Chapter 23 History

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Adventurer whose exploits signaled the beginning of Russian expansion in northeastern Eurasia


By 1750, Europeans played dominant roles in trade except in

Seven Years' War

Crucial step in the expansion of European hegemony

Jan Pieterszoon Coen

Dutchman who founded Batavia on the island of Java

James Cook

English explorer who charted Hawai`i, Australia, and New Zealand

Ferdinand Magellan

Explorer who captained the first circumnavigation of the globe

Christopher Columbus

Genoese sailor whose miscalculation led to the discovery of San Salvador

Alboquerque's fleets

Hormuz, Goa, and Melaka were all seized in the early 1500s by?

the architect of Dutch policy, who founded Batavia on the island of Java to serve as an entrepot for the VOC

Jan Pieterszoon Coen was responsible for?

being very maneuverable and could catch winds from the side as well as behind

Lateen sails had the advantage of?

Columbian exchange

Led in the long term to an increase in world population

Afonso d'Alboquerque

Portuguese commander who seized Hormuz, Goa, and Melaka

Dom Henrique

Portuguese leader who sponsored journeys of exploration

Vasco da Gama

Portuguese sailor who made it to Calicut in 1498


Russian merchants and explorers began the expansion into Siberia in the quest for?


Russian territorial expansion into northern Eurasia began in?


Taino name for the island Columbus reached

turned increasingly to Christianity (Roman-Catholicism)

Under Spanish rule of the Philippines, the native population?


United East India Company

the fact that he believed the the Eurasian landmass covered 270 degrees of longitude and that the earth was a relatively small sphere

christopher columbus's decision to sail west to reach Asia was based on?

China, Ottoman

during the early modern era, which of the following non-European peoples explored the Indian Ocean?

enslaved Africans transported involuntarily to South/North American, and Caribbean destinations

from 1500 to 1800, the largest contingent migrants consisted of?

it was a small country with a small population

in the end, Portugal was unable to maintain its early domination of trade because?

had consequences much more profound than did earlier rounds of biological exchange- permanently altered the world's human geography and natural environment

in the long term, the Columbian exchange?

no numbers and military power

in their attempt to control the spice trade in the Indian Ocean, the Europeans during the period between the 16-18 centuries?


most of the actual exploration of the Pacific Ocean was carried out by the?

Guanahani by Tainos, but rechristened San Salvador (in the Bahamas)

on 12 October 1492, Columbus made landfall on an island called?

Philippine Islands

on his circumnavigation of the world, Ferdinand Magellan died in?

to establish a VOC monopoly over spice production and trade, enabling Dutch merchants to reap enormous profits in European markets

the Dutch policy in Indonesia was?


the English explorer James Cook died during a fight in?

the Spanish

the Philippines fell to?

control trade in the Indian Ocean and their naval superiority

the Portuguese dominance of trade was dependent on their ability to?


the Portuguese lost control of the port of Melaka in 1641 when it fell to the?


the Portuguese viewed the Atlantic Ocean islands as the perfect location for the cultivation of?

Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (United East India Company), the Dutch joint-stock company

the VOC was the?

latitude by measuring the angle of the sun or polar star above the horizon

the astrolabe was designed to measure?


the center of the Spanish commercial activity in Asia was?


the country that finished the Seven Years' War with global hegemony was?

Captain James Cook

the explorer who led 3 expeditions into the Pacific in the 18th century was?


the first European nation to dominate trade with Asia was?

Bartolomeu Dias

the first European to sail around the Cape of Good Hope was?

Vasco Nunez de Balboa

the first European to sight the Pacific Ocean was?


the first circumnavigation of the world was completed in 1522 by?


the most prosperous country in Europe in the 17th century was?

vasco de Gama

the portuguese mariner who sailed to Calicut in 1498 was?

pepper and cinnamon

the profitable merchandise that Vasco da Gama purchased in India was made up of?

the Muslims kingdom of Granada fell to Spanish christian forces just weeks before Chris.Columbus set sail

the reconquista came to an end in 1492 when?

a strategy that enabled the Portuguese to sail from the Canaries to Portugal-instead of trying to force their way against the trade winds, they sailed northwest into the open ocean until they found the westerly winds and then turned east

the volta do mar?


when Columbus reached this area, he sent delegates to seek the court of the emperor of China?

WAS: Calicut, Mocambique, Hormuz, Macau (CHMM)

which of the following cities was not a Portuguese trading post?

Prince Henry of Portugal

which of the following men conquered the Moroccan port of Ceuta and sponsored a series of voyages down the west African coast?

WAS: the collapse of Mongol empire/bubonic plague made silk roads unsafe, wanted to eliminate Muslim intermediaries for spices and other goods and would increase the quantities of these goods and yield profits, also offered a more direct access to African markets

which of the following was not a reason for the European interest in finding a maritime trade route?

WAS: the sailed faster, cheaper, and more powerful ships, and they conducted trade through the join-stock company

which of the following was not an advantage that the English and Dutch had over the Portuguese?

WAS: search for basic resources and lands for cash crops, the desire to establish new trade routes to Asian markets, and spreading Christianity

which of the following was not one of the main inspirations for European exploration?

compass, stern post rudder

which of the following were both Chinese inventions?

WAS: Dias, Da Gama, Magellan

which of these early explorers was not Portuguese?

were created by strong winds blowing regularly north and south of the equator in the Atlantic/Pacific oceans and ocean currents follow a similar pattern

wind wheels?

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