Chapter 23 World History

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How did the role of Parliament in England differ from the role of Parliament in other European nations?

In most European nations the Parliament was a puppet, while in England it had a significant amount of power and placed pressure on the king.

How did Gutenberg's printing press impact the Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation?

Innovations of the Renaissance era and Martin Luther's ideas spread more quickly throughout Europe

In 1483, Tomas de Torquemada was named the _____.

Inquisitor-General for most of Spain

How did printing contribute to the founding of the United States?

It lead to expansion of education in colonists, with more people taking part in intellectual debates.

How did the Babylonian Captivity of the Papacy impact the impression of papal rule?

It made the pope appear to be a puppet controlled by the French monarchs.

Which statement correctly summarizes the War of the Roses?

It was a civil war between two houses vying for political power.

Chaucer focused his writing around the Criticism of Three Areas to highlight aspects of medieval society that had been corrupted. In the part of his book on social rank, a commoner challenges the knight and begins speaking prior to a monk. Why would this have mattered during that period of time?

It was socially unacceptable for a common person to approach someone of a higher social class let alone challenge one.

Italy was the birthplace of the Renaissance because of:

Its location and wealth

How is the Humanist ideal reflected in Boccaccio's 'Decameron'?

Its main idea is that life is to be enjoyed in the here and now.

What was the central concept upon which feudalism was built?

Land ownership

Why does da Vinci's self portrait (1515) appear to be so realistic?

Leonardo da Vinci had vast knowledge of anatomy that transferred into his artistic work.

How did Humanism change the idea of human nature?

Man became more independent from the Church.

What role did marriage play during the War of the Roses?

Marriages cemented alliances.

Why were merchants good allies for monarchs?

Merchants made the nation wealthy.

Which artist is responsible for sculpting David, the Pieta, and Moses?


Who wrote Utopia?


How was wood block printing an improvement in book production?

One wood block could be used to make many copies of a page of text.

The Medici family held tremendous power without the benefit of birthright or title. How was this possible?

The family had a large network of banks throughout Europe into which most parishes sent all of their money.

How did the Renaissance spread from Italy to places such as France, England, and Germany?

Through cultural diffusion, as people returned home from travels to Italy they brought Renaissance inspiration with them.

How was the Medici family able to play a role in the onset of the Reformation?

Through the selling of indulgences by Pope Leo X.

What does it mean to commission a work of art?

To hire someone to make a piece of art and then buy it.

How did the Crusades lead to the growth of cities?

Trading routes opened after the Crusades, which led to the formation of new cities.

How did the double-entry accounting system simplify banking?

Transactions were recored as debits or credits and bookkeeping became easier.

Although the Reconquista and the Inquisition were full of bloodshed, what did these two events serve to do?

Unify Spain under the monarchy

How did Cosimo de'Medici differ from the earlier Medicis?

Unlike the Medicis before him, he held political office.

Which house ruled France during the Hundred Years War?


The Bubonic plague helped to spur on the Renaissance by

allowing remaining survivors to demand more pay.

The Pope turned from a spiritual leader into a politician as

city-states grew richer and richer.

The main reason for the development of Humanism was the

decline of the Church

Condottieri came to Italy from Northern Europe to

fight in the wars among city-states.

Renaissance art differed from Medieval art in that it

focused more on the human experience rather than heavenly themes.

To be a nation state, a land must have a defined territory with its own independent _____.


In English history, the Marian Persecutions were the

government-sponsored executions of Protestants under the reign of Mary I

In October of 1492, Columbus finally made landfall in _____.

the Bahamas

Botticelli's work 'The Adoration of the Magi' is a prime example of _____

the Medici's use of art as a form of propaganda to promote their own self-interests.

In sailing, declination is the term used to describe _____.

the angle between true north and magnetic north

During the Renaissance the powerful city state of Florence grew to power through

the trade of wool.

How did Humanism change individuals' interests?

Human nature and earthly experience became the main focus.

How did Dante's 'Divine Comedy' praise the ideals of Humanism?

By telling the story of a personal journey to God.

Northern Europe's close ties to the Christian Church during its renaissance led to _____.

Christian Humanism

Who was Johannes Gutenburg?

A German metalworker who perfected the use of moveable type with Latin letters.

Which of the following helps to explain the increase in the standard of living for middle class survivors of the Black Plague?

A labor shortage

Identify which of the following profiles MOST significantly lost power through the 1534 English Act of Supremacy:

A middle-aged bishop who advocated close ties to the Vatican

Why did Wycliffe want the Bible to be translated to English?

Because he wanted the Bible to be accessible to all people.

Why was the church against Wycliffe's distribution of an English Bible?

Because people challenged church authority once they read the Bible themselves.

In what way was Jon Hus similar to John Wycliffe?

Both believed the Bible was the final authority and that Jesus was the head of the church, not the Pope.

How does Chaucer highlight the corruption in the Catholic Church through the actions of the Pardoner?

By selling indulgences to parishioners

Why did the Hundred Years War begin?

Due to the battle for the French crown.

How do the works of Durer highlight differences between the Italian and the Northern Renaissance?

Durer's work more realistically illustrates the natural world.

Sir Walter Raleigh and Shakespeare may have had drinks together under this monarch's rule

Elizabeth I

The Peace of Westphalia accomplished which of the following?

Ended two long-running wars, established national boundaries and made gains toward state sovereignty

King Henry VIII declared himself 'Earthly Head of the Church of England' in the Act of Supremacy. How did this change England?

England separated from the Catholic Church, and the English Reformation began.

How does Erasmus exemplify the ideals of the Northern Renaissance?

Erasmus was a Christian Humanist who respected the classics, but believed one's relationship with Christ was what mattered most.

Which Spanish monarchs began the Inquisition?

Ferdinand and Isabella

Columbus' first voyage was funded by _____.

Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain

The Medici family ruled over the city of


How did geography play a role in the successful banking business of the Medici family?

Florence, Italy's location, as a trading center, provided the means for a growth of industry and banking.

The first coin to be mass-produced for cross-country trade and used all over Europe was the_____.


How did the Tudor Dynasty come to power in England?

Following Henry VII's 1485 defeat of Richard III to end the Wars of the Roses.

Which of the following is NOT in line with the belief of predestination?

God helped the Pope determine true church membership.

Renaissance art re-introduced the cultures of

Greece and Rome

By the end of the 100 Years War the power of feudalism _____.

Had declined

In what way(s) did Wycliffe challenge church authority?

He declared that Pope could sin and that monarchs should not support unworthy clergy.

How did Henry VII institute reforms that resulted in peace, improved infrastructure, increased knowledge, and the birth of the English Renaissance?

He increased his own power

Compare the approaches to nation-state building practiced by Henry VII and Henry VIII.

Henry VII encouraged trade, while Henry VIII broke off from the Catholic Church.

The historical time periods known as the Renaissance, Reformation, Age of Exploration, and the Elizabethan Era were _____.

Overlapping periods of religious and political upheaval and developments in arts and sciences that profoundly changed Europe

The artwork of the Renaissance was NOT shaped by which of the following ideas:

Paintings of religious figures which depict them as larger-than-life beings

The 'Flagellation of Christ' artwork is an excellent example of the use of


What is the artistic concept da Vinci uses in his paintings in which distant objects are represented as less distinct?

Perspective of clarity

Who was known as Henry the Navigator?

Prince Henry of Portugal

Why was the Reconquista required?

Spain had been invaded by Muslim forces from Africa.

Which battle ended the War of the Roses?

The Battle of Bosworth Field

What cultural shifts in medieval society would have served as the inspiration for Chaucer to write 'Canterbury Tales'?

The Renaissance began an era when traditional sources of power and authority in society were being questioned.

What was problematic about the Roman Catholic Church's power over book production in the Middle Ages?

The Roman Catholic Church must approve of book content before it could be printed.

Which of the following works is not attributed to Leonardo da Vinci?

The School of Athens

What does Chaucer uses the dress of the Nun to illustrate?

The church's materialistic ways

What does Chaucer seek to illustrate through the character of the Squire

The decline of the Knighthood

How did military tactics change during the Hundred Years War?

The importance of the knighthood declined

In 1400s France, the Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges established _____.

The king's control over the Church

Which of the following inventions are NOT considered to be tied to da Vinci?

The modern day calculator.

In today's world of internet and GPS, what might be a situation where a compass would be useful, and why?

The open ocean, because there is no internet or satellite service, and the compass can help with navigation because it always points north.

The 80 Years' War, the execution of Mary Queen of Scots and the 30 Years' War are all examples of _____.

The powerful influence of religious conflict between the Catholic church and Protestant Christianity during these time periods.

What is moveable type printing?

The process of assembling a printed page by use of tiny individual type pieces for each letter.

In the Renaissance economy, which of the following encouraged the expansion of business, increased travel, while at the same time allowed banks to profit?

The use of bills of exchange

In what way were the House of Lancaster and House of York similar?

They both believed they had the right to rule.

Which of the following is NOT a way monarchs attempted to fight nobles and the church?

They imposed very high tax levels on nobles and the church.

Why were Conversos relevant to the period of Reconquista?

They were a symbol of the extremity of the Catholics, as Jews had to convert to Catholicism.

What do the Hundred Years' War and the War of the Roses have in common?

They were both struggles for power and influence over territory in Europe

What can one assume about the British people, given that they subscribed to the Divine Right of Kings?

They were religious.

Which statement correctly describes monarchs in 15th century Europe?

They were strong and, at times ruthless, in their attempts to seize power and unify their people.

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