enjoyed.

Correct -Feme sole women could make contracts and conduct business. -Feme sole women could own land. Incorrect -Feme sole women had no legal rights or privileges. -Feme sole women who owned land were able to participate in elections.

It took convincing to get Queen Elizabeth I to support colonization. Identify the ideas that were reflected in Richard Hakluyt's A Discourse Concerning Western Planting, which listed twenty-three reasons why Queen Elizabeth I should support the establishment of colonies.

Correct -Hakluyt argued that the English could compete against the Spanish Catholics for converted Indian souls in the New World. -Hakluyt argued that the New World needed to be rescued from the Spanish empire. -Hakluyt argued that colonies would be a solution for unemployment. Incorrect -Hakluyt argued that it would provide England with an opportunity to unite with Spain and work toward a shared goal.

Identify which criticisms of the church and the King of England resulted in Roger Williams's banishment from the colony of Massachusetts.

Correct -He believed in religious toleration, citing that God had singled out not only the Puritans for salvation. -He was critical of the King of England for taking land from the natives without payment. Incorrect -He felt the king should be elected by the people rather than earn his position by an inherited right. -He was a great punisher of natives when trying to convert them to Puritanism. These actions were not agreeable to the church.

Anne Hutchinson and John Cotton were denounced for Antinomianism, or putting their own judgment or faith above the teachings of the church. Identify the statements that describe the significance of Anne Hutchinson to the region's religious culture.

Correct -Hutchinson demonstrated how Puritan belief in each individual's ability to interpret the Bible could lead to criticism of the establishment. -Although religious tolerance as a concept would not take root in the colonies for many years, Hutchinson showed other interpretations of the Bible and critiqued preachers. Incorrect -Hutchinson provided a pathway for women into church leadership roles. -Hutchinson demonstrated the weaknesses of the Half-Way Covenant, which resulted in the church blocking full membership to third-generation settlers.

Identify the statements that describe an indentured servant or the conditions in which indentured servants lived.

Correct -Indentured servants could be bought and sold like slaves, and their obligations to labor were enforced by the court. -Indentured servants were men and women from Europe who signed a labor contract in order to pay their way to the New World. Incorrect -Indentured servants were exclusively French and Spanish Catholics under labor contracts. -Indentured servants were natives that were employed by English colonists.

Identify the reasons why landownership was so important to English settlers.

Correct -It gave men control over their own labor. -It gave men the right to vote in most colonies. Incorrect -It guaranteed a position in the government. -It gave men the ability to control any Indians living on the land.

Identify the statements that describe John Winthrop and his beliefs about the concept of liberty.

Correct -John Winthrop believed that true freedom required individuals to submit to both religious and secular authorities. -John Winthrop was the first governor of Massachusetts. Incorrect -John Winthrop was the first governor of Virginia. -John Winthrop believed that true freedom allowed individuals to act without restraint and only submit to authority which they deemed "just."

Identify the statements that describe Lord Calvert and his vision for Maryland.

Correct -Lord Calvert was the son of one of King Charles I's favorites and wanted to create a feudal system in Maryland. -Lord Calvert was Catholic and wanted Maryland to be a refuge for those Catholics persecuted in England. Incorrect -Lord Calvert wanted Maryland to be a kingdom exclusively for Catholics. -Lord Calvert was a generous and pious man, who donated land in Maryland to English colonists who wanted to create a better life for themselves in America.

What does it reveal about English settlements in New England, circa 1640?

Correct -Massachusetts was the largest settlement, extending along the coast from the present-day state of Maine to Massachusetts. -The Connecticut settlement spread along the Connecticut and Thames rivers. -Settlements did not spread farther west than the Hudson River at this time. Incorrect -Settlements tended to grow around lakes.

Which of the following statements about Puritanism are historically accurate?

Correct -Puritans believed that the Church of England had not broken cleanly enough with the Catholic Church. -Puritans followed the teachings of theologian John Calvin. Incorrect -Puritans were discouraged from reading the Bible and listening to sermons. -Puritans were deeply suspicious of pride in England or Englishness.

In the mid-seventeenth century, some Puritan leaders began to worry about their society's growing commercialization and declining piety, or "declension." Identify the statements that describe the Half-Way Covenant and its impact on the church.

Correct -The Half-Way Covenant made ancestry, not religious conversion, the pathway into the church and inclusion among the elect. -Massachusetts churches were forced to deal with a growing problem—the religious status of the third generation. This led to the creation of the Half-Way Covenant. Incorrect -The Half-Way Covenant made all of the emigrants during the Great Migration full members of the church, regardless of their ancestry. -Church membership was drastically reduced by the Half-Way Covenant, resulting in the church losing its influence over the settlers.

Identify the statements that describe the significance of the headright system and the House of Burgesses to the development of Virginia.

Correct -The House of Burgesses was the first elected assembly in colonial America, and it was established in place of the governor's militaristic regime. -In order to attract more settlers, the Virginia Company introduced the headright system that awarded land to individuals who paid for their passage to the New World. Incorrect -The headright system made it legal for colonists who did not own land to seize land from Indians to cultivate for tobacco. -The House of Burgesses was an ideal model of democracy, allowing both landowners and individuals who did not own land to vote.

Maryland in the 1640s verged on total anarchy. Identify the statements that describe the Act Concerning Religion (or Maryland Toleration Act) and its impact on society at that time.

Correct -The act did not establish religious toleration and liberty in the sense we know it today, as people who denied the divinity of Jesus Christ were punished. -It guaranteed all Christians the "free exercise" of religion, institutionalizing the principle of religious toleration that had been applied since the colony's beginning. -The law was a milestone in the history of religious freedom in colonial America. Incorrect -The law established freedom of religion as the law of the land, and it was the foundation on which modern understandings of religious liberty were created.

Identify the statements that describe the English Civil War in 1642.

Correct -There were religious disputes about how fully the Church of England should distance its doctrines from Catholicism. -There was conflict over restrictions to liberties, including the king issuing taxes without parliamentary consent. -There was conflict over the concept of "English Liberty." Incorrect -There was conflict over further settlement of the New World.

By the 1660s and 1670s, ministers were regularly castigating people for selfishness, manifestations of pride, violations of the Sabbath, and a "great backsliding" from the colony's original purposes. Identify the statements that describe "jeremiads" and how ministers used them to influence the actions of settlers.

Correct -interpretations of social and environmental issues—such as failed crops and disease—as God's disapproval -warnings issued by ministers for violations of the church's teaching Incorrect -interpretations of social and environmental issues—such as good weather and good health—as God's approval -public praise from ministers to congregants who strictly adhered to the church's teachings

The idea of freedom suddenly took on new and expanded meanings between 1640 and 1660. Identify the statements that describe the Levellers and their contributions to the expanded idea of freedom during this time.

Correct -offered a glimpse of the modern definition of freedom as a universal entitlement based on equal rights, not a function of social class -was the first democratic political movement that proposed a written constitution, which proposed to abolish the monarchy and expand the right to vote Incorrect -wanted to give freedom an economic underpinning through the common ownership of land -instigated the downfall of the monarch and the rise of democracy in England and its colonies

Which of the following statements correctly describe the founding of Harvard College in Massachusetts?

Correct -the first college established in the English colonies of North America -established by Massachusetts leaders to ensure an educated ministry Incorrect -guaranteed the religious freedom of its students -the first college established in North America

An important strategy in England's attempt to subdue the Irish in the seventeenth century was to integrate them into English society.


Just as the "reconquest" of Spain from the Moors established patterns that would be repeated in Spanish New World colonization, the methods used in - anticipated policies England would undertake in America. Some sixteenth-century English writers directly compared the allegedly barbaric "wild Irish" with -.

Ireland, American Indians

Identify the first permanently settled English colony in North America.


There were many demographic differences when looking at the early settlers of Virginia and those who settled in Massachusetts. Identify the characteristics of the two colonial settlements.

Massachusetts -The majority of the population consisted of families. -Family farms produced a diverse array of crops along with fish and timber. -The population was healthier due to the climate. Virginia -Tobacco was the most common cash crop. -The House of Burgesses was its first body of government. -The majority of the population was made up of single men.

Analyze the passage below from John Winthrop, "Speech to the Massachusetts General Court" (July 3, 1645).The great questions that have troubled the country, are about the authority of the magistrates and the liberty of the people. ... Concerning liberty, I observe a great mistake in the country about that. There is a twofold liberty, natural (I mean as our nature is now corrupt) and civil or federal. The first is common to man with beasts and other creatures. By this, man, as he stands in relation to man simply, hath liberty to do what he lists; it is a liberty to do evil as well as to [do] good. This liberty is incompatible and inconsistent with authority, and cannot endure the least restraint of the most just authority. The exercise and maintaining of this liberty makes men grow more evil, and in time to be worse than brute beasts. ... This is that great enemy of truth and peace, that wild beast, which all the ordinances of God are bent against, to restrain and subdue it.Why does Winthrop consider "natural" liberty dangerous? Click here to review the full excerpt from the chapter.

Natural liberty does not obey authority; instead it acts on its own will, and as such, has the potential to lead men to evil.

Identify the statement that describes the Jamestown Uprising of 1622.

Powhatan Indians allied with neighboring tribes and killed one-quarter of the Jamestown population because of the continued encroachment of English colonies onto native lands.

What does the image The Savage Family (1779) reveal about the typical Puritan family?

Puritans had large families, as a substantial part of women's lives was devoted to giving birth and raising children.

"Moral liberty" was critical to the personal and governed lives of Puritans in Massachusetts. Identify the statement that describes the limits to personal freedom that accompanied "moral liberty."

Puritans had to subject themselves to authority, which included their personal freedoms being regulated by the church and God.

Identify the rights and responsibilities of people living in Massachusetts as outlined in the Body of Liberties.

Rights and Responsibilities Outlined in the Body of Liberties -A separate list of rights and restrictions existed for those who were "dependent" on others, including women, children, and servants. -Liberties were viewed as privileges connected to one's place in the social order. -Slavery was allowed in the Body of Liberties. Not Rights and Responsibilities Outlined in the Body of Liberties -Towns could exist without a church if they paid heavier taxes.

England had many internal problems that caused both a civil war and persecution throughout the 1500s. Identify the primary conflict during this time.

The struggle to unify the country under one church

Although Puritans deemed women the spiritual equals of men, they were still required to obey men's will.


As a result of the Pequot War, which was caused by the massacre of the Pequot tribe for its actions against a fur trader, all remaining members of the tribe were killed or sold into slavery. The final treaty that ended the conflict stated that as punishment the tribe's name would be wiped from historical record.


As a result of the struggle over English liberties, the definition of freedom was greatly expanded both in England and English North America.


Much like slaves, indentured servants were subjected to forced labor and brutal treatment. But unlike slaves, after completing their contracted work obligations, indentured servants received "freedom dues" and became members of society.


Puritanism came out of the rejection of Catholicism and the search for true Protestantism. As such, Puritans encouraged individuals to read the Bible for themselves, rather than rely on sacraments and formulaic prayers administrated by priests. Puritans considered themselves to be true Protestants.


Tobacco played a transformative role in the colonies. Both the crown and colonial planters grew rich from the sales of tobacco to the ever-expanding mass market in Europe. As such, it became Virginia's substitute for gold.


The establishment of Virginia and Maryland shared many similarities and also some notable differences. Identify which of the following characteristics correspond to either Virginia, Maryland, or both settlements.

Virginia -This settlement was established by a company of investors. Maryland -People of Catholic faith could find refuge and were encouraged to settle here. both Virginia and Maryland -Conditions were unhealthy, leading to a high death rate for adults and children. -Indentured servants were relied upon for the majority of labor in the early years. -Tobacco was the leading cash crop.

Identify the statements that describe Oliver Cromwell and his policy of colonial expansion.

describes Oliver Cromwell -led an aggressive policy of colonial expansion, extending English control over Ireland and Jamaica -English ruler who assumed power after the execution of Charles I does not describe Oliver Cromwell -strong proponent of religious liberty, establishing laws regarding religious tolerations that serve as the foundation for our modern understanding of freedom of religion -peacefully negotiated the expansion of English power over Ireland and Jamaica

Identify the statements that describe seventeenth-century society in terms of freedom.

does not describe seventeenth-century freedom -Women enjoyed full economic freedom to participate in business, engage in politics, and participate in decision making in the home. describes seventeenth-century freedom -People's ideas of liberty varied enormously depending on their status in society. -Settlers lived on a "spectrum" of freedom that encompassed a wide variety of different kinds of freedom.

Identify the statements that describe the Great Migration and its impact on New England.

does not describe the Great Migration -represented the largest flow of people out of England in the 1630s -the name given to the flow of refugees from New Spain to North America after the Pueblo Revolt describes the Great Migration -created the foundation for a stable and thriving society in Massachusetts -involved the emigration of Puritans from England to Massachusetts between 1629 and the 1640s

In seventeenth-century England, working for wages was widely associated with servility and loss of liberty. Only those who controlled their own labor could be regarded as truly free. Based on this understanding, which type of worker would claim the most personal liberty and freedom?


Native and English colonial groups traded many goods and ideas. Identify the goods and ideas Indians shared with the colonists.

goods and ideas shared by the Indians -native farming techniques -free, uncultivated land -furs and animal skins not goods and ideas shared by the Indians -metal tools to improve hunting and farming

What was the enclosure movement?

landlords displacing small farmers from their lands and fencing in their holdings to keep commoners away

Indian culture was transformed by acquiring new items from the English colonists through trading. Identify what Indians acquired and were exposed to by the colonists.

not examples of Indians' acquisitions from colonists -Some Indian tribes became wealthy due to fair trade with colonists. Indians' acquisitions from colonists -Indians were exposed to disease, which devastated many tribes. -Indians traded for alcohol, which caused social problems. -Indians acquired guns, which led to overhunting.

John Smith was one of the first leaders of - labor. He applied the same strict - he learned from his military background to the rule of the colony. For example, he imposed - on company land in order to produce enough food to feed the colony. After being injured, he was replaced by a successor who continued his strong leadership.

the Jamestown Colony, discipline, forced labor

John Smith was one of the first leaders of -. He applied the same strict - he learned from his military background to the rule of the colony. For example, he imposed - on company land in order to produce enough food to feed the colony. After being injured, he was replaced by a successor who continued his strong leadership.

the Jamestown Colony, discipline, forced labor

The English Civil War led to the temporary overthrow of - and the execution of -. Amidst the political crisis, radical new ideas found expression, such as those of -, who advocated for universal male suffrage and -.

the monarchy, Charles I, the Levellers, religious freedom

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