Chapter 2: Vodka

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Where did flavored varieties of vodka originate?

Eastern Europe, just like original vodka, especially Poland and Russia.

Other than the discovery of the potato as a desirable base for vodka, what else contributed to the production of vodka as a neutral, colorless and flavorless product we know today?

The discovery that the element carbon, in the form of charcoal, could remove most or all of the unwanted aromas and flavors by way of a filtration process.

What is ethyl laureate?

This is a congener which is sometimes found in vodka. It gives the spirit fruity and floral aromas.

Where must vodka be produced?

Vodka can be produced anywhere in the world. Presently it is made in many countries and has varying definitions, depending on where its produced as the respective countries' regulations.

What are the 3 basic styles of vodka?

1) Crisp and clean 2) Medium bodied 3) Creamy

Placing its origin in Russia, what is said about how the term "vodka" came to be?

It follows the theory that the 'water of life" description was eventually reduced to the simple Russian word for water: voda. The letter k is said to have been annexed by an unknown source and the spirit has been named vodka since the 14th century.

Because vodka is defined as a neutral spirit, should it be perceived as neutral as water?

No. Ethanol does have a slight aroma, a somewhat sweetish taste, and a harsh burning aftertaste on the tongue and throat. Vodka should instead be considered as neutral as pure ethyl alcohol.

Around what time in history did it become common for Americans to consume vodka?

Not until the late 1940s. Prior to that time, it was considered an exotic specialty consumed almost exclusively by Eastern European immigrants.

What happened in the late 18th and early 19th centuries that helped redefine the production method of vodka?

Originally, vodkas were distilled from the most plentiful and least expensive (locally sourced grains). They were often harsh and unpleasant so it became common practice to mask the flavors with herbs and spices. However, in late 18th and early 19th centuries, Polish distillers began to utilize the newly introduced potato as the base material for their vodka. The resulting product what smoother.

What is Pertsovka flavored with?


What two countries is the origin of vodka most often associated with? How long has vodka been in production in both?

Poland and Russia, where it has been produced since at least the 12th century.

Vodkas that are more full-bodied and creamy on the palate are typically made from what?


Coming off an energy-efficient column still, a vodka is initially distilled at what proof?

Proofs over 190. This is because this energy efficient column still is able to boil off almost all congeners to an indistinguishable level. Leaving vodka to live up to its "neutral spirit" designation.

Historical and commercial associations attribute which vodka base ingredient for the following countries: Russia Poland Sweden Finland

Russia - Wheat Poland - Rye (and Potato) Sweden - Winter Wheat Finland - Barley

Vodkas that are spicy which more robust flavors are typically made from what?

Rye or rye blends

What was the first and only American-made vodka for many years?

Smirnoff. The Moscow-based Smirnoff distilleries (established in the early 19th century) were taken over by the Bolsheviks in the 1917 revolution. The company's secret production process was brought to America via Paris in the 1930s.

What is Starka flavored with?

Spices and oak-cask aging

The most important specifications concerning the production of vodka in the world are those administered by which federal bureau?

The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB)

According to EU definition, what is the minimum abv % of vodka? Is this the same as the US definition?

The EU states that vodka must be bottled at a minimum of 37.5% abv (75 proof). The US states that the abv must be at least 40% abv (80 proof).

What group define all alcoholic beverages in the United States?

The U.S. Standards of Identity

Vodkas that are lighter in body and more acidic are generally made from what?

Wheat and barley

In the EU, is vodka allowed to be flavored in order to enhance any specific qualities?

Yes. The EU definition of vodka is less restrictive than that of the US. It is allowed to exhibit organoleptic characteristics of raw materials and these, as well as other specific qualities, are allowed to be enhanced by flavoring the spirit.

What is Zubrowka flavored with?

Bison grass

To produce and market a flavored vodka, what

1) Must (by definition) use natural flavoring materials, with or without the addition of sugar. 2) They must be bottled at no less than 30% abv (60 proof) 3) The name of the predominant flavor must appear on the label ("Blueberry Flavored Vodka" for example) 4) Wine may be added, but if the addition is more than 2.5% by volume of the finished product, the name and percentage of the wine must be displayed on the vodka label.

To further neutralize vodka, after distillation it it can be processed by what 2 US government-approved charcoal filtering processes?

1) The spirit flows continuously through tanks with no less than 1.5 pounds of vegetal charcoal for each gallon of spirits for at least 8 hours. 2) For every one hundred gallons of spirit, a tank will be filled with no less than 6 pounds of charcoal and the mixture is agitated for at least 8 hours.

What are four traditional Russian and Polish flavored vodkas?

1. Pertsovka 2. Zubrowka 3. Okhotnichya 4. Starka

What flavor characteristics do ethyl myristate and ethyl palmitate have?

An almost waxy flavor characteristic; these congeners, along with ethyl laureate, are sometimes found in vodka.

What vodkas are known to be quite delicate?

Corn-based vodka

What is Okhotnichya flavored with?

Ginger, tormentil, black and red pepper; blended with fortified white wine

When and how was Stolichnaya first imported to the United States?

In the 1960s and 70s, the allowance of Stolis importation to the US was traded for the establishment of Pepsi production in the (former) USSR.

The EU and US define vodka very differently. What are each of their stances when it comes to additives?

The US does not allow any additives that prevent the vodka from being void of character, aroma, taste, and color. The EU states that flavoring may be added to provide special organoleptic characteristics.

The EU and US define vodka very differently. How do they define vodka in terms of flavor profile?

The US says that vodka is void of any distinctive character, aroma, taste, or color. The EU states that vodka may have characteristics of the raw-fermentable materials.

How does the U.S. definition of vodka compare to the way vodka is defined outside the U.S.?

The United States standards define vodka as a clear, unaged spirit that is required to be completely neutral - without distinct characteristics, flavor, color or aroma. Outside, vodka is often made in ways that allow its raw materials to express themselves. For this reason, many imported vodkas have subtle flavors, textures, and aromas (unlike those produced in the US).

Placing its origin in Poland, what is said about how the term "vodka" came to be?

The earliest known mention of "wodka" can be found dating back to 1405 in the Akta Grotskie court documents of the Palatine of Sandomierz Poland. It was documented to have been a medicinal drink. By the 1500s, vodka began to be used as a beverage instead of just a chemist's distillate for medicine and perfumes.

What does the "original" type of vodka refer to?

The most common type of vodka, being the non-flavored variety. It is universally known as the "original" type.

If wine is added to a flavored vodka and accounts for more than 2.5% by volume of the finished product, what must happen?

The name and percentage of wine must be displayed on the vodka label.

When was vodka brought to the US?

Unlike many other spirits, vodka wasn't brought to the US until the early 20th century as a result of the rise of Communism in Russia.

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