Chapter 21

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What program did the Republicans propose in the 1994 midterm elections?

"The Contract with America"-this program proposed changes including lower taxes, welfare reform, tougher anticrime laws, and adding a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. -Republicans won a majority vote in both houses of Congress and quickly passed almost the entire program, but the Senate defeated several proposals and Clinton vetoed others.

Why/ how did the Clinton administration intervene in the Serbian province of Kosovo? What resulted?

- A war erupted in Kosovo -2 major ethnic groups of Kosovo-Serbs and Albanians; Albanians wanted Kosovo to separate from Serbia; the Serbian leader ordered a crackdown -Worried by Serbian violence against Albanian civilians, Clinton asked European leaders to intervene. NATO began bombing Serbia, and Serbia pulled its troops out of Kosovo.

One area of domestic Policy Clinton did focus on during his second term was helping the nations children. Explain what he did.

- He asked Congress for 500$ per child tax credit -He signed the Adoption and Safe Families Act -He asked Congress to ban cigarette advertising aimed at children -He signed the Children's Health insurance Program to provide health insurance for children whose parents could not afford it -Focus on students- tax credit, large increase in students grants, and expansion of Head Start for disadvantaged preschoolers

What is the internet?

- Internet began as a system of networked computers of a US Defense Department agency that linked to a system of supercomputers of the National Science Foundation. At first it was strictly used for the government and military. Networks grew across the world, and this communications system became known as the Internet

Why were some weary of trade with China?

-Although China presented a huge potential market for US goods, some were wary of trading with China due to its poor record on human rights -Clinton pushed for Congress to pass a trade relation bill with China in 2000, that would grant China permanent normal trade relation status

Which 5 states experienced a large influx of immigrants in 1990? Where did most of the immigrants come from in 2001? Where did the largest number of illegal immigrants come from?

-California, Texas, New York, New Jersey, Florida -By 2001 the top 5 countries of origin for legal immigrants to the US were Mexico, India, China, the Philippines and Vietnam -Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala

How did Clinton propose fixing the deficit?

-Clinton believed if the deficit was lowered, interest rates would come down and the economy would grow. -He proposed raising taxes on middle and upper incomes and placing new taxes on gasoline, heating oil, and natural gas. -Congressional Republicans refused to support the unpopular tax increases

What was the Brady Bill?

-Clinton strongly endorsed new gun control laws -opposition from many Republicans and the National Rifle Association (NRA) -established a waiting period and required criminal background check before selling someone a hand gun

What was the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996? what changes did it make to American immigration law?

-Congress passed to combat illegal immigration; made several changes to immigration law 1. required families sponsoring an immigrant to have an income above the poverty level. 2. allocated more resources to stop illegal immigration, authorizing an additional 5,000 US border patrol agents and constructing a 14 mi fence along border of San Diego 3. The law toughened penalties for smuggling people or providing fraudulent documents 4. made it easier for immigration authorities to deport undocumented aliens

What two scandals was Clinton accused of? How did the House of Representatives respond?

-He struggled against a personal scandal -1.During his first term, he was accused of arranging illegal loans for Whitewater Development real estate company. (An independent counsel was called to investigate) 2.New allegations emerged in 1998 about Clinton's relationship with a White House intern. -Evidence suggested that he had committed perjury about the relationship, however no evidence was found to formally charge Clinton regarding Whitewater accusations -The House of Representatives RESPONSE: they passed 2 articles of impeachment ( perjury and obstruction of justice). The vote split along party lines and the case moved to the senate. - senators voted 55 to 45 that Clinton was not guilty of perjury, and 50-50 on obstruction of justice. There were not enough votes needed to remove Clinton from office

-Health Insurance Portability Act -Welfare Reform Act

-Health Insurance Portability Act improved health coverage for people who changed jobs and to reduce discrimination against those with pre-existing illnesses -Welfare Reform Act limited people to no more than 2 consecutive years on welfare and required them to work to receive benefits. The law also increased child-care spending and gave tax breaks to companies hiring new employees who had been on welfare

What was the importance of the microprocessor?

-In 1959 Robert Noyce designed the first integrated circuit. His company, Intel, put several integrated circuits on a single chip -by late 1960s, manufacturers were making microprocessors, or single chips with many integrated circuits containing both memory and computing functions. These made computers even smaller and faster.

What was the importance of the European Union (EU) and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)?

-In 1993 EU was created to promote economic and political cooperation among many European nations. It created a common bank, encouraged free trade, and created a common currency called the EURO. (US not involved) -APEC came together in 1989 to promote economic cooperation and lower trade barriers (US involved)

What revolution occurred in telecommunications?

-In 1996 Congress passed a law allowing phone companies to compete with one another and to send television signals. It also allowed phone companies to offer telephone service. -wireless digital technology -cell phones -companies developed interconnectable digital music players, cameras, radio, televisions, music/video recorder

How did Americans feel towards illegal immigrants?

-People favored allowing them to apply for temporary work visas so that the government could keep track of them. -Some people believed they should be deported -Some supported permitting them to earn permanent residence if they learned English, paid back taxes, and had no criminal record -Advocates of immigration reform promoted expanding quotas through a guest worker program and establishing a legalization process for those already in the country

Who ran against Clinton in the 1996 Presidential election?

-Republican Bob Dole and H. Ross Perot - Clinton won reelection (republicans retained control of Congress)

Explain the 1995 Republicans v Clinton budget battle

-Republicans and Clinton clashed over the new federal budget. -Clinton vetoed Republican budget proposals because they cut into social programs. -Gingrich believed that if Republicans stood firm, Clinton would approve the budget rather than let the government shut down for lack of funds; Clinton, however allowed the federal government to close. -Soon they all reached an agreement to balance the budget.

What was the controversy about global warming?

-Scientists warned that global warming could lead to more droughts and other forms of extreme weather; exerts concluded that carbon dioxide emissions from factories and power plants caused global warming, but others disagreed. - The issue became controversial because of the cost of controlling emissions. Industries would have to pay for the cost of reducing emissions and these costs would be passed on to consumers. Both Developing and wealthier nations would be hurt economically. -industrializing nations (China) hurts the environment

In what ways did the Clinton administration intervene in in the Middle East?

-The US fired cruised missiles at Iraqi military targets when Iraqi forces attacked the Kurds in 1996 -In 1994 with help from the US, Jordan and Israel signed a peace treaty 1998: Israeli and Palestinian leaders met with Clinton at Wye River Plantation in Maryland. The agreement they reached did not address the contested status of Jerusalem or ultimate dimensions of a projected Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank and Gaza -July 2000: Clinton invited Arafat and Israeli PM Ehud Barak to Camp David to discuss unresolved issues; Barak agreed to creation of a Palestinian state in all of Gaza and over 90% of the West Bank, but Arafat rejected the deal ALL OF THIS INTERVENING CREATED NO PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST

Why/ how did the Clinton administration intervene in the former Yugoslavia (Bosnia)? What resulted?

-The US was concerned about tensions in SE europe -During the Cold War Yugoslavia had been a nation of various ethnic groups under a strong Communist government, and in 1991 the nation began to split apart. -In Bosnia civil war erupted; The serbs began an ethnic cleansing of Bosnian Muslims and Orthodox Christian Serbs. -The US convinced its NATO allies to take military action; NATO warplanes attacked Serbs in Bosnia forcing them to negotiate -Clinton arranged a peace plan called the Dayton Accords

What factors contributed to the failure of Clinton's health care plan?

-The task force he created developed a plan that put much of the burden of paying for the benefits on employers, but they felt that they could not afford it. -The insurance industry and doctors' organizations mounted a nationwide advertising campaign to build public opposition to the plan.

What was the Family Medical Leave Act? Americorps program?

-This law gave workers up to 12 weeks per year of unpaid leave for the birth or adoption of a child or for the illness of a family member. (Clintons 1st major success) - Clinton persuaded Congress created the Americorps program. This program puts students to work improving low-income housing, teaching children to read, and cleaning up the environment. It incorporated the VISTA program. Volunteers earn a salary and are awarded educational scholarship.

How does the world wide web work? How has it changed the economy/ peoples lives?

-This system used hypertext/ links and was accessed with web browser software. Users could post information on web pages and use links to move between sites -The world wide web sprained a "dot-com" economy. The stock of internet-related companies fueled the prosperity of the 1990s. New economy required workers to acquire new skills; increased productivity as well as nations GDP. -It builds a sense of community; people with common interests visit the same web sites to post comments and interact with one another (blogs, photos, stories, etc)

Why were Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates important to technology?

-Using microprocessor technology, Jobs and Wozniak founded Apple Computer in 1976, (Apple II, Macintosh). -In 1981 International Business Machine (IBM) introduced the PC - Bill Gates cofounded Microsoft. IBM hired Microsoft to make operating system MS-DOS for the PC. -Microsoft came out with Windows operating sys in 1985

Why was the World Trade Organization (WTO) created in 1995? How did people respond to WTO?

-WTO is similar to the United Nations, but for economic purposes. -WTO formed to represent some 120 nations in efforts to negotiate international trade agreements and trade disputes. -Supporters of WTO pointed out benefits for American consumers (example: cheaper imports, new markets, copyright protections) -Opponents argued that the US would have to accept the WTO's rulings in trade disputes even if they hurt the American economy.

How have the US and other nations responded to global environmental concerns?

-awareness of environmental issues increased -scientists discovered CFCs were affecting the layer of ozone in Earth's atmosphere -scientists documented hole in the ozone layer above Antarctica -1987: US and many other nations agreed to phase out CFCs and other chemicals that might weaken ozone layer

What part did computer technology and the Internet play in globalization?

-economies of individual nations were becoming more interdependent as new technology helped link the world together economically and culturally (free trade and global exchange of goods contributed to prosperity and economic growth). WORLD BECOMING INCREASINGLY INTERCONNECTED

Why were new changes in immigration law enacted in 1996 and 2001?

-illegal immigration persisted and the number of unauthorized immigrants grew -Congress passed the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 -USA Patriot Act of 2001 (spurred by 9/11 terrorist attacks)

What was NAFTA? Why were americans against regional trade pacts such as NAFTA?

-regional trade pacts: countries came together to diminish barriers between regions to create an economic advantage for all countries -NAFTA, North American Free Trade Agreements, is a regional trade pact that linked Canada, the US, and Mexico in a free trade zone (gave economic advantage) -Opponents argued that global trade could cost American workers jobs. Americans feared that NAFTA would cause industrial jobs to move to Mexico, where labor costs were lower. US unemployment rate fell as wages rose.

What was the USA Patriot Act of 2001?

-spurred by 9/11 terrorist attacks - This act put immigration under the control of the newly created Department of Homeland Security -It also tripled the # of border patrol agents, customs service inspectors, and immigration and naturalization service inspectors along the Canadian border. ALL BORDERS MUST BE PATROLLED (terrorists can strike from anywhere)

What was the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986?

-the growing problem of illegal immigration prompted changes in immigration law -This act established PENALTIES FOR EMPLOYERS who knowingly hired unauthorized immigrants. It STRENGTHENED BORDER CONTROLS to prevent illegal entry into the US. It also set up a process to GRANT AMNESTY (pardon) to any undocumented alien who could prove that they have entered the country before 1982 and had since lived in the US (passed during Reagans presidency)

What was the Declaration Of Principles?

After Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin and PLO leader Yasir Araft reached an agreement of recognition in 1993, Clinton invited them both to the White House to sign the Declaration of Principles. It was a plan for creating a Palestinian government. -Opposition to the peace plan emerged on both sides (Palestinians exploded bombs in Israel and Rabin was assassinated)

What occurred during the month of April 1995?

An act of domestic terrorism shocked the nation when Timothy McVeigh, formerly a soldier in the US Army, planted a homemade bomb near a federal building in Oklahoma City. As a result, US officials began investigating right-wing militant groups

Why/ how did the Clinton administration intervene in Haitian conflicts? What resulted?

Clinton sought to restore democracy in Haiti after its president was overthrown. After a trade embargo severely hurt the country, Haiti's leaders were persuaded to flee to the US. Clinton then ordered an invasion of Haiti, however Carter convinced Haiti's rulers to step aside and US troops arrived to serve as peacekeepers.

Why was digital technology important?

Computers became essential tools in almost all businesses. Enabled workers to telecommute (work from home via computer)

What was the Kyoto Protocol?

Concern about global warming led the EU and many other nations to sign the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, promising to reduce emissions. (senators opposed protocol, Bush withdrew US from agreement, citing flaws in treaty)

What impact did impeachment have on Clinton's second term?

His reputation suffered

What was the Immigration Act of 1965? What did it abolish?

It abolished the national origins quota system. It gave preference to skilled persons and persons with close relatives who are US citizens (established migration chains). The legislation introduced the first limits on immigration from the Western Hemisphere. The act further provided that immigrants could apply for US citizenship after 5 yrs of legal residency.

Who held rallies across the country protesting a proposed bill that would have subjected unauthorized aliens to criminal behavior?


What did the McCarran-Walter Act of 1952 state? What was The Refugee Act of 1980?

McCarran-Walter Act: anyone who was fleeing a Communist regime could be admitted as a refugee Refugee Act: further broadened US policy by defining a refugee as anyone leaving his/her country due to "well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular group or political opinion"

Who would have been eligible for admission to the United States as a refugee?

Someone leaving his/her country due to a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular group, or political opinion. (refugees from countries ravaged by WW2, Cold War brought refugees, anyone fleeing a communist regime etc)

How did the US respond to Iraqi forces when they attacked the Kurds in 1996?

The US fired cruise missiles at Iraqi military targets

What was the amnesty program in 1986 designed to do?

The amnesty program had been designed to solve the problem of illegal immigration, however over the next 20 years, the number of illegal immigrants tripled

Why were migration chains established?

The preference given to the children, spouses and parents of US citizens meant that migration chains were established. As newcomers (immigrants) became citizens, they could send for relatives in their home country to join them.

During his first presidential term, what domestic policy areas did Clinton focus on?

the economy, the family, education, crime and healthcare

What is an ethnic cleansing?

the expulsion, imprisonment or killing of ethnic minorities by a dominant majority group. In this case, the brutal expulsion of non-Serbs from a geographic area.

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