Chapter 21-3: Ecology of Fungi

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What are lichens?

Lichens are a symbiotic association between a fungus and a photosynthetic organism

What are mycorrhizae?

The association of plant roots and fungi

Why is the presence of mycorrhizae essential for the growth of many plants?

The seeds of some plants germinate in mycorrhizae so they need that fungus

Examples of fungal plant diseases:

-Wheat rust -Corn smut -Mildews

One deuteromycete can infect the areas between the human toes, causing an infection known as __________

Athlete's foot

Rusts are members of the phylum ____________


Parasitic fungi cause serious plant and animal _________


Fungi cannot manufacture their own food because they are __________


What happens when the fungus that causes athlete's foot infects other areas of the body?

Often times, it will produce ringworm

Fungi recycle nutrients breaking down the bodies and wastes of other _____________


Where do lichens grow?

The photosynthetic organism is either a green alga, cyanobacteria or both

What benefits do the fungus and the photosynthetic organism derive from the association in a lichen?

They allow them to live in harsh environments. Help early stages of soil formation, provide energy for the organism, and provide for the photosynthetic organism

What are saprobes?

They are organisms that obtain food from decaying organic matter

How do fungi break down leaves, fruit, and other organic material into simple molecules?

They feed by releasing digestive enzymes that speed the breakdown of those materials

Lichens and mycorrhizae are both examples of what kind of symbiotic relationship?

They formed a symbiotic relationship which both partners benefit. Mutualistic association

What two kinds of plants do wheat rusts need to complete their life cycle?

They need barberry and wheat plants to complete their life cycle

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